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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Well time to go to bed. But first, must think about how we shall crush the Republic tomorrow :)


Quinn: *salutes* My lord, I am ever at your service for that goal. Our Empire will triumph over the scattered remnants of the Republic, and of the Jedi Order. We shall face a new dawn, one in which the Empire reigns uncontested - likely, my lord, with you near or at its helm to guide it. I shall be, of course, your faithful servant. Together...if I may be so bold, my lord...together, we will be victorious.


Quinn: o_O

You forgot you had the whole fangirl army listening in.

Quinn: *facepalm* The speech wasn't that brilliant... *proud smile*

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But there we go, got one of my warriors ready to run this tomorrow, she has all chat turned off and as hard as it will be I will not be checking anything until I get home from work. This will be a challenge :( Why did I have to work tomorrow :(


There will absolutely be some "shirking of responsibilities" in my general vicinity tomorrow and I ain't even sorry. :o



And - can I give you a virtual hug over the internet




*hugs* :D

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*hugs* :D


:D Thank you.


A'righty - good night, fellow Quinnmancers! Purple Quinn will sadly be absent for the next...I've got no idea how long it takes me to finish KOTFE, KOTET, and finally Quinn.2 - I mean, 5.Quinn--errr, Ioquinn. ...Quinnkath. Whatever. :p I hope you all sleep well, ready for the return of our dear Captain, or Grand Moff, or whatever rank he actually is. Here's to a successful launch, no bugs, and a fantastic, heart-tugging, tear-jerking, beautiful reunion.

Purple Quinn, by the way, has this to say: "Despite the...er...over-enthusiasm...I have at times suffered, I must say, my lords - I did thoroughly enjoy the experience. I shall see you on the morrow, where we may properly reunite. Until then...I bid you all a very fond farewell. *salutes*"


Also, *dramatic turn* ...Gucci, by Gucci.


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:D Thank you.


A'righty - good night, fellow Quinnmancers! Purple Quinn will sadly be absent for the next...I've got no idea how long it takes me to finish KOTFE, KOTET, and finally Quinn.2 - I mean, 5.Quinn--errr, Ioquinn. ...Quinnkath. Whatever. :p I hope you all sleep well, ready for the return of our dear Captain, or Grand Moff, or whatever rank he actually is. Here's to a successful launch, no bugs, and a fantastic, heart-tugging, tear-jerking, beautiful reunion.

Purple Quinn, by the way, has this to say: "Despite the...er...over-enthusiasm...I have at times suffered, I must say, my lords - I did thoroughly enjoy the experience. I shall see you on the morrow, where we may properly reunite. Until then...I bid you all a very fond farewell. *salutes*"


Also, *dramatic turn* ...Gucci, by Gucci.


Good night beloved Purple Quinn

Quinn: you woke me up for this, my lord?

Yes, and to remind you to bring lots of lip balm tomorrow, you're going to need it.

Quinn: Thank you for the warning *yawns and hides head under covers*

Edited by MishaCantu
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Good night beloved Purple Quinn

Quinn: you woke me up for this, my lord?

Yes, and to remind you to bring lots of lip balm tomorrow, you're going to need it.

Quinn: Thank you for the warning *yawns and hides head under covers*


I don't think he's taking this seriously enough. Lots and lots and lots of lip balm. And water!

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Ugh, why didn't we make him care packages ahead of time?! :eek: That poor, brave, soon-to-be-exhausted man.


It's insane. I PvP, I'm now running so much group content- I still love the story but it's a smaller chunk of my time but the thought of Quinn makes me giddy for tomorrow after work and steamed they are doing a regular time maintenance, thus depriving me of my APAC prime time reunion tonight.


My dear beloved Malavai- whom I shall find a quiet unoccupied room in Vent to enjoy on pain of unthinkable torment to any guildies who disturb me. Love them but this is my main's LI and my personal favourite. I can't wait to hear him call me 'my lord' again... 'starts squealing excitedly'.

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Ugh, why didn't we make him care packages ahead of time?! :eek: That poor, brave, soon-to-be-exhausted man.


Excellent notion, it shall be done.


*puts together a care package with lip balm, mineral water, protein bars, some various fruits, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates....and unable to resist teasing, a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and a bottle of massage oil. Then ties it all together with a beautiful blue silk bow. Proud of her work she sneaks into his resting chambers dropping off the gift on his nightstand while he sleeps. Stairing at his handsome face, she resists the overwhelming urdge to wake him, with a quiet sigh, she thinks to herself, we shall meet again later this evening, smiles and sneaks out of the camber.*


And done ;)


Now, time to get ready for work :(

Edited by Nightfrogger
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I don't know why the forums are up, but I might as well kvetch. "House guest" has arrived, tried to watch Downton Abbey with her - too scandalous. Not sure she's entirely human. Not sure when I'll get to run new the content. The new content that isn't special at all, that I haven't been waiting years for. yup just keep telling yourself that


Go on without me, what's another week of waiting? -_- Post all the things that happen, I'll have to live vicariously through this thread :o

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Thanks! And that might be a true statement. We actually met in an archaic MMO, Asheron's Call, back in 2000 and have been gaming before and ever since. We're so old... :o


