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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Fixed that for you. Now get out and stay out.


The mods are strong with us today. Whatever happened there, his post got deleted. Yay. :D (Argh, the things that happen in a span of three hours... wake up early in the morning, can't sleep, decide to check the forums, nothing's going on, manage to fall back asleep and wake up three hours later...suddenly the Eternal Quinnmancers grew another page and a half and there was a troll. :( I wanted to see a troll. I wanted to know if they really did live under bridges and threaten Billy Goats Gruff.)

Edited by Jagaimee
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I have a question (assume spoilers).


When you take the Republic's side and Quinn comes along at the end, he's a prisoner of the Eternal Alliance. How then, is he walking around the base coming to see the Empress of the Eternal Alliance with no guards or escorts:confused: It's no wonder we have a traitor if our security is that lax, husband or not! It would have made sense if a messenger had come along and informed us that Quinn had surrendered himself to the alliance and was asking to see his wife/companion, giving our warriors the option to visit him in his jail cell. Given his letter making Quinn betray us again makes absolutely no story sense unless he has been brainwashed by Acina which there was no evidence of.

They really have to rectify this by allowing warriors more Quinn story if you keep him. This could actually work as a way to give everyone a little bit of class story, a bit like they did on Rishi (SoR). Have a little side quest where you get more info on your companion/LIs return.

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I have a question (assume spoilers).


When you take the Republic's side and Quinn comes along at the end, he's a prisoner of the Eternal Alliance. How then, is he walking around the base coming to see the Empress of the Eternal Alliance with no guards or escorts:confused: It's no wonder we have a traitor if our security is that lax, husband or not! It would have made sense if a messenger had come along and informed us that Quinn had surrendered himself to the alliance and was asking to see his wife/companion, giving our warriors the option to visit him in his jail cell.


I have been lamenting on the same thing, it makes no sense.

I think the developers were concentrating so much on the killing that they didn't think these things through. :p

Edited by Dylinrae
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In this light, Vette's comment about Quinn in KOTET is just... :( Even more out of character, mean and hostile. He loved her teasing but she really hated him? :confused:


Edit: Oh you meant the other comment. That's probably about his betrayal in which case her being a bit harsh about it makes perfect sense.

Edited by Raynezazki
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I have been lamenting on the same thing, it makes no sense.

I think the developers were concentrating so much on the killing that they didn't think these things through. :p


Yeah, see, the one thing that annoys me, mostly when it comes to our companions, is that they assume either EVERYONE hates a certain companion, or EVERYONE loves a certain companion.


I mean, I saw the Quinn murder, cause it's murder, and it lasted a good 3-4 minutes and I know people who viewed it over and over. But the Quinn husband/wife reunion is all *tosses it at female Sith Warriors* 'here, now go away' and we're like da*** was that?


They handled Jorgan's reunion with his wife nicely I thought. Torian's was a little weird, but still nicely handled. Quinn it's like they almost forgot there were those of us that actually like Quinn and want our female Sith Warrior's to get back together with him, it was like an after thought.


Hopefully, when it comes time for the other love interests like Doc, Corso, Andronikos, Vector, etc they don't assume EVERYONE doesn't like those companions. I personally LOVE the original love interest companions. I know some of you (meaning nice non-companion killers) aren't fans of Doc, Corso, Vector, etc but that doesn't mean we, the lovers of our original romanceable companions want crap just because some don't like them.


It's really annoying. I know we can date Theron, Lana and Koth. But **I** married my original companions for a reason. I want my relationships to continue in a true (as true as one can get in a video game) reunion, not some '*SIGH* here is your companion back now leave us be to use Theron/Lana a zillion times!!!' :mad:

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Yeah, see, the one thing that annoys me, mostly when it comes to our companions, is that they assume either EVERYONE hates a certain companion, or EVERYONE loves a certain companion.


I mean, I saw the Quinn murder, cause it's murder, and it lasted a good 3-4 minutes and I know people who viewed it over and over. But the Quinn husband/wife reunion is all *tosses it at female Sith Warriors* 'here, now go away' and we're like da*** was that?


