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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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Vector is the same way. Argue with him until his head spins around, drag out cutscenes, etc. It makes the 'agent helping him reconnect to his human-ness' thing feel very realistic.


/ramble /lurk :) :) :)


Hmm....well, I did tell my fiance the other day that I wanted to see if it was possible to

save everyone on Darth Jadus' ship and not have the Harvesters go off

so why not also give a Vector romance a go to see how it plays out.

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Popping out of eternal lurkdom to ramble... Quinn and Vector have such great non-flirt option romances!


My play through with Andronikos was sort of like this. I decided that no matter what I was sticking to my inquisitor's hardline personality, and so she often poked at Andronikos and gave him a bit of a hard time. Turns out, he can give as good as he gets! He just swung right back with some great lines and the two of them ended up having this hilarious push and shove kind of romance. It was perfect for her. Now maybe he does that even if you are all sweety nice to him, I don't know. But once I had her act offended when he hit on her, and she was all like, "I'm a Lord of the Sith! Rahr!" And he just shrugged and responded, "and?"


I tried a new response to the Vector conversation once where you get upset at him when he

temporarily disengages from the hive

and it was fascinating and heartbreaking. His voice cracks and he's like, "Agent, stop." Interestingly, you can still turn the conversation around at that point and it doesn't end the romance.


I tried to mess with Doc too actually. :D Instead of acting all put out when he hits on you and spouting Jedi rules at him, I had my knight agree to everything and act all nonchalant about hooking up. He kind of doesn't know what to do with you and eventually gets all flustered. I liked this version of Doc much better. I played another knight where I didn't romance him and he just came across as obnoxious.


So, I should probably put a Quinn example here to keep this on track, but I don't think I have any that haven't already been mentioned. I did my play through where I hit on him and then backed off, and it is fun to watch him pursue you instead.

Edited by CloudCastle
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I tried a new response to the Vector conversation once where you get upset at him when he

temporarily disengages from the hive

and it was fascinating and heartbreaking. His voice cracks and he's like, "Agent, stop." Interestingly, you can still turn the conversation around at that point and it doesn't end the romance.


Yes, that's one of my favorite companion-related scenes (probably second only to throwing Quinn around like a ragdoll ;) )! At first it seems like it would turn out to be a cruel option, but it can end up being very sweet and the voice acting is wonderful.


I have another lowbie knight; maybe I'll give Doc's romance another try. Currently, he's definitely less memorable to me than Vector/Quinn/Andronikos and I've been distracting myself with a 3rd warrior. :p

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Recently, when I was finishing my last warrior, who was supposed to be deleted anyway, I went bold to test "mean" options. She was to be gone to the oblivion, so why not, right? To see what's hiding there...


Gosh, my heart was bleeding. His voice is so full or hurt and anger... I'm NEVER doing this again. Delete or no delete, I can't hurt him like that :(






That was so sad to watch. He is so crestfallen, you can hear it in his voice. Don't think I could ever do that, throw away toon or not. :(

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Recently, when I was finishing my last warrior, who was supposed to be deleted anyway, I went bold to test "mean" options. She was to be gone to the oblivion, so why not, right? To see what's hiding there...


Gosh, my heart was bleeding. His voice is so full or hurt and anger... I'm NEVER doing this again. Delete or no delete, I can't hurt him like that :(






Ouch that broke my heart a little, I'm grateful I've never taken those options.


*hugs all five of her Quinns in a corner*

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That was so sad to watch. He is so crestfallen, you can hear it in his voice. Don't think I could ever do that, throw away toon or not. :(


Me either, that really hurt. I love my Quinn pixels too much, I could never do that to him. :(

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Me either, that really hurt. I love my Quinn pixels too much, I could never do that to him. :(


That was so sad to watch. He is so crestfallen, you can hear it in his voice. Don't think I could ever do that, throw away toon or not. :(


Ouch that broke my heart a little, I'm grateful I've never taken those options.


*hugs all five of her Quinns in a corner*


I had no idea it would be this bad. I saw an option when you reject his proposal, and he hide his feelings well. But here? I actually tried to ESC but it was too late.


