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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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An interesting question. If they wanted to, they already got their hands on Koth and Skadge. I think Malavai is the last from comps "hated by everyone".


My hope it once that frustration (finally murdering him) is released, haters will become calmer and finally leave us, fans, alone and stop attacking us for not hating him. Too much to hope for? :o


Probably. :c Remember in KOTFE when you could kill

Jorgan or Kaliyo? There were...deeply disturbing posts about how people detailed they'd go back, over and over, exit out of the cutscene and replay it over again, just to kill Jorgan multiple times.

Jorgan! Not even Kaliyo got that sheer hatred! :eek:



And I guess it's far too much to hope that killing Quinn/Elara is just not an option altogether.

Edit: ...and if there's an option to kill Quinn, and no option to kill Elara, WE RIOT. :mad:

Edited by Jagaimee
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Everyone here should enjoy the current quiet because I imagine when 5.2 drops there will be multiple threads about people happy about getting to kill Quinn, and I am imaging there's going to be quite a few unfortunately and I think some will trickle into here also.


My only question is once they can kill Quinn who are they all going to gang up and hate on now?


Well if they 'trickle' into this thread, security will escort them out soon enough and point them in their desired direction. :)


As for who they'll turn their hate on next, who knows. :rolleyes:

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My hope it once that frustration (finally murdering him) is released, haters will become calmer and finally leave us, fans, alone and stop attacking us for not hating him. Too much to hope for? :o


Depends on what you consider hate, this thread has shown how easily misconstrued that word is.

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Probably. :c Remember in KOTFE when you could kill

Jorgan or Kaliyo? There were...deeply disturbing posts about how people detailed they'd go back, over and over, exit out of the cutscene and replay it over again, just to kill Jorgan multiple times.

Jorgan! Not even Kaliyo got that sheer hatred! :eek:



And I guess it's far too much to hope that killing Quinn/Elara is just not an option altogether.

Edit: ...and if there's an option to kill Quinn, and no option to kill Elara, WE RIOT. :mad:



I wouldn't say deeply disturbing, but I would call it surprising. I knew Jorgan wasn't well liked, mostly seen as either a bit annoying or just boring, but hated? Dear god, those were the most quiet haters before then. Damn.



And what makes you think Elara won't be killable? Bioware seems to have had their first taste of companion blood back in KOFTE, now they're on a murder high for our loved ones.

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Indeed! The last international fan-girl war I got into was many years ago when they cancelled Farscape on a CLIFFHANGER


A horrible one to boot! Well thank you for doing your part, I'd have cried without Peacekeeper Wars. Loved Farscape, one of my absolute favorites.

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I think it was quite opposite. Let me check my screenies.


It sounds to me like he released him and the debt is paid in full.




Baras is a master lier and manipulater . he simply said Quinn was free to start another chain of deceit and lies around his apprentice.

Quinn would never be free of Baras. Baras does not leave loose ends. He would not simply set him free. He would have him killed like all the other agents that were at risk or no longer useful.

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Yaaaaay, my Quinn thing was decent! :D


Understatement right there, I thought it was great :)

You inspired me to finish my own and post it. Look if you dare ;) My version of the A better man part of his romance with what I think happens in the fade to black part.


Be warned not kid friendly, very graphic so +18 only


Here it is


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I wouldn't say deeply disturbing, but I would call it surprising. I knew Jorgan wasn't well liked, mostly seen as either a bit annoying or just boring, but hated? Dear god, those were the most quiet haters before then. Damn.



And what makes you think Elara won't be killable? Bioware seems to have had their first taste of companion blood back in KOFTE, now they're on a murder high for our loved ones.


I guess it was disturbing for me, at least. Hey, I'd been looking forwards to killing


Kaliyo, because I hate her, and have since her introduction on Day One of the agent's story


but...nowhere *near* to that degree. e_e


Just another thing that I wouldn't put past them. -_- If Quinn's killable, then Elara should be, too. 'Tis only fair, if it has to happen.

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And for Quinn dialogue alternatives, as with Torian I have no intention of watching any YouTubes where Quinn dies - IO shall try an look at alternatives with my finger on the ESC button. The trauma :(


I made the mistake of watching a romanced Jorgan death. It still haunts me.. I don't even want to think about beloved Quinn dying..

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Just another thing that I wouldn't put past them. -_- If Quinn's killable, then Elara should be, too. 'Tis only fair, if it has to happen.


There shouldn't be any doubt that Elara will be killable. Aside from the fact that no matter what you will be at least one of their enemies outside being a Trooper or Warrior (Who might be able to recruit them no matter the choice), they wouldn't only make one of the two kill able because from a narrative standpoint they're purpose is to serve a similar position that can be easily swapped between them for either side.


The point of them being brought in is that they're now expendable.

