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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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The third party spy monitoring the Alliance is realistic - If if I were Theron, I'd be drinking whiskey alone every night before bed.


heh I would too except he's not alone every night if he's in a romance with the pc, right? I was sorta confused at that letter, like I wouldn't know what my own boyfriend does when he wakes up and goes to bed.


And what's with the obsession with what everyone drinks? Though it is interesting that Lana's a bourbon girl.

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Aaagghhh, why does everything happen when I'm asleep!? :p I wake up and see this thread has grown about four pages in the night. I thought I was handling the three-hour difference between me and my sister (she's on the East Coast, I'm on the West Coast, so I'm three hours behind her), but yOU GUYS... XD

...aaaaaaaand THERE IS A VECTOR THREAD!? *zooms over* So, if Vector's fangirls are the Love Bugs... Corso's are the Farm Girls? (Since he's a farmboy.) What's Doc's? Physician's Assistants? :p


Quinn: Er...

Oh nononono, don't worry! I'm not abandoning you!

Quinn: ...thank the stars.

Wait...you wouldn't want me to leave? I mean, us? Thought you disliked the fangirl army.

Quinn: They've grown on me. *groups of fangirls are clinging to his arms and legs* Almost literally.


On another note, purple is the color I associate with Vector. o_e I only chose purple for Quinn because that showed up against the black/dark gray background on the forums here. Light blue is an eyesore. Dark red - the color I associate with Quinn (red, black, and gray) - is difficult to make out. Etc. XD

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LOL, this story is great! :D

I love it! The Ballad of Jillins.

Hilarious and perfect, thank you for that :D

Thank you! Where my mind goes at 1am~ :o:D:p The Ballad of Jillins xD

Now, he's running the Malavai Quinn Military School for the Gifted.

And to think, Quinn probably never thinks of Jillins at all, distracted as he's been being sexually harassed by, wooing, betraying, marrying, going to prison for, and now reuniting with his Sith hottie. They've had quite the busy life. Not even to mention their time posing as pirates on Rishi! :eek:


Yeah, I think they are just going to try and get them checked off as quickly as possible, which explains how little Elara and Quinn were involved.


Ugh, I really hope they're reasonable about the companion re-introductions. I want all of the original companions back, of course, but I'll be so sad if they get stuffed into this story. It could be my lack of imagination, though; maybe the writers will justify the returns in a way I can't come up with. I'm just not sure what, say, Corso could ever have to do with returning god-droids on Iokath. I suppose Risha could offer some kind of military support from Dubrillion (?) to the highest bidder? Who knows~


But if they just keep bringing in 1 Republic and 1 Empire character together to have us argue/re-align/kissy-kissy with or get threatened by simply because we're in a Pub vs Imp Storyline again... It will be preeeetty stale by the end.


I'm hoping the majority of companion content on Iokath will be focused on Quinn and Elara. Then they can bring back someone else. Focus on one (or two, at most) FTB at a time, BW! ;)

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heh I would too except he's not alone every night if he's in a romance with the pc, right? I was sorta confused at that letter, like I wouldn't know what my own boyfriend does when he wakes up and goes to bed.


And what's with the obsession with what everyone drinks? Though it is interesting that Lana's a bourbon girl.


Maybe he waits until the PC is in bed and sneaks off to drink. ... :(


And haha well, I guess maybe they're thinking you can tell a lot about a person by their choice of alcohol? :rolleyes:;)

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...And haha well, I guess maybe they're thinking you can tell a lot about a person by their choice of alcohol? :rolleyes:;)


Lol - I'm a rum girl, so my Warrior must be a pirate enthusiast and a frequent visitor of Rishi. :D

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heh I would too except he's not alone every night if he's in a romance with the pc, right? I was sorta confused at that letter, like I wouldn't know what my own boyfriend does when he wakes up and goes to bed.


I thought the same. Why isn't is pampered every evening to sleep by my Inq but whiskey?

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I felt bad until Acina started acting all typical Sith-like with her "WE SHALL SOAK THE GROUND WITH THEIR BLOOD!!!" ... after which point I was like, yeah I don't feel so bad about choosing Republic on other characters now. She seemed much more reasonable in Ch. 2 of KotET ... abandoning the old ways, blah blah and now she's just the average sith. That just drove home to me that the Empire is never going to change. And no, I don't think the Republic is perfect - it has it's issues as well.

On my main - a sith inq - who romanced Theron I really wish I had taken the republic's side now for the exact reasons you've given above. Pity I can't reset the whole update/chapter/whatever-it-was and start again.


Back to Malavai. Well, sort of. Devs/Keith/anyone - how come Gault who is nothing to no-one got a better return story than Malavai? In addition, HK-55 who is also nothing to no-one not only gets a main part, but also gets resurrected and reset (so he forgets anything nasty we made him do) and get his own chapter. And then there are Scorpio (who basically gets to become an almighty tech planet if you let her) and T7-01 yes T7-01 even has a bigger role in the story than Quinn (and that droid is annoying at best). And as for ZO-OM (worst.droid.ever - I just kill her now). Consider all of those before you release your road map and give those of us who aligned with and romanced Mr Quinn something more substantial/satisfying in the future story please. For a companion character who was so memorable to both the lovers and the haters - I think you hated on him a little too much.

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On my main - a sith inq - who romanced Theron I really wish I had taken the republic's side now for the exact reasons you've given above. Pity I can't reset the whole update/chapter/whatever-it-was and start again.