OMG! I met my husband in AC around the same time! My then boyfriend started me playing in '99. After we broke up I found someone better. ;)


I still can't make up my mind about what to do today. The only character I have that finished KotET is a knight. I'm inclined to keep him Republic, but then who would get Quinn for me? (I hate that faction is tied to companion!) My nearest Imperial is only on ch. 11 of KotFE. Do I delay the pleasure of recruiting Quinn until a have an Imperial ready? Or should I hop factions with my knight just for the Quinnster? And I'm so torn about bringing my romanced warrior into KotFE. I want to do the content with her, but I hate how compromised the returned companions are compared to original. I just don't know what to do :(

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I don't know why the forums are up, but I might as well kvetch. "House guest" has arrived, tried to watch Downton Abbey with her - too scandalous. Not sure she's entirely human. Not sure when I'll get to run new the content. The new content that isn't special at all, that I haven't been waiting years for. yup just keep telling yourself that


Go on without me, what's another week of waiting? -_- Post all the things that happen, I'll have to live vicariously through this thread :o


Oh just put some xanax in her orange juice, she'll thank you for it when she wakes up, I bet.


I'm not even peeking at these forums till I'm done tonight/tomorrow.

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Excellent notion, it shall be done.


*puts together a care package with lip balm, mineral water, protein bars, some various fruits, a bottle of champagne, a box of chocolates....and unable to resist teasing, a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and a bottle of massage oil. Then ties it all together with a beautiful blue silk bow. Proud of her work she sneaks into his resting chambers dropping off the gift on his nightstand while he sleeps. Stairing at his handsome face, she resists the overwhelming urdge to wake him, with a quiet sigh, she thinks to herself, we shall meet again later this evening, smiles and sneaks out of the camber.*


And done ;)


Now, time to get ready for work :(


Quinn, still a bit sleepy from a rather tumultuous night (he kept having nightmares of glitches in cutscenes), shuffles to the nightstand... and blinks. Blinks again. Makes sure he's not still asleep. He is fairly certain that he didn't leave that box there. How odd, he thinks, lifting it up. It's heavier than it looks. Curiosity overcomes natural suspicion, and he unties the bow and removes the lid.


What he sees is enough to simultaneously bring a smile to his face and weird him out a little. He sets the box down, and reaches in to get the lib balm and protein bars. What a thing to wake up to, he thinks as he inspects them. It must be that Fangirl Army again... After a moment's deliberation, he shrugs. I won't say no. Especially not to Sith Lords.


He smiles at the fruits - his favorite, how did they know? - and then freezes at the sight of the handcuffs and massage oil.




He hurriedly puts those somewhere out of sight. "The images that brings up..." he mutters, shaking his head and feeling his face grow hot in embarrassment. ...he glances at them again. Blushes. Quickly turns back to the package.


He sits down to write a thank-you note. My lord-- I thank you for your consideration and care. I am indeed ready to face the day. My apologies for the short note, but I am pressed for time. The shuttle for Iokath leaves in but a moment. I shall see you shortly, my love, he finishes, a faint smile crossing his face at the thought. He just hopes the lip-balm won't get worn out.


He rises, gets washed and dressed (and sticks the lip-balm in his pocket, along with a few protein bars), and heads out the door to the waiting shuttle for Iokath. "Ready to head out, Major Quinn?" the flight attendant asks.


"Yes." Quinn thinks of the journey - the destination, rather - ahead. Iokath - who knew what awaited him there? Well...he didn't know what awaited him there, but he certainly knew who would be waiting. He smiles, before he's consciously aware of doing so. "Yes, I am ready."



(Purple Quinn couldn't resist one last thing. Okay NOW I'm gone! :p Have fun, guys!!)

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I don't know why the forums are up, but I might as well kvetch. "House guest" has arrived, tried to watch Downton Abbey with her - too scandalous.


I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the concept of Downton Abbey being scandalous.

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No spoilers, but.....after you finish the Iokath story mission with romanced Quinn, the letter he sends you is just.....wow. It turned me into a puddle of melty goo.


On the negative side...why did he disappear completely from my companions list?! I need to have my husband at my side on my adventures again!

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I'm sooo disappointed.


I played the Iokath story with my sorc and:



The lovely Malavai had only one short mini scene telling my sorc that Acina wants to talk to him.

There is nothing more...I literally had no chance to talk to him at all and his screen time is like 10 seconds.

Then he suddenly is available to you as a companion (if you choose to help the empire) and that's it.

There's no story mission you have to do with Quinn at your side...there's nothing.

Even Elara Dorne had much more screen time.



And to even top that:


I chose to help the empire, in order to get Malavai as a companion (already ranked him to 50).

But when I wanted to place this lovely cutie in my stronghold I had to find out that he is not available as "stronghold decoration". It shows: Malavai Quinn 0/0 and all I can do is placing a damn holo of him (no matter if he is summoned or not). Instead I suddenly have Elara Dorne unlocked as stronghold decoration, though I helped the empire and though I don't even have her in my summonable companion list.


Can't decide yet if I'm angry or sad.

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