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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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If I have to play knight, might as well look good doing it. I call this "Quoc"




And random guy who stopped to check us out lol.


LOL, my JK is the same!!! I am Pureblood too and Doc is also in Imperial uniform (although I have only put it on him recently). :D I like how Republic players get confused because of this. :D Here:




I guess Doc hates us now. :D

Doc: "You're embarassing me, I'm not an Imperial! What will the Republic think of me now?" :(

Me: "You have to admit it looks good on you. It makes you even more attractive." :p

Doc: "Well...yes. I think I feel better now." :)

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LOL, my JK is the same!!! I am Pureblood too and Doc is also in Imperial uniform (although I have only put it on him recently). :D I like how Republic players get confused because of this. :D Here:




I guess Doc hates us now. :D "

Doc: "You're embarassing me, I'm not an Imperial! What will the Republic think of me now?" :(

Me: "You have to admit it looks good on you. It makes you even more attractive." :p

Doc: "Well...yes. I think I feel better now." :)


Ha! Awesome :D


(Please, tell me, do you know the name of the robe your character is wearing in that picture? It looks close to what all my warriors wear. I don't want to wear Xoxaan's armor forever)

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I love so many of the voice actors in this game. The male SW is one of my favorites though. Every new warrior has me torn. Female for the Quinn romance, or male for the wonderful voice? Such a shame there isn't same sex romance in vanilla :(


Male SW voice + Quinn... Yeah, uhm, too hot for the game, I think.


I love the male BH voice (and the female, too, but I generally prefer male BHs). I love the female JC, SI, SW, Trooper, Agent~


I don't like a lot of the male voices. Male JK and JC creep me out. SI is too nasally. idk. :(

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I love so many of the voice actors in this game. The male SW is one of my favorites though. Every new warrior has me torn. Female for the Quinn romance, or male for the wonderful voice? Such a shame there isn't same sex romance in vanilla :(


The romance issue keeps me from playing male characters. I can't just be friends with Vector or Quinn, lol.

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Ha! Awesome :D


(Please, tell me, do you know the name of the robe your character is wearing in that picture? It looks close to what all my warriors wear. I don't want to wear Xoxaan's armor forever)


It's Cartel Market stuff. Destroyer armor set. :)

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My characters, not npcs. Almost cried for Tirion >.>

Oh, sorry I misread that. I also hated when we had to kill Kael'thas. Twice! :(:eek:


And the giggle, it's hard to explain as it's a mechanic that snipers don't have. They giggle when they gain tactical advantage. They can have up to two charges of TA I believe and only giggle on the first, but it comes up a lot, it's not like the warrior's occasional giggle. It does nothing to help me and I wish I could turn it off.

The Warrior giggles too? I have been missing these things. :confused: I tried the Operative lifestyle once, but didn't like it at all. I just like shooting things from a safe distance LOL (WoW - Hunter :D). Neither have I the patience to make ambushes from stealth. I like to be straightforward. :)

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Male SW voice + Quinn... Yeah, uhm, too hot for the game, I think.


This game can handle it. I mean, it didn't implode upon Valkorion and Marr talking in the same room, and their voices could flood planets. Hmm... Maybe that's why Marr had to die...

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Class VA's, for some reason I mostly prefer the female VA's to the male though I do like the male JK, JC, SW and Trooper. Male agent I haven't really played so can't comment. Can't comment on the Male SI either Male smuggler I just can't get used to, maybe because I've played a fem smuggler so often and she seems to put more emotion into her voice that what the male VA seems to do. Orde Mantell is a real chore... as a male smuggler...


The only female VA I don't like belongs to the female JC ugh...


Is it me or do the female VA's seem to put more emotion into their performances than the male VA's?


