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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I was originally going to have my warrior have a daughter...who is not Force-sensitive. As she's a Sith Pureblood, non-Force-sensitivity is HIGHLY frowned upon. (It seems there's an unspoken practice of actually killing Pureblood newborns who are not Force-sensitive. :eek:) But...my warrior wouldn't have cared. That's her daughter, dang it, and if anybody's going to speak ill of her, they have the Wrath of the Empire to answer to.


I don't think they would kill them. 99% of the species are force-sensitive, 1% is nothing. Besides, they are already complaning there are not enough Purebloods (true), and they are at the top of the hierarchy anyway.

There is Athelis Kallis for example, from the Inquisitor storyline, on Voss. She is not force-sensitive, but they gave her quite an important job, considering the delicate negotiations with the Voss.


I remember that Pureblood woman on Voss. My warrior had 2 children, and one was a Pureblood male by Pierce (hey it was before she started romancing Quinn, ok? Call it a youthful error.) He became my trooper. The way I did it was have him still be Force sensitive, but very minorly. As in, he's able to feel the Force but rarely use it effectively. Given the rules about Korriban (anyone gets sent there these days even if you have only smidgen of Force ability) my warrior knew he'd be tormented and killed pretty quickly. So she smuggled him out of Imperial Space as a baby to save his life.


Grania was my fire tank from city of heroes, she really can't be shoe-horned into a swtor class or alignment, but not as hard as shoe-horning a hobbit I reckon :D


My main in LOTRO was a hobbit hunter, so my main here became a gunslinger (with a similar name that I just sort of...dehobbitized.)

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Again welcome. Where is Purple Quinn, we need another virtual poster signed! :D


Purple Quinn runs on Pacific time and thus was asleep with the arrival of the newest Quinnmancer (welcome!). XD


Quinn: *wakes up in a recliner surrounded by droids who are fanning him* ....what.

Droid: *wheels up* Awake? Aha. Major Quinn, newest Quinnmancer has arrived. Please sign this poster.

Quinn: What.

Droid: Darth Lunafox commands it. Not wise to disobey.

Quinn: *frantically dashes off a signature* Why was I asleep?

Droid: You fainted. Scans indicate overload of stress. No memory? Hm. Could indicate concussion. [inhale] Must run tests.

Quinn: ...how did a DROID inhale?

I'm not sure, but at one point in his (Imperial) conversations, HK-51 clears his throat, so...

Quinn: Errr...

Droid: Also. Message for you. From Codedrago.

Wrex is ready with ice at the bar...

Quinn: For...what? If I may ask, sir...my lords...

For all the, ah, work you must perform upon your return.

Quinn: I thought that had to do with--........... *goes very red*

You figured it out, huh.

Quinn: Idonotwishtodiscussthisfurther.

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I don't think they would kill them. 99% of the species are force-sensitive, 1% is nothing. Besides, they are already complaning there are not enough Purebloods (true), and they are at the top of the hierarchy anyway.

There is Athelis Kallis for example, from the Inquisitor storyline, on Voss. She is not force-sensitive, but they gave her quite an important job, considering the delicate negotiations with the Voss.


Hmm... I could've sworn I read something *somewhere* about that. And now I can't find it. XD Oh well.

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I remember that Pureblood woman on Voss. My warrior had 2 children, and one was a Pureblood male by Pierce (hey it was before she started romancing Quinn, ok? Call it a youthful error.) He became my trooper. The way I did it was have him still be Force sensitive, but very minorly. As in, he's able to feel the Force but rarely use it effectively. Given the rules about Korriban (anyone gets sent there these days even if you have only smidgen of Force ability) my warrior knew he'd be tormented and killed pretty quickly. So she smuggled him out of Imperial Space as a baby to save his life.




My main in LOTRO was a hobbit hunter, so my main here became a gunslinger (with a similar name that I just sort of...dehobbitized.)


There was Executor Krannis on Belsavis too, he was a pure blood non force sensitive as well.

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Purple Quinn runs on Pacific time and thus was asleep with the arrival of the newest Quinnmancer (welcome!). XD


Quinn: *wakes up in a recliner surrounded by droids who are fanning him* ....what.

Droid: *wheels up* Awake? Aha. Major Quinn, newest Quinnmancer has arrived. Please sign this poster.

Quinn: What.

Droid: Darth Lunafox commands it. Not wise to disobey.

Quinn: *frantically dashes off a signature* Why was I asleep?

Droid: You fainted. Scans indicate overload of stress. No memory? Hm. Could indicate concussion. [inhale] Must run tests.

Quinn: ...how did a DROID inhale?

I'm not sure, but at one point in his (Imperial) conversations, HK-51 clears his throat, so...

Quinn: Errr...

Droid: Also. Message for you. From Codedrago.


