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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Quinn: Oh dear... *ahem* Er. My lord? What have you done this time?

There's a picture of you.

Quinn: ...did I address you? No. I was addressing Darth Lunafo--

You're in a very special suit.

Quinn: *slowly raises one eyebrow* I...am not sure I understand your meaning--


Quinn: . . . :eek:

Uh, well, for the record, I didn't look at it either, so I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate, Quinn. For one thing I think my computer would go extra "PROTECT THE INNOCENT/NOT-REALLY-THAT-INNOCENT" mode and block it, and for another thing...er...I don't really want to see NSFW stuff...? I *am* an adult (...barely), but still... No offense to Lammia. :o *sends cookies across the internet*

Quinn: *sputtering* Wh--I--ah--th--how--wha--er--I--th--you--what--why--ca--y--n--

...oh wow, that WAS extra purple... o_O

Quinn: *finally finds his voice* ...m-my lords. Officers. Permission to speak freely?

Can't speak for the other fangirls, but I'm faaaaaaairly certain that's an "of COURSE!!"


Fanservice. Beautiful fanservice. Sorry, had to interrupt that giant bold caps lock rant.

Quinn: .............Darth Lunafox, I beseech you: knock some sense into everyone else's heads! *hand drifts down to his blaster pistol* Or I might, myself.

I'd say that's out of character, but you DID execute...what was his face, the insane--BROYSC, that's it!--you DID execute him in cold blood, so--

Quinn: And would YOU shut up for five seconds!? ....... *pales* I. I mean. I. S-sorry. Sir. Grand Admiral. Officer. *snaps into the Imperial salute so rigidly he risks breaking a few bones*

Shutting up now. (This was a ridiculously colorful post. o_O)


*big sithy grin* Well Malavai, seeing as you're beseeching me and all, I'll see what I can do. I understand your need for decorum and respectability even though deep down I know you like to be in charge... *wink wink*


Excuse me, Malavai...give me one moment.


*turns to other fangirls, Sith, and distinguished officers* Gather up all that lovely art and bring it into my ready room. I want to have a proper showing. There will be wine and cheese. But it is a secret showing, there will be a password...'quinn is hawt'. And remember, what happens in the ready room, stays in the ready room. And for makers sakes don't let Pierce or Vette in. Or Malavai. It's a wine and cheese showing, not a whine and geez showing. Kapeesh? Excellent. :D As you were....


*oogles Lammia's beautiful artwork some more* Any chance we can blow this up...make it bigger? :D

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*big sithy grin* Well Malavai, seeing as you're beseeching me and all, I'll see what I can do. I understand your need for decorum and respectability even though deep down I know you like to be in charge... *wink wink*


Excuse me, Malavai...give me one moment.


*turns to other fangirls, Sith, and distinguished officers* Gather up all that lovely art and bring it into my ready room. I want to have a proper showing. There will be wine and cheese. But it is a secret showing, there will be a password...'quinn is hawt'. And remember, what happens in the ready room, stays in the ready room. And for makers sakes don't let Pierce or Vette in. Or Malavai. It's a wine and cheese showing, not a whine and geez showing. Kapeesh? Excellent. :D As you were....


*oogles Lammia's beautiful artwork some more* Any chance we can blow this up...make it bigger? :D


Quinn: *big puppy dog eyes as he realizes the last vestiges of what he considers sanity has gone down the drain*



I'll be the guard at the entrance. Making sure Pierce, Vette, and Quinn aren't allowed in. ...or Broonmark. He'd get hair all over everything.

Broonmark: Blllorp.

Or Jaesa. Dark Jaesa would...do inappropriate things. Light Jaesa would have a heart attack and die on the spot. Or, for that matter, any other companions. That means you, Kaliyo.

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Yeah, it pretty much burns down to the fact we can't buy customisations without silly limitations. They should lift those, since now all classes can have any random vanilla comp.


