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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I actually really want more of this. I would like just one scene with them, where he can be more relaxed and they are just Malavai and wife, not Major and Commander. I just worry it will be wishful thinking. They are unlikely to get another romance scene. It will probably just be a short reference if anything :(


I'm afraid that ever if we get another romance scene, it'd be as messed up as the one we got in Iokath. I still can't understand how someone could think it's normal for a wife/long-term gf to say "I love you, surname". She calls him "Malavai" (or "Mali") in privacy, ffs!


But TBH I'm not sure we ever get anything more :( Same for other LIs. Beniko and Theron will be shoved down our throats whether we like it or not. My warrior never cheated when Malavai was absent, she won't when he's back!

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My thought was, uh... diapers, terrible toddlers, Sith Academy tuition, birthday parties, Sith prom, bad friends, kid's now hooked on spice, selling his body for creds, has one or two kids who's baby mamas are now trying to sue the Wrath for support and damages, he borrows money for "bills" to support his spice habit, he's on the HoloNet in some embarrassing sex and spice related dust-up with Imps, then comes rehab, then he needs money for "more rehab," and etc.


Apparently, I don't think my Wrath would be a very good Sith mom. :D


LOL! :D:D:D Birthday parties...I imagined Quinn with a party hat on his head, uh. :D

That's quite a pessimistic view of the future. :p


It always amuses me how Malavai even when being affectionate/personal addresses you as 'my lord'. :cool:

That used to drive me up the wall, but not anymore. I find it funny and adorable now. :)


I I still can't understand how someone could think it's normal for a wife/long-term gf to say "I love you, surname". She calls him "Malavai" (or "Mali") in privacy, ffs!

Mali! That's nice, I like it. :D I don't think he likes nicknames, though. :o

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Yes I really liked that he was the one that took care of her, even carried her back, after getting zapped on the chair. Another one of those things they could have added in the actual story but just didn't. Well at least *we* remember that Malavai was medic even if they don't seem to.


Elara could have done something similar, she is also a medic, wasted opportunity guys :(

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Okay everybody, I got done with my reunion piece...and I couldn't resist...it is 18+ only ;)


I will probably throw in edits over the next few days but I think I have it where I like it, hope you guys enjoy :)


Come Back Safely: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Come-Back-Safely-676796041


*blushing deeply* That was nice! :)

(by the way I see you have a Siamese cat. I had one too before, they are so beautiful! *.*)


Well we seem to be writing fic ti 'fix' the Quinn reunion, here's my go :)




Enjoy! :D


Liked this one too. :) Especially:

“I’d say so. Just be thankful the base in tunnelled out of solid rock so we can’t hear anything. Jaesa and I had to leave the ship sometimes as they got... loud.”

LOL that must have been really embarrassing! XDD

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*blushing deeply* That was nice! :)

(by the way I see you have a Siamese cat. I had one too before, they are so beautiful! *.*)


Thank you :)


My old guy is a little monster, around 17 years old and close to 18 pounds. :) Just as vocal as the breed is known for too lol

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When you posted this I didn't have the time to read it because of rl, but I remembered you did so I went back and found it. Read it over cup of coffee 2 out of 3. I like that they have their ftb right there in that room with the great big window, hehe xD Scandalized all the droids of Iokath, they did!


I'm not the type to write much myself (I made one exception earlier in this thread) but I'm curious about the reunion from the perspective of warriors who romanced someone else during fe/et. Glad to see you address this in your story, Lana is clearly much more mature than I would be in the same situation :o


Thanks Grania :) However what I didn't perhaps make clear or you missed it, is they were on Oddsen, Iokath never happened ;)


As for Lana's and Nat's romance, Nat was pretty open about the fact she missed her hubby but needed a shoulder to lean on. The game don't let you do this but head canon is a wonderful thing. :) I've also posted a slightly updated version with some tweaks.


Liked this one too. :) Especially:

“I’d say so. Just be thankful the base in tunnelled out of solid rock so we can’t hear anything. Jaesa and I had to leave the ship sometimes as they got... loud.”

LOL that must have been really embarrassing! XDD


Thanks Dylinrae! Yeah and that was after they had sound proofing added to Nat's quarters aboard her Fury :D

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Thanks Grania However what I didn't perhaps make clear or you missed it, is they were on Oddsen, Iokath never happened


D'OH sorry! Went over my head I guess *blush*

As for Lana's and Nat's romance, Nat was pretty open about the fact she missed her hubby but needed a shoulder to lean on. The game don't let you do this but head canon is a wonderful thing. I've also posted a slightly updated version with some tweaks.



