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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: A delay in my return. I don't know whether to be relieved or worried.

They probably saw the horde of pitchfork-wielding fangirls and decided to spit-and-polish our reunion with you.

Quinn: ...so the delay is my fault.

All because of you, yep.

Quinn: Well then. I'm still not sure--

*rabid haters come crashing against the doors, slavering and snarling like a pack of wolves*


...why Captain, you scream like...what the heck was that? A dying lawnmower? A disgruntled sarlacc? Maybe an off-tune Wookiee practicing for Life Day?

Quinn: *pressed up against the back wall, well away from the doors* M-my apologies, sir. I was...startled. *pressing further against the wall* ...er...could you do something. This is disturbing.

Good idea, good idea... *watches the haters scrabbling against the locked-tight doors* ...yeah, they can't get to you. The doors are locked with the power of fangirl-love.

Quinn: *slowly starts to breathe again* Safe...

*Fangirl Army comes rampaging in to violently cuddle Quinn, sobbing their hearts out*

Quinn: GACK! *strangled* Not...safe...!


Thank you for putting a smile on my grumpy face. :p:o

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Oh yeah, just remembered something from the DM info. You know how people were wondering why Quinn didn't get a higher rank in the time skip?



He was arrested by Minister Lorman for years because Loreman wanted the Wrath to stay dead, Quinn was then released by Acina when she started to suspect Loreman around a month or two before chapter 2.


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One like this one? https://twitter.com/GulJarol/status/851453378777546752/photo/1 I started working on it this afternoon, not aware that's all I'd have of him tomorrow still.


Aww it looks just like you two, awwww


I wish I could draw people, I don't even try. I'm practicing watercolors right now, not very good at it. Lucky when I don't stick the brush in my coffee cup~

Edited by grania
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Oh yeah, just remembered something from the DM info. You know how people were wondering why Quinn didn't get a higher rank in the time skip?



He was arrested by Minister Lorman for years because Loreman wanted the Wrath to stay dead, Quinn was then released by Acina when she started to suspect Loreman around a month or two before chapter 2.


This also



explains why he wasn't there by your side at once (many people tell me he sucks because in spite of his promises he didn't find me). He couldn't be.


My warrior will find it a great sacrifice on his part: he'd rather go to prison than abandon his search for her.





Aww it looks just like you two, awwww


I wish I could draw people, I don't even try. I'm practicing watercolors right now, not very good at it. Lucky when I don't stick the brush in my coffee cup~



I use a lot of reference pictures. To my total despair, I have problems with likeness of Malavai's face (and, in result, most of my Quinns). It's not the case for all faces, but there's something in my Quinns I can't catch when drawing. But here faces are not visible, so her hairdo should suffice to recognise who they are ;)

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This also



explains why he wasn't there by your side at once (many people tell me he sucks because in spite of his promises he didn't find me). He couldn't be.


My warrior will find it a great sacrifice on his part: he'd rather go to prison than abandon his search for her.





Quinn was on Kass the day you went to meet with Acina, but was afraid that you'd hate him now or (In a romantic snes) you'd stop loving him and think him a coward


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Quinn was on Kass the day you went to meet with Acina, but was afraid that you'd hate him now or (In a romantic snes) you'd stop loving him and think him a coward


I wrote a fic on his feelings and thoughts that very moment. It makes even more sense in my own story,



because he (wrongly) assumed my warrior fell in love with my inquisitor in the recent months.


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Oh yeah, just remembered something from the DM info. You know how people were wondering why Quinn didn't get a higher rank in the time skip?



He was arrested by Minister Lorman for years because Loreman wanted the Wrath to stay dead, Quinn was then released by Acina when she started to suspect Loreman around a month or two before chapter 2.



When I still thought KOTET would be introducing companions and went through the Dromund Kaas mission, I kept waiting for Quinn to pop in. When he didn't, I kept feeling like one of the few sensible explanations the writers could go with, at that point, would be to relate it to the whole Lorman/Saresh thing. I think they played it safe going that route, but at least it makes sense and gives reason to forgive him for not being around sooner.


Though I take issue with his excuse for not coming forward sooner, after being released. It's a little silly.


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Though I take issue with his excuse for not coming forward sooner, after being released. It's a little silly.



I thought so too at first, until someone pointed out to me that it can happen, and you can grow uncertain after such a long time and with such great distance. She's a great Sith, and he seems himself as inferior. It's not that surprising he could assume she found someone "more worthy" than he, if you think of it.


That said... a huge part of me agrees, that it's a stupid excuse they came up with for him not showing up in Ch2.


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Looks like we're not getting Malavai back tomorrow after all. They've put it off until April 18th.