They handled Jorgan's reunion with his wife nicely I thought. Torian's was a little weird, but still nicely handled. Quinn it's like they almost forgot there were those of us that actually like Quinn and want our female Sith Warrior's to get back together with him, it was like an after thought.


Hopefully, when it comes time for the other love interests like Doc, Corso, Andronikos, Vector, etc they don't assume EVERYONE doesn't like those companions. I personally LOVE the original love interest companions. I know some of you (meaning nice non-companion killers) aren't fans of Doc, Corso, Vector, etc but that doesn't mean we, the lovers of our original romanceable companions want crap just because some don't like them.


It's really annoying. I know we can date Theron, Lana and Koth. But **I** married my original companions for a reason. I want my relationships to continue in a true (as true as one can get in a video game) reunion, not some '*SIGH* here is your companion back now leave us be to use Theron/Lana a zillion times!!!' :mad:

I remember someone said early on in this thread that they had seen the spoilers that we wouldn't be happy and since it was already written and designed it was unlikely they would undo it. I think Quinn's return was written & finished long before they knew that he had so many players that liked him. Whilst there are a few of us who regularly write in the thread there are probably hundreds who have looked in and some who have even come out of "lurkdome" to comment. I have a feeling Keith (oh great one /bow) and the Devs are considering a way to give us more of Quinn (and other LI companions) in the future and you know the minute they announce this the sub money will literally be thrown at them. Some of us don't want to be forced to take Lana or Theron on every mission - we'd like to choose who we take with us (hint, hint).

It's a bit annoying that Kaliyo who is a lesser character and worse betrayer (in my opinion) got so much more story devoted to her than Quinn who is a huge character in the swtor universe.

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It's a bit annoying that Kaliyo who is a lesser character and worse betrayer (in my opinion) got so much more story devoted to her than Quinn who is a huge character in the swtor universe.


I agree about the worse betrayer - Quinn did it once, after being heavily pressured by a Sith Lord (one who can force-choke/kill people from across the galaxy over holocomm), while Kaliyo did it for years, betraying not only the agent but the ENTIRE EMPIRE...and she did it for funsies and money.

But, in all fairness (*gag* I hate Kaliyo), they're roughly equal in terms of how "big" their character roles are - at least in the vanilla story. They're both companions, both love interests, etc. It's only in KOTFE and beyond that their roles start to outweigh one or the other. Kaliyo gets an entire chapter to her and a large role of the story dedicated to her (or Jorgan) infiltrating the relay station below the Spire. Quinn gets... "Hi, glad to see you again my lord, I love you too, bye [disappears]" :/ In that, Kaliyo's role outshines Quinn. But in the original class stories, both were about equal.

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I am surprised that the devs have remained slient in all of this the whole time, a posting this large usually get some sort of response...hell even a shout out at the next live stream would be nice, let us know they are listening....and from there hopefully doing something.


Let us keep this thread on the main page for as long as we can :D. Let our wills be known.


But still going off of my thoughts from the other day. The story on this planet is not complete and a very large percentage of the characters in this game have him as a companion if they liked him or not. So I am still going to guess there will be more. At least I will hold out hope that there will be.

Edited by Nightfrogger
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...Well, in context, it does sound better. I think it's also possible he was quite sarcastic there. "Love" still sounds weird to me. "Don't mind", "like", yeah, ok, but "love"...


...In this light, Vette's comment about Quinn in KOTET is just... :( Even more out of character, mean and hostile. He loved her teasing but she really hated him? :confused:...


I thought the KOTET comment was oddly out of character for both Companions - enough for me to go, "uh...:confused:" after seeing it. Vette was always a harmless tease and Quinn actually never needed to be threatened to be motivated other than the one time during the betrayal. I'd just assumed whoever wrote that line never actually ran the full SW story and just for some basic character info from someone at the office who'd ran the SW story one time, three years ago, and didn't remember Vette's personality, but remembered how much he hated Quinn. :p


As far as Quinn's letter good about loving Vette's friendly ribbing, when I read it, it was dripping of dry sarcasm in my head, so it made sense and felt in character to me. As in, "As much as I love her friendly ribbing..."


