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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Male inquisitor, I dislike his voice. I feel bad when I hear people say how much they love it because I sit there wondering what I'm missing. I think the main problem was that my first male inquisitor was a body type 1 who I pictured being about 19 years old, and the voice just -Does. Not. Fit. He was also lightside, and in my opinion the male inquisitor's VA does not pull off LS well. To my ears he always sounded fake and at any moment I expected him to be like, "Just kidding! HAHAHAHAHA! <zaps everyone with lightning>


Favorite voices of all time? Vector. Scourge. Male agent. Honorable mentions go to Darth Marr, Lord Malichose, and Captain Biron.


My male inquisitor is body type one and sixteen years old. :p (He also doesn't follow the story of the inquisitor, since it's utterly ludicrous that he'd wind up where the Inquisitor does at the end of their story at his age.) And...yeah, the voice doesn't really fit him. Light side options, however, I think manage to sound rather sweet. There's an odd-but-adorable lisp that sometimes peeks through his words. Then again, I guess I also headcanon him to have a higher-pitched, younger-sounding voice, rather than the at-times stunningly deep voice that comes out of this very scrawny togruta kid's mouth. XD

The female inquisitor's accent, on the other hand, sometimes sounds a bit fake to me. Or...not so much fake as just over the top. Which miiiiiiiiight be intentional? She's trying to fit in with the rest of the Empire, despite being a slave very recently, so she's just imitating their accent - which sounds more natural as time goes on.


Don't forget Colonel Yudrass on Hoth! :eek: That guy's voice...oh my word...I sometimes start the Hoth world arc just to hear his voice.


Plus, I'm guessing plenty of years passed. Baras is an Old Man in the warrior's story, while he looks pretty young in those pictures


It's only been ten years, actually. The comics I was thinking of took place at/around the Sacking of Coruscant...I think. 90% sure. I haven't read them, to be honest, so I'm not too sure of the plot, but I'm fairly certain it's around the Sacking of Coruscant.

Then again, ten years in the Sith's power structure...yeah, that'd cause more than a few gray hairs and wrinkles from all the stress. :p


I thought she was wonderful. She sounded authoritative and strong, and that's what the character is. When you're a strong person, with a strong voice, I think it's a bit tough to sound kittenish. SW is one of my favorite female voices in the game. She's right up there with FSI, FIA and FJK. The rest of the female voices, don't really appeal to me, especially FJC who sounds like she's in a coma. And Ftrooper...yuck.


Thought I was the only one who's irritated by the female trooper's voice. I'M NOT ALONE! XD

But yeah... the female warrior sounds so utterly confident and sure of herself, and not in an arrogant way, either. She sounds like she commands respect because she's earned it. Her voice shaped my female warrior's character: tough, oddly stoic for a Sith (which isn't a bad thing, because when she gets mad...vacate the entire star system to avoid her wrath), noble, pragmatic, and just.

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I thought she was wonderful. She sounded authoritative and strong, and that's what the character is. When you're a strong person, with a strong voice, I think it's a bit tough to sound kittenish. SW is one of my favorite female voices in the game. She's right up there with FSI, FIA and FJK. The rest of the female voices, don't really appeal to me, especially FJC who sounds like she's in a coma. And Ftrooper...yuck.


How can you say the FTrooper's voice is yuck? :p She's the Commander Shepard of Star Wars! :p Sadly the trooper never says 'I should go' :D I'd have died laughing if that had been a line. And for those of you who don't know Miss Hale uses her 'Shepard' voice from Mass Effect for the trooper. So it makes me grin like an idiot. Ah the nostalgia.... :cool:

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But yeah... the female warrior sounds so utterly confident and sure of herself, and not in an arrogant way, either. She sounds like she commands respect because she's earned it. Her voice shaped my female warrior's character: tough, oddly stoic for a Sith (which isn't a bad thing, because when she gets mad...vacate the entire star system to avoid her wrath), noble, pragmatic, and just.


I don't enjoy her voice, though I think she would of worked better for my warriors headcanon. He starts off the story as an arrogant and proud Sith, powerful, but inexperienced and prideful (He takes Vette's collar off, not out of mercy, but because it's an insult to think he needs a shock collar to keep a slave in line). By the end of it he's been humbled, gotten close to his crew, and becomes respectful of his allies and their contributions.


