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Thanks for Malavai Quinn. <3 <3 <3 This is a love thread, haters make your own lol.


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I've never seen the Pierce thing the way others describe, as if he feels obligated to 'service' the female SW like that. I felt there was a certain banter between them from pretty early on on Taris, lines that can have a double meaning, and from there on it just progressed with some flirts and things until they finally have a one-night-ehnotsobad kinda thing. I think he makes a few innuendos along the way too, or comments at least that work if you're male SW but that can be a wink wink nudge nudge thing if you're a female SW.


I definitely got the, "yeah, I'd tap that *** at the first opportunity" vibe from Pierce, not the "I'm only doing this because it's my duty," vibe. Hell, several of his sayings when you click on him are exact lines from his flirt responses - "Just say the word, I'll show you what I can do" for example." His flirt responses always felt the exact opposite of Quinn's deflections.


Speaking of...during my very first playthrough, and not realizing Quinn was romancable, I'd summed up the courting endeavor I was pursuing was actually sexually harassing someone in the workplace. It felt pretty awkward and forced, and Quinn seemed to be a totally unwilling participant. Even before the romance finished, I remember doing a search to see if it actually goes all the way, similar to romances in KOTOR. It wasn't until later playthroughs when I figured out what conversation options to pick in order to not sound like a predator and it helped a ton when I found out how early on Quinn was actually into the SW (first evidence I can find is Tattooine) but he was just holding back for various reasons.

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I wouldn't call Quinn "delicate". I mean, he's not body type 1 after all lol.


He's refined.


As for his moles, while I'm not a fan of them, they do have their charm. I rescue cattle dogs. The breed typically has a little white spot on their forehead that often gets lovingly refered to as a "kiss spot." I tend think of Quinn's moles the same way. They are his kiss spots.:o

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A *lot* of the female agent's flirts to Vector are kind of cringe-worthy... I came up with a theory: the agent's trained in seduction, among a lot of other things. They know exactly what to say to get their target to trust them, even fall in love with them, while carefully keeping their own emotional distance. So what happens when along comes someone the agent genuinely wants to get close to? How should they (well, more accurately, she, since it's about Vector) act? What should she say to convey her interest but also be honest (something that, probably, is entirely foreign to her)? So... in other words, she's so awkward and downright cringe-worthy in her flirtation because she doesn't know how to flirt when she's not trying to emotionally manipulate someone.


That's a good assessment and probably what the writers were aiming for (as opposed to just making the agent sound like a jerk.) I really had a hard time with the way the agent flirted with Vector. A lot of it just sounded rude and insincere. It's what got me writing fanfic actually. :o I finally couldn't take it anymore and was like, "No way would my agent say that! I'm going to write it the way it should have been!" :D


I guess you could say that the warrior also has some rude and cringe worthy lines with Quinn, but at least they make sense if you choose that kind of personality for your SW. I tried to go the respectful route since, like many have already said here, too much teasing just starts to feel like harassment.

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Quinn: My lord, if I may change the subject... what will happen in April? No doubt there will be hordes of "anti-fangirls" wanting my gruesome death. There are rumors--

Whoa whoa, nope, no details. None. Not even rumors.

Quinn: ...what I mean to say is, how will that work? I can't be simultaneously dead and alive, can I?

You're talking to a bunch of Sith. (And one non-Sith Imperial officer.)

Quinn: I'm reminded of a quote: "Great. Now 'dead' and 'not dead' are up for debate."

...I tried to imagine you imitating Iron Bull's voice... my brain broke...


Hmm I wonder who the non-Sith Imperial officer could be.... :D

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He's refined.


