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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Because most of us root for Quinn over Pierce. Pierce is disrespectful to and about Quinn, even when you get him back in kotfe. Quinn is just as capable or more so than Pierce and deserves a higher rank. Quinn is a higher rank than Pierce throughout the class story and it's natural to feel resentful that Pierce advanced while Quinn stagnated for spoilery story reasons. It's like watching the obnoxious shmuck at work get promoted over the quieter, harder worker.

Edited by grania
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What's wrong with Quinn being the same rank as Pierce?


I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with it, but it does feel more comfortable to me to have Quinn as a higher rank largely because that's what I'm used to in the original Class story. I loved the small amount of back-and-forth Quinn and Pierce had. I wish they would have written in more interactions between Companions - kind of like Vector and Lokin.


There's also some logical reasons for Quinn to be higher rank simply in how they were written. Pierce is pegged as the "reckless soldier" while Quinn is almost the iconic "stuffy officer." This was defined to me by their skill sets: black ops vs. strategy and tactics. While Pierce seemed to only crave action in battle, Quinn craved results and accomplishment of the mission. While Pierce was focusing on getting the band back together for the Bastion, Quinn was running the ship and the crew in addition to his endeavors to relieve the Empire of Moff Broysc. For me, Quinn just seems to be the more logical person to keep in charge based on his skills, training and personality.


That being said, I'm not sure all this matters... I mean, they've all bailed the Empire to join the Alliance now, right? Does Imperial or Republic military rank even apply anymore or does the Alliance have their own deal?

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As compensation, he's married to the empress of the known universe, so nyah to Pierce :D




The warrior's just the Wrath, not...

*lightbulb* .........I need to go play KOTET. XD And finish KOTFE, for that matter. Knight first, then warrior, then I highly doubt any of my other characters will go through the later expansion.


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The warrior's just the Wrath, not...

*lightbulb* .........I need to go play KOTET. XD And finish KOTFE, for that matter. Knight first, then warrior, then I highly doubt any of my other characters will go through the later expansion.


Oo, it didn't occur to me that you might not have finished up the kotet story, I mean I guess you don't have to now, according to Eric.


But, you're going to do the reunion, yes? :eek:

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feel resentful that Pierce advanced while Quinn stagnated for spoilery story reasons. It's like watching the obnoxious shmuck at work get promoted over the quieter, harder worker.


Pierce only technically advanced, Pierce himself was purposely put into a position where his job is to basically stand around and inspire people, because one of the higher ups wanted to spite Pierce. And that analogy doesn't really work, both Quinn and Pierce are highly capable people in their positions and deserve their ascension, it's just that nobody in the Empire actually seems to want to put them in the appropriate area to help out. The analogy especially doesn't work when they simply got the same rank.

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Oo, it didn't occur to me that you might not have finished up the kotet story, I mean I guess you don't have to now, according to Eric.


But, you're going to do the reunion, yes? :eek:


In the 5.2 storyline? HECK YEAH. I'm definitely taking my warrior through KOTET, since I want to see her take on the story, and then QUINN. *maniacal laughter* ... ahem. I mean...and then Quinn ~ ! *fangirlish giggles*

Quinn: ...either way, I am very disturbed right now.

The more I type "Quinn," the less it looks like an actual word/name. 'Tis bad.


I'm just a slowpoke in actually taking any of my characters through KOTFE/KOTET. XD I keep thinking "Okay, today I'll do it! ...ooh shiny plot bunny, come back here...wait a sec, where'd the day go? ...crud." :p

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There's also some logical reasons for Quinn to be higher rank simply in how they were written. Pierce is pegged as the "reckless soldier" while Quinn is almost the iconic "stuffy officer." This was defined to me by their skill sets: black ops vs. strategy and tactics.


One thing I find funny is I these two seem like that type of character rivals that would be perfect when working together.


While Pierce seemed to only crave action in battle, Quinn craved results and accomplishment of the mission. While Pierce was focusing on getting the band back together for the Bastion, Quinn was running the ship and the crew in addition to his endeavours to relieve the Empire of Moff Broysc. For me, Quinn just seems to be the more logical person to keep in charge based on his skills, training and personality.

Pierce doesn't only crave action, he just enjoys action. He also craves results and accomplishments and does his own thing to improve the crew. And you act like him focusing on capturing the Bastion, which until the Trooper came along was a major victory for the Empire, as a knock against him.


Both can do well in charge, it's just depending on what they're in charge of. Plus, Pierce provides Quinn some much needed humbling for those that aren't Sith Lords or officers.

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Pierce only technically advanced, Pierce himself was purposely put into a position where his job is to basically stand around and inspire people, because one of the higher ups wanted to spite Pierce...


I hope that it was Quinn who assigned Pierce to that position. I think that would be a fun thing to write into the story in order to continue the animosity between the two. :D

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One thing I find funny is I these two seem like that type of character rivals that would be perfect when working together.



Pierce doesn't only crave action, he just enjoys action. He also craves results and accomplishments and does his own thing to improve the crew. And you act like him focusing on capturing the Bastion, which until the Trooper came along was a major victory for the Empire, as a knock against him.


Both can do well in charge, it's just depending on what they're in charge of. Plus, Pierce provides Quinn some much needed humbling for those that aren't Sith Lords or officers.

It was a great victory... for a spell. Then it was a total waste of the Empire's resources. Pierce described Quinn as running his mouth in saying that the Bastion will never hold because Corellia was too unstable...


...and Quinn was right.


