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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Due to his outwardly gentle demeanour, soft voice, and being so submissive to warrior, people seem to forget he's a brutal, ruthless Imperial officer. I caught myself forgetting it sometimes. But he's quite piece of work, when you hang out with him, and do nasty stuff. He likes your nasty stuff too.


I wouldn't call him brutal or ruthless. He has dark side moments but he is basically not a bad man (except at the betrayal of course). Duty is very important to him and he always acts on the benefit of the Empire, whether that involves dark or light side choices.

Besides, remember when he cries when the sand demon dies (I felt sad too, I wanted it as a pet!), it may be a strange example, but that told a lot about him. :) A really bad person wouldn't have cared at all.



I wrote a Quinn thing.

...in about an hour. I am not very coherent right now (it's late, been a long day, aaaaaand I forgot to eat dinner, whoops...). But I hope the Quinn thing is okay. :D On another note, the

is fantastic for writing stuff like this. My warrior's name is Virne Azhak. I constantly get her last name backwards: is it Azhak or Ahzak? I'm not sure what I originally wrote down, but it's Azhak now. XD


Warning: Spoilers for the Quinncident, of course. Also for Imperial Ilum and the Sith Warrior story on Voss. And a title the Inquisitor gets at the end of *their* story, as well as one blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the end boss of said Inquisitor's story. Thou hast been warned.

It's great, I enjoyed it a lot. :)


For all I know, she may still do this :D Just had to spacebar some of her lines and calmly watch her as she has conniptions over it.

Really? I would make a third Inquisitor to see it, but now I have max character slot, waiting for BW to make a discount on the additional character slot. :o

Edited by Dylinrae
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Besides, remember when he cries when the sand demon dies (I felt sad too, I wanted it as a pet!), it may be a strange example, but that told a lot about him. :)


He doesn't cry. The stench makes his (and your) eyes teary. It's not sadness or compassion. It also happens when you don't kill the beast but it just falls asleep, and it still gives the stench. You tease him that he's crying, but that's not the reason of his tears.


He is ruthless. When it serves the Empire, he approves of every brutality you commit.


The only true tears of emotion I can think of is in the betrayal. His regret of doing it.

Edited by Lammia
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He doesn't cry. The stench makes his (and your) eyes teary. It's not sadness or compassion. It also happens when you don't kill the beast but it just falls asleep, and it still gives the stench. You tease him that he's crying, but that's not the reason of his tears.


That was just an excuse he made, I always thought that.:)


He is ruthless. When it serves the Empire, he approves of every brutality you commit.
He is, when he approves your dark side choices. What I meant was, he is not always like that. Edited by Dylinrae
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Yes I remember it being Pierce, I remember thinking "sorry did I wake you?!" They still have that problem sometimes, happened to Jorgan in kotfe too, glad I didn't miss it :D


Though, my absolute favorite swtor bug of all time has nothing to do with the warrior at all, sorry off topic!



I used to do this over and over til I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.


Ah, so Zash is secretly Nicholas Cage? That makes way too much sense...

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I think it was quite opposite. Let me check my screenies.


It sounds to me like he released him and the debt is paid in full.





In hindsight, I figured that was for show and that Baras later told Quinn in private to serve the SW faithfully, but also remember to whom his true loyalties lie, who saved his career. However, I don't think Quinn was actively planning any type of betrayal until after Draahg's failed attempt before Voss. With Baras' apprentice out of commission, I feel like ordering Quinn to kill the SW as a kind of last ditch effort - Baras had to know that Quinn and a couple of droids aren't much of a match for the SW (especially with level sync - lol :p) if someone as powerful as Draagh has failed twice already.


If Quinn had been planning on killing the SW from the beginning, he would have had a million opportunities in the one to two-ish years before Corellia, especially when the SW was badly injured during Draahg's explosion on Quesh and basically had to crawl back to a med station to meet the Hand. The SW was openly Baras' enemy at this point and badly injured, yet Quinn didn't take advantage of this. Baras believed the SW dead and Quinn had every opportunity to tell Baras the SW was alive or even mount an attack while the SW was injured... yet he didn't. I can only get from this that he was faithful to the SW at this point as he probably hadn't even heard from Baras since he left Balmorra.