They should definitely change this. It would be a great QOL change that would benefit people playing through KOTFE and KOTET. Your problem is tricky though, because in addition to being able to buy that customization from the vendor, you also need to be able to slot in on the companion before the game recognizes your character as having met him. Not sure how they could get around that to make it work. :confused:


I mentioned working on something. Here it is: http://fav.me/db3wv43


And thank you for sharing this! Great work. :D

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OMG, this thread always improves my mood a lot. It's like a therapy, really. :D

Yeah, I think Malavai would certainly react this way to this fanart. He would totally freak out and his face would be all red. We love you Malavai, cheers! :D

Edited by Dylinrae
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Uh, well, for the record, I didn't look at it either, so I'm not sure if that's entirely accurate, Quinn. For one thing I think my computer would go extra "PROTECT THE INNOCENT/NOT-REALLY-THAT-INNOCENT" mode and block it, and for another thing...er...I don't really want to see NSFW stuff...? I *am* an adult (...barely), but still... No offense to Lammia. :o *sends cookies across the internet*


No worries :) That's why I didn't post it in a generally accessible way. Not everyone should or wants to see that. :)


For the record, you can't see anything, but some may want to say "move that hand, dammit!" ;)


They should definitely change this. It would be a great QOL change that would benefit people playing through KOTFE and KOTET. Your problem is tricky though, because in addition to being able to buy that customization from the vendor, you also need to be able to slot in on the companion before the game recognizes your character as having met him. Not sure how they could get around that to make it work. :confused:


If he was even a temp comp (like Jorgan or Kaliyo in chapters), it should work. I could put it on him then, not from the first cutscene, but later on, between scenes, while we're running around together. I'd be happy with at least that in the light of not being able to repeat the whole thing.


But right now it's completely impossible. :(

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Lunafox From the reactions to Lammia's art - I think you might want to consider changing the title to "...this is a lust thread" :D I'm more of an in-game version of Malavai fan myself, though some of the Malavai cartoons about are hilarious.
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*big sithy grin* Well Malavai, seeing as you're beseeching me and all, I'll see what I can do. I understand your need for decorum and respectability even though deep down I know you like to be in charge... *wink wink*


Excuse me, Malavai...give me one moment.


*turns to other fangirls, Sith, and distinguished officers* Gather up all that lovely art and bring it into my ready room. I want to have a proper showing. There will be wine and cheese. But it is a secret showing, there will be a password...'quinn is hawt'. And remember, what happens in the ready room, stays in the ready room. And for makers sakes don't let Pierce or Vette in. Or Malavai. It's a wine and cheese showing, not a whine and geez showing. Kapeesh? Excellent. :D As you were....


*oogles Lammia's beautiful artwork some more* Any chance we can blow this up...make it bigger? :D


Oooooo a wine and cheese showing. I must get my fancy sith robes for this occasion.

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Lunafox From the reactions to Lammia's art - I think you might want to consider changing the title to "...this is a lust thread" :D I'm more of an in-game version of Malavai fan myself, though some of the Malavai cartoons about are hilarious.


Mmm, yes, you do have a point there. There is a LOT of lust happening here. But I think there is something more too. We do love our handsome lust bunny don't we? I love my in game versions of Malavai too, but there are some amazing people out there, like Lammia and like Lawrichai. There are others too I'm sure, but pain-killers (dentist wooo *twirls finger*) are making me draw a blank on names...


And the cartoons, oh some of them are priceless! <3



Oooooo a wine and cheese showing. I must get my fancy sith robes for this occasion.


Dress robes! Yes, marvelous idea! I think 'love and lust' makes for a wonderful theme for our private showing. :D

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Some of you might have seen this artist before, but her gallery is amazing, especially her Malavai art. <3


Malavai Quinn



That's the wonderful artist who does Imperial Entanglements! ...Quinn has actually just (well, within the past few months; the comic updates weekly) made his debut in the comic. And the first picture of him...weeeeeeeeell, I won't spoil it :D

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The lone thing my warrior and Quinn vehemently disagreed on:

10 - To be fair


Vette was - is - indeed like a little sister to my warrior. YOU. DO. NOT. HURT. VETTE. Or there will be pain. A lot of pain.