Quinn: For...what? If I may ask, sir...my lords...

For all the, ah, work you must perform upon your return.

Quinn: I thought that had to do with--........... *goes very red*

You figured it out, huh.

Quinn: Idonotwishtodiscussthisfurther.


*giggle* Did Quinn not enjoy his surprise? :D I thought the fanning droids were a lovely touch. I do believe our beloved Malavai is starting to catch on. So long as no one offers him a deathstick, I think we'll be ok.

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A little off the Quinn subject, I'm getting a bit worried about losing Theron as my main's LI if I choose to side with the Empire since she is sith - I have a feeling that I will be forced to side with the republic if I want to keep my main's relationship with him. I don't know this and so I don't want any spoilers about it. With Quinn as the LI for all my warriors the choice is not a problem; I'll just be siding with him which means siding with the republic and my troopers will most likely side with Dorne.


I worry about this a little too, but I hope Theron's loyalty is to the Alliance, not to the Republic, so my Inq should be safe. After all, Theron's already with a Big Bad Evil DS Sith, so how can allying with the Empire be any worse, eh? I noticed that he hardened a bit with my DS Inq. My Inq's bad bad bad influence on poor good Theron. :D

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Yeah it'd be pretty crappy if my Inquisitor lost his LI because he stuck with the empire. He's LS too so it's even more ugh. Theron was getting pretty tired of the republic anyway so I see no reason why he shouldn't stick with us. It's not like allying with the empire means we're pro everything they do anyway.
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Yeah it'd be pretty crappy if my Inquisitor lost his LI because he stuck with the empire. He's LS too so it's even more ugh. Theron was getting pretty tired of the republic anyway so I see no reason why he shouldn't stick with us. It's not like allying with the empire means we're pro everything they do anyway.


I don't think we need worry, the Republic has done enough douchy stuff to Theron, that i can see him jumping ship. I think they'd find a way to accommodate that in story, they won't take Theron away. (I hope)

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This isn't in relation to the current topic being discussed but the SWTOR official twitter is doing a poll for "SaveTheQuinn" or "EliminateTheQuinn" and saving him is winning by a landslide.


It's times like these that make me want to get a twitter account. :p


Quinn: *visibly relaxes* It's...nice...to know that my survival is important.

You're one of our favorite companions, Quinn.

Quinn: For once - when it truly comes down to it - it's good to hear that, sir. *bows respectfully* My lords. Allow me to express my eternal gratitude.

One thing I can't understand, though, is why they refer to you as "the" Quinn.

Quinn: ...

...moment ruined. :(

Quinn: I have been reduced to an inanimate object at the same time as my life is saved. I do not know whether to be mildly insulted or simply grateful. Or both. ...probably both. Gratitude, however, wins out by a landslide. *bows again* My lords. Officers.

Moment saved! :D

Edited by Jagaimee
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This isn't in relation to the current topic being discussed but the SWTOR official twitter is doing a poll for "SaveTheQuinn" or "EliminateTheQuinn" and saving him is winning by a landslide.


I didn't see this tweet and can't find it. Any link?

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Right here;


Didn't show on main feed since it's in reply to a little plea Vulkk made.


Thank you! Voted too!


I actually complained that their "promo" was very biased in my reply to their tweet. Glad I got more "likes" than "he should be dead" replies to my tweet.

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It's times like these that make me want to get a twitter account. :p


Quinn: *visibly relaxes* It's...nice...to know that my survival is important.

You're one of our favorite companions, Quinn.

Quinn: For once - when it truly comes down to it - it's good to hear that, sir. *bows respectfully* My lords. Allow me to express my eternal gratitude.

One thing I can't understand, though, is why they refer to you as "the" Quinn.

Quinn: ...

...moment ruined. :(

Quinn: I have been reduced to an inanimate object at the same time as my life is saved. I do not know whether to be mildly insulted or simply grateful. Or both. ...probably both. Gratitude, however, wins out by a landslide. *bows again* My lords. Officers.

Moment saved! :D


Dear Malavai,


You're very welcome. Truly a pleasure to defend you and even more so to love you. Long may we (Quinnmancers) reign!! :cool:

Edited by Lunafox
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Voted also. Our Quinn will be safe and get a new smoking jacket, pipe and slippers. :D Oh and a new wingback chair in front of a cozy fire with a snifter of brandy.


I think this scene also calls for a pet Akk Dog, curled up by his feet. If it wasn't for those slippers, he'd be licking Malavai's toes lol. :eek:

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Voted also. Our Quinn will be safe and get a new smoking jacket, pipe and slippers. :D Oh and a new wingback chair in front of a cozy fire with a snifter of brandy.


Quinn: Hm. A nice image, I have to admit. I-- *is abruptly transported to a wingback chair in front of a cozy fire, dressed in a jacket, comfortable pajamas, and slippers (that is, Quinn's dressed in those - not the chair or the fire! :p), with a pipe in his hand* ....errrr...