I was always thinking that my one warrior who romanced Theron was only doing it for fun and to pass the time. At the end of kotet when he tells you he loves you I purposely took the other [inspire Theron] option, whatever it was. She didn't reciprocate and she didn't kiss him.


So I was a bit horrified when on Iokath, even after meeting with Quinn the first time, my warrior suddenly called out "I love you Theron!" without me having a say in it. Completely contrary to my interpretation of their relationship, and contrary to how I'd played it beforehand. It didn't help that they gave me no way to break up with Theron either, she's now in a relationship with both.


I'm just having such a hard time making sense of what they're trying to do with the official story. I figured it would be just like every other companion return and it wasn't. It shouldn't be this exhausting to be told a story, I shouldn't need to do this much editing for any of it to make sense.



Wow that turned into my same old rant. Guess I'll put rant tags around it. The point was, I don't blame you for changing what happened with Iokath. :o

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When you press your option to continue your relationship with returned characters. There is a pop up you have to press to make it go into effect. The pop up specifically states that by doing this you end all other relationships with other characters. So by pressing the continue button you did make a choice to end your relationship with Theron.


I am also just running under the assumption that since the story on Iokath is not complete you will probably get the break up scene later.

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The character bio says I'm still in a relationship with him but I hope you're right, I hope the game recognizes that it's over. It's only one of a bunch of warriors I have anyway, not that big of a deal but I'm not anxious to run all that stuff again just to get the crummier new version Quinn, you know?


I can't log in right now but when I do, I'll look at Theron's bio on my BH who broke up with him when Torian returned. I'll see what it says.

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I think it's odd that (in the private reunion scene) Elara comments on the trooper's injuries but Quinn doesn't comment on the warrior's, because yes, they both played medical roles. I suppose Elara was more primarily a medic and Quinn did an array of things, but I feel like his lack of acknowledgment about the injuries is strange and also a missed opportunity for medical recovery innuendo.


And I just watched the "Make Quinn Beg" conversation options and I think I need some coffee, ice cream, and a hug. :(

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And I just watched the "Make Quinn Beg" conversation options and I think I need some coffee, ice cream, and a hug. :(


I'd like to see it, sorta, as long as they don't kill Quinn at the end, I don't want to see that, can you give me the link so I don't end up in the wrong video?

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I think it's odd that (in the private reunion scene) Elara comments on the trooper's injuries but Quinn doesn't comment on the warrior's, because yes, they both played medical roles. I suppose Elara was more primarily a medic and Quinn did an array of things, but I feel like his lack of acknowledgment about the injuries is strange and also a missed opportunity for medical recovery innuendo.


And I just watched the "Make Quinn Beg" conversation options and I think I need some coffee, ice cream, and a hug. :(


Yeah I thought that wierd too.... Unless he considers her so much of a ****** that she can survive anything... He might not be wrong :p

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And I just watched the "Make Quinn Beg" conversation options and I think I need some coffee, ice cream, and a hug. :(

I watched that today too, and it is indeed terrible. :( So evil! And it doesn't make sense to me either...the devs just wanted to make him suffer without much logic. :mad: Quinn already said sorry after the betrayal...

I don't think Quinn would beg either. He didn't do it when the Quinciddent happened, so why would he now? My only guess is that those years in prison broke him a little. :(


He was the only one who were loyal to you and tried to find you even if that meant imprisonment, ffs! :mad:


But I admit, the "Louder" part made me laugh, because to me, the Warrior sounded like the Joker (cartoon version). XD

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I'd like to see it, sorta, as long as they don't kill Quinn at the end, I don't want to see that, can you give me the link so I don't end up in the wrong video?


The video I watched involved the killing as well, which I wasn't aware of, so I accidentally saw it again. Damn it! :(:(:(

But believe me, killing him is not the worst option. I think making him beg and then throwing him into prison is far worse. :( His desperate voice breaks the heart. :( Teverson did a great job on that too.

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The video I watched involved the killing as well, which I wasn't aware of, so I accidentally saw it again. Damn it! :(:(:(

But believe me, killing him is not the worst option. I think making him beg and then throwing him into prison is far worse. :(


I watched the "non-beg" killing, and already think it was terribly done. Don't even want to watch that. I also believe he has more dignity than that to beg for anything.