As for his moles, while I'm not a fan of them, they do have their charm. I rescue cattle dogs. The breed typically has a little white spot on their forehead that often gets lovingly refered to as a "kiss spot." I tend think of Quinn's moles the same way. They are his kiss spots.:o


Haha. That's cute! I love it. I have an Australian shepherd and she has a black spot on her muzzle, that's a bit differently shaped than the others, and I call that her 'trouble spot'. It's where all her mischief is concentrated lol. That and the 'Lucifer sparkle' in her left eye...She has brown eyes, but the left one has a blue/silver spec at the base of the brown lol. So maybe Malavai's black spots are his mischief/trouble spots :D

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I'm surprised that list of critical flirts really doesn't exist already being that it's expensive and time-consuming to have to reroll. (Especially when one is using the white acute module and unlocks a lot of stuff from the legacy) But then again I don't think it's something players can deduce on their own, we'd really need help from the devs to figure it out. Pretty sure I know what Corso's is but that's it, and it's definitely not an obvious one.


Now that you mention it, I'm rather surprised too that there's no critical flirt list that's been done. You'd think someone would've compiled something with how much we all do story replays just for companion romances. Only thing I remember getting said (not sure if it was here or somewhere else) that Corso's romance locks in really early and that's why he gets so riled at the femSmuggler's flirting around. Going from my first Smuggler playthrough I swear it's like the first flirt with him going from his reactions. With a recent Smuggler who's a non-stop smart*** with everything with legs, I'd not taken any of the early flirts with Risha except for one somewhere midway because it was a smart*** answer and ended up getting a 'break the romance' point because he was flirting with Akaavi (who did later give him some flack for being a horndog which was funny).


I agree, I tried it once but I esc-ed out of it before it was final. It's pretty gross to me and if it was a male sith telling his female non-force using subordinate "your duty is to sexually pleasure me" people would be boycotting BioWare. They've done this creepy molester scenario in other places too, in the citadel DLC of ME3 femshep can take advantage of one of her crew members who expressly said he's not interested and is clearly very uncomfortable. In ME2 when flirting with Jacob femshep comes across really predatory and Jacob really uncomfortable until the last scene. It's not a player thing but in DA:O you can make Alistair who is a blushing young virgin have sex with someone he hates in order to conceive a potentially demon baby who she then steals and he has no say and does not get to be a part of his son's life. If the genders were reversed in any of these scenarios people would throw a fit but it's like casually brushed off if it's a man :/


I've said it around more than a few times here and on other forums, but at times it feels like when I'm playing a Bioware game, I'm playing Sexual Harassment: The Simulator. Case in point, with ME2, as predatory as femShep is with Jacob, that's the only way you're able to get the dialog of someone asking how you are considering you were essentially brought back from the dead since everyone else doesn't seem to think something on that scale's a big deal. Not to mention that thing with Alistair in DA:O with the demon baby was enough for me to stop the playthrough right there and never do an Alistair romance again I was so ticked off by how they handled that overall.

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Ha, of course. And here was me thinking something else entirely :o I can be really dense at times :)


Well, I'd flunk miserably out of Sith School. XD


Overseer: Jagaimee, lightsabers are for smashing things. Not ooh-ing and aah-ing at the pretty colors.

Me: BUT...SHINY...

Overseer: *facepalm* And I notice a distinct lack of mysterious deaths around you. That's part of the point of being a Sith apprentice. People die, and nobody can pin it on you.

Me: I don't want to kill anyone!

Overseer: *more facepalming*

Me: ...except that guy over there. *points* He's a real jerk@#$%. He can die. SIC 'EM, GUYS!

*the rest of the Sith students swarm over to the resident jerk*

Me: *cringe* ow *wince* ew *grimace* bleck *flinch* yeowch YOU TOTALLY DESERVE IT *cringe* oooh...

Overseer: *banging his head against the wall* The Force itself is tormenting me with this girl...


(Edit: And the second you posted and said "Hmm, wonder who that could mean..." I instantly went "...dang it, forgot the other Imperial officer...oops..." :o Sorry!)

Edited by Jagaimee
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It's nothing bad. :) but what's the first word in my board name? Now do you see what happened? :D


LOL, I don't think you're the dense one, it's me lol. Sorry! I think I've gotten so used to it, that it doesn't even phase me anymore lol. So, we have three officers then, I stand corrected lol. :o



I was too busy oogling Malavai, that's my defense and I'm sticking to it. :o

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Wow so many posts since I was last here.