It wasn't until right before Voss where Draagh failed that I think Baras finally contacted Quinn wondering what's going on and probably chastised him for not coming to him sooner with information that SW is alive and subsequently orders him to kill the SW. Quinn probably had do some kind of fast talking to get out of that and was then ordered to kill the SW.


This is all just personal interpretation and I think that is a good thing about old school BW stories - they can be so ambiguous at times that you can take five different people playing the same story and get five different interpretations depending on how they fill in the gaps with their own imaginations.... or Quinn was planning to betray the SW since day one and the writers did a terrible job of conveying that :eek:

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Yes I remember it being Pierce, I remember thinking "sorry did I wake you?!" They still have that problem sometimes, happened to Jorgan in kotfe too, glad I didn't miss it :D


Though, my absolute favorite swtor bug of all time has nothing to do with the warrior at all, sorry off topic!



I used to do this over and over til I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.


Oh my gosh, I am so glad you warned me about the not being able to breathe part. I'm sitting here eating lunch and I made sure to stop and swallow before clicking on that link. And thank goodness for that, because I was practically crying too. I had no idea that could happen in that scene!

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Oh my gosh, I am so glad you warned me about the not being able to breathe part. I'm sitting here eating lunch and I made sure to stop and swallow before clicking on that link. And thank goodness for that, because I was practically crying too. I had no idea that could happen in that scene!


And the Inquisitor silently watching her performance, then carrying the conversation on like nothing happened, is the icing on the cake. :D

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Yaaaaay, my Quinn thing was decent! :D


You should post it in the fanfic forum too. ^^


Ehehahhealfsfslfs *hides in corner* :o I can barely work up the courage to post anything in the Short Fic Weekly Challenge thread. Posting this story here was a result of sleep deprivation and temporary insanity. XD I'm just glad it was readable and not overly weird.



Though, my absolute favorite swtor bug of all time has nothing to do with the warrior at all, sorry off topic!



I used to do this over and over til I couldn't breathe from laughing so hard.


I have tears running down my face from laughing so hard! :D Oh my gosh...that was priceless.


Inquisitor: *stands there stoically like "I apologize for my insane master, I'm used to it, please ignore her*"


Inquisitor: *long-suffering sigh*

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Oh, I didn't know that despite living in Europe, I can play on American servers too. I thought it's the same as WoW.

Which PVE server do you recommend?


Ebon Hawk! Definitely Ebon Hawk. It's got a bustling community, it's great for roleplay (so I've heard and observed, though I'm still too shy to get into roleplay myself), and the community is overall very friendly and welcoming.

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I wrote a Quinn thing.

...in about an hour. I am not very coherent right now (it's late, been a long day, aaaaaand I forgot to eat dinner, whoops...). But I hope the Quinn thing is okay. :D On another note, the

is fantastic for writing stuff like this. My warrior's name is Virne Azhak. I constantly get her last name backwards: is it Azhak or Ahzak? I'm not sure what I originally wrote down, but it's Azhak now. XD


Warning: Spoilers for the Quinncident, of course. Also for Imperial Ilum and the Sith Warrior story on Voss. And a title the Inquisitor gets at the end of *their* story, as well as one blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the end boss of said Inquisitor's story. Thou hast been warned.



Virne sat on the edge of her bed. Just her bed now, as it had been for some months. It still felt cold in the middle of the night. She deliberately pushed all such thoughts out of her mind and resumed working on a report to the Dark Council. It had been a month since Ilum, but the Empire as whole was still dealing with the fallout from Malgus’s coup. Virne herself had volunteered to route out the last insurgents. Nudge them back into the Empire’s fold was what she’d actually been doing. What Malgus had done was wrong, no one doubted that – but his ideas of uniting all races under the Imperial banner…that had more merit than anyone save Darth Marr, Darth Nox, and Virne herself seemed to realize.


