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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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You were quoting and referring to me and Casribait as 'yelling' at you for disagreeing, which is why I brought up sensitivities, because so far you seem to have a hard time taking disagreements as just that; disagreements.


Naawwwww I don't mind disagreements, but this is a bad place for them, particularly the fundamental disagreement about whether Quinn deserves death or not. There's plenty of other places that argument can be had, and has been had, over and over..



Instead, treating them as the same as those those who conduct personal attacks because of character like. So much so that you start to resemble the people you're complaining about.


Well I don't mean to treat everyone who disagrees like the worst kind of scum who makes personal attacks. But passively accepting certain things that are said isn't my style, I wouldn't respect myself if I kept my head down. I won't be told how to feel. About a story. lol.


Thinking more on the subject.. this is one of the more active threads going on at the moment, not a lot else going on in the forums to talk about other than the same old problems players have. I could be more understanding when the subject strays a bit.

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Eh, more depressing. It;s the Empire and Republic, no matter what's chosen, the galaxy is boned. My Warrior is gonna with his palm stuck to his face.


This isn't going to be popular! But I kinda.. want.. my warrior to die eventually, sooner than later. I don't think I want any kind of happy ending for her otherwise unhappy life. Heck I posted about having a fantasy of her turning undead at the end of kotet, heh.

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Is it wrong to be keeping tabs on this while working? I figure slow day so could not hurt to check while entering paperwork lol


Don't see the problem! :D


Except that you reminded me I have work to do and now I'm leaving :p

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Jorgan was broken, so we fixed him by smouldering the pieces back together, with a pistol.


My trooper fixed him with a hug.

...that sadly happened offscreen and only in headcanon, because my trooper's male, and apparently hugging is only for romanced female troopers. :p


Also - gah so many pages in one night?? We are SO going to break the Theron Shan fangirl page count... O_O - we have a new fangirl added to the borg--I mean, the army--the...thread. :D Welcome!!


Welcome! *gives you full colour poster or 8x10 glossy (your choice lol) of Malavai Quinn, darkside cookies and a decoder ring.* Great to have you! <3


And maybe just maybe, Jagaimee can get him to autograph your poster or 8x10 glossy for you.


Quinn: Oh dear.

Sign the nice person's poster, dear.

Quinn: Do you take me for a trained monkey that you can order to do what you want?

I'm writing your dialogue. I can make you sprout wings and fly, if I wanted to.

Quinn: *hurriedly signs poster*

The power of being a writer. *evil grin*

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Well I don't mean to treat everyone who disagrees like the worst kind of scum who makes personal attacks. But passively accepting certain things that are said isn't my style, I wouldn't respect myself if I kept my head down. I won't be told how to feel. About a story. lol.


You don't need to 'keep your head down', nor do you need to be passive. I'm simply saying that lumping everybody in with such simple similarity is both asinine and narrow minded. And why do you keep saying 'told to feel about story', I'm not saying that and neither is the other one you replied to. My point is specifically addressing how you react to people who aren't doing that.

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This isn't going to be popular! But I kinda.. want.. my warrior to die eventually, sooner than later. I don't think I want any kind of happy ending for her otherwise unhappy life. Heck I posted about having a fantasy of her turning undead at the end of kotet, heh.


My warrior can die a heroic or blunt death at this point, in my headcannon he's already had his baby with Vette off screen before Vaylin killed her. And that baby's hidden, somewhere. Because in my headcannon, my warrior's descendent centuries later is the character you can create in Jedi Academy... Mostly because they never explain why that character already has a lightsaber

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What, really? This I got to see.



Quinn: *spits out water*

Theron: ...oh geez.

Quinn: I HAVE BEEN SHIPPED WITH ANY AND ALL FEMALE WARRIORS - even some of the male warriors - and a few male agents - AND NOW A REPUBLIC SPY!? This...this is a gross insult, my lord(s)!

Theron: Yeah, and I've been shipped with-- *deep breath*--Jedi knights, Jedi consulars, pirate kings/queens, the commander of Havoc Squad, the Wrath of the Empire, Darth Nox, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, AND Cipher Nine, all regardless of gender, so that doubles all...possibilities. That's at least sixteen people. And now you.

Quinn: *mute horror/amazement/confusion*

Theron: *resigned shrug*


(Someone yell at me if I'm being annoying. :o )

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Quinn: *spits out water*

Theron: ...oh geez.

Quinn: I HAVE BEEN SHIPPED WITH ANY AND ALL FEMALE WARRIORS - even some of the male warriors - and a few male agents - AND NOW A REPUBLIC SPY!? This...this is a gross insult, my lord(s)!

Theron: Yeah, and I've been shipped with-- *deep breath*--Jedi knights, Jedi consulars, pirate kings/queens, the commander of Havoc Squad, the Wrath of the Empire, Darth Nox, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, AND Cipher Nine, all regardless of gender, so that doubles all...possibilities. That's at least sixteen people. And now you.

Quinn: *mute horror/amazement/confusion*

Theron: *resigned shrug*


(Someone yell at me if I'm being annoying. :o )


No no, keep going. I enjoy these. I once read a smut between Pierce and Quinn just for fun and it was surprisingly well-written.

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Quinn: Oh dear.

Sign the nice person's poster, dear.

Quinn: Do you take me for a trained monkey that you can order to do what you want?

I'm writing your dialogue. I can make you sprout wings and fly, if I wanted to.

Quinn: *hurriedly signs poster*

The power of being a writer. *evil grin*


Haha, poor Quinn. :D I can imagine him signing autographs for the women/girls with a red face.

Edited by Dylinrae
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No no, keep going. I enjoy these. I once read a smut between Pierce and Quinn just for fun and it was surprisingly well-written.


Pierce/Quinn? :eek: Well... I guess they have a lot of tension to work out.

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No no, keep going. I enjoy these. I once read a smut between Pierce and Quinn just for fun and it was surprisingly well-written.



Quinn and...PIERCE!? Ooooggguuughghghalsdfkjsf my brain i need brain bleach wHERE'S THE BLEACH...

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It was just hate sex :p

I suppose I can see that. ... I mean, I wish I couldn't, but now it's there in my brain.


Random subject change to remove thoughts of Pierce/Quinn:

I looked through some screenshots I had from the Warrior story and I was reminded that on Tatooine, the warrior can tell Quinn that the Jedi have no idea how "potent" he is. And he approves, because... it's apparently the ultimate compliment (and then the Jedi says it's a bluff, but whatever :rolleyes: ).


Anyway, I'm going to pretend it's an intentional running joke and giggle about it a bunch on the 11th.

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