First I had to look up "fleek" - I'm so old. This should never be a word associated with Quinn.


Secondly he is refined and he would not be Quinn without his mole. Malavai-mole haters please go to the hate thread :mad:


Thirdly if Quinn does not come back in a rank above Pierce's then pitch forks to the ready mancers!


Though I do like Pierce and I would have liked to have had the option to make a proper romance with him on one of my warriors I think. I still remember when I triggered the start for the warriors "regular liaisons" with Quinn by accident. Pierce sort of fits a DS warrior. Remember the bit after the black ops bastion thing:


Pierce: "satisfied"?

Warrior: "consider that part of your duties here"

Pirece: "this post keeps getting better all the time"!


I agree that his Bastion running on is pretty boring. Having read Quinn's KOTFE letter again last night, I can't see Pierce's character ever doing something that angsty. We need some kind of countdown-to-Quinn clock.

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Secondly he is refined and he would not be Quinn without his mole. Malavai-mole haters please go to the hate thread :mad:


Quinn's mole is a stealth pun in and of itself.


...since he's the mole for Baras.


Thank you, TV Tropes, for pointing that out. :p

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I've said it around more than a few times here and on other forums, but at times it feels like when I'm playing a Bioware game, I'm playing Sexual Harassment: The Simulator.


I'm not a Corso fan myself but one thing his romance has going for it - I don't feel desperate and skeevy when I flirt with him, Iresso isn't too bad either either from what I remember. At least Corso makes it clear he's into it from the beginning. It's like, yay, consent! And makes you feel like you can slowly build on it. (As opposed to Quinn who reacts neutral or negatively for 2/3s of the game.)


Doesn't help that most of the flirts in the game are all "Hey babeh, you sure are lookin ruggedly handsome today" I mean flirting is just so much more subtle than that you know? :o The only way to tell whether Quinn likes it is not by what he says but by whether you gain or lose affection. So, in other words, it's like a secret to my character! I mean she can't see his approvals/disapprovals, lol. Though I suppose the force helps a little. (And what does that imply, anyway? That he approves but acts like he doesn't? What is the psychology of that? I'm sorry I just can't wrap my head around liking someone but pretending not to, lol.)


Ah well I guess subtlety is hard to depict? And furthermore, parts of Quinn's romance are definitely fun regardless of the hammy early stuff. It picks up. *shrug*

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Quinn's mole is a stealth pun in and of itself.


...since he's the mole for Baras.


Thank you, TV Tropes, for pointing that out. :p


Totally should have made that connection. Especially after Austin Powers -_-


And Malavai is like the most obvious bad guy name ever. Fits him. Malevolent and vain. lol. I love bad guys. :D

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Doesn't help that most of the flirts in the game are all "Hey babeh, you sure are lookin ruggedly handsome today" I mean flirting is just so much more subtle than that you know? :o The only way to tell whether Quinn likes it is not by what he says but by whether you gain or lose affection. So, in other words, it's like a secret to my character! I mean she can't see his approvals/disapprovals, lol. Though I suppose the force helps a little. (And what does that imply, anyway? That he approves but acts like he doesn't? What is the psychology of that? I'm sorry I just can't wrap my head around liking someone but pretending not to, lol.)


Ah well I guess subtlety is hard to depict? And furthermore, parts of Quinn's romance are definitely fun regardless of the hammy early stuff. It picks up. *shrug*


I think the strangeness makes sense for me because if Quinn always had a directive to get in your good graces so he could spy for Baras, then he's going to act really conflicted and weird about all your sexual harassment I mean flirting. He's basically James Bond trying not to fall in love with the person he's supposed to be targeting.


I guess this is spoilery.



Probably didn't expect Baras to try to kill the warrior so quickly and definitely not expecting Baras to ask him to do it when Draahg failed.