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There shouldn't be any doubt that Elara will be killable. Aside from the fact that no matter what you will be at least one of their enemies outside being a Trooper or Warrior (Who might be able to recruit them no matter the choice), they wouldn't only make one of the two kill able because from a narrative standpoint they're purpose is to serve a similar position that can be easily swapped between them for either side.


The point of them being brought in is that they're now expendable.


I'm going to kill the **** out of Elara and not because I hate her but because I know Quinn will be getting the **** killed out of him.


Mm box wine, so classy. Time to stop posting~! :)

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I'm going to kill the **** out of Elara and not because I hate her but because I know Quinn will be getting the **** killed out of him.


Mm box wine, so classy. Time to stop posting~! :)


So, you'll be just as bad as the people killing Quinn? :D

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The point of them being brought in is that they're now expendable.


The sad truth, every companion brought back is going to be "killable" so they can disappear from the main story, a real shame.


I made the mistake of watching a romanced Jordan death. It still haunts me.. I don't even want to think about beloved Quinn dying..


That and Theron's breakup with you were horrible to watch, I only watched them once out of curiosity and haven't needed to watch again. :(

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That and Theron's breakup with you were horrible to watch, I only watched them once out of curiosity and haven't needed to watch again. :(


You're only gonna get more feels in the story from here on out if you don't avoid youtube on the 11th, I'm guessing for more than one reason :D

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So, you'll be just as bad as the people killing Quinn?


You should not be tempting me to post, but at least I'm still doing punctuation correctly. brb.


And uh elara, yeah you know? I'm not actually good aligned, according to the quizzes :D:wea_03:

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...Theron's breakup...

These words do not belong in a sentence together :( If there is the option to do this with Quinn, I won't be selecting/watching that either. I prefer my little fantasy world of happy endings for all. Except Vette :D

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As much as it will hurt me, I will be breaking up with Theron on many characters once their husbands return. I did make a few characters just to romance the 3 characters without previous attachments so on 3 of my characters their romance will be intact....I feel horrible for what I am going to bring myself to do.
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Depends on what you consider hate, this thread has shown how easily misconstrued that word is.


I mean people attacking me personally (e.g. on Twitter) or my toons (ruining a PvP match to make us lose because my toon's name is Milivan Quinn and 2 in my team hate him; telling my Attira Quinn in another PvP match that her surname is not welcome; emote slapping and/or spitting on my active companion Quinn next to me on the Fleet or even in my own stronghold).


That's what I mean.


Baras is a master lier and manipulater . he simply said Quinn was free to start another chain of deceit and lies around his apprentice.

Quinn would never be free of Baras. Baras does not leave loose ends. He would not simply set him free. He would have him killed like all the other agents that were at risk or no longer useful.


Perhaps, but it's a speculation.



I have no idea if Elara is killable, but TBH I doubt. No reason, I just think Quinn is to cater to haters. People don't scream for her blood, so "no reason" to make her killable.


The point of them being brought in is that they're now expendable.


And that is so sad. Since they could be gone for many players, they won't be present much in the upcoming story, if at all. We get them back. The rest we must imagine, because they are not Theron and Beniko, so we won't see much of them again. Just like all others who "died", even if they didn't in our particular story. :(


Fanfic is the solution. I write better stories than some SWTOR writers anyway :p

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Fanfic is the solution. I write better stories than some SWTOR writers anyway :p


Looking at my own Fanfiction... I'd say the companions find a better fate in canon, I just screw all my characters over :D

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I really like Theron and only romanced him on my Jedi Knight and wish I'd done so on my Agent and thus friend-zoned Vector ;). For my SW, hers and Theron's relationship will always be a, "yeah I can see it, but maybe in another life" type of situation. I'm sure there might have been one or two tense moments since being released from carbonite and having Lana and Theron as her only two close companions for a spell, but ultimately she was loyal to her husband...


...wherever he is....



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Well I'll be doing Lana's breakup as Nat has always wanted her hubby back. Lana was a nice distraction and helped ease the burden of having Valkorion kocking about in her head... but Nat wants her Quinn back. Come the 11th she can :D


I almost feel sorry for Lana...


I wouldn't be at all surprised if fanfic is spawned as well....

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Understatement right there, I thought it was great :)

You inspired me to finish my own and post it. Look if you dare ;) My version of the A better man part of his romance with what I think happens in the fade to black part.


Be warned not kid friendly, very graphic so +18 only


Here it is




Great fic!

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The sad truth, every companion brought back is going to be "killable" so they can disappear from the main story, a real shame.




That and Theron's breakup with you were horrible to watch, I only watched them once out of curiosity and haven't needed to watch again. :(


Oh god.. yes. Theron dumped me when torian came back. I tired to console him.. "I really do love you" but he pushed me away. I kinda wish I had a do over... torian so reunion was so... lackluster. (I felt so bad I made a brand new bh just for theron..)

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