Anyways, that non-romance Iokath letter actually answers a question for me, "What exactly happened with Quinn's posting?" It was pretty unclear to me what actually happened at the end of the story. Was Quinn still serving Acina or the Alliance? Also, was he still bunking with Imperials on or above Iokath or did he move to Odessen. For my SW, it looks like he took the Pierce route and still technically works for the Sith Empire, but has basically been transferred to the Alliance, as there was no mention of him defecting from the Sith Empire to join the Alliance. The comment saying he'll station himself away from Vette indicates that his home is now on Odessen just as it is with Pierce, Vette and Broonmark.


Speaking of, I wonder why we can see Alliance Alert Companions around Odessen, but, other than Lana, Theron and T7, none of the other story Companions can be seen?

Edited by Edyn
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I thought the KOTET comment was oddly out of character for both Companions - enough for me to go, "uh...:confused:" after seeing it. Vette was always a harmless tease and Quinn actually never needed to be threatened to be motivated other than the one time during the betrayal. I'd just assumed whoever wrote that line never actually ran the full SW story and just for some basic character info from someone at the office who'd ran the SW story one time, three years ago, and didn't remember Vette's personality, but remembered how much he hated Quinn. :p


As far as Quinn's letter good about loving Vette's friendly ribbing, when I read it, it was dripping of dry sarcasm in my head, so it made sense and felt in character to me. As in, "As much as I love her friendly ribbing..."


Anyways, that non-romance Iokath letter actually answers a question for me, "What exactly happened with Quinn's posting?" It was pretty unclear to me what actually happened at the end of the story. Was Quinn still serving Acina or the Alliance? Also, was he still bunking with Imperials on or above Iokath or did he move to Odessen. For my SW, it looks like he took the Pierce route and still technically works for the Sith Empire, but has basically been transferred to the Alliance, as there was no mention of him defecting from the Sith Empire to join the Alliance. The comment saying he'll station himself away from Vette indicates that his home is now on Odessen just as it is with Pierce, Vette and Broonmark.


Speaking of, I wonder why we can see Alliance Alert Companions around Odessen, but, other than Lana, Theron and T7, none of the other story Companions can be seen?


Space and resources, maybe? Dunno, I'm not a computer programmer or game programmer.

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First time poster but long term lurker here :) Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, it's been refreshing to find so many people who also love my favourite companion :D I think I have terrified a few people on the bus when reading this by bursting out laughing at some of the comments, especially purple Quinn (Always read this in his voice for some reason)


Thanks so much to all those who have posted their videos, as I've not taken my main SW through yet - terrified of bugs and breaking my romance :(


I did notice on my SI who sided with the Empire that Quinn's updated bio mentions that he betrayed the Wrath, but was then forgiven by her, which I thought was a nice touch.


Anyways, sorry for the rambling message, and let's keep this on the front page :D

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I wish it was Quinn who says all the class recognition lines. I did all this work getting different classes through fe/et just to hear Acina say it. Especially disappointing on my operative, but I'll just have to imagine the kind of conversation the two of them might have had.


Didn't get the class lines, didn't get to run a mission together, didn't get to speak to him more than once on non-warriors.Getting paranoid now but did they turn their dislike of the character into dislike for the actor too? Didn't let him do much.. Sometimes, I feel like I have to work awfully hard to enjoy this game, maybe too hard :confused:

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First time poster but long term lurker here :) Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, it's been refreshing to find so many people who also love my favourite companion :D I think I have terrified a few people on the bus when reading this by bursting out laughing at some of the comments, especially purple Quinn (Always read this in his voice for some reason)


Thanks so much to all those who have posted their videos, as I've not taken my main SW through yet - terrified of bugs and breaking my romance :(


I did notice on my SI who sided with the Empire that Quinn's updated bio mentions that he betrayed the Wrath, but was then forgiven by her, which I thought was a nice touch.