Which was what Virne was writing about in her report. If the Empire is to grow past its struggles, she wrote, following some of Malgus’s ideals would not be our death. Rather, it would be – to use the traitor’s terminology, if you’ll forgive me – our rebirth. At its current rate the Empire will stagnate, wither, and fade if we do nothing. You have seen the merits of so-called “alien” races: consider Darth Nox, as one shining example.


“Shining” was probably the wrong word to use, given Nox’s…darker…tendencies.


She alone has proven that a mere “alien” is more than a match for a human many years and experiences her senior. If anyone has—


There was a knock on the door.


Virne instinctively glanced up, even though the motion was unnecessary. The person’s sense radiated through the Force: not Vette’s bubbly presence, or Pierce’s gruff, mildly sleazy demeanor. And as 2V-R8 didn’t have a presence in the Force…


She set her jaw. She would not show weakness. “Come in, Captain.”


The door slid aside, and Malavai Quinn entered. His eyes were downcast, but they flicked up to Virne for a brief instant as if gauging her reaction. From his sense in the Force, he was…contrite. Ashamed. Malavai Quinn was not one to let his emotions color his body language – but here he did. He almost seemed to shrink right into the air, as if he expected Virne to backhand him just for showing his face. His posture was rigid, but shy. Virne’s eyebrow twitched upwards. Why the remorse now? They had…talked about the incident. Many times. Why was now different?


…resignation settled a heavy weight in her heart.


Had something else happened…?


“My lord,” Quinn began. His jaw worked, as though he was trying to say something else, but no sound came out.


“What has happened now?” Virne forced herself to ask. She set aside the datapad and watched him. It was painful to realize her own wariness.


“…I…came to say that…”


“That…what?” Virne prompted, when Quinn again fell silent. Something had happened, hadn’t it? She steeled herself. He’d say he wanted a divorce. He’d say but now I have to kill you for even briefly thinking like that traitor Malgus. Or worse: he’d beg and plead to be let back into her life on a more intimate basis, instead of the cold-but-professional relationship they’d kept up these past few months. Then again…knowing Quinn (did she know him? Even that thought was like a knife in her heart), he wouldn’t lower himself to grovel. He was…many things. A sycophantic boot-licker was not one of them.


Not to her face, at least…


“…that I’m sorry,” Quinn finally said, words rushing out, tumbling on top of one another. He looked up to meet her eyes, and she finally saw his face clearly: it was shadowed and haunted. “For everything, my lov—my lord. For everything I’ve done to you, for the—incident, as we call it—“ He gritted his teeth, both hands gripping his forehead and small fistfuls of his hair. “We call it that, don’t we,” he went on, in a low tone. “The incident. As if it’s just a mildly unpleasant bump in the road we both would rather forget. But we cannot forget – and I know full well your feelings on the subject. I know why you distrust me. And you are right to do so. After that, how could you trust me again? I was a fool. I was a stubborn, prideful, arrogant, naïve fool to ever think Baras could be trusted above you. How could I--!?” He angrily cut himself off.


Not even the Moff Broysc situation had gotten Quinn so worked up.


“Whatever you think of me is well-deserved,” Quinn went on, pained eyes steady on Virne. “Whatever—whatever punishment you wish to give, I accept it. If I’m to beg like a dog at your feet to gain your trust again, so be it – I’ll gladly do it. Whatever you would have me do, I will do it. I…” He was silent a moment. “…I hate this distance between us,” he said, just whispering now. “I despise it. And I know it is my fault, every moment of it. Whatever I can do to bridge this gap, whatever I can do to atone for my mistake, I will do it. I lo—“


“Stop,” Virne whispered, holding up a hand. It was shaking. She stilled it and forced herself to speak past the lump in her throat. “Just…stop. Don’t…don’t go there, not yet.” She couldn’t hear it yet. It was too painful.


Quinn looked like she’d taken her lightsaber and stabbed him through the heart.


