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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I have a female Zabrak BH (a red one ofc). I love that ability, always use it on Gault to hear him laugh. :D


Now that you mention it, I have always been curious how the companions of the other classes would react. I totally forgot to create a SW because of Quinn! I'm going to create one right away! :D


I didn't know you can use the ability on NPCs, I thought it only worked on your companions. Wow, I need to hear Baras laughing. :D If I remember well he giggles once or twice in certain conversation options.

Oh, and I need to try it on Zash too!


Edit: I used it on other people's companions on the Fleet and it worked! :D People must think I'm crazy, running around and pointing at their companions LOL. I found a Treek too and she got scared of me LOL.

But no Quinns around. Well, I'm going to create a Zabrak SW anyway, because of Baras. :p


Try it on Tremel, let me know if he laughs with his own voice or a generic voice. I didn't think of it yet when I still had him around.


And yes I felt funny using it on other people's companions too so I stayed in a big group on the fleet so no one would notice :o


The funniest thing to me, like I was telling nightfrogger, is it looks like Quinn and my warrior have some kind of silly secret language where they gesture at each other and grunt all the time :D


(I cannot believe how much this guy gets laid btw, I mean the lady you talk to on Nar Shadaa was flirting with *me* and I didn't even do anything. OH and it strikes me as very unrealistic that no one ever flirts with the actually-very-attractive imperial officer who's always standing right next to me)

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I have a throw-away Zabrak BH that I planned to go Pub in Iokath with to see this side of the story, but now... going Imp to get Malavai laughing. I knew keeping her "just in case" was a good idea :D
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I have a throw-away Zabrak BH that I planned to go Pub in Iokath with to see this side of the story, but now... going Imp to get Malavai laughing. I knew keeping her "just in case" was a good idea :D


I hope it's worth changing your plans for, I mean it's just a little thing really.. lol that was such a lie, making Quinn laugh is rad :)

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I hope it's worth changing your plans for, I mean it's just a little thing really.. lol that was such a lie, making Quinn laugh is rad :)


Having him laugh is worth those plans. ;) I have another character that will switch sides (and for her it's a natural choice), just not anytime soon, since she's just level 39. So it's only postponing that angle of the story for Superior Malavai Laughter. I have my priorities right, you see? :D

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I have a throw-away Zabrak BH that I planned to go Pub in Iokath with to see this side of the story, but now... going Imp to get Malavai laughing. I knew keeping her "just in case" was a good idea :D


I have a Zabrak Smuggler that I got all the way through KotET, but couldn't beat the last fight...so I just put her aside. When Iokath came out, I could have *sworn* that they said you didn't have to have completed KotFE and/or KotET to play it., but I can get her to the planet, but can't do the story. :(

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I have a Zabrak Smuggler that I got all the way through KotET, but couldn't beat the last fight...so I just put her aside. When Iokath came out, I could have *sworn* that they said you didn't have to have completed KotFE and/or KotET to play it., but I can get her to the planet, but can't do the story. :(


Ok where to start. If you're on Shadowlands I'd be happy to help you finish that last chapter, just let me know.


Second - it's better to start Iokath with no fe/et chapters open. I don't know if that's what's causing your problem but better safe than sorry. I know that you can ditch one chapter without finishing it by taking a different (easy) chapter and finishing that, but I don't know if the same is true for a chapter that was never completed in the first place. You'll have to play around with it a bit to find out.


Lastly, nightfrogger, I finished reading your story and :o *fans self* very nice :o Force persuade - good idea!

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I have a Zabrak Smuggler that I got all the way through KotET, but couldn't beat the last fight...so I just put her aside. When Iokath came out, I could have *sworn* that they said you didn't have to have completed KotFE and/or KotET to play it., but I can get her to the planet, but can't do the story. :(


I did Iokath on a toon that didn't do KOTFE/ET at all fine. My smuggler, who switching to Imps.


Keep in mind that if you try to do Iokath with an unfinished chapter before the patch in tomorrow, you won't get Malavai either! And they don't know how to fix that yet for those who didn't get their comps.


What I did was go to my ship, pick the Iokath mission from the console, launch it. Worked.

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Lastly, nightfrogger, I finished reading your story and :o *fans self* very nice :o Force persuade - good idea!


Yay thank you glad you liked it :) To me it just seems like an ability that Darth Baras would have in his arsenal, being the powerful, manipulative and conniving Sith he is. Probably learned how to perfect it after doing some serious study with the ravager. Or at least is what I think...poor Quinn :(

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Okay now I feel silly for not thinking of this sooner. My trooper who is married to Elara is a Zabrak....I went and was able to pull Quinn out of the terminal in the base. So got to see some of these laughs myself...But this is a Republic Zabrak, the one I just rolled in an Imperial Zabrak, i must see if there is a difference...it is for science! ;) Plus I want to see the Baras ones with my own eyes lol


Also since I had him out clicked on him a whole bunch of times to see which of his lines he says. He does all of them but the ones where he has "my lord" in them. My Sorcerer has him and he does the "my lord" comments to her, I will have to see what he does a Jedi toon later, have not taken any jedi through Iokath yet.