Anyways, sorry for the rambling message, and let's keep this on the front page :D


Hey, hi! :D Welcome! (Yay, someone else likes purple Quinn! :D Things like that just make my whole day. XD) And speaking of Purple Quinn...

Quinn: Darth Silvasa. *respectful bow* Shall I sign the obligatory poster for you, my lord?

I'm not Silvasa, obviously, but... it's a new fangirl. New fangirls necessitate new poster-signings. So duhhhh you sign the poster, silly. :p

Quinn: *signs poster with an air of long-suffering only attained by being the beloved chew toy of fangirls worldwide* Your poster, my lord...

You were all happy a day ago.

Quinn: That was before I was back to being used as a poster-signing automaton.

Automaton? Oi. You know that bit about the Quinn-bot was a joke, yes?

Quinn: ... *shifty eyes*


Edited by Jagaimee
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As far as Quinn's letter good about loving Vette's friendly ribbing, when I read it, it was dripping of dry sarcasm in my head, so it made sense and felt in character to me. As in, "As much as I love her friendly ribbing..."


Oh, I think you are right about the sarcasm. But I like that niether letter carries any hate. They annoy each other certainly, but they don't despise each other - certainly not like Quinn and Pierce do.

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*Bows to Major Quinn and Darth Jagaimee*


Thank you both for the warm welcome :) *Places poster in office where everyone can see it when they enter* Though if Lana (or anyone else for that matter) has replaced (damaged, messed with etc.) the awesomeness that is Quinn, there will be trouble in Odessen :p


Having seen the cut scenes, I probably will be a bit disappointed, as I would have expected a bit more interaction with Quinn, though I have to say, his line when greeting a non SW is awesome, poor Elara, being accused of slobberiness :D


As I said, I'm really glad that this thread is here, it's such a nice change to read lovely things about our amazing Major.


Even though I will go Empire with my SW, I'm still way of Acina "pardoning" him - after all, I suspect it would be common knowledge he is the Wrath's hubby, so why not mention it - that would certainly have given her some brownie points, now I'm just a bit suspicious of her...

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Eh, I did not expect Quinn to inspect my mara's tonsils in the middle of that particular scene and at least for me there's something awfully appealing about his level of self control. Six years without seeing his wife and he can put up a hand so calmly like "Darling not now. We have people to kill." And they fall right back into the old paradigm of him strategising while she butchers Republic soldiers like there hasn't been those six intervening years and she was finally home. All was right in the world then.


Heh, same. But I expect once we actually get an FTB from Bioware, hoping part 2 of Iokath's story, that the female Sith War will be quite sore. lol It has been 6 years, almost 7, from HIS perspective.


I've always seen Quinn as slightly submissive/a good officer in public, but once behind closed doors, wooooooooooo, he's about as aggressive as they come. ;)


But that's my head canon. :p

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So many posts. I love this thread.


For those who wanted to see the Quinn romance lock-in if you choose to side with the republic here's a link to my video:


Eternal Quinnmancing the important Quinn bit starts at around 3:20 :D


I apologise for Lana's face trolling at the start of the video. I know nothing about editing and that's the first time I uploaded anything to You Tube, but the Quinn-cause demanded it :)


Ahh, I love you <3


1) Malcom being all, "Good luck with this, Commander." xD Thaaanks, Malcom, I know you care so much about the warrior's love life. (I'm sure he's referring to the whole fighting-the-Empire plot part, but it sounds so funny in context with Quinn's entrance.)

2) Like others, I am confused about this: Quinn is officially a prisoner, but he's allowed to walk around without a guard escort? He was like, "I'm surrendering, everyone, but I used to sleep with the commander so I'm just gonna take myself on a tour of the base. No biggie. Don't mind me, I'm totally loyal; don't bother questioning me. Boo, Empire! Go frogdogs!"


I agree that lack of security is why betrayals and things keep happening to the Outlander...