They were silent, just watching each other. Virne clenched her jaw again to stop the trembling. She wouldn’t cry. She never cried. The bed she sat on didn’t feel comfortable anymore, but rather like a slab of cement, the coldness sending jagged spikes all the way up her spine. “What…you can do, Captain,” she finally said, unable to speak above a murmur, “what I would want…are answers.” She swallowed hard. “We’ve never talked about the answers, have we?”


“Answers? …my lord?”


Why?” she hissed, and in that one word her fists clenched and the bookshelves around her room shuddered. “Why? Why would you choose Baras’s word over mine? Why would you default to him, instead of me?”


Quinn remained rigid. It took him a long while to answer: “…blind loyalty.”


“It must have been blind indeed, to trust the Sith who helped you a decade ago over your own wife,” Virne said in a low tone, bitterness edging her words. Everything in her ached to know the truth. Was that it, then? Just blind, stupid loyalty? “Why did you do it? Why did you listen to him? What did he threaten you with? My death?” She scoffed softly. “Yes, clearly, that was it. What a threat.”


“Not yours.”


“Your own?”


Quinn’s lip twitched. Pure shame filtered through the Force.


“…you couldn’t come to me?” Virne asked, abject pain in her tone. She fought to keep that pain in check. She couldn’t be so vulnerable… “You couldn’t have trusted me for protection?”


“My lord,” Quinn protested, “I wanted what was best for the Empire. You said you knew one way to do it. Baras said he knew another. You are Sith Lords – I am a worm caught struggling between two titans in comparison. The machinations of the Sith are far, far beyond anything I can comprehend. For the briefest moment, there…there was doubt…” To his credit, he didn’t hang his head. His gaze, blurry with unshed tears now, was still steady. “And I acted in that moment. I put the Empire before anything else. And…I realize my folly now, when it is far too late.”


“You were there when the Hands contacted me. You knew of them, you knew what I was doing, you were on Voss, you saw the Emperor’s Voice!” Virne was hardly aware of her own voice rising – and her rising from the bed to stand in front of Quinn – until the last few words. It was an effort to calm down. She took a deep, shaking breath. “And yet you still doubted me?” she asked. Her voice sounded…young. Like a child’s. It was another thing entirely to show this level of openness. “Did our love mean nothing in that moment of doubt? I am your wife, Malavai Quinn! Did that mean nothing to you? Our marriage vows – to honor, to cherish until the end of our days – did that never cross your mind? Did you never think to trust me?”


“I didn’t know! I didn’t—“ Quinn shivered, his teeth grinding together as he squeezed his eyes shut. “I didn’t know,” he whispered again.


Virne was silent. She’d run out of things to say. All their past discussions about the incident – the betrayal – had never gone beyond I’m sorry, my lord; I swear to make it up to you and our relationship will take time to repair and I forgive you, but I’m not ready to let you back into my life just yet. This was…deeper. Everything had been brought to the light now, everything was in the open.


So it hadn’t been that he secretly hated her. It hadn’t been that he was a sociopath at heart, cleverly concealing it from even her skilled senses. It hadn’t been that he was just that much of a coward.


It had been…simple fear, and doubt. A worm caught between titans, as he’d said.


Sith locked in power struggles devastated those under their command, often without a care for the lives they so casually destroyed. To them, non-Force-sensitives were pawns, were tools to be used, discarded, and broken outright if it suited their needs.


Not to Virne.


Quinn hadn’t known that? For three years, they had been working together – for two, they had been romantically involved – for a few blissful weeks, they had been married. All that time, and he had never known that Virne wouldn’t throw him to the wolves when it pleased her? That she wasn’t interested in fulfilling her own power fantasies, but was instead devoted to the Empire as a whole?


He hadn’t known that…?


