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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Just dropping by to say this thread is wonderful! I've been... errr... stalking it for a while, and finally decided to post something.


I'm so happy with finally having my beloved Quinn back! I mean, I'm not that thrilled with the whole 'name shortening thingie', but... I'm pretty happy with everything else.

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That would make him Emperor Consort or Prince Consort, I believe. Or whatever the hell you want, it's your empire. :)


Ah, thank you, I like the sound of all of those. Not sure which one Quinn would prefer to be called.. xD


Just dropping by to say this thread is wonderful! I've been... errr... stalking it for a while, and finally decided to post something.


I'm so happy with finally having my beloved Quinn back! I mean, I'm not that thrilled with the whole 'name shortening thingie', but... I'm pretty happy with everything else.


Glad you decided to post :) I left my self-restraint at the door a long time ago~

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Just dropping by to say this thread is wonderful! I've been... errr... stalking it for a while, and finally decided to post something.


I'm so happy with finally having my beloved Quinn back! I mean, I'm not that thrilled with the whole 'name shortening thingie', but... I'm pretty happy with everything else.


Welcome to the club. :)

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then he said to let him know if he can serve me again... and then just turned around LEFT without my character saying anything. :confused::confused::confused: Why did he leave? To ensure that we end the story with me looking out the window with the two biggest dingleberries in SWTOR that I can't seem to shake no matter how much I drag my *** on the ground. I wasn't even fully aware Quinn was my Companion again until I checked my Companions and Contacts.


........THAT'S what happens!? :eek:

Wow. So very meaningful. Much excitement. So thrilling. Ooouuucchhhh...

Oi vey... whatever enthusiasm I had for getting Quinn back, even after this deluge of bad news, just went riiiiight down the drain.


...and now I have a theory that Lana and Theron are conspiring to ruin the Outlander's life however they can. Seems to be Lana's idea, since I doubt Theron would do all that on his own...

*On Iokath*

Warrior: Wait, you mean Quinn will be there!?

Lana: Er... yes. :D

*Warrior walks off happily*

Lana: *on comlink* Theron, is the Quinn-bot in place?

Theron: Um, yeah, but we're having troubles with the real Quinn... he-- *gets drowned out by a truly jaw-dropping barrage of language that nobody would ever believe comes from the dignified Malavai Quinn* ......YEAH, THAT! *sounds of someone being tied up and gagged*

Lana: Why is he doing that?

Theron: We're...keeping him away from his wife, whom he hasn't seen in six years?

Lana: Strange. I wouldn't have thought that was a problem.

Theron: Well, in any case, the Quinn-bot is ready to go.


Warrior: Quinn, I missed you so much...

"Quinn": *kisses her* I missed you, too. Let me know if I can serve you again. *turns and walks away*

Warrior: ...whut.

Lana & Theron: *enter the room* SO, COMMANDER, how'd it--*see the murderously furious look on the warrior's face* ...go.

*Warrior angrily turns to face the window, seething in confusion/rage and plotting revenge on whoever obviously brainwashed Quinn*

Lana: *whispers to Theron* You were in charge of programming the Quinn-bot. What went wrong!?

Theron: *whispers back* I didn't think they were actually in love! I mean, come on... she has US to love. What could she want with him?



...and thus the conspiracy deepens!

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........THAT'S what happens!? :eek:

Wow. So very meaningful. Much excitement. So thrilling. Ooouuucchhhh...

Oi vey... whatever enthusiasm I had for getting Quinn back, even after this deluge of bad news, just went riiiiight down the drain.


...and now I have a theory that Lana and Theron are conspiring to ruin the Outlander's life however they can. Seems to be Lana's idea, since I doubt Theron would do all that on his own...

*On Iokath*

Warrior: Wait, you mean Quinn will be there!?

Lana: Er... yes. :D

*Warrior walks off happily*

Lana: *on comlink* Theron, is the Quinn-bot in place?

Theron: Um, yeah, but we're having troubles with the real Quinn... he-- *gets drowned out by a truly jaw-dropping barrage of language that nobody would ever believe comes from the dignified Malavai Quinn* ......YEAH, THAT! *sounds of someone being tied up and gagged*

Lana: Why is he doing that?

Theron: We're...keeping him away from his wife, whom he hasn't seen in six years?

Lana: Strange. I wouldn't have thought that was a problem.

Theron: Well, in any case, the Quinn-bot is ready to go.