No I'm back at work then so I'll have to wait all day till I get home to play. :(


The best part of this was it was during school holidays so I could play all day. Back to ME:A for me for another week. :p

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I thought so too at first, until someone pointed out to me that it can happen, and you can grow uncertain after such a long time and with such great distance. She's a great Sith, and he seems himself as inferior. It's not that surprising he could assume she found someone "more worthy" than he, if you think of it.


That said... a huge part of me agrees, that it's a stupid excuse they came up with for him not showing up in Ch2.



I guess it bothers me so much because Vette had tons of confidence in her reunion with the warrior and is really shocked if he then rejects her. But Quinn seems to assume rejection and that irks me! Because nothing is more attractive to a Sith than a whopping dose of insecurity. :rolleyes:


Then again, you're right; if he knows (or suspects) she's surrounded by Lana, Theron, and other hottie heroes of the galaxy and even possibly feels as though she didn't need him, has been successful enough in the Alliance without him, maybe assumes she didn't really seek him out, yadda yadda... And I suppose the writers had to consider the viewpoint of the scorned wives still mad about the Quinncident; if he was too confident, he'd probably look like a jerk, from that perspective.


For my POV, I'll just assume prison did a number on his confidence. :p:)


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It's all my fault guys. BW must have heard that I'd be gone for a few days and returning on the 18th. :cool:


I'm disappointed but honestly, I'm also encouraged that they are doing more quality control, because that has been a real issue since 4.0. I would be devastated if there was some bug that didn't recognize my warrior's romance or something like that, you know? Let's hope when it does come out, it's super polished and everything we hoped for!

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I wrote a fic on his feelings and thoughts that very moment. It makes even more sense in my own story,



because he (wrongly) assumed my warrior fell in love with my inquisitor in the recent months.

Just curious... what role did you imagine your Inquisitor play in KOTET, as both the Warrior and the Inquisitor would both play the role of the "Commander?" For example...



Did one choose to take the throne and the other choose to hand it off at the end?


Speaking of that choice...


My Warrior was very pro-Empire and her pragmatic choices left her at almost 0 alignment grey prior to KOTFE. Then, pissed that she lost five years, lost her crew, lost her husband and got stuck with a bunch of nobodies as she was railroaded into leaving the Empire and running an Alliance, she turned hard dark side, killing anyone and everyone related to Zakuul she possibly could... and then didn't take the throne. She never even wanted the throne, she just wanted vengeance. :wea_03:


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Guuuyyyyyssssss, stop with the spoiler'd stuff already...! :o We don't want a well-meaning-but-overzealous mod deleting the entire thread.

Quinn: As this happens to be my only bastion against the, er, "haters," I would agr--wait. Of course I would agree. Jagaimee's writing my dialogue. I have no free will.

...darn, you figured out my game here.

Quinn: Wait. I HAVE NO FREE WILL!?


Quinn: *facepalm*

That's a more subdued reaction than I was expecting.

Quinn: *still facepalming* I have learned to roll with it, as you say.


*not sure if I'm paranoid, or just being Jagaimee the Mini-Mod again* Heh, mini-mod...a name that got thrown at me maaaaaaany many times on another forum far far away. Not always in jest, either. :o

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Just found this thread <3 I don't know if you guys already talked about it because it's kinda impossible to read everything lol but my Warrior romanced Quinn during the main story, and Theron in SoR, i'm curious if Quinn will react to that now, even if I didn't romance Theron in KOTFE/KOTET. What do you guys think? :D
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Just found this thread <3 I don't know if you guys already talked about it because it's kinda impossible to read everything lol but my Warrior romanced Quinn during the main story, and Theron in SoR, i'm curious if Quinn will react to that now, even if I didn't romance Theron in KOTFE/KOTET. What do you guys think? :D


Welcome, fellow Quinnmancer!

Quinn: Oh no...

Oh yes. The fangirl army grows daily! Soon we shall TAKE OVER SWTOR--*cough* I mean, erm...soon we shall, er...reunite with Quinn? :D

Quinn: That is not what I heard originally.

I'm either really tired or really disoriented from arguing with people, because a fictional character just snarked back at me... Oh well, they've done that before and worse. Pesky creatures. :) (What's this thing called "sanity?" That exists?)


I wonder if Quinn will react at all. Has any other returning companion reacted to you cheating on them...? (None of my characters cheated on their significant others, so I've got no idea what happens. :o) If he does, though, he'd...probably blame himself, honestly, and just accept that it happened. He married a Sith, after all; he knew what the risks were.

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He betrayed you once. He will betray you again.


There is also no such thing as "headcanon". There is canon, then there is fanfiction. All the feels for the traitorous Quinn fall under fanfiction. They're not canon.


As for "understanding" and "forgiving"... When Quinn betrays you, you are on a mission. You have to stop Baras. But I guess it's more important to swoon over the enemy agent who is sent to not only kill you, but also to spy on you. And let's forgive him because he has a sexy voice, because that's all he has going for him.


