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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I am guessing it will either be patched in, or they will have more for us in future updates, as they said earlier there is more story to be had with iokath and I would not be surprised if we get more Quinn stuffs :) Well at least I hope there is more Quinn stuffs Edited by Nightfrogger
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...I'm so happy with finally having my beloved Quinn back! I mean, I'm not that thrilled with the whole 'name shortening thingie', but... I'm pretty happy with everything else.

Yeah, I really don't understand why they truncated his name. In Companions and Contacts, it still says, "Malavai Quinn." When you have him targeted, the UI says, "Quinn - level 70 Malavai Quinn," and when he speaks, the chat box text switches from Quinn to Malavai Quinn for no apparent reason. I can only assume his name is displayed as Quinn because it's a bug, as I see no rhyme or reason to ditch his first name... unless his first name is never used when he returns and he's called Quinn to appease all the other classes who would want to know who "Malavai" is. /shrug

Edited by Edyn
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Spoiler image for those who haven't played 5.2 yet.




Since I'm here I have a question, or rather a small concern. I continued my romance with Quinn, but my romance with Lana didn't end. Do I need to do the quests leading up to the operation?


I doubt it, probably just an oopsie on BW's part. I'm trying to get through it with a romanced Theron atm but it's taking awhile because rl. It's my intention to break it off with him (Theron) so I'll post if I figure something out




Still not through it but I'm not very pleased my character just said "I love you" to Theron without any input from me. I didn't say it at the end of kotet so why would she suddenly say it now. Gah it's like the doomsayers were right all along. What gives BW?

Edited by grania
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1- quinn fisrt lied to the main character licking him for being in good position in his team.


2- then he tried to be THE traitor but failed because he's to weak.


3- then he licked all he could to stay alive


4- then he continued to lick and put the one he tried to kill as the top person of his life. "i was so wrong, my new master"




5- then he died like a dog by the hand of the character.


or surely he continues to lick and lick saying his master is more able to be a better emperor than acina, last person he licked so hard these years...


As others have said, this is the like/love Quinn thread, so I think you may be lost.


Secondly, maybe I'm wrong, who knows, I've got 5+ Sith Warriors on my main server and spread out between most servers since I really enjoy the romance with Quinn.


Now, Quinn betrayed you ONE time. He didn't do it every second of every day. He did it once because Baras told him to or threatened him or whatever Baras did or said to make Quinn do it. You kick his ***, forgive him or fling him around, whichever you choose, but he said and I believe him that he would NEVER betray you again as long as he lived.


So when Lana and Theron asked me, after I rekindled my marriage with him (not sure why I have to do this since **I** never broke it off by cheating with Lana, Theron or Koth) I told them I trusted him and on my trooper I trusted Dorne. And wouldn't you know it, I get a letter from Theron or Lana (can't remember which one) that neither of them were responsible for frying my *** in my third or fourth throne.


He's NOT weak, but he's a normal man in a sea of powerful force users and he'd prefer not to die on the whim of some crazy *** sith because he was respectful or whatever.


So, please, take your hate and trolling, to the hate thread and please leave us alone. Thankyouverymuchgoaway.

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I am guessing it will either be patched in, or they will have more for us in future updates, as they said earlier there is more story to be had with iokath and I would not be surprised if we get more Quinn stuffs :) Well at least I hope there is more Quinn stuffs


There better be more Quinn stuffs, or I'll stop plopping down $99.99 on 14500 coins every month when a new pack comes out.

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I think I can admit it here and no one will laugh...I have rewatched the whole dialog on youtube more times then I should probably care to admit....just got to hear that voice lol


I've done this reunion twice now and I'm very unlikely to do it again because now I have two crummy broken Quorpses, so I may be right there with you just listening to it :)


There was no more Theron/Quinn cross dialogue, though they did make my character say I love you to Theron against my will and gave me no way to break up with him. Closest I could get was accusing him of being the traitor.


I went to the Odessen base to see if any "break up with Theron" mission popped up but nothing did. And it occurred to me to look for Quinn in the base but I couldn't find him. I'm sorry to say it but this was shoddy.

