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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I legit rolled a female Jugg last night just to redo the Quinn romance and I'm probably gonna dl Fraps so I can rewatch it.


Also made a thing that I want on a shirt now yes I have a Quinn problem.




It's not the same watching it on youtube, it's like "Who is that woman?!":wea_03:




Just got him on my inq, too weird :D

Edited by grania
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Malavai Quinn Puppyface. I can't take it - it's too hilarious!


It's totally crazy! :D

I was about to suggest to make a meme with this face. I can't think of a good one at the moment but maybe you all do. :D

This is absolutely a meme face.

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When you side with the Republic, even though you get rekindle your romance with Quinn it seems you DON'T get a letter from him :mad: Well I didn't get one, but I did on my other Warrior who sided with the Empire. Does anyone know if this is intended?
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When you side with the Republic, even though you get rekindle your romance with Quinn it seems you DON'T get a letter from him :mad: Well I didn't get one, but I did on my other Warrior who sided with the Empire. Does anyone know if this is intended?


No idea, sorry Sarova. I have a lot of questions too that no one seems to have answers for

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I legit rolled a female Jugg last night just to redo the Quinn romance and I'm probably gonna dl Fraps so I can rewatch it.


Also made a thing that I want on a shirt now yes I have a Quinn problem.




Cool, I want a T-shirt like this. :cool:

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Just finished Iokath on my super light sided warrior who is married to Quinn and I highly recommend it. You get much more screen time/talk from Quinn. My only thoughts after completing are

if you do take the light side option and align with the republic, I can't see how they will include Quinn in future stories unless they make him the warrior Empress 's Consort. He was an alliance prisoner and you do get to pardon him, however it seems unlikely that he will retain his rank or be given a position in the alliance since he put Acina's orders over and above his wife (thus betraying her again) right up until Acina starts to take control of the weapon.

In addition at this point even though he sided with his wife, instead of staying and fighting at his wife's side, Quinn runs off - where the hell did he go? He's not the running off type especially after his letter at the start of KOTFE where he wishes he'd remained at the warriors side


Now to do my super-dark warrior! Theron is not going to be happy /evil.


EDIT: our thread has issues! Not only did it slip to the second page, out star rating has gone from 5 to 4 :eek: I'm guessing that troll from earlier is responsible


Well, technically siding with the empire isn't a dark-side choice. You don't get points for it. You could actually argue that it is the light-side choice as you honour the relationship you had with an ally, that came to your aid when no one else did. Then there is the fact that members of the Republic tried to have you assassinated.


Other than that it really bugged me it wasn't repeatable. I was going to do my first run siding with the empire and right after that restart the chapter and take the other option. Instant sadness, when I found that out - and again when Quinn rejected me at first. A kiss would have been out of character for him, but the warrior could have embraced him suddenly - like the trooper does Jorgan.

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Well, technically siding with the empire isn't a dark-side choice. You don't get points for it. You could actually argue that it is the light-side choice as you honour the relationship you had with an ally, that came to your aid when no one else did. Then there is the fact that members of the Republic tried to have you assassinated.


Yes, both factions have good and bad people. I really enjoy this aspect of the game, showing life is not black and white. Not all Imperials are cruel or bloodthirsty, and not all Republic people are nice or support freedom.


My personal favorites are Major Bessiker and Major Ilun on Balmorra in the Inquisitor story. If you help Bessiker's son, they give you a farewell gift at the end of the questline. That caught me off guard and loved how nice they were. I wish I could hang out with them more. :D (although you meet again with Ilun later)

Oh, and Talos Drellik is a perfect example too. :)

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Well, technically siding with the empire isn't a dark-side choice. You don't get points for it. You could actually argue that it is the light-side choice as you honour the relationship you had with an ally, that came to your aid when no one else did. Then there is the fact that members of the Republic tried to have you assassinated.

I actually thought I had deleted that bit (about light side choice but failed) - edited now.