Also, this doesn't specifically pertain to this version of the video, but whenever Theron says "I almost had to stuff a sock in your mouth," I just... I find it wildly amusing. I'll leave it at that.


I remember someone said early on in this thread that they had seen the spoilers that we wouldn't be happy and since it was already written and designed it was unlikely they would undo it. I think Quinn's return was written & finished long before they knew that he had so many players that liked him. Whilst there are a few of us who regularly write in the thread there are probably hundreds who have looked in and some who have even come out of "lurkdome" to comment.


Right, this is the first thread since launch that I have ever felt compelled to comment on regularly. Because Quinn and people who care about story <3 :)


I think his mushy letter was probably their attempt to rectify the rushed reunion once they realized Quinn has actual fans. I demand a pulls-in-for-a-kiss moment next update. Totally unacceptable that he didn't take the warrior right there on that unnecessarily large console table thing. (I mean, really, what else could it be for? It's huge.)


Even though I will go Empire with my SW, I'm still way of Acina "pardoning" him - after all, I suspect it would be common knowledge he is the Wrath's hubby, so why not mention it - that would certainly have given her some brownie points, now I'm just a bit suspicious of her...


It makes me think she's shady and now I want to support the Republic because how dare Acina act like a manipulative ****** after she and the warrior bonded in the jungles of Dromund Kaas and talked about where to buy cute armor? The hell is her problem?

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I am surprised that the devs have remained slient in all of this the whole time, a posting this large usually get some sort of response...hell even a shout out at the next live stream would be nice, let us know they are listening....and from there hopefully doing something.

Either they are trying to pretend this thread isn't happening as they've got nothing planned OR they have something so awesome planned that if they even hinted about it the world's Quinnmancers' would simultaneously swoon causing a natural disaster of mass proportions and they can't risk it so are keeping quiet :D. I hope for the latter but suspect the former.


though I have to say, his line when greeting a non SW is awesome, poor Elara, being accused of slobberiness :D
Agreed that line is superb - much better than the "potent" one.



It will be a real kick in the face to all Quinnmancers if the non-romanceables (Theran Cedrax/Zenith/Khem Val/Lord Scourge) return in a better way than Quinn. It will be unsub city for me.

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*Bows to Major Quinn and Darth Jagaimee*


Thank you both for the warm welcome :) *Places poster in office where everyone can see it when they enter* Though if Lana (or anyone else for that matter) has replaced (damaged, messed with etc.) the awesomeness that is Quinn, there will be trouble in Odessen :p


Having seen the cut scenes, I probably will be a bit disappointed, as I would have expected a bit more interaction with Quinn, though I have to say, his line when greeting a non SW is awesome, poor Elara, being accused of slobberiness :D


As I said, I'm really glad that this thread is here, it's such a nice change to read lovely things about our amazing Major.


Even though I will go Empire with my SW, I'm still way of Acina "pardoning" him - after all, I suspect it would be common knowledge he is the Wrath's hubby, so why not mention it - that would certainly have given her some brownie points, now I'm just a bit suspicious of her...


Yup. This is what annoys me sooooooooooo much about the NPCs, Lana and Theron. You know damn good and well, there is a file or record or SOMETHING containing your personnel file (except MAYBE the Agent) and everyone acts like you know your old companion/spouse, but they're not really you're spouse.


Like when you meet Jorgan, Theron off-handedly mentions we're meeting up with SOMEONE from our old Havoc outfit. Your character is sitting there thinking, well who? Vik? Dorne? Jorgan? Doesn't mention you're husband is waiting for you, doesn't mention who it is, just leaves your character ticking off old companions you had. THEN you meet Jorgan and no one, except Jorgan, mentions that you're his wife or 'tada! your husband!'


Just 'oh, you two have HISTORY together'


*cusses like a sailor* Theron....Lana....you have my FILE, you know damn good and well who Jorgan is to my character! Her husband!!! Stop with the 'HISTORY' crap. *continues to cuss like a sailor*


As I said, I could CONCEIVABLY understand if it's our agent meeting up with Vector again because at the time, they didn't want to make it known to everyone because of her job...but everyone else????