Just some observations :)

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Try it on Tremel, let me know if he laughs with his own voice or a generic voice. I didn't think of it yet when I still had him around.

I already did. On Harkun and Ffon as well, but they all have the same voice.

Zash doesn't have her own either, which is unfair. If Baras has, why not she? :mad: At first it sounded like her, but tried it on other female NPCs and it was the same.

By the way I love Harkun, almost everything he says cracks me up. :D I wish he could be my companion LOL. Or imagine flirt options with him after you outrank him, that would be hilarious. :D


And yes I felt funny using it on other people's companions too so I stayed in a big group on the fleet so no one would notice :o

Haha, I tried the same, but there were not many people on the fleet in the morning. XD


The funniest thing to me, like I was telling nightfrogger, is it looks like Quinn and my warrior have some kind of silly secret language where they gesture at each other and grunt all the time :D

Yeah, it looks like that. :D


(I cannot believe how much this guy gets laid btw, I mean the lady you talk to on Nar Shadaa was flirting with *me* and I didn't even do anything. OH and it strikes me as very unrealistic that no one ever flirts with the actually-very-attractive imperial officer who's always standing right next to me)

I guess these people are after the big fish, so a Sith boyfriend sounds more appealing than a Captain in this case. XD

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Don't give up when they get mad just keep doing it, they make all kinds of weird noises like laughing and grumbling sounds lol. There's one where they get scared and sort of shriek - I scared a random Vector twice :o


Except that it sounds like Havoc Squad devolved to cavemen. XD

Male trooper: Hrrr?


Male trooper: ...hrrr. :(

Ship droid: HAHEYYYYYYYY!!!! :D

Male trooper: *facepalm*


...now I really want to try that on Vector, though. :o But I don't dare make yet another character for any reason, because then my logic-obsessed brain will be going "But I can't fit her in ANYWHERE in the main!universe I have in headcanon, or the alternate!universe, and no Jagaimee you are NOT starting yet another alternate universe to accommodate three characters! STOP THAT." The trials of an altoholic.

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Except that it sounds like Havoc Squad devolved to cavemen. XD

Male trooper: Hrrr?


Male trooper: ...hrrr. :(

Ship droid: HAHEYYYYYYYY!!!! :D

Male trooper: *facepalm*


...now I really want to try that on Vector, though. :o But I don't dare make yet another character for any reason, because then my logic-obsessed brain will be going "But I can't fit her in ANYWHERE in the main!universe I have in headcanon, or the alternate!universe, and no Jagaimee you are NOT starting yet another alternate universe to accommodate three characters! STOP THAT." The trials of an altoholic.


LOL, I have 20 characters and I don't even play on a continuous basis. :) This game is addictive. :p

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Except that it sounds like Havoc Squad devolved to cavemen. XD

Male trooper: Hrrr?


Male trooper: ...hrrr. :(

Ship droid: HAHEYYYYYYYY!!!! :D

Male trooper: *facepalm*


...now I really want to try that on Vector, though. :o But I don't dare make yet another character for any reason, because then my logic-obsessed brain will be going "But I can't fit her in ANYWHERE in the main!universe I have in headcanon, or the alternate!universe, and no Jagaimee you are NOT starting yet another alternate universe to accommodate three characters! STOP THAT." The trials of an altoholic.


For the most part I try to think of my characters in their own separate timelines, what one character does has no relevance to the others in my worlds, trying to mingle multiple characters timelines to me just seems like too much work lol Mad props for being able to do so hun :)

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For the most part I try to think of my characters in their own separate timelines, what one character does has no relevance to the others in my worlds, trying to mingle multiple characters timelines to me just seems like too much work lol Mad props for being able to do so hun :)


I don't even have *that* many characters, but my eight (well, now nine; the little brother of my warrior managed to wiggle his way into being a main character) main characters all share one universe. The "alternate" universe is my way of justifying how other characters can possibly exist, so it's mostly made up of "what-if" events. For instance, what if my warrior stayed fanatically loyal to Vitiate instead of, in the main!universe, turning against him on Rishi? Answer: she nearly starts the apocalypse early on Dromund Kaas, not Ziost. What if the adopted father of my smuggler wasn't there to help said smuggler's mother as she struggled through a difficult birth? Answer: smuggler dies :( ...and because she died as an infant, there was no one to save the trooper's life as a teenager, so HE died, so others have to come in and fill their places...

...all those are floating around in half-written stories that I really want to get done, and find myself short on inspiration to do so. XD EEEEEEEEEVENTUALLY, however, they'll be written. Somehow. In the next century. Maybe. The Rapture will probably happen first... :p


Quinn: ... *poke* Er. That whole "starting the apocalypse early." Am I involved in that?

You try to get her to calm down.

Quinn: From your tone, I'm assuming it doesn't work.

It doesn't. Don't worry, you don't die. I could never kill you off.

Quinn: *whew*

You just get force-blasted into the nearest wall. Repeatedly.

Quinn: WHY DOES THAT ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!? I'm going to need a replacement spine at this point!