Back to Malavai. Well, sort of. Devs/Keith/anyone - how come Gault who is nothing to no-one got a better return story than Malavai? In addition, HK-55 who is also nothing to no-one not only gets a main part, but also gets resurrected and reset (so he forgets anything nasty we made him do) and get his own chapter. And then there are Scorpio (who basically gets to become an almighty tech planet if you let her) and T7-01 yes T7-01 even has a bigger role in the story than Quinn (and that droid is annoying at best). And as for ZO-OM (worst.droid.ever - I just kill her now). Consider all of those before you release your road map and give those of us who aligned with and romanced Mr Quinn something more substantial/satisfying in the future story please. For a companion character who was so memorable to both the lovers and the haters - I think you hated on him a little too much.


This, absolutely this, 100% They gave every craptacular throwaway companion a better return than Malavai received. I thought at least the love interests and the super important companions would get their own chapter, like I don't see why Vette had to share with Gault for example, even though I enjoy Gault. Malavai should've received his own chapter. I do hope they give us more with Malavai in the future, because this was a bit underwhelming. They can do better and they have done better...but I've always had the suspicious that the devs hate Malavai and they certainly have done nothing to make us believe otherwise. :(

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heh I would too except he's not alone every night if he's in a romance with the pc, right? I was sorta confused at that letter, like I wouldn't know what my own boyfriend does when he wakes up and goes to bed.


I thought the same. Why isn't is pampered every evening to sleep by my Inq but whiskey?


I just read on the Theron Shan thread that the drinking whisky alone (specifically alone) tidbit is only for characters who sided with the Empire. For Republic-sided toons, he just drinks his whisky, not necessarily alone.


Kind of a depressing distinction.

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In one of their streams they mentioned that they returned Vette because she was a a fan favorite and Gault because he was one of their favorites, which I'm guessing is why he got more content than Elara and Quinn combined on Iokath (or at least it feels that way, since he had several conversations while they had one apiece). :rolleyes:


Plus they could have returned another love interest with an actual story/lore reason to hang out with Vette (Risha) to make fans a lot happier. I even like Gault (other than him being forced on the BH), but I've grown increasingly bitter about him.

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(As a side note, about the surveillance mail -- Lana writes poetry?)


Plus they could have returned another love interest with an actual story/lore reason to hang out with Vette (Risha) to make fans a lot happier. I even like Gault (other than him being forced on the BH), but I've grown increasingly bitter about him.


Aw, a Risha/Vette reunion would have been wonderful. I hope they acknowledge their childhood friendship at some point, though that seems unlikely now. :(

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(As a side note, about the surveillance mail -- Lana writes poetry?)




Aw, a Risha/Vette reunion would have been wonderful. I hope they acknowledge their childhood friendship at some point, though that seems unlikely now. :(


Risha/Vette combo would have been awesome! And I couldn't help but giggle, when I read that about Lana. Did it on my Quizzy who is romancing her. He would soooo exploit that at some point :p


Also, Vette might have gotten a lot of content because she was a fan favorite, but at this point I think we can clearly see that Quinn is DEFINITELY a fan favorite. He deserves the same amount of care that she got - even if a lot of people hate him as well.


Interresting that they define her as such, but then actually forces to make a choice that might get her or Torian killed. That was really tough - worse than the Kaidan/Ashley choice in ME1.


BTW, Lunafox, did you get any response on twitter about this thread?

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Interresting that they define her as such, but then actually forces to make a choice that might get her or Torian killed. That was really tough - worse than the Kaidan/Ashley choice in ME1.


That's really terrible to think about... They forced us to make a choice involving killing off a character they knew beyond a doubt is a fan favorite, but one of their favorites -- Gault -- has never been anywhere near the chopping block. Sort of gross decision making there.

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That's really terrible to think about... They forced us to make a choice involving killing off a character they knew beyond a doubt is a fan favorite, but one of their favorites -- Gault -- has never been anywhere near the chopping block. Sort of gross decision making there.


Now I think Gault is awesome! But yes, it seems like they put a lot of focus on what they like. Which I can sort of understand. Much more fun to write a character you enjoy. I wonder how much influence Ben had on which characters would return... I still shudder whenever I remember him calling Quinn "Malavee" - right after his name was mentioned correctly several times!:mad::eek:

Honestly I think Quinn was just brought back because they knew so many people wanted to kill him. Not that I am complaining about having him back. The 2nd scene was adorable, with exception of my SW calling him Quinn. But starngely enough that one line from SOR "Forgive me, my lov-- my lord," made me much more giddy than anything in Iokath. Not that it did not make me want to hug him over and over.:p


Btw, why were they in a hurry to bring Kaliyo back? I can tolerate her, but she is a bigger traitor than Malavai.

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(As a side note, about the surveillance mail -- Lana writes poetry?)

For some reason, when I read that in game, I was just like... :rolleyes:


However, I did get excited because I thought a spy report for every main character was going to get get mailed to me and I'd love to know more about them, but alas... just Lana and Theron. How could I not see that coming?

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For some reason, when I read that in game, I was just like... :rolleyes:


However, I did get excited because I thought a spy report for every main character was going to get get mailed to me and I'd love to know more about them, but alas... just Lana and Theron. How could I not see that coming?


Unless we get more as the stories progresses. I would love to see Quinn's :p I'm thinking he is a brandy guy before bed and a tea in the morning type person... What do you say Purple Quinn?

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Unless we get more as the stories progresses. I would love to see Quinn's :p I'm thinking he is a brandy guy before bed and a tea in the morning type person... What do you say Purple Quinn?


I am not sure he's an alcohol guy at all. ;) When you get gifts in his letter to give him back, he doesn't like the wine at all. Not even small influence gain.

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I am not sure he's an alcohol guy at all. ;) When you get gifts in his letter to give him back, he doesn't like the wine at all. Not even small influence gain.


Nope he doesn't care for luxuries heh, he'd probably prefer an ..antique, imperial soldier's canteen.. from some battle where the imps fought the pubs, full of water from.. ancient Korriban? I dunno :D


He's his wife's designated driver, in any case :D

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