Warrior: Quinn, I missed you so much...

"Quinn": *kisses her* I missed you, too. Let me know if I can serve you again. *turns and walks away*

Warrior: ...whut.

Lana & Theron: *enter the room* SO, COMMANDER, how'd it--*see the murderously furious look on the warrior's face* ...go.

*Warrior angrily turns to face the window, seething in confusion/rage and plotting revenge on whoever obviously brainwashed Quinn*

Lana: *whispers to Theron* You were in charge of programming the Quinn-bot. What went wrong!?

Theron: *whispers back* I didn't think they were actually in love! I mean, come on... she has US to love. What could she want with him?



...and thus the conspiracy deepens!


You're not wrong, that's about how it went. Surely this can't be it. There has to be more to the Iokath chapter because they never really resolved anything, and if this was their definition of a 'meaningful return' they're crazy. Whoever writes this stuff needs to give their head a shake. They should've stayed together, run a mission together, they could have had everyone there if they had to...but I guess the devs have to cater to the haters and murderers, even though the Quinnmancers prevailed on Twitter and just about every where else. :( There has to be more. They deserve more, we didn't even get a FTB.

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Yeah, it could be that they decided Quinn should just be mushy and loving here and then in a future update, he can get some. Hopefully? I mean, I'm assuming he's been deprived for over six years and now he has his wife in front of him and that's just such a tease.


And his chapter is different from others in that it's not really a completed storyline yet, so could be they're handling it differently, spacing stuff out, torturing him with his wife's awesomeness, etc. I don't think Elara got any nookie, either. Personally, I was hoping for a reaction similar to the SoR start. We really don't even get a "my love -- my lord" type slip-up in front of everyone?




Hahaha maybe it was meant to be for cheaters only, or something, and they couldn't quite figure out how to make the conversation work for everyone.




The "Boo!" option was unexpected and great. :D


That's true enough, I don't see Quinn as being the sort to swap spit in front of strangers, but a hug and just a moment where they seemed to forget everyone else in the room would have been awesome.

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Here's my take on the reunion, as rough as it is and Iokath never happened as it's just bad, terrbad.


Lana paced, she couldn’t help it, she was nervous. Who’d have thought Lana Binako would be nervous about anything? The reason for her nerves was stood only a few feet away wearing an imperial major’s uniform.


Lana could still recall when this had all started. Not long after Nathrrya had taken the Enthral Throne and by extension control of the Enthral Fleet. Despite the woman’s protests most everyone now called her Empress instead of Commander she had cornered both Theron and herself and told them in no uncertain terms, giving them both datapads with a list of names, people Nathrrya wanted located and brought into the Alliance if at all possible.


Lana had found one person on the list and Empress Acina was going to be livid when she found out but Lana didn’t really care what that pretender thought and she knew that neither did Nathrrya. She also heard from Theron that he’d located two more people on the list and he was escorting them back to Odessen. Some good news for once then.


“Lana it sounded urgent what’s... wrong...” Nathrrya’s voice trailed off as she walked into the Alliance command centre, Vette at her heels.


“You’re looking more potent than ever my lord.” Major Malavai Quinn said taking several steps towards the woman he hadn’t seen in six years.


“Quinn... is that... really you?” Nathrrya asked not fully believing what her eyes were telling her.


“In the flesh, my lord.” Quinn replied with a bow.


“When I told you to flee in the Rose I... I thought I’d never see you again, Quinn.” Nathrrya was doing her best to keep her emotions under control and she was doing a poor job of it. They were only feet apart.


“The feelings mutual my lord but perhaps we can save the displays of affection for a more private setting.”


Nathrrya glanced at Lana who nodded. “Alright, everyone out! Let’s give the Empress some time alone.”


“Go mark your territory Nat.” Vette said a cheeky grin on her face. “You’ve earned this.”


Before long the command centre was empty “Empress?” Quinn asked eyebrows raised.


Nathrrya sighed. “Long story, Quinn. It’s been a long time.”


“Too long. After you disappeared I spent months on the hunt. Minister Lorman even heard about my crusade and ordered me to call off the search.”


Lorman.” Nathrrya growled her eyes turning yellow. “Pity he’s already dead, I’d have enjoyed teaching him the error of his ways.”


“Indeed my lord. He wanted the Empire’s Wrath to stay missing. Naturally I refused and found myself in imperial prison. I was locked away for years until Empress Acina pardoned me shortly before you retired the poor minister.”