Jorgan mentions that the Republic knew about their marriage. I'm sure Torian and the BH uploaded it into the computer, or at least the Mandalorians would know, (Shae Vizla had no idea, just 'oh you two know each other, good'. :rolleyes:


I can understand Kaliyo cause same, Agent, hush hush. But QUINN and the SITH WARRIOR?? Quinn even sends you a letter saying that some official person sent you and him credits as a 'congrats, guys!'


So why would Theron, a past spy for the SIS and Lana who was in charge of Sith INTELLIGENCE, act like whenever we meet a spouse, it's a surprise for everyone involved?????


AND, aside from Quinn, cause he's in prison and was worried you wouldn't want him anymore, NOT try to reach out to you when you kicked Arcann's ***, kicked Vaylin's ***, kicked Valkorian/Vitiate's *** AND made an announcement saying you're now the new Peacekeeper/Dictator of the galaxy????


I would think Corso would be on the first flight to you. Maybe even Doc. Iresso probably too. Nadia, Kira, Ashara, Jaesa they're force users so they knew you were alive. Just argflufflecakes!

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Spoilers if you romanced Torian on your bounty hunter:


It just occurred to me that after the lack lustre romance return of Torian, they added in a little extra for him. In the KOTET chapter "Where Dreams Die" there is a part where if you romanced Torian you get to have a little romantic scene with him that's actually better than the initial reunion. Surely the devs can give us something similar for Quinn? Pretty please?


P.S. Please fix the new Malavai stronghold decoration. The new one is a big disappointment (bug report submitted as it can't be intended).

Edited by Sarova
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I'm sure Torian and the BH uploaded it into the computer, or at least the Mandalorians would know, (Shae Vizla had no idea, just 'oh you two know each other, good'. :rolleyes:




Iresso probably too.


1) Torian's post-reunion letter even says that he had spoken to Shae Vizla about the BH. I suppose it's possible he didn't mention a name or anything distinctive, but... :rolleyes:

2) Iresso claimed to be watching the consular's holofrequency! She's making calls all over the place and, what, using a different holofrequency without considering that he might still be checking the original one? It makes sense to use a different one, but Theron or Lana can't figure out how to get a signal to Iresso? Pleeease. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Spoilers if you romanced Torian on your bounty hunter:


It just occurred to me that after the lack lustre romance return of Torian, they added in a little extra for him. In the KOTET chapter "Where Dreams Die" there is a part where if you romanced Torian you get to have a little romantic scene with him that's actually better than the initial reunion.


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2) Like others, I am confused about this: Quinn is officially a prisoner, but he's allowed to walk around without a guard escort? He was like, "I'm surrendering, everyone, but I used to sleep with the commander so I'm just gonna take myself on a tour of the base. No biggie. Don't mind me, I'm totally loyal; don't bother questioning me. Boo, Empire! Go frogdogs!"


It makes me think she's shady and now I want to support the Republic because how dare Acina act like a manipulative ****** after she and the warrior bonded in the jungles of Dromund Kaas and talked about where to buy cute armor? The hell is her problem?


I....now have an urge to take over Odessen with an army of frogdogs! :D


Oh absolutely, personally, I think Acina wanted Quinn for herself, he's a much better confidante than Lorman :p (She refused to tell me where she got her armour, another reason for me to distrust her :D)


Either they are trying to pretend this thread isn't happening as they've got nothing planned OR they have something so awesome planned that if they even hinted about it the world's Quinnmancers' would simultaneously swoon causing a natural disaster of mass proportions and they can't risk it so are keeping quiet :D. I hope for the latter but suspect the former.


Agreed that line is superb - much better than the "potent" one.



It will be a real kick in the face to all Quinnmancers if the non-romanceables (Theran Cedrax/Zenith/Khem Val/Lord Scourge) return in a better way than Quinn. It will be unsub city for me.