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I think I can admit it here and no one will laugh...I have rewatched the whole dialog on youtube more times then I should probably care to admit....just got to hear that voice lol


I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


10) Hire Richard Teverson for ALL the voices. Like you did with Steve Blum. <.<


Comply with the following list or Blondie gets it!! *C.ocks pistol*

Edited by Lunafox
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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


10) Hire Richard Teverson for ALL the voices. Like you did with Steve Blum. <.<


Comply with the following list or Blondie gets it!! C.ocks pistol*


I think I love you. lol


See, I don't mind Lana and Theron. If one's around, the other has to be too or it's just wrong like putting mustard into icecream.


But if I'm going to get a husband/wife companion back, I expect some more dialogue, kissing, and cuddles then what we usually get. BIOWARE, we want our cuddles!!!

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I think I love you. lol


See, I don't mind Lana and Theron. If one's around, the other has to be too or it's just wrong like putting mustard into icecream.


But if I'm going to get a husband/wife companion back, I expect some more dialogue, kissing, and cuddles then what we usually get. BIOWARE, we want our cuddles!!!


<3 He hee, glad you approve. A demand list is only as good as the army behind it. :D


I don't mind Theron, I love Theron on all my other toons. I don't even hate Lana, just sick of her...and the devs seem to adore her, so she seemed a logical choice for hostage. :D



I second the notion, here here!
Thank you thank you! :D
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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


10) Hire Richard Teverson for ALL the voices. Like you did with Steve Blum. <.<


Comply with the following list or Blondie gets it!! *C.ocks pistol*


::looks over shoulder:: You two might want to read this.


Nat: What...? Oh I see yes, well you have your work cut, now don't you.


Quinn: Indeed my lord. I have to agree. You can do something about the special loving companion dialogue I imagine.


Me: I'll try.


Yoda: Do or do not there is no try


Nat: ::facepalms:: wrong story....


Tara: Well I should shock them don't you think?


Nat: Considering who your father is, yes, yes you would.


Quinn: ::looks uncertain::


Me: Oh boy....



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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


What's a good (free) recording program? I only have one very clunky screenshot program... I did manage to get a nice overview of the Gravestone, my character (a Jedi Knight), and his ship in the background, though. It looks like a postcard. "Aloha from Odessen. As it turns out, being gutted with a lightsaber is in fact survivable. Am recovering well. Mostly. Still have immortal ghost in brain. Wish you were here, Kira. Love, your incredibly worried husband (call me - please!)"


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


:D I like Eternal Husband.

But...boy are those others a mouthful. That even beats "[twenty-letter name] [legacy name], Grand Champion of the Great Hunt"! XD But for Quinn, 'tis worth it.

Quinn: Do you know how many people would call for my resignation/death if my nameplate whacked them in the head if they moved anywhere within a twenty-foot radius?

The fangirl army would protect you.

Quinn: And...how would that do that if *they* cannot get near me?

They'd form a very wide circle around you, lightsabers drawn and lit.

Quinn: ...facing outwards, yes?

Yes, duh.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


Yes for customizations!!

...we are never going to let - who was it that said that? - him forget that, are we? :p


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


Noooo no no no, fire the person who put together the ME:A sex scene! :eek: This is a T-rated game!

Quinn: This is another "meta" thing, isn't it... "T-rated"?

Let's put it this way: do you want thirteen-year-olds seeing you and your wife...um...*cough* Being...um...you know...

Quinn: I'm not sure I--*GASP* :eek:

Now he gets it.

Quinn: *turns very dark red just thinking about it*


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


Quinn: *meticulously removes every brown M&M from the candy bowl*

Service with a smile, Quinn. You forgot the smile.

Quinn: *sigh* ...... :)


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


So that's why six is afraid of seven...


On that note - *pumps lightsaber like a shotgun* We've got a Lana to hold hostage. :cool:

...hey, in LEGO Lord of the Rings, Gimli c.ocks his ax like a shotgun, so why not a lightsaber?

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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


10) Hire Richard Teverson for ALL the voices. Like you did with Steve Blum. <.<


Comply with the following list or Blondie gets it!! *C.ocks pistol*


No no no, it's seven ate nine. Poor eight just got caught in the middle and is totally innocent. :D


I agree with most of this manifesto! Implement it, BW! I'd want more than just Teverson's voice though...love my Scourge and Vector too much.


And I'll take the brown M&M's if you don't want them.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I frapsed mine and have shamelessly rewatched it many many times. :D


I wonder, if we made a list of demands and held Lana for ransom, if the dev's would:


1) Give us more special loving companion dialogue with Malavai Quinn to which we're deserving of and were deprived of to a sufficiently satisfying degree.