“As…I said before, my lord…” Quinn didn’t meet her eyes now. He didn’t dare. “Whatever punishment for my folly you think is best…I will accept, and carry it out. If that means divorce, I…understand entirely.” He gave a nod. It seemed like it was more to convince himself than to convince her. “I will even draw up the papers, if you so wish. Or if…there is a more…permenant sentence…” His gaze strayed to her lightsaber, resting on the table next to the bed.


Virne followed his gaze. Other Sith would do so in a heartbeat. Passion made them strong, but love made them weak, they would claim. Of course they couldn’t have a traitor among their crew. But Virne…she was not other Sith.


If Quinn had indeed not known that…now he would.


“I don’t want revenge,” she murmured. She drew closer to Quinn, who looked up, an almost startled expression on his shadowed face. “What I would want, Malavai,” she whispered, putting one hand gently on the back of his head and leaning towards him, “…is trust.”


He hesitated for the briefest second. His aura in the Force flared with sudden hope. Then he rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed.


They held each other silently, far into the starless night.


That was quite lovely and questions asked that never were in game. That whole quinncident thing was wholly unsatisfying and the burning question of 'WHY?" has never been answered, this comes a close as anything so far. You should at least post on the Short Fic Weekly. Kudos. :D

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Still working on my fanfic Jagaimee :) I think I am almost done. Will have to figure out how to post it somewhere and if I should link it to you guys here in a bit....very adult themed....not kid friendly lol. Quinn....he makes me think naughty thoughts.... Edited by Nightfrogger
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Ebon Hawk! Definitely Ebon Hawk. It's got a bustling community, it's great for roleplay (so I've heard and observed, though I'm still too shy to get into roleplay myself), and the community is overall very friendly and welcoming.


Thanks for the tip! I have never been on a RP server, but I will consider it. :) One thing is sure: no PVP. 10 years of WoW on PVP servers killed my nerves - can't take the stress and paranoia anymore. :o (Although shooting the Pubs from the bushes with a Sniper would be fun LOL)


That whole quinncident thing was wholly unsatisfying and the burning question of 'WHY?" has never been answered

We are starting to act like a bunch of detectives, who are trying to solve the mysterious Quinn case. :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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That was quite lovely and questions asked that never were in game. That whole quinncident thing was wholly unsatisfying and the burning question of 'WHY?" has never been answered, this comes a close as anything so far. You should at least post on the Short Fic Weekly. Kudos. :D


Thank you. :D I got halfway through writing it and then realized "...I actually don't know what Quinn would say." Hence the rather vague explanation. XD


Thanks for the tip! I have never been on a RP server, but I will consider it. :) One thing is sure: no PVP. 10 years of WoW on PVP servers killed my nerves - can't take the stress and paranoia anymore. :o (Although shooting the Pubs from the bushes with a Sniper would be fun LOL)


Well, since every server now has a PVP and PVE instance, you can technically be on a former PVP-designated server (Harbinger, I think?) and still not run into any open-world PVP. But...I've heard Harbinger's...uh, not very nice. To anybody. e_e Most populated server, yes, but the community is apparently crud. Anyway; Ebon Hawk's got its fair share of trolls, can't really avoid those on any server you go to, but it's still pretty nice. :)

(And oi vey I hear you about the PVP paranoia... I used to be on Jung Ma when it actually was a PVP server. Before level sync. :eek: Questing on my own in some remote corner of Tatooine on a low-level character - up comes a level 55 fully-geared opposite-faction character and starts beating me into the ground with no warning. Thank goodness that was on an assassin...I hurriedly stealthed out, watched the other guy wander around for a bit looking for me, and then he ran off. That and many other instances were what motivated me to migrate to Begeren Colony and Ebon Hawk. XD)


Anyway! Back to Quinn! SIX! MORE! DAYS!!

Quinn: *limply waving a flag around* Hurrah.

...what, you're not excited?

Quinn: Why does everyone seem to think I will be able to be killed?

Because the developers would no doubt put that option in to appease people who hate you. Even though the Quinncident was eight to nine years ago in-game time.

Quinn: ... :(

Also because people are whiny crybabies who would ragequit if they didn't get that option.

