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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I'm guessing Theron has killed a few in his time as a spy and if you take him out with you on missions as damage he often says (in quite a jolly voice) "shall I say it like a spy? Target eliminated". I'd like Quinn to leave the Empire and join my alliance (yeah, bugger off Lana - it's my alliance). I think Theron and Malavai would get along really well (no-one tell me if this is a possibility - I do not want to know beforehand). I did not know that bit about Theron threatening Koth on Iokath; is this only said if you romance Theron?


As for the above spoiler, that makes me dislike Satele Shan a lot more.


I agree Theron most likely had to take a life, but I also think in his case it's the last resort. He's not a casual killer. He does it where there is absolutely no other choice.


I don't think you need to romance Theron for that bit. I think the pre-requisite is chasing Koth away, not killing him in chapter 3, and maybe choosing one of dialogue options to get that answer from Theron.


That book made me really dislike Satele. This thing, the reason why she did it, and also other stuff.

A good book. Worth reading. :)

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...I think Theron and Malavai would get along really well (no-one tell me if this is a possibility - I do not want to know beforehand)...


I agree. With the way Quinn's role is written, he's essentially the calculating tactician of the SW's crew and I figured Theron would respect that role and his skills... in time. It would be a rough start - I mean, fauxhawk-sporting Pub intelligence agent vs. meticulous, stuffy Imp officer, but I think they'd end up working really well together. As I saw it, as soon as Lana and Theron entered the story, I imagined Quinn was the one who worked directly with them behind the scenes in regards to information, strategy, mission planning, etc.

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An oldie worth repeating since we're so close now, many thanks to Virama who shared it originally.


This is why my sister and I have made a rule: no eating or drinking allowed at the computer.

Otherwise, when we see something like the above, we're either going to choke to death from laughing so hard, or wind up wiping off the computer screen.

*recovers from choking on water* I'm okay!



Yeah, that's pretty much going to be my warrior's reaction. :D Minus, perhaps, the aftermath. She's a *tad* more restrained than that.

...emphasis on a "tad."

Warrior: QUINN! *tackle-hug* OhI'vemissedyousomuchareyouokayIloveyou...

Quinn: *standing there rigidly as a fully-armored, six-foot-three Sith Pureblood woman glomps him* ...we are still in public, my lov--er, lord. My lord.

Theron, Lana, et al: *slowly back away*

Theron: We'll, ah, give you space.

Lana: *muttering something under her breath*

Theron: Sorry, didn't catch that?

Lana: I said, I was supposed to be the hawt!!11! love interest.

Theron: O_o

Lana: Don't give me that look.

Theron: Thought I was supposed to be the, uh, "hawt" love interest, too.

Lana: Well, yes, but I am a woman, therefore it's more diverse to have me as a love interest, so I win.

Theron: *confused crickets chirping*

Edited by Jagaimee
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Okay one last posting of writing I am submitting before Tuesday. I wanted to get this started and shared and hoped it would be in a better state than it is. This is a rough draft and has not been edited, with luck I can do a few edits tomorrow after work. I work 13 hour days both Monday and Tuesday so this was my last chance to write until next week, I should have been in bed 3 hours ago and will pay for it in the morning, but some words just need to be expressed.


Same rules I have placed on my other works, no major story lines are changed, all quotes used are exact.


I wanted to thank you guys for your support and I know several of you liked my twist on the betrayal. I pulled the entire thing out of my head today, I am sorry for its disorganized state, should you wish to read here is the basic ideas behind the betrayal I started in The Empty Ship.


I know it is a long one, but figured might as well do the entire planet while I was here.


The Ultimate Blasphemy: http://disantia.deviantart.com/art/The-Ultimate-Blasphemy-675261422


I hope with edits it will be less of a mess than it is now. Thank you guys :)

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Yep Marr could've developed and realized what he was doing was foolhardy without buying into Valkorian's BS (and it's especially BS because he acts JUST LIKE A SITH he's just self righteous about it).