“Yet you still remained in hiding?”


“I actually tried to approach you once. When you visited Acina on Drummed Kaas I lost my nerve. I worried you’d fallen out of love with me.”


“I love you Quinn I always have and I always will.”


“I love you too my lord.” The two shared a gentle kiss that was well overdue. “If you need my services again just say the word.”


“Where do you think you’re going Major? I’m not done with you yet.”



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Haha, Quinn-bot, that's not a bad idea, it happened almost like this.


He left like he had just ticked the "Meet wife" off his to-do list, and he was satisfied with it. And the Warrior just stood there, not even surprised...I would have run after him saying "Where are you going, my dear? You owe me a hug, for starters, actually, many hugs. And other things...in private. I won't let you leave me alone." :p

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<snipped> for length but everything you said

This is how it should have gone!

“Where do you think you’re going Major? I’m not done with you yet.”


They couldn't even add this line for us? :mad:


Even worse than Malavai's lack-lustre return:

THEY DID NOT GIVE US A COMMEMORATIVE STATUE! Seriously bioware? I have space waiting! /goes off to sharpen pitchfork....

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Eh, I did not expect Quinn to inspect my mara's tonsils in the middle of that particular scene and at least for me there's something awfully appealing about his level of self control. Six years without seeing his wife and he can put up a hand so calmly like "Darling not now. We have people to kill." And they fall right back into the old paradigm of him strategising while she butchers Republic soldiers like there hasn't been those six intervening years and she was finally home. All was right in the world then.


And the changes to facial animation made the "romance" scene so much better. His VA was killing it and then that smirk at the end before he walked away was just ugh. So good. Be in his quarters yeah I think we all know what that means, Quinn.


Honestly to me the worst part was the fact that Lana's supposedly been looking for him all this time but when he's right in front of her, she can't put two and two together. I was also slightly annoyed that my mara couldn't snark at her about it tbh. Also annoyed that Acina didn't say a word about the fact that she'd pardoned him and made her an advisor, either. Like what is it with these two, keeping my mara from her man?

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There's something I don't understand. Quinn says this to the male Warrior:


"I worried you'd never forgive me. For Darth Baras, for returning to the Empire."


Ok, this doesn't make sense to me. First, why would HE bring up Baras again, but at the same time if YOU bring it up, he says something like "I thought we have already left that behind us." Contradiction.

Second, he has never left the Empire, what the hell is going on? :confused:

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there's something awfully appealing about his level of self control. Six years without seeing his wife and he can put up a hand so calmly like "Darling not now. We have people to kill." And they fall right back into the old paradigm of him strategising while she butchers Republic soldiers like there hasn't been those six intervening years and she was finally home. All was right in the world then.

LOL, I love your summary of the scene. :D

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There's something I don't understand. Quinn says this to the male Warrior:

Ok, this doesn't make sense to me. First, why would HE bring up Baras again, but at the same time if YOU bring it up, he says something like "I thought we have already left that behind us." Contradiction.

Second, he has never left the Empire, what the hell is going on? :confused:


Malavai was thrown in jail for a long while so technically was not part of the Empire. Acina was the one who rescued him and brought him back and I'm guessing ensured his promotion to Major. Can't comment on the first thing you said though.

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Eh, I did not expect Quinn to inspect my mara's tonsils in the middle of that particular scene and at least for me there's something awfully appealing about his level of self control...

My SW wouldn't go in for a kiss there, either - I mean, who actually would? It's totally inappropriate for the situation. I only selected the [Kiss Him] option because there wasn't a basic [Flirt] option that at least lets you acknowledge that you're happy to your husband after all these years before you get down to business. Also, after seeing Quinn and Dorne together, my SW certainly wouldn't have addressed some random Pub just to ask who she is before expressing her happiness towards her husband for the first time in over six years.


Who the **** is writing this?

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The deco is borked completely. Now I have two of them. NONE looks like mine. Customisation doesn't seem to apply to either. :(




I'm starting to regret they returned him. He's broken beyond belief. :(


Oh customisations do apply on the new Quinn when placing him in your stronghold.

Your picture shows the holo version of the deco and the holo version always has been the default model in a default outfit.

So just dismiss your Quinn and then the holo should turn into exactly your Quinn (customisation + outfit).

It's always been like that.

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Malavai was thrown in jail for a long while so technically was not part of the Empire. Acina was the one who rescued him and brought him back and I'm guessing ensured his promotion to Major. Can't comment on the first thing you said though.