Over an hour now and no letter from Malavai on my warrior who sided with the republic. From now on I'm afraid Theron will have to suffer so I get my letter!

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EDIT: our thread has issues! Not only did it slip to the second page, out star rating has gone from 5 to 4 :eek: I'm guessing that troll from earlier is responsible


It's probably the haters trying to mess with our fun. Anyone who can vote, please vote it up to 5 again. :)

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It's probably the haters trying to mess with our fun. Anyone who can vote, please vote it up to 5 again. :)


I threw five stars your way ladies (and gents). You guys have one of the few fun and positive threads going. Kudos.

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5+ years here and I have no clue how to give a thread stars :o


This is the only thread I've ever rated :o


I threw five stars your way ladies (and gents). You guys have one of the few fun and positive threads going. Kudos.


That was nice of you, thanks :)


Over an hour now and no letter from Malavai on my warrior who sided with the republic. From now on I'm afraid Theron will have to suffer so I get my letter!


Still nothing? What could it mean? Is it on purpose or was it an oversight? I'm riddled with questions..

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Still nothing? What could it mean? Is it on purpose or was it an oversight? I'm riddled with questions..

Absolutely nothing in the mail for my warrior who sided with the republic. I didn't have any recording malarky when I took my first warrior through Iokath & sided with the empire however I got bandicam for the second one - I just compared this with someone who took the Empire side on youtube. Quinn's & the warrior's dialogue at the end is different if you side with republic. It also

makes me very concerned that they are planning something awful like making different people the traitor, meaning they can make Quinn your traitor if you sided with the republic, even though Theron says in a letter that he is innocent. Since they've done a lot of things to Quinn that have pissed off us Quinn lovers I would not put it past them

My terrible conspiracy theories aside, getting a letter if you take the Empire's side is probably BW's way of making up for the lack of on-screen Quinn time when you side with them, as you see/hear a lot more of Quinn if you side with the Republic.


...it's a sect...

I missed this earlier. So we are a Sect now. Should we be flattered or insulted? Order of the Quinnmancers? The Temple of Quinn? :D

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Ooh that's a good one too!


Quinnmancers United? This is fun lol.:p


:D Quinnmancers United - nice! XD


Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancer Order! ...though that's a mouthful. Hmm... Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancers? Quinnmancer Alliance? Throne of Eternal Quinnmancing...no, wait, that just sounds wrong. Very wrong. O_O The--

Quinn: "The Fangirl Army."


Quinn: Isn't that what you've already been calling yourselves? Despite the obvious fallacy, since you are not all female.

Well, yeah, but we're trying to come up with the OFFICIAL name.

Quinn: The OFFICIAL na--wait, why was that in capital letters?

Because it's OFFICIAL. You just can't say it in lowercase. Here, I'll try: oFFICIAL. Nope, can't.

Quinn: ......that is...truly bizarre. Sir.

But it's fun. And that's what matters. :D

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:D Quinnmancers United - nice! XD


Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancer Order! ...though that's a mouthful. Hmm... Knights of the Eternal Quinnmancers? Quinnmancer Alliance? Throne of Eternal Quinnmancing...no, wait, that just sounds wrong. Very wrong. O_O The--

Quinn: "The Fangirl Army."


Quinn: Isn't that what you've already been calling yourselves? Despite the obvious fallacy, since you are not all female.

Well, yeah, but we're trying to come up with the OFFICIAL name.

Quinn: The OFFICIAL na--wait, why was that in capital letters?

Because it's OFFICIAL. You just can't say it in lowercase. Here, I'll try: oFFICIAL. Nope, can't.

Quinn: ......that is...truly bizarre. Sir.

But it's fun. And that's what matters. :D



I do love purple Quinn <3 Wait, wait, what about this one, Quinnmancy--and practitioners of Quinnmancy are Quinnmancers...you know like Necromancers, except without all the yucky death stuff. :D

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