2) Reinstate Malavai's proper name and rank as before. He is not just "Quinn" he should be 'Major Malavai Quinn' or 'Major Malavai Quinn, Consort to the Empress of Zakuul, or Consort to the Empress of the Eternal Alliance ...or Major Malavai Quinn, Eternal husband to the Eternal Empress. I'm open to suggestion. :D


3) Where is our commemorative statue? We deserve one, so that we may worship at the feet of the stone cold hawtness that is Malavai Quinn.


4) We also would like our various companion customizations to actually work with our beloved Malavai and show up in cutscreens, so that everyone gets 'their' Malavai.


5) We also demand the right to openly flog and disparage anyone who refers to him as MALAVEE. :mad:


6) Hire proper romance writer so that future interactions with Quinn and other romanceable companions don't suck. No more 'Oh hey, you're alive. Long time. Ok, well I'll serve you later, if you want.' You know what? Get whoever put together the ME:A sex scene and get them to do work on SWTOR...but get another dialogue person for the love of Jawas...cause damn that dialogue is physically painful.


7)I want all brown M&Ms removed from my candy bowl before I sit down to play.


8) Give us/sell us a companion romance package where we can buy extra love scenes and story with romanceable companions.

9) Nine...there is no Nine, eight ate it.


10) Hire Richard Teverson for ALL the voices. Like you did with Steve Blum. <.<


Comply with the following list or Blondie gets it!! *C.ocks pistol*


I find it hard sometimes to communicate that I want certain things in a game without coming across as a complete dick. This has been a problem since my big brother and I played Duck Hunt and couldn't figure out why the Nintendo zapper was jacked up and couldn't aim for ****.


By nature, I'm a very direct, sarcastic and cynical person... so, every time I communicate feedback in regards to a game I'm actually passionate about, I wonder if whoever makes the decisions in regards to the game/story/characters/concept will even take me seriously. This post somehow found in me that middle ground between die-hard story immersion player and basic game enthusiast that I actually have some hope that the developers will take it to heart.

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Before I play through, can someone explain to me the process behind getting Malavai even when siding with the Republic? I have a male Sith Warrior. I want to make sure I have the details down before touching the character, just in case I mess up. Also, does it mean I get both Elara and Malavai? Edited by Bionickai
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I thought of that too, but it still sounds strange to me. I don't think he lost his Imperial "citizenship" while in jail, but I'm not familiar with their legal system. XD


I figured this meant "sorry I returned to the Empire instead of immediately going to your awesome alliance and sparing you the company of more Lana and Theron nonsense; I realize that was silly of me."


Yeah I don't get the kiss response either. And the SW sounding like a teenager made it worse. It's just a really odd choice. I don't know why we couldn't get a "you're looking good" comment but yeah.


I thought the whole [Kiss] option was kind of oddly implemented (in that we select [Kiss] but the warrior doesn't really... make any motion like she's going for it?), but Quinn's somewhat heartbreaking "Oh she's actually happy to see me? Oh, no, don't touch me in front of these people, I will probably sob and then rip your clothes off" facial expression made it worth it, I guess. I think hearing him say how many years/months/weeks it's been was better, though.



And I can't help but feel kind of bad for Elara. I mean, talk about awkward. I wonder what she and Quinn talked about while waiting for the warrior to arrive? Or did Lana have them in separate corners and tell them not to speak?


and what the crap, Lana, "I captured these assassins" -- Why couldn't the warrior say, "Idiot, that's my husband." :confused:


And my final thought (for the moment) is... Why "Quinn? Is that you?" and not "Malavai?" Lol come on, BW. It's the little things. :rolleyes:

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Okay just finished this story on my inquisitor, I sided with the Empire and Quinn was given to me, no chance to refuse, so with so many characters having him in the game now and since they put him in the main character slot, I think we have a very good chance of having more Quinn dialog :)


Also of note he gains influence by courting gifts on my Female Inquisitor just FYI

Edited by Nightfrogger
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Before I play through, can someone explain to me the process behind getting Malavai even when siding with the Republic? I have a male Sith Warrior. I want to make sure I have the details down before touching the character, just in case I mess up. Also, does it mean I get both Elara and Malavai?


From what we know to get Quinn on a SW who sides with the Republic they must be female and have romanced him during the main story. Your male warrior is out of luck. But otherwise if the conditions are met at the end of the story you would have both both Elara and Malavai.

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