I'll never do that again but on the other hand I like that now I know how he sounds when they argue. An additional shade to his personality that is normally invisible. Easier for me when I write my fanfic. He's terribly difficult to write, because we see so little of him on a private setting, and he barely shows his emotions.


My only consolation was this later: https://vid.me/AfKD

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Recently, when I was finishing my last warrior, who was supposed to be deleted anyway, I went bold to test "mean" options. She was to be gone to the oblivion, so why not, right? To see what's hiding there...


Gosh, my heart was bleeding. His voice is so full or hurt and anger... I'm NEVER doing this again. Delete or no delete, I can't hurt him like that :(






Aargh that was horrible. The first one I watched was the toying line I deleted my character over. But that other one is mortifying! :eek:

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Since I posted two horror clips, something to cheer you up.


This one companion made such an impression on me that my mains toons are his family.


In order of appearance: cousin (my Inq), younger brother (Agent), other cousin (Smuggler, older brother of the Inq), son (Jugg), and wife (Mara).



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I tried to mess with Doc too actually..

Me too otherwise he is so predictable. There's a bit where you take your whole crew on a mission and you can

team up with anyone but Doc and then abandon him to his own devices rather than choose to save him and thus potentially ruin the mission. He gets in a right strop :D. But he still marries you.

I chose this on my DS Jedi Knight just to see what would happen.


Me either, that really hurt. I love my Quinn pixels too much, I could never do that to him. :(

Whilst I was okay with the force choke physically hurting Quinn (your Quinn-kill-bots-sucked) I can't watch or take emotional hurt Quinn options and will not ever take a kill Quinn option, not even for role play reasons, yet I was able to

murder Aric

on one of my sith characters even though he's my favourite republic romance companion & I never thought I would choose to do that. I reckon it's the Quinn voice - he's all uppity about duty but there are occasions when he is the epitome of the dark horse with some of his responses - the "come to my quarters..." in that voice being one of them. He is easy to mock though especially (tags for possible spoiler)

"maybe I'll call you husband or hubby" bit where at the end of his response he calls you "wife" in his attempt at mockery


All this angst for pixels. The devs sure have their work cut out!

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I had no idea it would be this bad. I saw an option when you reject his proposal, and he hide his feelings well. But here? I actually tried to ESC but it was too late.


I'll never do that again but on the other hand I like that now I know how he sounds when they argue. An additional shade to his personality that is normally invisible. Easier for me when I write my fanfic. He's terribly difficult to write, because we see so little of him on a private setting, and he barely shows his emotions.


My only consolation was this later: https://vid.me/AfKD


:eek: Never did anything to get that dialogue but wow, Quinn relegated to stud duty. Intriguing and horrifying at the same time.

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:eek: Never did anything to get that dialogue but wow, Quinn relegated to stud duty. Intriguing and horrifying at the same time.


I don't quite remember the specific dialog options to get to it, but there's also one for if the Warrior's also getting some with Pierce that when Quinn asks for some clarification on where things stand, the Warrior has the option to say she's going to keep sleeping with both of them and they just have to deal with it. I remember Quinn being resigned to it in full stiff upper lip fashion while Pierce is typically Pierce and all smug about it.

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I don't quite remember the specific dialog options to get to it, but there's also one for if the Warrior's also getting some with Pierce that when Quinn asks for some clarification on where things stand, the Warrior has the option to say she's going to keep sleeping with both of them and they just have to deal with it. I remember Quinn being resigned to it in full stiff upper lip fashion while Pierce is typically Pierce and all smug about it.


Well, that gets a double :eek: :eek:. Yeah, I guess I could see Quinn being all Tut, tut, cheerio, stiff upper lip and all that while Pierce would gloat. Makes me kind of ewww, though. For me, it's Quinn all the way or nothing. Global warming ain't got nothing on that voice, it would melt polar ice caps.



The line that really gets me is so corny but still...."Now we've said it, later we'll show it". Le sigh.


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I don't quite remember the specific dialog options to get to it, but there's also one for if the Warrior's also getting some with Pierce that when Quinn asks for some clarification on where things stand, the Warrior has the option to say she's going to keep sleeping with both of them and they just have to deal with it. I remember Quinn being resigned to it in full stiff upper lip fashion while Pierce is typically Pierce and all smug about it.