All of that work and effort into planning and executing the assault on the Bastion... just to lose it again. While Pierce did great on the his part, which was assembling his team and leading the assault, it was a big deal at the time and he was rightfully commended. It's just unfortunate that he lacked Quinn's foresight to realize that the mission was too risky in the first place and that maybe all of that time and effort could be better allocated to another, less risky, target that Pierce didn't have a personal stake in.


I'm definitely not knocking on Pierce, as he is actually one of my favorite characters. I just think the fact that he dumped all of those resources in a high risk target just because he missed his chance earlier in his career really plays to his "reckless soldier" character.

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I hope that it was Quinn who assigned Pierce to that position. I think that would be a fun thing to write into the story in order to continue the animosity between the two. :D


Only if they wrote it well. I get sick of listening to people like Pierce sass my husband and being powerless to do anything about it. I think BW unconsciously does this, I don't think they realize they've repeatedly turned the femwarrior into a doormat.

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Someone actually leaked Quinn's rank or is this speculation? If so, so much for no spoilers :(




Someone brought it up accidentally and then we discussed it and I didn't even think about it. I'm very sorry :(

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Maybe I should reiterate to myself what is currently known: The warrior disappeared when Marr's ship was destroyed, Quinn attempted to find the warrior for a time, asking for help from the Dark Council but made no progress. Years later - warrior returns and Quinn's whereabouts are unknown, alliance cannot locate him. Meantime, Pierce was promoted to.. Major, right?


And that is literally all we know currently, yes? Is there anything else?

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Maybe I should reiterate to myself what is currently known: The warrior disappeared when Marr's ship was destroyed, Quinn attempted to find the warrior for a time, asking for help from the Dark Council but made no progress. Years later - warrior returns and Quinn's whereabouts are unknown, alliance cannot locate him. Meantime, Pierce was promoted to.. Major, right?


And that is literally all we know currently, yes? Is there anything else?


Well from the stuff they have shown on twitter he obviously has stayed in the military, we had all speculated that he had a promotion due to the change of his uniform just didn't know to what. And that we need to smack down Empress Acina for hiding our husband from us when we visited.

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Someone actually leaked Quinn's rank or is this speculation? If so, so much for no spoilers :(

Agreed. This is something I did not need/want to know before 5.2 and I can't help thinking it was done deliberately to annoy those of us who said "no spoilers".

Incoming tags for possible class story spoilers

The rank that was revealed in this thread (major) if true does not make sense unless BW actually paid attention to Quinn's last letter to his warrior and made something happen to his career based on how he says he feels in that letter (the loss made him ill). If he had to take time out from the military it would make perfect sense that he was not progress above Pierce in rank.


If something along those lines has happens, then my pitchfork can stay in the shed.

It has been interesting to read all the Pierce vs Quinn career theories though.

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As compensation, he's married to the empress of the known universe, so nyah to Pierce :D


KOTET spoiler only inside:


For the briefest second I read this and thought, "Wait, what? Quinn went and married Empress Acina while we were in carbonite??" And then I realized that the "Empress" being spoken of was the Wrath. :D


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KOTET spoiler only inside:


For the briefest second I read this and thought, "Wait, what? Quinn went and married Empress Acina while we were in carbonite??" And then I realized that the "Empress" being spoken of was the Wrath. :D


Lol, yes, YOU, silly :D


Well from the stuff they have shown on twitter he obviously has stayed in the military, we had all speculated that he had a promotion due to the change of his uniform just didn't know to what. And that we need to smack down Empress Acina for hiding our husband from us when we visited.


Ok. I'm not going to talk about anything else or even things I don't know, which is actually almost everything. There's only one spoiler I know but it affects how I feel about a lot of other things, so.. -silent-

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Ok. I'm not going to talk about anything else or even things I don't know, which is actually almost everything. There's only one spoiler I know but it affects how I feel about a lot of other things, so.. -silent-


I just keep on counting down the days the 11th cannot come fast enough :( Patience may be a virtue....but it is certainly not one of mine.


For now back to Quinn wife #4....just got her to Voss. Been doing all of the planetary main quests, and a few others I pick up besides story quests, been 70 since Alderan and have my Quinn up to affection level 31....he will be unstoppable.

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Opinion related to ... uhm ... Quinn's possible speculated rank (or not-rank, rather) that has been... speculated upon recently in this thread (but no other info, because I know nothing!) :



Much as I love the idea of Moff!Quinn and expected that's where his career could take him... I assume a Moff would have some sway, connections, resources, and so on to make significant progress in the search for his wife? At least moreso than someone of a lower rank?


If he was a Moff and my warrior still had to rely on Lana and Theron and outside circumstances to reunite them, I feel like he would become immediately reacquainted with the Wrath-y side of the warrior. Like, to be that intelligent and that driven and to have a rank that gives you a heck of a lot of power in getting things done and then not get that done? For shame, Quinn. For shaaaame.


It also makes me feel like I'm on the right track with my guess about what he's been doing for the last feels-like-a-zillion-years!


/will no longer talk about it! Promise!


I love both Quinn and Pierce, and think they are both valuable (and attractive!) in their own ways and ultimately very effective when working together. Even Quinn admits at one point that Pierce has skillz (or at least that he's capable, which in Quinn-speak obviously translates to: "He's got skillz, my lord.") ;)


KOTET spoiler only inside:


For the briefest second I read this and thought, "Wait, what? Quinn went and married Empress Acina while we were in carbonite??" And then I realized that the "Empress" being spoken of was the Wrath. :D


If Quinn remarried at all... xD I have no idea why he would put some poor woman at risk like that. She'd have no idea what might be coming to kick her butt to the curb. I mean, she might think she knows. But nope. Mm-mm. Could be Acina or some random Imperial or Jaesa, even. To. The. Curb.


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