I prefer the female VA's on the Imperial side - mostly - but the male VA's on the Republic side, save for my female smuggler. Her voice is just... *squee* I have no other explanation. *squee* That's really it. XD Her voice is utterly beyond-the-pail adorable. ...actually, I grew up listening to that voice in various children's cartoons. XD

And the male JK. Just...just...that voice. That and the male consular's voice. I want to listen to those two talk all day. :D


The male agent's voice...scares me. Oddly, it's the one male voice in the game I can imitate (my attempt at the male inquisitor's voice comes off sounding more like a cross between Hiccup and Cole [How To Train Your Dragon and Dragon Age: Inquisition, respectively]). It just makes me think my poor agent is a sociopath serial killer or something...that, combined with the male operative's laugh - oh dear heavens that nightmarish laugh - and I do not play my male agent very often. (He still managed to find his way into fanfiction, where he's considerably less of a psychopath. XD)


On another note, does anybody else wish Darth Baras had remained looking like this?? :eek: If he had, I would have been a lot more conflicted about opposing him. (Either that, or I have a VERY odd idea of what constitutes "handsome" [or good-looking, at least] in a guy. XD)


This game can handle it. I mean, it didn't implode upon Valkorion and Marr talking in the same room, and their voices could flood planets. Hmm... Maybe that's why Marr had to die...


My word. The first time I heard Valkorion's voice, I was just about knocked out of my chair. O_O I spent pretty much the first half of KOTFE going "I don't care that you're the evilest of evil evilness, PLEASE KEEP TALKING!!"

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That. Was. Brilliant. Thanks for posting that fic.


I am traumatised by the line "This revelation made him sob" :(


6 more days of waiting if all goes well.


Am glad you liked it currently working on a new much longer chapter that should be done this weekend sometime, tackling a much larger chunk of the story at the moment. If you guys are lucky might see my Sith warrior running around doing research on locations ;) I want to make sure I describe things right.

Was also going to write a reuinion piece but need to see how it goes first. Thank you for the feedback and support :)

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The male agent's voice...scares me. It just makes me think my poor agent is a sociopath serial killer or something...that, combined with the male operative's laugh - oh dear heavens that nightmarish laugh - and I do not play my male agent very often. (He still managed to find his way into fanfiction, where he's considerably less of a psychopath. XD)

LOL, I really need to hear that laugh now! :D Gonna make Agent number 4. :D

Out of my 3 Agents, 2 are male because of the voice. It's sexy! :D But I see what you mean, he is intimidating. As a spy, he has to hide his feelings, so he is polite and calm, unreadable but you can feel something bad is going to happen LOL. So in that way, he sounds like a psycho, yes. :D

Maybe you should check out a few interviews with the voice actor, he seems to be a nice person, it might make you more comfortable with the Agent. :)


On another note, does anybody else wish Darth Baras had remained looking like this?? :eek: If he had, I would have been a lot more conflicted about opposing him. (Either that, or I have a VERY odd idea of what constitutes "handsome" [or good-looking, at least] in a guy. XD)

The link doesn't work for me. Are you talking about this? http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/swtor/images/3/32/Baras.png/revision/latest?cb=20100710053401


My word. The first time I heard Valkorion's voice, I was just about knocked out of my chair. O_O I spent pretty much the first half of KOTFE going "I don't care that you're the evilest of evil evilness, PLEASE KEEP TALKING!!"

Same here! It's pure awesomeness! :cool: I have always liked the Emperor (but can't forgive him what he did to his own Empire. :( ), he's cool.

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LOL, I really need to hear that laugh now! :D Gonna make Agent number 4. :D

Out of my 3 Agents, 2 are male because of the voice. It's sexy! :D But I see what you mean, he is intimidating. As a spy, he has to hide his feelings, so he is polite and calm, unreadable but you can feel something bad is going to happen LOL. So in that way, he sounds like a psycho, yes. :D

Maybe you should check out a few interviews with the voice actor, he seems to be a nice person, it might make you more comfortable with the Agent. :)


I know the voice actor at least appears to be a decent person, so there's that. XD The agent's story just...had a very bad effect on my male agent. (Arguably slightly worse for my female agent. Vector's her last link to sanity. In KOTFE, however... :eek:) And the female agent's voice...somebody - I can't remember who D: - described her voice as "audible chocolate." I can't agree more. She can sound like your best friend - or the most sadistic psychopath ever to walk the galaxy outside of the Emperor himself. XD




Hm...sort of. Same character, yeah? But it wasn't the picture I was linking to. Try going to swtor-rp.com and searching "Sith Profile: Darth Baras"? Maybe that'll work...?

