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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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What's a good (free) recording program? I only have one very clunky screenshot program... I did manage to get a nice overview of the Gravestone, my character (a Jedi Knight), and his ship in the background, though. It looks like a postcard. "Aloha from Odessen. As it turns out, being gutted with a lightsaber is in fact survivable. Am recovering well. Mostly. Still have immortal ghost in brain. Wish you were here, Kira. Love, your incredibly worried husband (call me - please!)"


:D I like Eternal Husband.

But...boy are those others a mouthful. That even beats "[twenty-letter name] [legacy name], Grand Champion of the Great Hunt"! XD But for Quinn, 'tis worth it.

Quinn: Do you know how many people would call for my resignation/death if my nameplate whacked them in the head if they moved anywhere within a twenty-foot radius?

The fangirl army would protect you.

Quinn: And...how would that do that if *they* cannot get near me?

They'd form a very wide circle around you, lightsabers drawn and lit.

Quinn: ...facing outwards, yes?

Yes, duh.


Yes for customizations!!

...we are never going to let - who was it that said that? - him forget that, are we? :p


Noooo no no no, fire the person who put together the ME:A sex scene! :eek: This is a T-rated game!

Quinn: This is another "meta" thing, isn't it... "T-rated"?

Let's put it this way: do you want thirteen-year-olds seeing you and your wife...um...*cough* Being...um...you know...

Quinn: I'm not sure I--*GASP* :eek:

Now he gets it.

Quinn: *turns very dark red just thinking about it*


Quinn: *meticulously removes every brown M&M from the candy bowl*

Service with a smile, Quinn. You forgot the smile.

Quinn: *sigh* ...... :)




So that's why six is afraid of seven...


On that note - *pumps lightsaber like a shotgun* We've got a Lana to hold hostage. :cool:

...hey, in LEGO Lord of the Rings, Gimli c.ocks his ax like a shotgun, so why not a lightsaber?


Hmm, all I did was google for FRAPS, free version, and there are quite a few. I'd give you the link I took but I did it so long ago, that I no longer remember where exactly I got it from, but it does the job. There are other programs, but I'm not familiar with them.


Malavai Quinn, Eternal Husband...works for me :D And we won't hit anyone with our titles when we spin around. :D

Totally never going to let Ben live that Malavee thing down. Ever. ;)


Teen rated...that it is. But you know what I want? ADULT Star Wars. Mature Star Wars would be awesome.


Thanks for removing those pesky brown candies. :D So eight is innocent, it was really seven. Dang, I knew that sounded off somehow lol.


No no no, it's seven ate nine. Poor eight just got caught in the middle and is totally innocent. :D


I agree with most of this manifesto! Implement it, BW! I'd want more than just Teverson's voice though...love my Scourge and Vector too much.


And I'll take the brown M&M's if you don't want them.

Gah, I knew something was off. Guess I'm getting senile lol. Sorry eight. :D


I agree, I do want Scourge and Vector back too. Teverson can do all the others though :D


*passes you brown M&Ms* There you go. :D All yours...unless purple Malavai ate them :D



I find it hard sometimes to communicate that I want certain things in a game without coming across as a complete dick. This has been a problem since my big brother and I played Duck Hunt and couldn't figure out why the Nintendo zapper was jacked up and couldn't aim for ****.


By nature, I'm a very direct, sarcastic and cynical person... so, every time I communicate feedback in regards to a game I'm actually passionate about, I wonder if whoever makes the decisions in regards to the game/story/characters/concept will even take me seriously. This post somehow found in me that middle ground between die-hard story immersion player and basic game enthusiast that I actually have some hope that the developers will take it to heart.


I'm kind of the same way, I usually have to be very careful where I'm pointing my sarcasm. :D My problem though is a bit opposite, when I say them, I try to be 'good natured' about it, so I don't jab anyone with my passionate attitude and it comes off like a joke. I'm not kidding. Lana really will get it, if these demands aren't met lol. I hope the devs listen and give us some of these things. I'm willing to concede on points 5 and 7. :D

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I figured this meant "sorry I returned to the Empire instead of immediately going to your awesome alliance and sparing you the company of more Lana and Theron nonsense; I realize that was silly of me."




I thought the whole [Kiss] option was kind of oddly implemented (in that we select [Kiss] but the warrior doesn't really... make any motion like she's going for it?), but Quinn's somewhat heartbreaking "Oh she's actually happy to see me? Oh, no, don't touch me in front of these people, I will probably sob and then rip your clothes off" facial expression made it worth it, I guess. I think hearing him say how many years/months/weeks it's been was better, though.



And I can't help but feel kind of bad for Elara. I mean, talk about awkward. I wonder what she and Quinn talked about while waiting for the warrior to arrive? Or did Lana have them in separate corners and tell them not to speak?


and what the crap, Lana, "I captured these assassins" -- Why couldn't the warrior say, "Idiot, that's my husband." :confused:


And my final thought (for the moment) is... Why "Quinn? Is that you?" and not "Malavai?" Lol come on, BW. It's the little things. :rolleyes:


I actually really liked the Theron content in this chapter so yeah XD


I don't know why it couldn't have just been a normal flirty comment. Oh well. BW gonna BW.