Quinn: *rapid eye twitching*

Never fear! You have your loyal fangirl army to defend you.

Quinn: Errrr...

...and your wife/best friend/lover/good ally, whatever your positive relationship with the Sith Warrior was.

Quinn: *immediately perks up* :)


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Anyway! Back to Quinn! SIX! MORE! DAYS!!

Quinn: *limply waving a flag around* Hurrah.

...what, you're not excited?

Quinn: Why does everyone seem to think I will be able to be killed?

Because the developers would no doubt put that option in to appease people who hate you. Even though the Quinncident was eight to nine years ago in-game time.

Quinn: ... :(

Also because people are whiny crybabies who would ragequit if they didn't get that option.

Quinn: *rapid eye twitching*

Never fear! You have your loyal fangirl army to defend you.

Quinn: Errrr...

...and your wife/best friend/lover/good ally, whatever your positive relationship with the Sith Warrior was.

Quinn: *immediately perks up* :)



I always use to joke around that those people who wanted to push him out a airlock could....only if it was leading directly to my ship.


But never fear Quinn, the Quinnmancer army will protect you.

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I always use to joke around that those people who wanted to push him out a airlock could....only if it was leading directly to my ship.


But never fear Quinn, the Quinnmancer army will protect you.

Quinn needs to remember, as divine as Vitiate was, there is no force in existence or divinity that can stand up to the overwhelming power of Fan Girls. A may Kephess have mercy on the populas when two factions of Fans engage in rage.

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Quinn needs to remember, as divine as Vitiate was, there is no force in existence or divinity that can stand up to the overwhelming power of Fan Girls. A may Kephess have mercy on the populas when two factions of Fans engage in rage.


Fan girls really can affect a story, I've seen it with NWN2. That game ended with our LI dying at the end, and we got it retconned in a later game :) Granted, his fate wasn't much better afterwards but it left the door open.

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Fan girls really can affect a story...

Indeed! The last international fan-girl war I got into was many years ago when they cancelled Farscape on a CLIFFHANGER :eek: It took years but we got our mini series closure. EAware should let that be a warning - hell hath no fury like a fan-girl scorned! That Quinn return better break hearts with its off-the-scale mushyness or I walk.


And for Quinn dialogue alternatives, as with Torian I have no intention of watching any YouTubes where Quinn dies - IO shall try an look at alternatives with my finger on the ESC button. The trauma :(

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EAware should let that be a warning - hell hath no fury like a fan-girl scorned! That Quinn return better break hearts with its off-the-scale mushyness or I walk.


And for Quinn dialogue alternatives, as with Torian I have no intention of watching any YouTubes where Quinn dies - IO shall try an look at alternatives with my finger on the ESC button. The trauma :(


Yes this! Though I would do nothing to risk my man's death. I love my Quinn pixels.


So yeah, Bioware's on notice, the return of Quinn had better be awesome and lovey dovey. *spit polishes her pitchfork just in case it's not.*

Edited by Lunafox
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Everyone here should enjoy the current quiet because I imagine when 5.2 drops there will be multiple threads about people happy about getting to kill Quinn, and I am imaging there's going to be quite a few unfortunately and I think some will trickle into here also.


My only question is once they can kill Quinn who are they all going to gang up and hate on now?

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And for Quinn dialogue alternatives, as with Torian I have no intention of watching any YouTubes where Quinn dies - IO shall try an look at alternatives with my finger on the ESC button. The trauma :(


Nor do I. I'm simply not even curious. I wish I could explore different options in replays (minus murder), but since we most likely don't get that chance with these two LIs (the unfairness!!!), I'll just stick to what should be, and call it a day.

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My only question is once they can kill Quinn who are they all going to gang up and hate on now?


An interesting question. If they wanted to, they already got their hands on Koth and Skadge. I think Malavai is the last from comps "hated by everyone".


My hope it once that frustration (finally murdering him) is released, haters will become calmer and finally leave us, fans, alone and stop attacking us for not hating him. Too much to hope for? :o

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