I'm really hoping it's option 2, but as you say, it's more likely option 1... :( I'd like Khem to have a good return, though I'm really not expecting to see him soon, sadly, given the choices you can make, same as Jaesa...


Yup. This is what annoys me sooooooooooo much about the NPCs, Lana and Theron. You know damn good and well, there is a file or record or SOMETHING containing your personnel file (except MAYBE the Agent) and everyone acts like you know your old companion/spouse, but they're not really you're spouse.


Like when you meet Jorgan, Theron off-handedly mentions we're meeting up with SOMEONE from our old Havoc outfit. Your character is sitting there thinking, well who? Vik? Dorne? Jorgan? Doesn't mention you're husband is waiting for you, doesn't mention who it is, just leaves your character ticking off old companions you had. THEN you meet Jorgan and no one, except Jorgan, mentions that you're his wife or 'tada! your husband!'


Just 'oh, you two have HISTORY together'


*cusses like a sailor* Theron....Lana....you have my FILE, you know damn good and well who Jorgan is to my character! Her husband!!! Stop with the 'HISTORY' crap. *continues to cuss like a sailor*


I can understand Kaliyo cause same, Agent, hush hush. But QUINN and the SITH WARRIOR?? Quinn even sends you a letter saying that some official person sent you and him credits as a 'congrats, guys!'


So why would Theron, a past spy for the SIS and Lana who was in charge of Sith INTELLIGENCE, act like whenever we meet a spouse, it's a surprise for everyone involved?????


Exactly, both Lana and Theron are both a bit - "Oh, I forgot to mention that we're meeting your husband / wife", as if it's no big deal :(

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I am surprised that the devs have remained slient in all of this the whole time, a posting this large usually get some sort of response...hell even a shout out at the next live stream would be nice, let us know they are listening....and from there hopefully doing something.


Let us keep this thread on the main page for as long as we can :D. Let our wills be known.


Oh, they are aware. They just don't like the fact that MANY people like/love Quinn. They still cling to their delusions.


As far as Quinn's letter good about loving Vette's friendly ribbing, when I read it, it was dripping of dry sarcasm in my head, so it made sense and felt in character to me. As in, "As much as I love her friendly ribbing..."

That would make sense, yes.


First time poster but long term lurker here :) Just wanted to say thank you for this thread, it's been refreshing to find so many people who also love my favourite companion :D

Hi there! I'm so happy more and more people join us. :)


Even though I will go Empire with my SW, I'm still way of Acina "pardoning" him - after all, I suspect it would be common knowledge he is the Wrath's hubby, so why not mention it - that would certainly have given her some brownie points, now I'm just a bit suspicious of her...

I have a theory that Acina didn't tell the Warrior about Quinn because Quinn didn't want it. He said he was afraid to approach you and Acina must have been like "It's his business, not mine."


2) Like others, I am confused about this: Quinn is officially a prisoner, but he's allowed to walk around without a guard escort? He was like, "I'm surrendering, everyone, but I used to sleep with the commander so I'm just gonna take myself on a tour of the base. No biggie. Don't mind me, I'm totally loyal; don't bother questioning me. Boo, Empire! Go frogdogs!"


I think his mushy letter was probably their attempt to rectify the rushed reunion once they realized Quinn has actual fans. I demand a pulls-in-for-a-kiss moment next update. Totally unacceptable that he didn't take the warrior right there on that unnecessarily large console table thing. (I mean, really, what else could it be for? It's huge.)

LOOOL :D Quinn is so b.adass he can go wherever he want, and do whatever and whenever he want. :p

Edited by Dylinrae
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I....now have an urge to take over Odessen with an army of frogdogs! :D

LOOOL :D Quinn is so b.adass he can go wherever he want, and do whatever and whenever he want. :p

It's settled. Whenever I get Quinn back, he's going to sport a frogdogs jersey.

Hashtag awkward Imperial photoshoots // hashtag "You can trust me, guys! Honest!" // hashtag "Would these hot pants lie to you?"

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