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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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My thought was, uh... diapers, terrible toddlers, Sith Academy tuition, birthday parties, Sith prom, bad friends, kid's now hooked on spice, selling his body for creds, has one or two kids who's baby mamas are now trying to sue the Wrath for support and damages, he borrows money for "bills" to support his spice habit, he's on the HoloNet in some embarrassing sex and spice related dust-up with Imps, then comes rehab, then he needs money for "more rehab," and etc.


And then a relative would hook him up with a job in Sith Intelligence to try to help him straighten his life out, only for him to defect to the SIS and never call or come around on holidays. That Imperial parent life. :(

Edited by knoXr
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The playthrough I used to side with the Empire was a SW who romanced Malavai but not anyone else. I know your character romanced Theron, maybe that changed dialogue options at that scene? Maybe ... I don't know.

My character who got that option only romanced Quinn.



Wait... you mean there's a line about kids in Iokath? :eek: My warrior never cheated, but she never had that line either. Just "I love you's" and that was pretty much it.


Do you remember the convo path? Or have screenies?


Damn, why this thing isn't replayable!:( I don't want to break another Malavai and turn him into "Quinn" on another warrior, but I would if I knew exactly what to do.

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Wait... you mean there's a line about kids in Iokath? :eek: My warrior never cheated, but she never had that line either. Just "I love you's" and that was pretty much it.


Do you remember the convo path? Or have screenies?


Damn, why this thing isn't replayable!:( I don't want to break another Malavai and turn him into "Quinn" on another warrior, but I would if I knew exactly what to do.


If I recall correctly, if you support the Empire and then go to the Republic base to stop Malcom from using the superweapon you get:


Malcom: Raar Theron u suk cuz you support Empire nao!

Theron: Shut up! Ur stoopid!

PC: *snarky response* It's father-son reunions like this that make me glad I never had children.

Theron is not amused.


And that's totally real dialogue from the game too, honest! I may also be wrong at the point at which you get that dialogue but I don't think so.

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Wait... you mean there's a line about kids in Iokath? :eek: My warrior never cheated, but she never had that line either. Just "I love you's" and that was pretty much it.


Do you remember the convo path? Or have screenies?


Damn, why this thing isn't replayable!:( I don't want to break another Malavai and turn him into "Quinn" on another warrior, but I would if I knew exactly what to do.

It was definitely at a point when Jace and Theron were going back and forth. When my Wrath said the line, both my husb and I busted out laughing. :D I'm sorry, but I don't know the conversation path or have any screenies, as I've only done the Iokath chapter once.


Side note: I do find it ironic that this chapter isn't repeatable because it's the only chapter I'm interested in repeating. :o The others are just so... ugh.

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Wait... you mean there's a line about kids in Iokath? :eek: My warrior never cheated, but she never had that line either. Just "I love you's" and that was pretty much it.


Do you remember the convo path? Or have screenies?


Damn, why this thing isn't replayable!:( I don't want to break another Malavai and turn him into "Quinn" on another warrior, but I would if I knew exactly what to do.


I got the line too somehow but it was nothing you'd need to run iokath again for. It didn't have anything to do with Quinn, it was some Jace and Theron thing. I don't remember specifics about it, I only remember it because I didn't really think it was something my warrior would say, because lets face it, Quinn would make the cutest babies.

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If I recall correctly, if you support the Empire and then go to the Republic base to stop Malcom from using the superweapon you get:


Malcom: Raar Theron u suk cuz you support Empire nao!

Theron: Shut up! Ur stoopid!

PC: *snarky response* It's father-son reunions like this that make me glad I never had children.

Theron is not amused.


And that's totally real dialogue from the game too, honest! I may also be wrong at the point at which you get that dialogue but I don't think so.


Oooooh, I thought it was something between warrior and Malavai about kids... Sorry, it's late over here, and I'm tired. ::facepalm::


Thanks for clarifying :)


It's good I didn't take this option. My warrior has a son, so I'd have to ESC anyway. :rolleyes:


I got the line too somehow but it was nothing you'd need to run iokath again for. It didn't have anything to do with Quinn, it was some Jace and Theron thing.


Yeah, I get that now.


Side note: I do find it ironic that this chapter isn't repeatable because it's the only chapter I'm interested in repeating. :o The others are just so... ugh.


I probably wouldn't, because it would just break my heart over and over for my warrior being forced to kiss some white dude who's not her husband, but the fact that it's a Quinn "chapter" that isn't repeatable is annoying me to no ends.

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They finally get around to a reunion with a companion who has fans that are as excited as fans can possibly even get, and..! Not repeatable. What gives. Heck, Elara is one of their own faves and she got the same treatment. I so wish I could understand the thought process at BW.


I really would play it again, even with the solid hour of fighting droids, almost no cxp and walker combat before hand. Guess I'll just have to figure out how to fraps, I think I've got the program dl'd anyway.