I think they made a mistake by killing Marr too soon. He could have played a much more dynamic character in the rebuilding of the sith empire than Acina, plus he would likely realize sooner the threat that the Alliance commander would start to pose. Especially if he/she couldn't be brought under the control of Marr.

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Is anyone else worried that there has been no update on maintenance times for Tuesday? Or are we supposed to assume that their old notice of the change from last week to the 18th is it?

I am extremely worried about that. I keep telling myself that between Easter, Cantina, Celebration and new producer they simply didn't have time to prepare a forum post...:)


But with each passing minute without a new post from BW a small part of me grows more and more sure there won't be a 5.2 patch tomorrow...:(

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I am extremely worried about that. I keep telling myself that between Easter, Cantina, Celebration and new producer they simply didn't have time to prepare a forum post...:)


But with each passing minute without a new post from BW a small part of me grows more and more sure there won't be a 5.2 patch tomorrow...:(


Looks like there's a thread about it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=919126

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I think they made a mistake by killing Marr too soon. He could have played a much more dynamic character in the rebuilding of the sith empire than Acina, plus he would likely realize sooner the threat that the Alliance commander would start to pose. Especially if he/she couldn't be brought under the control of Marr.


I agree. I wish he could have stayed around and think he would have been much more interesting to deal with than Acina. I have no loyalty or interest in her. I also think it's unfair that Satele gets to live. Why are all the Sith 'heroes' killed off and she still lives. <.<

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I agree. I wish he could have stayed around and think he would have been much more interesting to deal with than Acina. I have no loyalty or interest in her. I also think it's unfair that Satele gets to live. Why are all the Sith 'heroes' killed off and she still lives. <.<


Because you care about them while Satele has connections.

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I agree. I wish he could have stayed around and think he would have been much more interesting to deal with than Acina. I have no loyalty or interest in her. I also think it's unfair that Satele gets to live. Why are all the Sith 'heroes' killed off and she still lives. <.<


I do want to steal Darth Acina's tiara though.......

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I agree. I wish he could have stayed around and think he would have been much more interesting to deal with than Acina. I have no loyalty or interest in her. I also think it's unfair that Satele gets to live. Why are all the Sith 'heroes' killed off and she still lives. <.<


I favor Marr as well, not just because of his pragmatic personality, great voice actor, iconic look, etc. but because I feel more vested in him as a Vanilla character. Because he's Vanilla, he's got a more official expanded personality in things like the official SWTOR Encyclopedia. Acina didn't make an appearance until the Seeker Droid stuff and there's really nothing memorable about her other than she looks pretty cool and my husband loves her. ;)


Besides, I'm kind of full up on female leadership characters... I mean, between Acina, Saresh, Satele, Shae Vizla, SCORPIO, Vaylin and even my character, leadership in SWTOR has turned into a complete vagfest. The only active male in a leadership role I can think of is Malcom and that's even cheating because he's part of the whole Satele Shan troop.

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I agree. With the way Quinn's role is written, he's essentially the calculating tactician of the SW's crew and I figured Theron would respect that role and his skills... in time. It would be a rough start - I mean, fauxhawk-sporting Pub intelligence agent vs. meticulous, stuffy Imp officer, but I think they'd end up working really well together. As I saw it, as soon as Lana and Theron entered the story, I imagined Quinn was the one who worked directly with them behind the scenes in regards to information, strategy, mission planning, etc.

You know, that didn't occur to me as Quinn is the LI on all my characters so in my fantasy he's taken a break from the Empire to recover from his wife being missing presumed dead, however on his return I can see that working quite well. Thinking back to Manaan, I always wondered why Quinn wasn't given more (or rather any) lines given his skill (Baras influence aside) in planning and strategy & the potential for some interaction with Theron, especially as Quinn has openly admired republic tactics in the past.

