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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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LOL, poor Theron. XD This wasn't a tactful/discreet way to let him know about you and Quinn. :o

What was his voice like when he said that?


Oh just kind of annoyed. I keep restarting it, trying to savor the whole thing since there's so little of it.. anyway I'll update when/if there's more :)

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Oh customisations do apply on the new Quinn when placing him in your stronghold.

Your picture shows the holo version of the deco and the holo version always has been the default model in a default outfit.

So just dismiss your Quinn and then the holo should turn into exactly your Quinn (customisation + outfit).

It's always been like that.


This is on my warrior that didn't do KOTFE/ET/Iokath. Holo is customised.




They broke him.

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Second, he has never left the Empire, what the hell is going on? :confused:


I think the 'returning to the Empire' comment relates to CH1 of KOTFE where you can tell 'em to stay and defend Marr's ship (but after they do return to Dromund Kaas presumably), or to go back to the Empire and let them know what's happening.

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are women love weak and traitor male character?


if so there is hope for many men in the world...


ps : i killed him like a dog, face to face.


Weak and traitor male character? Huh...who are you talking about? Hm. Well, that--

Quinn: Weak!?

That's the one you take offense to?

Quinn: Traitor I may have been nine and a half years ago, but I am certainly not weak.

...and there you have it. :D So, not sure who you're talking about there!


Also, as Lammia pointed out, the hate thread's down in the depths of the forums if you'd want to revive it among like-minded people. To each their own, good sir, and to us, we like Quinn. You don't. No need to shove it in our faces, please and thank you. :)

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no i was on the right thread, but thanks.


No you weren't lol. Go to the hate thread if you want to speak of death, we only speak kindly and lovingly of Quinn here. If you want to say lovely things about Quinn then that's different...

Edited by Lunafox
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1- quinn fisrt lied to the main character licking him for being in good position in his team.


2- then he tried to be THE traitor but failed because he's to weak.


3- then he licked all he could to stay alive


4- then he continued to lick and put the one he tried to kill as the top person of his life. "i was so wrong, my new master"




5- then he died like a dog by the hand of the character.


or surely he continues to lick and lick saying his master is more able to be a better emperor than acina, last person he licked so hard these years...

Edited by Thaladan
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1- quinn fisrt lied to the main character licking him for being in good position in his team.


2- then he tried to be THE traitor but failed because he's to weak.


3- then he licked all he could to stay alive


4- then he continued to lick and put the one he try to kill as the top person of his life. "i was tso wrong, my master" pathetic..


5- then he died like a dog by the hand of the character.


or surely he continues to lick and lick saying his amster is more able to be the emprero than acina, last perso he licked so hard these years...


Why do you feel you need to say these things here? Do you think you're going to change our minds? If you don't like him that's your business, but why come here and ruin our fun? You would honestly have more fun with like minded haters in the hate thread, so please respect your fellow forum users enough to NOT spoil our fun here. Thanks.

Edited by Lunafox
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@OfficerDonNZ I loved your take on it. Amazing how a few slightly different lines can make all the difference in the world.


My SW wouldn't go in for a kiss there, either - I mean, who actually would? It's totally inappropriate for the situation. I only selected the [Kiss Him] option because there wasn't a basic [Flirt] option that at least lets you acknowledge that you're happy to your husband after all these years before you get down to business. Also, after seeing Quinn and Dorne together, my SW certainly wouldn't have addressed some random Pub just to ask who she is before expressing her happiness towards her husband for the first time in over six years.


Who the **** is writing this?


I dunno maybe Charles Boyd? If it is, I want to gank his beard right now and make him re-do the scene to a better quality scene, which is worthy of Malavai and the SW's love. :)

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i just want to be sure you like him like this, so there is hope for many many men in this world.


Well, maybe there is hope for others, who knows. Not with me, because I have my real life hubby and my pixel hubby, so I'm good. Go make a dating profile somewhere. If you look like Malavai Quinn that could be to your advantage. Good luck.

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1- quinn fisrt lied to the main character licking him for being in good position in his team.


2- then he tried to be THE traitor but failed because he's to weak.


3- then he licked all he could to stay alive


4- then he continued to lick and put the one he tried to kill as the top person of his life. "i was so wrong, my new master"




5- then he died like a dog by the hand of the character.


or surely he continues to lick and lick saying his master is more able to be a better emperor than acina, last person he licked so hard these years...


Ok, what's with all the licking? Did you lick Quinn to death? Just curious.

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no i even didn't do any new iokath story involving him for now (i alway chose rep side and not play my mara/jugg for now, but sure he will die like a dog even for my female mara or my male jugg).


he's just the most pathetic character i ever see in this game, clearly. even skadge has a better background.


and i want to understand. where is the troll i just said facts, he did all i said.


if i wanted to troll i didn't wait the 300th+ post to interfer..i seek answers.

Edited by Thaladan
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1- quinn fisrt lied to the main character licking him for being in good position in his team.


2- then he tried to be THE traitor but failed because he's to weak.


3- then he licked all he could to stay alive


4- then he continued to lick and put the one he tried to kill as the top person of his life. "i was so wrong, my new master"




5- then he died like a dog by the hand of the character.


or surely he continues to lick and lick saying his master is more able to be a better emperor than acina, last person he licked so hard these years...


Are you bothered by Quinn's licking? I personally am not. I rather enjoy it actually.

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i just want to be sure you like him like this, so there is hope for many many men in this world.


If Quinn were in the real world, I doubt I'd like him. I'm far too volatile a person to get along with his icy stoicism - I'd probably wind up yelling at him at some point. In a game, however, where you more-or-less control the flow of dialogue (and can always esc. out when things get weird or terrible), it's fine. My warrior's certainly attracted to him, because she admires his character and he admires hers.


...that, and if Quinn tried to kill me - me, as in the person behind the Jagaimee avatar - I would call the police, get a restraining order, attempt to put him in prison, and never speak to him for the rest of my life so I could recover from nightmares.


All said? It's a game. What people like in a game is often very different from what they like in real life.

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I thought I would edit it for him ;)


1- quinn first was totally awesome to the sith warrior and put the team together nicely.


2- then he tried to be the traitor only because a sith lord forced him, a move he regrets to this day


3- then he was his adorable stuttering self


4- then he continued to be handsome and awesome


5- then he was reunited with his wife and they went and got pizza


And not sure what is with all of the licking... but hey we all got our kinks ;).


How is that?

Edited by Nightfrogger
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okmy apologies i didnt understand the point, although the 300 pages were significant.


it's not a contructive thread, it's a sect which just transform posts instead of explain.


have fun. sry again. quinn is surely a metrosexual alpha. i will take it like an personal explanation.

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