Been trying to find this and am having no luck, it has me curious.

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I don't quite remember the specific dialog options to get to it, but there's also one for if the Warrior's also getting some with Pierce that when Quinn asks for some clarification on where things stand, the Warrior has the option to say she's going to keep sleeping with both of them and they just have to deal with it. I remember Quinn being resigned to it in full stiff upper lip fashion while Pierce is typically Pierce and all smug about it.


That sounds intriguing but I know I'll never do that. 1. Because after those two already posted, I'd kill me to hurt him again. 2. Even if I made a warrior that isn't a copy of mine and looks different, sleeping with Pierce... especially when sweet Quinn is around... ewwwwwwwww :eek:


I'll just resort to seeing it on YT to hear how his voice sounds.

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I don't quite remember the specific dialog options to get to it, but there's also one for if the Warrior's also getting some with Pierce that when Quinn asks for some clarification on where things stand, the Warrior has the option to say she's going to keep sleeping with both of them and they just have to deal with it. I remember Quinn being resigned to it in full stiff upper lip fashion while Pierce is typically Pierce and all smug about it.


I remember this from my first playthrough, but I never saw it on my second warrior for some reason. :confused: It was the only reason I had her sleep with Pierce, to see that bit of conversation again. I wondered if the way they revamped companion conversations made it a trickier option to see now or something.

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Quinn is truly my favorite romance. He is just so quirky and awkward, yet crazy attractive <3


Another Quinnmancer! :D Welcome. We're all various flavors of crazy here, so--

Quinn: Aha. So you admit it.

...I've been admitting it since day one, Quinn.

Quinn: *eye twitch* I can't win...

(Whoo! Quinn purple is back! XD)


Also, putting your referral link in your post is not allowed. You can, however, put it in your signature.

Edited by Jagaimee
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I wonder if the other romances are as nuanced and I have just missed it.


Good question, Rose, I think you can get some quirky stuff with Andronikos, who is my third favorite behind Quinn and Vector, but never played it through taking odd choices. May have to do that one of these days.


That line in one of Nikki's letters to the sorc really elevated him quite a bit in my opinion of him. It was much more poetic than I would have given him credit for.



We are in each other's orbit until the stars go cold.



Of course you can drive Corso nuts with the flirting, and Aric too, with Balker, but never truly looked for hidden nuggets of goodness. I was always afraid that I wouldn't hit the escape key fast enough.

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We are in each other's orbit until the stars go cold.

This is why I made a couple more Sorcerers!

Also, why had we slipped down to the middle of page 2 of the forums :eek:? Quinn worship needs to be on the front page. Always.*







*until news of Vector's return creates a whole new thread of madness :D

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Also, why had we slipped down to the middle of page 2 of the forums ? Quinn worship needs to be on the front page. Always.*


Well I just finished the warrior I had to remake because the last one was mean accidentally.


They all seem to end the same way - the two of them staring out into space side by side on their ship, contemplating the ways they'll bend the galaxy to their will! *hearts rainbows unicorns*


And then, her collapsing on the floor over his feet when she realizes he isn't going to speak anymore!


Anyway I suggest resurrecting "Vector worst romance ever" (there are some great posts in there) except it's in the story forum. So maybe a new "Thanks for Vector Hyllus. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol." post? I sure hope he's next :)

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Well I just finished the warrior I had to remake because the last one was mean accidentally.


Good grief, I am so glad I am not the only one rolling my 5th warrior after like...maybe 10 different re-rolls on different stages of the game :D


*sigh* The things I do for Quinn.

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I have made and am about to start warrior #4. Trying to power my only male trooper through all of the content to get him ready for patch. After playing this goody-twoshoes character I am looking forward to my warrior. She will be the sithist sith who ever sithed. Am about to never make a single light side choice and am going to shock the ever living hell out of Vette. Will be a first for me, this is going to be hard. I have a hard time playing truely dark characters :(


But with all of this still going to tease and Romance Quinn....


Though I may force choke him after the Quinncident and still do the flirt demanding sexual favors afterwards.




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