Agreed about Lana tho. I mean really she's supposed to be head of Sith Intelligence and she didn't know what the SW's husband looked like? Come on.

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From what we know to get Quinn on a SW who sides with the Republic they must be female and have romanced him during the main story. Your male warrior is out of luck. But otherwise if the conditions are met at the end of the story you would have both both Elara and Malavai.


Thank you! While that's a shame, it's good to know. Now I need to decide if I want to side with Empire or Republic for my Light Side Warrior. Decisions.

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Just out of curiosity, does a romanced Lana say anything about Quinn's return, similar to Theron's one line of acknowledgment? I saw she makes a comment about the trooper and Elara ("the sharpest knives hide behind friendly faces") but I don't know if it was necessarily Romanced!Lana-related. Curious because Elara had a reply to it and I'm wondering if Quinn would as well.
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Thank you! While that's a shame, it's good to know. Now I need to decide if I want to side with Empire or Republic for my Light Side Warrior. Decisions.


It's a hard choice! I ended up going Republic with my Knight since you get more Quinn time when you side with the Republic, and my guy is romancing Theron who I think will be happier that way. It was hard! Jace comes across as a jerk while Acina is great. I did get a fun option to flirt with Jace in front of Theron :eek: Theron was all like "You've GOT to be kidding me!"

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Thank you! While that's a shame, it's good to know. Now I need to decide if I want to side with Empire or Republic for my Light Side Warrior. Decisions.


My lady warrior who did not romance Quinn still got him back through a cutscene after allying with the republic. I am pretty sure you just have to be a sith warrior if siding republic.

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Just out of curiosity, does a romanced Lana say anything about Quinn's return, similar to Theron's one line of acknowledgment? I saw she makes a comment about the trooper and Elara ("the sharpest knives hide behind friendly faces") but I don't know if it was necessarily Romanced!Lana-related. Curious because Elara had a reply to it and I'm wondering if Quinn would as well.


I think the Lana line is not romanced related. I saw her say it in response to any trooper who greets Elara. I think that's the game's acknowledgment that Lana would know who Elara is if the Outlander is a Trooper.

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My lady warrior who did not romance Quinn still got him back through a cutscene after allying with the republic. I am pretty sure you just have to be a sith warrior if siding republic.


Not that I have this dilemma personally, but now I'm curious if it's same for the opposite: do you get Elara even if your trooper goes Imperial?


Agreed about Lana tho. I mean really she's supposed to be head of Sith Intelligence and she didn't know what the SW's husband looked like? Come on.


Not even that. He was there with your on Manaan/Rishi/Yavin 4. She HAD to see him around you at one point at least.

My warrior dragged him everywhere with her, so both Theron and Beniko would have to have really poor memories not to know who he was.


Lana's "welcome" should be: "Look whom I found here!" and point at Malavai. She'd score soooo many points with my warrior then.


That said, the guy in that room looked nothing like my Malavai, so she has an excuse (yeah, still not over the customisation not working in this story :( ).

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I think the Lana line is not romanced related. I saw her say it in response to any trooper who greets Elara. I think that's the game's acknowledgment that Lana would know who Elara is if the Outlander is a Trooper.


So strange that she doesn't acknowledge knowing Quinn if the Outlander is a Warrior. Regardless~ she has no right to be so sassy about former companions. Not her place. :p


Not that I have this dilemma personally, but now I'm curious if it's same for the opposite: do you get Elara even if your trooper goes Imperial?


I have heard that's a firm no. She won't tolerate a trooper siding with the Empire (or killing Jorgan or blowing people up in KOTFE), even if they were romantically involved.

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I have heard that's a firm no. She won't tolerate a trooper siding with the Empire (or killing Jorgan or blowing people up in KOTFE), even if they were romantically involved.


That makes sense. She defected, so why would she return.


Now I wonder if Quinn has a difference so that even those warriors who chose to side with the Pubs can still kill him.

Yeah, I'm that paranoid. LOL

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That makes sense. She defected, so why would she return.


Now I wonder if Quinn has a difference so that even those warriors who chose to side with the Pubs can still kill him.

Yeah, I'm that paranoid. LOL


I think he's fair game for all warriors to kill. So we have to snuggle and love our alive!Quinns enough to make up for that.


... even though he has a great death scene. I feel bad for admitting that, but I watched it a few times. It's so cold blooded.

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Cant wait to see if they remembered to add special dialog for those who...


...forced Quinn into relationship anyway against his will (yes you can do that) after refusing marriage.


He didnt remember my relationship with him :( dissapointed. That was one of the coolest relationship options in original stories (and nastiest). QQ

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That makes sense. She defected, so why would she return.


Now I wonder if Quinn has a difference so that even those warriors who chose to side with the Pubs can still kill him.