...I'm tempted to make a betrayal joke here.

Quinn: *facepalm* I walked right into that one.

Yes, yes you did.

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I have over 35 characters on my server...way to many to intermingle lol


Altaholics unite! :D ...right after we get done making that one last character. Last one. We promise. Really. I swear this one's just for roleplay! [winds up going through the entire story again] ...meep.

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Altaholics unite! :D ...right after we get done making that one last character. Last one. We promise. Really. I swear this one's just for roleplay! [winds up going through the entire story again] ...meep.


I went and got 3 new character slots off of the GTN this morning lol

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I have over 35 characters on my server...way to many to intermingle lol


46 and counting... But no Zabrak Warriors. I have one baby tank I keep rerolling to different species, so he'll probably be the one to go. Again. (I want a Chiss with white hair. Why can't Chiss have white hair!) I have a spare pureblood, but I"m too cheap to pay for a species change. :rolleyes: I have to admit, I haven't used the racial skills since launch. I think I've been missing out!

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I have to admit, I haven't used the racial skills since launch. I think I've been missing out!


My pureblood just kept whacking Jaesa... it didn't work. Jaesa was dark-side. She didn't cry. She laughed. It disturbed me enough that I just shoved her into her corner of the ship and never looked at her again. o_o And then whacked Broonmark. His response: "Bloooorp orp orp orp orrrp..." I laughed so hard I teared up. (Pierce, on the other hand, sort-of cries. He tries to. His voice actor, however, is clearly laughing all the way through a hilariously fake cry. It's hysterical. XD)

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My pureblood just kept whacking Jaesa... it didn't work. Jaesa was dark-side. She didn't cry. She laughed. It disturbed me enough that I just shoved her into her corner of the ship and never looked at her again. o_o And then whacked Broonmark. His response: "Bloooorp orp orp orp orrrp..." I laughed so hard I teared up. (Pierce, on the other hand, sort-of cries. He tries to. His voice actor, however, is clearly laughing all the way through a hilariously fake cry. It's hysterical. XD)

I feel really bad when hitting my companions, but some of them has indeed hilarious reactions. XD I have just found out they can have multiple ones too.


I have a Pureblood Jedi Knight and those reactions are funny too. :D

Doc - childish tantrum-like crying. Well, I didn't expect anything else from him. :D Love you, Doc. :D

T7-01- it's funny and cute, like it's saying Oooooohhh

Sergeant Rusk is like - 1. version having an asthma attack XD, 2. crying but rather giggling 3. having a stomach ache

Lord Scourge - nothing special

Kira - nothing special


Anyone else has tried it on classes which are not SW or SI?


By the way I went to a deserted place to test these voices, so people won't think I'm some crazy psycho who loves to torture her companions. XD

Oh, and when I finished with them and sent Doc away he said: "Let's do this again, huh?" It cracked me up soo much. XD

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Anyone else has tried it on classes which are not SW or SI?


So far I've only played around with an Agent, but he's in the early stages of KotFE so he doesn't have any companions except cartel companions. Only the humanoid droids react to the slap with the hand to the cheek animation. At the same time I tried out companion dance. Again, the humanoid droids will dance, but not the others. The ground animal pets will do a trick which is cute. I think it's the one you can do when their influence gets leveled up, but I have never leveled any of mine so I'm not sure. Sadly, the wampa doesn't react to the slap or the dance. :(

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I know it is heresy to ask, but has anyone tried it on Theron? XD


Or Treek? I don't have Treek, unfortunately.

By the way, if you think of it, it's a crazy idea for a Sith to have an Ewok companion. :rolleyes: She decreases your evilness, haha. :p Imagine walking into the Dark Council room with her (both as a SW and SI)...I would like to see the faces of the members when they see her. :D:D:D They would have a shock, I think. "What is this thing?!" :eek:

Or what would Quinn say if a teddy bear was running around your ship? :D

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I know it is heresy to ask, but has anyone tried it on Theron? XD


Or Treek? I don't have Treek, unfortunately.

By the way, if you think of it, it's a crazy idea for a Sith to have an Ewok companion. :rolleyes: She decreases your evilness, haha. :p Imagine walking into the Dark Council room with her (both as a SW and SI)...I would like to see the faces of the members when they see her. :D:D:D They would have a shock, I think. "What is this thing?!" :eek:

Or what would Quinn say if a teddy bear was running around your ship? :D


Except Treek is like a psychotic teddy bear. I think the other sith might laugh until she ripped their faces off and started eating their entrails.

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Except Treek is like a psychotic teddy bear. I think the other sith might laugh until she ripped their faces off and started eating their entrails.


It's true, Treek is sithier than some of my sith <3

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It's true, Treek is sithier than some of my sith <3


Her personality is, but I doubt her combat skills can match a Sith's. At least it would be a real shame to lose to a teddy bear. :p

I would like to see her attacking Marr, for example, she wouldn't survive for a minute. :p

I like her, but it's still a crazy idea. :D


Or maybe when the Emperor died, he used Treek as a host body, since no one would suspect an Ewok LOL. :D

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