Which I think is the best thing about the Warriors story, it's really the only class story that acknowledges that your character can change throughout it. I love the lines that let you reference that "There was a time when I didn't need a reason to kill a jedi... Now, that's changed..." as well as the whole confrontation in the Oasis.

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Don't forget Colonel Yudrass on Hoth! :eek: That guy's voice...oh my word...I sometimes start the Hoth world arc just to hear his voice.


Oh, yessss! :D:D:D He does a couple of other voices too. I'm sure he is voicing Astar Vox too, the mercenary leader on Alderaan, from the JC story.

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I think the Fem!SW Voice is what killed the Quinn romance for me. SHe's good at sounding high and mighty, but anytime the VA tries to make an emotional scene (Like when reacting to the betrayal, or comforting Vette) she sounds like a robot who's 'wondering if this is this thing humans call love' and when she attempts to be threatening; I only picture Anakin Skywalker ranting about the jedi.

I sort of agree...it's not so much the voice but the delivery in some of the scenes. In the cheek-kiss scene she sounds like she's a teacher talking in class rather than someone who was in fear of her beloved lying dead. I'd expect a Jedi to sound more like her since they try to control their passion. She needs to be more Jaesa-like for the emotional scenes.


Since for the last 10+ pages the forum has come to a Quinn halt & might risk being moved! :eek: here's a reminder of the best voice in the game (not a spoiler, more comedy)

Best. Voice. Ever.

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Since for the last 10+ pages the forum has come to a Quinn halt & might risk being moved! :eek: here's a reminder of the best voice in the game (not a spoiler, more comedy)
Best. Voice. Ever.

LOL, I laughed so hard, again. :D:D:D:D This never gets old. :D

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Oh, yessss! :D:D:D He does a couple of other voices too. I'm sure he is voicing Astar Vox too, the mercenary leader on Alderaan, from the JC story.


That's it! Sadly I can't find the guy anywhere on IMDB. :c I was sure he also voiced Xalek, but if he did, it's not credited. (Well, Xalek's voice actor IS credited, but it just says "additional voices" as well - can't find Yudrass or Astar Vox anywhere.)



Since for the last 10+ pages the forum has come to a Quinn halt & might risk being moved! :eek: here's a reminder of the best voice in the game (not a spoiler, more comedy)

Best. Voice. Ever.


Me: *clicks on it, expecting to see Baras screaming his lungs out as a joke*

"Gucci, by Gucci..."

Me: *hysterical laughter once again* :p

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That's it! Sadly I can't find the guy anywhere on IMDB. :c I was sure he also voiced Xalek, but if he did, it's not credited. (Well, Xalek's voice actor IS credited, but it just says "additional voices" as well - can't find Yudrass or Astar Vox anywhere.)

It's Xalek. I have found the actor on IMDB but only Xalek is credited there. I saw a comment at a Yudrass video where they say it's the same actor. :) I hate him being Xalek, he sounds so annoying there, but Yudrass and the others are fantastic. *melts away*

Edited by Dylinrae
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It's Xalek. I have found the actor on IMDB but only Xalek is credited there. I saw a comment at a Yudrass video where they say it's the same actor. :) I hate him being Xalek, he sounds so annoying there, but Yudrass and the others are fantastic. *melts away*


It really is? Cool. Heh, I dislike Xalek...but dang if he doesn't have one of the best voices in game. o_o

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Yeah, Xalek/Yudras has a really distinctive voice that's hard to forget. It's actually a little too deep for my liking though, believe it or not...it's like overkill. Valkorion's voice is sort of like that too. Vector, for example, is like having a piece of fudgy heaven-filled chocolate cake, whereas Valkorion is like being served the whole cake, with giant chocolate chips inside and a super rich fudge sauce on top, all piled on an edible plate made from chocolate. It's like, "Whoa, too much of a good thing thanks. Just pour a gallon of milk over me, now." :D
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Yeah, Xalek/Yudras has a really distinctive voice that's hard to forget. It's actually a little too deep for my liking though, believe it or not...it's like overkill. Valkorion's voice is sort of like that too. Vector, for example, is like having a piece of fudgy heaven-filled chocolate cake, whereas Valkorion is like being served the whole cake, with giant chocolate chips inside and a super rich fudge sauce on top, all piled on an edible plate made from chocolate. It's like, "Whoa, too much of a good thing thanks. Just pour a gallon of milk over me, now." :D