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I was playing on Empire and I haven't yet tried Republic. Also... personally, I can't see the Wrath or any of the main Classes (Cipher Nine, Hero of Tython, etc.) for that matter having kids, but I just figure that stems from me personally not wanting any kids. :D


...well, okay, so I'm a tad late to the conversation about our characters having kids, so I'll put all the following in spoiler tags in case people don't want to read my ramblings. XD



I hope I never ever ever ever ever ever ever have kids, no matter how hard my hypothetical future husband begs me, NOPE. :p

...but some of my characters want them, for reasons I cannot fathom. My knight and Kira actually *did* have a son between Makeb and Forged Alliances. Which led to the consular, smuggler, and trooper (all my characters share the same universe) wondering why the knight was so hyperactive and anxious during Forged Alliances, since he never told anyone (consular knows he and Kira are married, though - heck, the consular officiated the wedding ceremony himself!). Unfortunately, the child died soon after he was born, due to complications from being a hybrid between two species. BUT... sometime soon, after Kira EVENTUALLY comes back, they'll have another son. This one will definitely live well into old age.

Warrior wanted kids, too. But the time was just...never right. She couldn't justify bringing a child into a galaxy where she is one of the prominent figures, with enemies that lurk in every shadow... and a mad god-wannabe out there trying to eat the universe. And now she's realizing that she can't have children, ever. Therefore, adoption, which I rambled about ad nauseum pages ago. And that adopted daughter will eventually fall in love with the knight's son. Cue Quinn completely freaking out. :p

Smuggler also wanted kids. She's completely incapable of having them. Therefore...also adoption.


I sincerely cannot see my consular and Lana having little half-chiss kids. Just...no. o_o The thought is far too weird. Inquisitor and Theron, however, will accidentally have a child. And he'll be a pain in the tushie and they'll love him anyways and raise him alongside his cousin, the knight's son (inquisitor and knight are...not related by blood, but when they were children they considered themselves surrogate siblings. Looooooong story!).

...same with my bounty hunter and Torian. They're indifferent to kids - if they don't have any of their own, they'll adopt, 'tis the Mando way - but... um, does anybody know if cathar and humans can produce offspring? :o


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They finally get around to a reunion with a companion who has fans that are as excited as fans can possibly even get, and..! Not repeatable. What gives. Heck, Elara is one of their own faves and she got the same treatment. I so wish I could understand the thought process at BW.


So Elara's reunion with a romanced trooper was just as lackluster? On one hand, :(. On the other hand, :). Because it shows they're not just brushing Quinn aside and giving Elara a good reunion while Quinn gets next to nothing. But still - even though I personally don't like her very much, Elara deserves to have a beautiful romance scene, just as Quinn does.

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So Elara's reunion with a romanced trooper was just as lackluster? On one hand, :(. On the other hand, :). Because it shows they're not just brushing Quinn aside and giving Elara a good reunion while Quinn gets next to nothing. But still - even though I personally don't like her very much, Elara deserves to have a beautiful romance scene, just as Quinn does.


Oh I haven't seen it, I don't know, or care, lol. I just meant she got a speck of non-repeatable content just like Quinn did. From my perspective, the actual reunion part was about the same as the others - take Jorgan for example. His reunion was better than the original romance! And not because it was long (it wasn't) but it felt substantial and natural - they spend the whole chapter together. They talk here and there throughout the whole thing and that's what was missing for both Quinn and Dorne.


I hope I never ever ever ever ever ever ever have kids, no matter how hard my hypothetical future husband begs me, NOPE.

...but some of my characters want them, for reasons I cannot fathom.


I can't fathom wanting kids either, lol. From my experience, kids are something that happens acc.. (am I really going to say this? Maybe this is one of those times I should think twice about posting what I really think..)

Edited by grania
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It seemed to me that the romanced Trooper and Elara get the same amount of content as a romanced SW and Malavai. I know Elara's greeting of a romanced trooper is the same as a friend-Trooper (I watched my friend play through it and he had done the romance with Elara).


Trooper (both romanced and not): Elara?

Elara: I prefer Captain Dorne when I'm a captive!


Like, ouch right?


The actual amount of screentime between the Malavai and Elara is the same, though.

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It seemed to me that the romanced Trooper and Elara get the same amount of content as a romanced SW and Malavai. I know Elara's greeting of a romanced trooper is the same as a friend-Trooper (I watched my friend play through it and he had done the romance with Elara).


Trooper (both romanced and not): Elara?

Elara: I prefer Captain Dorne when I'm a captive!


Like, ouch right?


The actual amount of screentime between the Malavai and Elara is the same, though.


I find this interesting, thanks, I like the contrast of their responses. Dorne being all hard and sassy and Quinn being shy and self-conscious.

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Trooper (both romanced and not): Elara?

Elara: I prefer Captain Dorne when I'm a captive!


Romanced trooper: ...... *turns and shoots Lana* Not anymore, you're not.

Theron: WHAT.

Trooper: *turns on him* Are you going to stop me from getting back to my wife?