You're having a calm conversation with him, you walk together, he explains he went to prison FOR YOU, and then you suddenly start yelling "RAAAAH RAAAAH I KILL YOU NAO!! Been waiting for it for years! RAAAAH!"


W.T.F? :confused: Comes out of the blue, makes no sense... and... you were waiting for years? He wasn't exactly hiding from you, you had plenty of chances to do that many many times years ago.


It just makes no sense in the story now. It's stupid murder fan service. Poor, piss poor writing!

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I feel terrible about this, but I just can't stop laughing at the Warrior's sadistically amused voice when he says "Louder". :o It would be hilarious if it wasn't about Quinn. :o I'm so sorry, Malavai! :o


Yes, why would he beg, when you are being a complete a** towards him? If he would see you are beyond reasoning, he would just leave/die proudly. He's not that fanatically loyal to let himself treated like dirt.


But anyway, after this he just walks away casually and alone, like he does after the romance, no guards, anything. "Who cares? I will just walk out of here, you will never see me again, good riddance." :p

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I'd like to see it, sorta, as long as they don't kill Quinn at the end, I don't want to see that, can you give me the link so I don't end up in the wrong video?


The one I saw had every option shown, with the killing as the last one. :(


But believe me, killing him is not the worst option. I think making him beg and then throwing him into prison is far worse. :( His desperate voice breaks the heart. :( Teverson did a great job on that too.


Teverson is magical. I just want to hold Quinn and tell him he's not a scumbag. I'm torn if the begging+imprisoning is the worst or the Republic-sided romanced warrior killing him; the way she's like, "I could never lock you away in prison, my love." and then... :eek::eek::eek::eek: :(:(:( biiiiitch.


But anyway, after this he just walks away casually and alone, like he does after the romance, no guards, anything. "Who cares? I will just walk out of here, you will never see me again, good riddance." :p

Right, Lana gets threatening with him and then he just wanders off, still armed, no escort. :rolleyes: In his position, I'd just walk out of there and back to the Empire. Clearly no one cares.

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Teverson is magical. I just want to hold Quinn and tell him he's not a scumbag. I'm torn if the begging+imprisoning is the worst or the Republic-sided romanced warrior killing him; the way she's like, "I could never lock you away in prison, my love." and then... :eek::eek::eek::eek: :(:(:( biiiiitch.


...ohhhhhh geeeeeeeez I am so never watching that one. :eek: She does that!? And SAYS that!? ...oh geez I can already imagine Quinn's expression and--oh nope nope nope nope NOPE :(


Purple Quinn? Anything to--oh.

Quinn: *hiding in a corner*

...um, Malavai, you're among friends. You know that, right?

Quinn: I am aware of that, sir. *slowly emerges from protective corner* I'm merely...concerned.


Quinn: The fanatical hatred directed at me. I could...understand it, were it directed at someone like Kaliyo, or Skadge. But...me? Do they not understand what pressure I was under at the time? And--even that's no excuse, I know; I am not trying to rationalize my decision. There was no rationale behind it, except blind, stupid, conflicting loyalties. Even then, it happened close to nine or ten years ago.

What about Kaliyo?

Quinn: Not only did she disobey direct orders and - indirectly or directly - got all save one/two of Havoc Squad killed; she, upon her escape from the Spire, blew up a hospital. I doubt it was empty. She consistently proved herself, even upon her return, to be entirely untrustworthy. But I...I tried my hardest to make up for my mistake. I have been nothing but loyal to the Wrath. Yet they still want to kill me? ...this, then, is life in the Empire: always living in fear of a vindictive Darth wanting your death for any arbitrary reason. I suppose Sith do not forget grudges even from nearly a decade ago.

...okay, that's depressing. I know what can cheer us up!

Quinn: What? ...on second thought, I'd prefer if you didn't answer--


Gucci, by Gucci.


Quinn: ...I hate you. Sir.

I'm okay with that! :D

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Yay purple Quinn! :)


*runs up and tackles him in a hug and kisses him on the cheek* I am so sorry they did that to you....making you beg...that was horrible....did you want some cuddles? ice cream? anything at all to help the bad memories go away?


We are here, we won't let them hurt your here.

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