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I know the voice actor at least appears to be a decent person, so there's that. XD The agent's story just...had a very bad effect on my male agent.


When I see him in other roles I'm so sure he's going start stabbing people when they turn their backs :o


Arguably slightly worse for my female agent. Vector's her last link to sanity.


Agreed, and that's why I think Vector works well for a light or dark agent. Light - they get along great, everything copacetic. Dark - he keeps her from ending up in a straight jacket, quite a burden for him, when I think about it.

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I know the voice actor at least appears to be a decent person, so there's that. XD The agent's story just...had a very bad effect on my male agent. (Arguably slightly worse for my female agent. Vector's her last link to sanity. In KOTFE, however... :eek:) And the female agent's voice...somebody - I can't remember who D: - described her voice as "audible chocolate." I can't agree more. She can sound like your best friend - or the most sadistic psychopath ever to walk the galaxy outside of the Emperor himself. XD

Haha, what would you do if he called you on the phone? :D

As for the female Agent, yeah, this pretty much sums it up. :D But she's a little boring to me compared to the male voice.


Hm...sort of. Same character, yeah? But it wasn't the picture I was linking to. Try going to swtor-rp.com and searching "Sith Profile: Darth Baras"? Maybe that'll work...?

Thanks, that worked. Oh, I know this picture. He looks like he hasn't slept for at least a month. :D I don't like him here, I like the previous one (that I linked) better. He looks quite good there. :) But either way, he certainly looks way better than now. :p

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When I see him in other roles I'm so sure he's going start stabbing people when they turn their backs :o



I wish I had a family member or friend who's a voice actor with such cool voices like these. :) I would always keep asking them to speak this way. :D

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My word. The first time I heard Valkorion's voice, I was just about knocked out of my chair. O_O I spent pretty much the first half of KOTFE going "I don't care that you're the evilest of evil evilness, PLEASE KEEP TALKING!!"


When he was arguing with Marr in chapter 1, it was simply amazing. Like a competition for who had the sexier voice. That's why Marr had to die, he was just too much of a threat to Valkorian's title, and Valkorian didn't want Senya cheating on him! :D


Side note: We need a Marr love thread!

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Thanks, that worked. Oh, I know this picture. He looks like he hasn't slept for at least a month. :D I don't like him here, I like the previous one (that I linked) better. He looks quite good there. :) But either way, he certainly looks way better than now. :p


Do we ever get told how he let himself go so much? Or are we just to assume that the Dark Side Cookies are too tempting?

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Haha, what would you do if he called you on the phone? :D

As for the female Agent, yeah, this pretty much sums it up. :D But she's a little boring to me compared to the male voice.


Have a panic attack. Especially if he started laughing. Then I'd have a heart attack and die on the spot.

Coroner's report: unable to tell if Jagaimee died of fright or an overload of fangirling. :p



Thanks, that worked. Oh, I know this picture. He looks like he hasn't slept for at least a month. :D I don't like him here, I like the previous one (that I linked) better. He looks quite good there. :) But either way, he certainly looks way better than now. :p


But now I can't reconcile this image of him with "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! I CANNOT BREAK HIM!!!!!" In THAT case, spherical!Baras fits the role better. XD


When I see him in other roles I'm so sure he's going start stabbing people when they turn their backs :o


"*stabbity stab* Oh. Pardon me. I get carried away sometimes."