Ok, I have become really hungry now. XD You are right, it's indeed an overkill. :D But can't get enough of it. :D


Speaking of cakes, my Warrior bakes a lot of cookies for Quinn. I'm sure he likes sweets. :D

She even gives some to Baras to keep him satisfied. Plus this scene on Dromund Kaas:


Warrior: "Quinn, did you manage to deliver the cookies to Baras?"

Quinn: "Yes, my lord. He was very happy."

Warrior: "Good. That will keep him occupied while I sneak into his office."

Quinn: "My lord, what are you-"

Warrior:" Later Quinn, I have work to do."

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Thought I was the only one who's irritated by the female trooper's voice. I'M NOT ALONE! XD

But yeah... the female warrior sounds so utterly confident and sure of herself, and not in an arrogant way, either. She sounds like she commands respect because she's earned it. Her voice shaped my female warrior's character: tough, oddly stoic for a Sith (which isn't a bad thing, because when she gets mad...vacate the entire star system to avoid her wrath), noble, pragmatic, and just.


Oh you're not alone, I really really *hate* Ftrooper's voice. The voices are a big deal to me and can make or break a story. To me, the female trooper and consular stories are weak, and the voices are a further deterrent to avoid them.



How can you say the FTrooper's voice is yuck? :p She's the Commander Shepard of Star Wars! :p Sadly the trooper never says 'I should go' :D I'd have died laughing if that had been a line. And for those of you who don't know Miss Hale uses her 'Shepard' voice from Mass Effect for the trooper. So it makes me grin like an idiot. Ah the nostalgia.... :cool:


Sorry, I just don't dig on her *at all*. I hate to say it, because you love her and all, but Jennifer Hale isn't all that and a bag of chips to me. I don't care about her, to me any of the female VA's I named are superior. Again sorry, but I've got to be honest. :/



On a happier note, 'Gucci by Gucci' never gets old :D

Edited by Lunafox
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Sorry, I just don't dig on her *at all*. I hate to say it, because you love her and all, but Jennifer Hale isn't all that and a bag of chips to me. I don't care about her, to me any of the female VA's I named are superior. Again sorry, but I've got to be honest. :/


No worries Luna, I know Hale's Trooper voice isn't everyone's cup of tea. If it's any consolation I can't stand the male smuggler VA. It just leaves me cold. I managed to get through Ord Mantel and then ended up deleting him and rolling another female smuggler, she delivers the lines much better. And I agree about the female JC VA, that's awful I can at least tolerate the male JC VA. Guess I should try a male agent too....

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Oh you're not alone, I really really *hate* Ftrooper's voice. The voices are a big deal to me and can make or break a story. To me, the female trooper and consular stories are weak, and the voices are a further deterrent to avoid them.


I played my female consular to be as dumb as a bag of rocks.

...it was disturbingly easy. o_O My male consular, on the other hand, even when [accidentally] saying the weirdest possible options, still managed to sound like a highly intelligent, charming, charismatic individual. Female consular, on the other hand...she does a very, VERY good job on "emotionless Jedi," which is great if you're playing the story as that sort of character, but for anything else, it just sounds out of place.

Kind of sad, really - I absolutely love the way my female consular looks (she's a zabrak [with tiny golden rings on two of her horns] with jet-black hair, olive-dark skin, and bright green eyes; wearing white makes her look absolutely stunning...), and I can't stand her character or her voice. :/


But I want to see Jorgan's romance with a female trooper (also to get a better feel for her character since I'm in the process of writing a story with a female trooper in it)...BUT THAT VOICE, DANG IT. >_< Ergh. Maybe I'll just grin and bear it. ...or just bear it without the grin, because the trooper's story is, for me, the most depressing story in the game. Coming in at a close second: the ending of Ziost. O_O

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That's... bad, really bad. It's worse when the female Consular is trying to romance Iresso, that's painful to watch much less listen to. ::shudders::


In that scene where she tells Iresso to close his eyes, imagine that she's had a past as a serial killer; then it all makes sense.