...I am well aware of a certain chapter in KOTET... :( (Edit: or, at least, of that tough decision. I know nothing else about the whole chapter, or how that situation came about - I haven't gotten there yet.)

Edited by Jagaimee
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The lone thing my warrior and Quinn vehemently disagreed on:

10 - To be fair


Vette was - is - indeed like a little sister to my warrior. YOU. DO. NOT. HURT. VETTE. Or there will be pain. A lot of pain.

...I am well aware of a certain chapter in KOTET... :( (Edit: or, at least, of that tough decision. I know nothing else about the whole chapter, or how that situation came about - I haven't gotten there yet.)


I'm the opposite. Vette is nothing more than an irritant to me and has no place in my Warrior's crew - I only recently found out I could keep her shock collared through the whole of the class story so I don't have to see/do her quests. In KOTET

I choose death to Vette over Torian every time. I was disappointed that I my characters don't get to do it themselves. This is the same for everyone of my characters regardless of class/alignment. Vette has no place in my alliance and I should have been able to space her in the Profit and Plunder chapter.

During the warrior class story I always side with Quinn where Vette is concerned.

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I'm the opposite. Vette is nothing more than an irritant to me and has no place in my Warrior's crew - I only recently found out I could keep her shock collared through the whole of the class story so I don't have to see/do her quests. In KOTET

I choose death to Vette over Torian every time. I was disappointed that I my characters don't get to do it themselves. This is the same for everyone of my characters regardless of class/alignment. Vette has no place in my alliance and I should have been able to space her in the Profit and Plunder chapter.

During the warrior class story I always side with Quinn where Vette is concerned.


I agree, I don't like her either, not even with a neutral aligned Warrior.


When Quinn is complaining about her, I always tell him to punish her if he wants to. Although I'm curious how he would do that? He doesn't seem to be the type to hit people, especially women, even if she's an alien. And I took her shock collar off, so...

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I agree, I don't like her either, not even with a neutral aligned Warrior.


When Quinn is complaining about her, I always tell him to punish her if he wants to. Although I'm curious how he would do that? He doesn't seem to be the type to hit people, especially women, even if she's an alien. And I took her shock collar off, so...


I side with Quinn too, even though I don't hate Vette. I just figure that she's aboard a military vessel and he's in charge of them, so she has to answer to him, and irritating him isn't allowed. That's for me to do. :p



PS. Keep the arts coming too! I love them all, they're amazing. ^^

Edited by Lunafox
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I agree, I don't like her either, not even with a neutral aligned Warrior.


When Quinn is complaining about her, I always tell him to punish her if he wants to. Although I'm curious how he would do that? He doesn't seem to be the type to hit people, especially women, even if she's an alien. And I took her shock collar off, so...


Looks as though I buck the tread. :D For my LS SW it was a no brainier she was saving her 'kid' sister Vette over some Mando she barely knew. It really was a terrible plot device just as bad as the Virmire choice in Mass Effect which is where they stole it from. In fact KotTE is riddled with stuff they stole from Mass Effect. Vaylin's Ball? That's pretty much Kasumi Goto's loyalty mission from ME2 with a new coat of paint.

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I agree, I don't like her either, not even with a neutral aligned Warrior.


When Quinn is complaining about her, I always tell him to punish her if he wants to. Although I'm curious how he would do that? He doesn't seem to be the type to hit people, especially women, even if she's an alien. And I took her shock collar off, so...


I really like Vette and her Quinn trolling always amused me. It's all lighthearted.


I think if he did punish her, he'd assign her an incredibly boring and monotonous task in the corner of the ship by herself. Like, scrubbing something with a toothbrush.

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I really like Vette and her Quinn trolling always amused me. It's all lighthearted.


I think if he did punish her, he'd assign her an incredibly boring and monotonous task in the corner of the ship by herself. Like, scrubbing something with a toothbrush.


Haha, that may work. :)

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