Yeah, I'm that paranoid. LOL


I have seen a video where a male Warrior sided with the Republic, and Quinn fled after Acina ordered him to. So that means not everyone gets him.


He was there with your on Manaan/Rishi/Yavin 4. She HAD to see him around you at one point at least.My warrior dragged him everywhere with her, so both Theron and Beniko would have to have really poor memories not to know who he was.


Lana's "welcome" should be: "Look whom I found here!" and point at Malavai. She'd score soooo many points with my warrior then.

Now that you mention it, it is really stupid. They didn't think too much when writing the story...


I figured this meant "sorry I returned to the Empire instead of immediately going to your awesome alliance and sparing you the company of more Lana and Theron nonsense; I realize that was silly of me."

Haha, yes. But I wouldn't call the Alliance awesome. :p


I thought the whole [Kiss] option was kind of oddly implemented (in that we select [Kiss] but the warrior doesn't really... make any motion like she's going for it?), but Quinn's somewhat heartbreaking "Oh she's actually happy to see me? Oh, no, don't touch me in front of these people, I will probably sob and then rip your clothes off" facial expression made it worth it, I guess. I think hearing him say how many years/months/weeks it's been was better, though.

That could have been the reason, yes! :D



And I can't help but feel kind of bad for Elara. I mean, talk about awkward. I wonder what she and Quinn talked about while waiting for the warrior to arrive? Or did Lana have them in separate corners and tell them not to speak?

They were cold toward each other, but they were surprisingly civil despite the situation. I like the separate corners idea, I can imagine them having eye contact from time to time, muttering swear words under their breath while doing so. :D


and what the crap, Lana, "I captured these assassins" -- Why couldn't the warrior say, "Idiot, that's my husband." :confused:



And my final thought (for the moment) is... Why "Quinn? Is that you?" and not "Malavai?" Lol come on, BW. It's the little things. :rolleyes:

For starters, the question itself was odd for me. Is that you? No, I'm an Ewok.

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As I have time this week I'm going to start going through Iokath on my other classes, and collect all my new Quinns. It's disappointing that they won't have much conversation with him, but I've decided I still need to do it. And they don't have originals to trade in for borken ones, so no problem.


My pubs are going to be tricky though, I still feel weird about subjecting Quinn to the Republic :o I can kill Dorne on my trooper though, yes? Is this true? People don't talk about the Dorne stuff much. Not that I care to read about it in this thread but I'm looking all over the forums and can't find much.

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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.



1. YES! /signed

2. 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul', or 'Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance' - love these! :D

3.The forum already has my opinion. Give statue!

8. They only have to look through this thread to realise how much money they would make!



On my super light side warrior Malavai is her husband. If I side with the republic will I still get to continue the romance with Malavai? Will I get the romance cut scene? I've just stopped the chapter because I couldn't find an answer to this via Google. Hoping someone here will know.

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I picked him up on my agent (his bro) and my inq (his cousin) on the day of the patch. Then I stuffed him with gifts to influence 50. Been hoarding those gifts for months now LOL


Still don't have enough looking at my Quinn Brothers together :D





A tour on Odessen :D



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On my super light side warrior Malavai is her husband. If I side with the republic will I still get to continue the romance with Malavai? Will I get the romance cut scene? I've just stopped the chapter because I couldn't find an answer to this via Google. Hoping someone here will know.


Yes. My friend sided with the Pub, and still got him to kiss at the end. I watched the video.

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Malavai Quinn Puppyface. I can't take it - it's too hilarious!


Quinn: I--what--what is that sound!?

The sound of dozens of fangirls simultaneously laughing/squee'ing/going "AWWWWWWWWWWW THE WOOBIE HUG THE WOOBIE AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"

Quinn: ...furthermore, what is that face? That is...entirely undignified for--

*fangirl stampede straight towards him*

Quinn: Oh no--*is promptly buried beneath the fangirl army, all desperate for hugs* I CAN'T--BREATHE--

A minor issue. :D


That face is...yeah. Adorable and hilarious. I think that's the visual definition of Narm Charm.

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Just finished Iokath on my super light sided warrior who is married to Quinn and I highly recommend it. You get much more screen time/talk from Quinn. My only thoughts after completing are

if you align with the republic, I can't see how they will include Quinn in future stories unless they make him the warrior Empress 's Consort. He was an alliance prisoner and you do get to pardon him, however it seems unlikely that he will retain his rank or be given a position in the alliance since he put Acina's orders over and above his wife (thus betraying her again) right up until Acina starts to take control of the weapon.

In addition at this point even though he sided with his wife, instead of staying and fighting at his wife's side, Quinn runs off - where the hell did he go? He's not the running off type especially after his letter at the start of KOTFE where he wishes he'd remained at the warriors side


Now to do my super-dark warrior! Theron is not going to be happy /evil.


EDIT: our thread has issues! Not only did it slip to the second page, out star rating has gone from 5 to 4 :eek: I'm guessing that troll from earlier is responsible

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