Quinn: *slowly surveys his new position* ...this is...comfortable?


Quinn: And...relaxing?


Quinn: And--nibbling!?


Quinn: *reaches for his blaster and finds it's not there* There is something nibbling on my slippers--..............the akk dog.

Akk dog: *looks up at Quinn with a slipper in its mouth* Woof. :D

Quinn: ...I'll have that back now, thank you. *reaches for slipper*

Akk dog: *dodges away* Woof!

Quinn: -_-

Akk dog: Woof?

Quinn: *grabs slipper when the dog isn't expecting it* Aha!

Akk dog: WOOF. *jumps on Quinn to retrieve its prize*

Quinn: *is promptly flattened beneath the akk dog's not-inconsiderable weight*

Akk dog: *decides it's a lap dog and lays down on Quinn's lap* Woof! :D

Quinn: *strangled voice* This is suddenly much less relaxing...


(Based on my own fifty-pound "lap dog"... :rolleyes: She thinks she's the size of a Pomeranian. She also thinks she's ten months old instead of ten years old...and socks/slippers/small articles of clothing are her favorite toys. She'll grab them right off my feet and go running triumphantly around the house with them.)

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I think this scene also calls for a pet Akk Dog, curled up by his feet. If it wasn't for those slippers, he'd be licking Malavai's toes lol. :eek:


Or perhaps the SW sitting with her back against his leg reading aloud from one of the books of the old masters, 'The Sith and the Odyssey' or 'The Adventures of Hucksburry Quinn'. :p

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Or perhaps the SW sitting with her back against his leg reading aloud from one of the books of the old masters, 'The Sith and the Odyssey' or 'The Adventures of Hucksburry Quinn'. :p


In my head cannon that reading wouldn't last to long before they both got distracted by other ideas.....;)

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Or perhaps the SW sitting with her back against his leg reading aloud from one of the books of the old masters, 'The Sith and the Odyssey' or 'The Adventures of Hucksburry Quinn'. :p


I like the way you think. :D So long as it's not Fifty Shades of Sith lol.


Though imagining Quinn's voice reading it...nah, not even that can save it lol.

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Quinn: Hm. A nice image, I have to admit. I-- *is abruptly transported to a wingback chair in front of a cozy fire, dressed in a jacket, comfortable pajamas, and slippers (that is, Quinn's dressed in those - not the chair or the fire! :p), with a pipe in his hand* ....errrr...


Quinn: *slowly surveys his new position* ...this is...comfortable?


Quinn: And...relaxing?


Quinn: And--nibbling!?


Quinn: *reaches for his blaster and finds it's not there* There is something nibbling on my slippers--..............the akk dog.

Akk dog: *looks up at Quinn with a slipper in its mouth* Woof. :D

Quinn: ...I'll have that back now, thank you. *reaches for slipper*

Akk dog: *dodges away* Woof!

Quinn: -_-

Akk dog: Woof?

Quinn: *grabs slipper when the dog isn't expecting it* Aha!

Akk dog: WOOF. *jumps on Quinn to retrieve its prize*

Quinn: *is promptly flattened beneath the akk dog's not-inconsiderable weight*

Akk dog: *decides it's a lap dog and lays down on Quinn's lap* Woof! :D

Quinn: *strangled voice* This is suddenly much less relaxing...


(Based on my own fifty-pound "lap dog"... :rolleyes: She thinks she's the size of a Pomeranian. She also thinks she's ten months old instead of ten years old...and socks/slippers/small articles of clothing are her favorite toys. She'll grab them right off my feet and go running triumphantly around the house with them.)


*claps* That is the best episode yet. :D Your 'puppy' sounds adorable. <3


We had a rottie and he thought like a lap dog...a hundred and thirty-pound lap dog. Yikes. Poor Quinn, maybe a Manka kitten would have been less painful. *imagines* Mmmm, maybe not, it would poke Quinn full of holes doing happy feet lol.

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Theron was getting pretty tired of the republic anyway so I see no reason why he shouldn't stick with us. It's not like allying with the empire means we're pro everything they do anyway.

I agree. I got the impression he was a dutiful Republic Agent because of her mother, but was already bitter about everything. It wouldn't be too hard to convince him to change sides. I hope so. :)


This isn't in relation to the current topic being discussed but the SWTOR official twitter is doing a poll for "SaveTheQuinn" or "EliminateTheQuinn" and saving him is winning by a landslide.

Good to hear it! That's why I keep telling that the haters are not necessarily the majority, just because they have been the loudest. Now we are the loudest. :p Not to mention that many fans (myself included) haven't been expressing their opinions about the topic until now.

Edited by Dylinrae
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