Theron: ...nope! *grabs Quinn's wrist and hauls him out of the room, Quinn protesting all the while*

*door slams shut behind them*

Elara: *staring at Lana* I...cannot believe you did that, sir.

Trooper: "Sir"?

Elara: You shot a Sith.

Trooper: *nods*

Elara: For me.

Trooper: *nods*

Elara: ...sir?

Trooper: "Sir" again? :(

Elara: I am wondering if it is appropriate to engage in a reunion - preferably with physical contact - here and now. Per regulation 32a, subsection b-67, officers are allowed a chaste kiss. This may be the only time you'll hear this from me, sir: permission to break the rules?

Trooper: ...I love you.

Elara: *GRAB, KISS*

*fade to black so abrupt, players are forgiven for thinking their computer randomly turned off*



Back to irregularly scheduled Quinn stuff now.

Edited by Jagaimee
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Okay everybody, I got done with my reunion piece...and I couldn't resist...it is 18+ only ;)


I will probably throw in edits over the next few days but I think I have it where I like it, hope you guys enjoy :)


Come Back Safely: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Come-Back-Safely-676796041


very nice xD


Romanced trooper: ...... etc


I'm just going to go ahead and assume that's what really happened :D

Edited by grania
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It seemed to me that the romanced Trooper and Elara get the same amount of content as a romanced SW and Malavai. I know Elara's greeting of a romanced trooper is the same as a friend-Trooper (I watched my friend play through it and he had done the romance with Elara).


Trooper (both romanced and not): Elara?

Elara: I prefer Captain Dorne when I'm a captive!


Like, ouch right?


The actual amount of screentime between the Malavai and Elara is the same, though.


So far my fem trooper is the only one on the pub side I played, and Elara's reaction was a shock to me :eek: They're best friends, my trooper made Elara her XO, where is this hostility from? :eek: The Imp major is a lot more polite and nice than her own best friend???

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...it would just break my heart over and over for my warrior being forced to kiss some white dude who's not her husband, but the fact that it's a Quinn "chapter" that isn't repeatable is annoying me to no ends.


Oh, I see. It's all about race, isn't it? ... Isn't it?!? I'm kidding, of course! :p While Quinn's default look is my personal favorite, I think it's absolutely lazy on the dev's part in that they couldn't implement a quick check to see if your character is a SW and then display any customization that was/is applied to Quinn.

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they couldn't implement a quick check to see if your character is a SW and then display any customization that was/is applied to Quinn.


It worked with other companions! :( Vette came back with her darker blue skin and purple eyes and jagged black markings on her lekku and cheeks for my Sith warrior, and came back as the default (light blue skin, I forget what eye color, and pale markings) for my knight. So why couldn't they be bothered to do the same for Quinn (and presumably Elara)? Argh...

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Okay everybody, I got done with my reunion piece...and I couldn't resist...it is 18+ only ;)


I will probably throw in edits over the next few days but I think I have it where I like it, hope you guys enjoy :)


Come Back Safely: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/Come-Back-Safely-676796041


Nice work! *fans self* Wooooweeee! Really did enjoy that very much! :D

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Oh, I see. It's all about race, isn't it? ... Isn't it?!? I'm kidding, of course! :p While Quinn's default look is my personal favorite, I think it's absolutely lazy on the dev's part in that they couldn't implement a quick check to see if your character is a SW and then display any customization that was/is applied to Quinn.


So, silly. It's all about the eyes... EYES EYES EYES EYES...


http://imgur.com/44ehcPt (his brother's but very similar)



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It always amuses me how Malavai even when being affectionate/personal addresses you as 'my lord'. :cool:


Self-control.... which failed once (maybe even more than once to Vette's enjoyment, no doubt), and he almost said "my love".:D

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Thanks hun :) I had to give him a much bigger part in all of this, and I think I did so while keeping original story intact....how I think it should have gone down ;)


Yes I really liked that he was the one that took care of her, even carried her back, after getting zapped on the chair. Another one of those things they could have added in the actual story but just didn't. Well at least *we* remember that Malavai was medic even if they don't seem to.

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Self-control.... which failed once (maybe even more than once to Vette's enjoyment, no doubt), and he almost said "my love".:D


I actually really want more of this. I would like just one scene with them, where he can be more relaxed and they are just Malavai and wife, not Major and Commander. I just worry it will be wishful thinking. They are unlikely to get another romance scene. It will probably just be a short reference if anything :(

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Well we seem to be writing fic ti 'fix' the Quinn reunion, here's my go :)




Enjoy! :D


When you posted this I didn't have the time to read it because of rl, but I remembered you did so I went back and found it. Read it over cup of coffee 2 out of 3. I like that they have their ftb right there in that room with the great big window, hehe xD Scandalized all the droids of Iokath, they did!


I'm not the type to write much myself (I made one exception earlier in this thread) but I'm curious about the reunion from the perspective of warriors who romanced someone else during fe/et. Glad to see you address this in your story, Lana is clearly much more mature than I would be in the same situation :o

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