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Random thoughts inspired by the VA discussion:


I always imagine F!Consular & Iresso falling asleep while having sex...


For the most part I like the F!Warrior's voice, but at times the sound mixing is off and her clip is too loud and echoey. Really bugs me.


In general I like the female pcs just fine since they aren't little girlsy. Some of the companions are too little girlsy for my taste though. (Ashara sounds like she is wearing braces :rolleyes: ). Lemda Avesta is the worst! I just want to smack her! I don't mind Vette's voice, so Ms. Taber did something horrible trying to differentiate the two voices. Not as horrible as the voice Tara Stong came up with for Holiday though. Holiday makes me want to jab forks in my ears. Sadly, Kaliyo has one of the best female companion voices, yet I detest her so I no longer enjoy it.


I find that if I dress Xalek in sexy Sith robes I can enjoy his voice without listening to the actual words.


My first M!Inquisitor looks like a Civil War general and I think the voice suits him well. I've tried making bt3 inquisitors and always end up re-rolling them.


And I agree about Marr being a sexy beast. I think it quite likely Quinn would have a crush on him. He's everything Quinn would admire! He's a powerful, intelligent, pragmatic leader that puts the Empire's needs first. What's not to love? We need more Marr! Ghost Marr is fine if he stops hanging out with Satelle like a Jedi wannabe.

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We need more Marr! Ghost Marr is fine if he stops hanging out with Satelle like a Jedi wannabe.


Well, she probably gets lonely out in the woods. And it seems Marr's Spirit is bound to her or somthing since it goes where ever she goes (Or Marr is stalking Satele because she's the first person not to fall to their knees at his voice)

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I enjoy the timbre of Xalek's voice, deep and not grating on the nerves. Is it the same VA who also voices Torq in the 'Disavowed' chapter? "We'll be ghosts, heavily armed ghosts." Sounds the same. Edited by MishaCantu
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I think it quite likely Quinn would have a crush on him. He's everything Quinn would admire! He's a powerful, intelligent, pragmatic leader that puts the Empire's needs first. What's not to love? We need more Marr! Ghost Marr is fine if he stops hanging out with Satelle like a Jedi wannabe.

I can see him Marr and Quinn really getting along well, until Marr becomes a force ghost. In Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark (tags for those who haven't done KOTFE yet)

things Marr says about the force become progressively pathetic considering he was such a massive dark force to be reckoned with before. The bit where he says "the force is a paradox it empowers and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together and tears people apart. It has a will...but needs a commander" annoys me every time I hear it, especially how he says "commander" but there is no way to turn him off. I don't know what the VA was instructed to do here but this part alone ruined Marr for me


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I can see him Marr and Quinn really getting along well, until Marr becomes a force ghost. In Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark (tags for those who haven't done KOTFE yet)

things Marr says about the force become progressively pathetic considering he was such a massive dark force to be reckoned with before. The bit where he says "the force is a paradox it empowers and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together and tears people apart. It has a will...but needs a commander" annoys me every time I hear it, especially how he says "commander" but there is no way to turn him off. I don't know what the VA was instructed to do here but this part alone ruined Marr for me




I was enjoying that chapter until

it felt like marr was literally whispering into my ear, it was really uncomfortable tbh


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I can see him Marr and Quinn really getting along well, until Marr becomes a force ghost. In Chapter 12: Visions in the Dark (tags for those who haven't done KOTFE yet)

things Marr says about the force become progressively pathetic considering he was such a massive dark force to be reckoned with before. The bit where he says "the force is a paradox it empowers and imprisons. It destroys and unites. It binds the galaxy together and tears people apart. It has a will...but needs a commander" annoys me every time I hear it, especially how he says "commander" but there is no way to turn him off. I don't know what the VA was instructed to do here but this part alone ruined Marr for me


To be fair, the line makes perfect sense for Marr considering how much the force has screwed him over. It would be rather strange of him to not come to this realisation. By this point, both Marr and Satele have had tiime to reflect on themselves and change.

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