"*tactical advantage goes off* Ahehehahaha..."

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Do we ever get told how he let himself go so much? Or are we just to assume that the Dark Side Cookies are too tempting?


Or the artists of the comic books and the in-game artists had a serious disconnect. Or it was way before character designs were finalized (case in point: Satele Shan looks like a clone of Bastila Shan in comics; Orgus Din looks more like Jolee Bindo than anything; and Harron Tavus...looks deranged).

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Male agent and male SW voices are both very sexy in my opinion. :o My agent is DS and a Chiss, so the calm ruthlessness with which he delivers his lines is perfect for him. I also LOVE the laugh, both on the male and female agents. I was devastated when they removed it for a time. It was a like a chunk of my character's personality had been taken away. :( I have 4 agents, 2 male and 2 female, one each as sniper and operative. :D


I love the female SW voice as well. It's a perfect for my "Pureblood with a Pedigree, so don't mess with me" warrior. I've never heard the warrior laugh that I can recall, but I love when she growls in combat. ARRRRRGH! Male warrior combat sounds though... Not good at all. I find them so bad as to be almost comical.


Male inquisitor, I dislike his voice. I feel bad when I hear people say how much they love it because I sit there wondering what I'm missing. I think the main problem was that my first male inquisitor was a body type 1 who I pictured being about 19 years old, and the voice just -Does. Not. Fit. He was also lightside, and in my opinion the male inquisitor's VA does not pull off LS well. To my ears he always sounded fake and at any moment I expected him to be like, "Just kidding! HAHAHAHAHA! <zaps everyone with lightning>


Male trooper has a good voice. Female smuggler is one of my favorites and since she's my main I have grown very attached to it. Even Khem Val sounds kind of sexy. :eek: I'm sure he's growling sweet nothings to my "little Sith" female sometimes. :D


Favorite voices of all time? Vector. Scourge. Male agent. Honorable mentions go to Darth Marr, Lord Malichose, and Captain Biron.

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Or the artists of the comic books and the in-game artists had a serious disconnect. Or it was way before character designs were finalized (case in point: Satele Shan looks like a clone of Bastila Shan in comics; Orgus Din looks more like Jolee Bindo than anything; and Harron Tavus...looks deranged).


Plus, I'm guessing plenty of years passed. Baras is an Old Man in the warrior's story, while he looks pretty young in those pictures

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I love the female SW voice as well. It's a perfect for my "Pureblood with a Pedigree, so don't mess with me" warrior. I've never heard the warrior laugh that I can recall, but I love when she growls in combat. ARRRRRGH! Male warrior combat sounds though... Not good at all. I find them so bad as to be almost comical.


I love her voice too, but she does make that one "UHHhh" sort of groan sound when she gets hurt that makes me O.o I like to think she sounds like this because she was in the studio for a long time and didn't want to hurt her throat with another scream

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I think the Fem!SW Voice is what killed the Quinn romance for me. SHe's good at sounding high and mighty, but anytime the VA tries to make an emotional scene (Like when reacting to the betrayal, or comforting Vette) she sounds like a robot who's 'wondering if this is this thing humans call love' and when she attempts to be threatening; I only picture Anakin Skywalker ranting about the jedi.
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I think the Fem!SW Voice is what killed the Quinn romance for me. SHe's good at sounding high and mighty, but anytime the VA tries to make an emotional scene (Like when reacting to the betrayal, or comforting Vette) she sounds like a robot who's 'wondering if this is this thing humans call love' and when she attempts to be threatening; I only picture Anakin Skywalker ranting about the jedi.


I thought she was wonderful. She sounded authoritative and strong, and that's what the character is. When you're a strong person, with a strong voice, I think it's a bit tough to sound kittenish. SW is one of my favorite female voices in the game. She's right up there with FSI, FIA and FJK. The rest of the female voices, don't really appeal to me, especially FJC who sounds like she's in a coma. And Ftrooper...yuck.

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