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You know, that didn't occur to me as Quinn is the LI on all my characters so in my fantasy he's taken a break from the Empire to recover from his wife being missing presumed dead, however on his return I can see that working quite well. Thinking back to Manaan, I always wondered why Quinn wasn't given more (or rather any) lines given his skill (Baras influence aside) in planning and strategy & the potential for some interaction with Theron, especially as Quinn has openly admired republic tactics in the past.


On my first SW, I took Quinn everywhere because I was in infatuation mode (lol) but after doing some reading of BW's official info on him and all of the crew (SWTOR Encyclopedia,) I now rarely take him anywhere as I now see him as a behind the scenes guy gathering intel, developing tactics and strategy and planning the SW's missions, and handling the logistics of the ship and crew (someone has to order toilet paper.) :p


To elaborate, my SW wouldn't take Quinn into open urban warfare combat on Corellia when strategy, not direct combat is his specialty. I think Pierce, Jaesa and Broonmark would be more suited for an assault on the Republic while Quinn would more suited hang back at the Imperial outposts with the other Imp officers planning the next mission.


Vette would be my pick for Nar Shadaa due to her Underworld knowledge and either Pierce, Jaesa or Broonmark are my picks for Hoth or Illum. I'd choose Pierce for Belsavis due to the brutal nature of the prisoners and I'd pick Jaesa for Voss due to the unknown nature of the race and their capacity for force sensitivity. Pierce is my pick for Ziost dailies since that's his home planet. :( However, I think Quinn's insight would be invaluable on dealing with the Alderaan politics, pillaging Czerka offices and dealing with the goings-on on Quesh, so I do take him to those planets.


On Rishi, I think Vette would be the most likely candidate at the start due to her history of piracy while Jaesa and Pierce would probably take over once it was discovered that Jedi and Sith were involved. During this entire time Quinn would be back at the safe house along with Lana and Theron working on strategy.

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Because you care about them while Satele has connections.


You're not wrong. *coughsdevscoughs*


I do want to steal Darth Acina's tiara though.......
Yeah, her armor isn't bad at all is it. :) Let's kill her and take it lol.


I favor Marr as well, not just because of his pragmatic personality, great voice actor, iconic look, etc. but because I feel more vested in him as a Vanilla character. Because he's Vanilla, he's got a more official expanded personality in things like the official SWTOR Encyclopedia. Acina didn't make an appearance until the Seeker Droid stuff and there's really nothing memorable about her other than she looks pretty cool and my husband loves her. ;)


Besides, I'm kind of full up on female leadership characters... I mean, between Acina, Saresh, Satele, Shae Vizla, SCORPIO, Vaylin and even my character, leadership in SWTOR has turned into a complete vagfest. The only active male in a leadership role I can think of is Malcom and that's even cheating because he's part of the whole Satele Shan troop.


I favor him for all those reasons too. And you know, you're right, SW has become a total vagfest. In the interest of trying to provide female protags and role models (which is good), they've gone a bit overboard. Some male leadership is nice to have too. There needs to be balance. As you say with all the female leadership/protagonists it's a bit too much. I think the devs prefer female characters because they think only men play. Wake up devs, you have A LOT of ladies playing and we want some eye candy too. :p


On the bright side, I SOOOOO cannot wait until tomorrow. :D

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I think they made a mistake by killing Marr too soon. He could have played a much more dynamic character in the rebuilding of the sith empire than Acina, plus he would likely realize sooner the threat that the Alliance commander would start to pose. Especially if he/she couldn't be brought under the control of Marr.


Yeah Marr saving your *** in KOTET would've been epic. <3

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Is he still going to call us "My lord" when we click on him tomorrow with his unmoving mouth or will they cut those lines out to make him more generic?


Ugh... if Quinn starts calling my character, "Commander," instead of, "my lord," I'm going to roll my eyes right out of my head. I will miss the Quinn's pre-KOTFE Companion mechanics (face moves while talking, appears on ship, talks on planets, has a full name, etc.)

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