That is the very definition of shallow and vapid.


As for my female SW?


You see, she has a reputation as a fair, honest representative of the Empire who treats her soldiers well and supports them in the face of danger. Potentially, that reputation makes her soft. It seems she understands failure and forgives it. Some, like Baras or even my own Darth Nox, believe her to be a weak Lord of the Sith, not prepared to take the action her rank demands. Not prepared to enforce field discipline where she sees it failing. She is a Lord of the Sith. She will enflame the weak, support the wavering, guide the lost. But she will also punish without hesitation the incompetent, the cowardly, and the treasonous.


She has a force choke with Quinn's name on it.

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He betrayed you once. He will betray you again.


There is also no such thing as "headcanon". There is canon, then there is fanfiction. All the feels for the traitorous Quinn fall under fanfiction. They're not canon.


As for "understanding" and "forgiving"... When Quinn betrays you, you are on a mission. You have to stop Baras. But I guess it's more important to swoon over the enemy agent who is sent to not only kill you, but also to spy on you. And let's forgive him because he has a sexy voice, because that's all he has going for him.


That is the very definition of shallow and vapid.


As for my female SW?


You see, she has a reputation as a fair, honest representative of the Empire who treats her soldiers well and supports them in the face of danger. Potentially, that reputation makes her soft. It seems she understands failure and forgives it. Some, like Baras or even my own Darth Nox, believe her to be a weak Lord of the Sith, not prepared to take the action her rank demands. Not prepared to enforce field discipline where she sees it failing. She is a Lord of the Sith. She will enflame the weak, support the wavering, guide the lost. But she will also punish without hesitation the incompetent, the cowardly, and the treasonous.


She has a force choke with Quinn's name on it.


You should've take a left turn at Albuquerque, 'cause this is the wrong thread. Hate thread is...somewhere down in the depths of the forum. :)

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Welcome, fellow Quinnmancer!

Quinn: Oh no...

Oh yes. The fangirl army grows daily! Soon we shall TAKE OVER SWTOR--*cough* I mean, erm...soon we shall, er...reunite with Quinn? :D

Quinn: That is not what I heard originally.

I'm either really tired or really disoriented from arguing with people, because a fictional character just snarked back at me... Oh well, they've done that before and worse. Pesky creatures. :) (What's this thing called "sanity?" That exists?)


I wonder if Quinn will react at all. Has any other returning companion reacted to you cheating on them...? (None of my characters cheated on their significant others, so I've got no idea what happens. :o) If he does, though, he'd...probably blame himself, honestly, and just accept that it happened. He married a Sith, after all; he knew what the risks were.


I've played through KOTFE-KOTET only with my warrior, kinda lazy lol so i have no idea if they react at all. I feel sad for having cheated on him since he's my fav companion :( but back then when SoR was released i had finished the warrior story and was happy for having another romance option lol and when KOTFE came i decided to not do it again :p But yea, he would probably use some kind of argument like that.

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Guuuyyyyyssssss, stop with the spoiler'd stuff already...! :o We don't want a well-meaning-but-overzealous mod deleting the entire thread.


:o:o:o -zips lips/ties fingers?-


Wait, where is everyone getting that he was in jail? Did I miss something?



You missed nothing; don't mind us, we're silly.



Has any other returning companion reacted to you cheating on them...?

Not that I know of... It seems that Lana and Theron (and maybe Koth, I have no idea on that one) recognize your rekindled relationship, but so far I've never seen a rekindled romance acknowledge the affair-type-things. I think it's funny that Lana, Theron, and Koth never mention your significant other while they're pursuing a relationship with you, though; they just pretend you're single.

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One like this one? https://twitter.com/GulJarol/status/851453378777546752/photo/1 I started working on it this afternoon, not aware that's all I'd have of him tomorrow still.


Nice. I imagined it more like this:



My Warrior and Quinn will be hugging like this for an hour, after their meeting. The others will get impatient. Theron: "Are you quite finished yet?" My Warrior: "NO." :p


My mood has been terrible since yesterday's events. I feel so sorry for Malavai. :( His life has been terrible so far, fate (and the devs) has been cruel and unfair to him. First Broysc, then the Quinccident, and these new events...:( We don't even know what his childhood was like, and I'm not sure I want to know after all of these...

*want to hug Quinn sooooo much*


My otherwise calm and reasonable Warrior will go totally crazy, because she will get a mental breakdown LOL. XD

She will go on a rampage and murder everybody who has hurt or want to hurt Quinn. Even Theron, is she has to (no matter how handsome and loveable he is)


I really need something to cheer me up. A good fanart/fanfiction, a funny video, etc. Anyone?:)

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