I thought of that too, but it still sounds strange to me. I don't think he lost his Imperial "citizenship" while in jail, but I'm not familiar with their legal system. XD

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I just gathered Quinn was in a military prison and Acina just reinstated him to active service. This wasn't said, but I kind of guess Lorman imprisoned him in secret/under another name and anyone searching Imperial records would see that Quinn just vanished. This could explain why Lana, Theron or even Imperials like Pierce or Talos weren't able to locate him.


Now I wonder... why did Acina reinstate Quinn? Why would the Sith Empress need specifically Captain, now Major Quinn as her personal confidant? Surely there are Admirals and Moffs out there with more experience? You know, officers who don't need to be pulled out of prison and reacquainted with everyday life after serving a five year stint in the slam...? If they made this known, I totally missed it.

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I thought of that too, but it still sounds strange to me. I don't think he lost his Imperial "citizenship" while in jail, but I'm not familiar with their legal system. XD



I thought it was talking about when you were on Marr's ship and you either told them to go back to the Empire or told them to defend Marr's ship, either way they would have gone back to the Empire eventually :o

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I just gathered Quinn was in a military prison and Acina just reinstated him to active service. This wasn't said, but I kind of guess Lorman imprisoned him in secret/under another name and anyone searching Imperial records would see that Quinn just vanished. This could explain why Lana, Theron or even Imperials like Pierce or Talos weren't able to locate him.


Now I wonder... why did Acina reinstate Quinn? Why would the Sith Empress need specifically Captain, now Major Quinn as her personal confidant? Surely there are Admirals and Moffs out there with more experience? You know, officers who don't need to be pulled out of prison and reacquainted with everyday life after serving a five year stint in the slam...? If they made this known, I totally missed it.


I thought he was in prison for 2 years? At least that's what I thought he said.

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Oh customisations do apply on the new Quinn when placing him in your stronghold.

Your picture shows the holo version of the deco and the holo version always has been the default model in a default outfit.

So just dismiss your Quinn and then the holo should turn into exactly your Quinn (customisation + outfit).

It's always been like that.


No, it hasn't. Before holo versions also wore customisations. If I went on my warrior and he was next to me, his holo had the custom. It didn't if I was in the SH on another toon. But on a toon with customised "real person", holos were customised too.

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Even worse than Malavai's lack-lustre return:

THEY DID NOT GIVE US A COMMEMORATIVE STATUE! Seriously bioware? I have space waiting! /goes off to sharpen pitchfork....


I checked GTN. Nada. I have space saved too. :(

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I just gathered Quinn was in a military prison and Acina just reinstated him to active service. This wasn't said, but I kind of guess Lorman imprisoned him in secret/under another name and anyone searching Imperial records would see that Quinn just vanished. This could explain why Lana, Theron or even Imperials like Pierce or Talos weren't able to locate him.


Now I wonder... why did Acina reinstate Quinn? Why would the Sith Empress need specifically Captain, now Major Quinn as her personal confidant? Surely there are Admirals and Moffs out there with more experience? You know, officers who don't need to be pulled out of prison and reacquainted with everyday life after serving a five year stint in the slam...? If they made this known, I totally missed it.


Yes, that would explain why the spies didn't know about this.


I think it was "The enemy of my enemy I my friend", she and Lorman were enemies. Probably Quinn wasn't the only one who was released.

Oh, and she must have known about Quinn being your husband/ally. I think this could have been the reason she sent him as a diplomat to you (if you are a Warrior, of course).

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Something different happened with my warrior who romanced Theron! I said the [kiss] "I thought I'd never see you again!" line and Quinn said "The feeling is mutual, my lord. But perhaps we can save the displays of affection for a more private setting"


All normal, but then Theron said "Or you know, forever."


:D I pretty much expected nothing different to happen there but it did! Quinn didn't say anything, just backed up again when Dorne interrupted.



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Something different happened with my warrior who romanced Theron! I said the [kiss] "I thought I'd never see you again!" line and Quinn said "The feeling is mutual, my lord. But perhaps we can save the displays of affection for a more private setting"


All normal, but then Theron said "Or you know, forever."


:D I pretty much expected nothing different to happen there but it did! Quinn didn't say anything, just backed up again when Dorne interrupted.




LOL, poor Theron. XD This wasn't a tactful/discreet way to let him know about you and Quinn. :o

What was his voice like when he said that?

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