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I think the strangeness makes sense for me because if Quinn always had a directive to get in your good graces so he could spy for Baras, then he's going to act really conflicted and weird about all your sexual harassment I mean flirting. He's basically James Bond trying not to fall in love with the person he's supposed to be targeting.


I never assumed he worked for Baras from the beginning. If you don't kill Rathari and make him your minion to witness when you take Baras down, Quinn approves. He wouldn't, if he was working for Baras already. I always thought he joined you in good faith, and later Baras forced him to betray you after Draagh failed (again!) to kill you. Baras ran out of options, so decided to pull the last debt he had in his sleeve. Whatever "Baras forced my hand" means, it had to be big.


I see his resistance as a conflict between his feelings and his duties. I believe him when he says it would be improper and would not work to be in an intimate relationship and work together. I believe he believes it. He's not a guy who plays games (he actually says that using these words), he truly thinks they shouldn't be together... then loses to his own feelings, and then she proves him wrong (they work awesome together because they're close).


My warrior didn't push (I explored other options in my re-plays, but the first time is the most "canon" for me). She let him decide, and patiently waited for him. All other options from re-plays, unless contradictory, are part of their story, but they're teasing, mutually acceptable, and all expressed after he made his feelings clear (in a sense true, since I played through that chronologically IRL later already knowing how the romance went and ended).

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I think the strangeness makes sense for me because if Quinn always had a directive to get in your good graces so he could spy for Baras, then he's going to act really conflicted and weird about all your sexual harassment I mean flirting. He's basically James Bond trying not to fall in love with the person he's supposed to be targeting.


I guess this is spoilery.



Probably didn't expect Baras to try to kill the warrior so quickly and definitely not expecting Baras to ask him to do it when Draahg failed.



Your explanation makes sense. I believe he knew from the beginning he might have to turn on the warrior eventually, in some capacity. Falling in love with her wasn't part of the plan, though I bet Baras relished that aspect of it. just like when I have to kill Tremel even though I like him. Except that my character is powerful and isn't afraid of disobeying sometimes.


How sad, that she trusts Quinn so much </3


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I see his resistance as a conflict between his feelings and his duties. I believe him when he says it would be improper and would not work to be in an intimate relationship and work together. I believe he believes it. He's not a guy who plays games (he actually says that using these words), he truly thinks they shouldn't be together... then loses to his own feelings, and then she proves him wrong (they work awesome together because they're close).


This could be the answer, but for some reason it just isn't enough for me. Because duty.. I dunno. Maybe I just can't understand that mindset. I could almost believe it, if it was simply because (as it's been determined) she's so much younger than Quinn when they meet, and he finds that inappropriate, though nothing they say hints to it.

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I think the strangeness makes sense for me because if Quinn always had a directive to get in your good graces so he could spy for Baras, then he's going to act really conflicted and weird about all your sexual harassment I mean flirting. He's basically James Bond trying not to fall in love with the person he's supposed to be targeting.

In my Quinn gameplay since I always have my warriors romance him (so this ignores all those who don't) I like to think that the beginning of the almost end starts after those few flirts on Balmorra and my characters good assessment of Quinn to Baras when he asks. I think (possibly spoilery hence tags)

that Baras hatches his plan to have Quinn get into the Warriors crew and start his betrayal once the mission on Balmorra is finished and this is why Quinn is so keen to the point of almost begging to join the Warrior and be her everything as she leaves the planet. The fact that they fall in love is probably additional gold to Baras

This theory might not work so well for those who hate Malavai. But then, did they hate him before the betrayal?

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The fact that they fall in love is probably additional gold to Baras.




Yeah, it's definitely the sort of thing that would make him eagerly eat popcorn. I tried to justify my warrior not killing Quinn as him trying to spite Baras. It kinda works. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



This theory might not work so well for those who hate Malavai. But then, did they hate him before the betrayal?

He doesn't give you any reason to hate him that I can think of. He's always polite and obedient and approving of most of what a dark sith does and - he was your only healer for like 4 years.


Maybe when he complains about Vette? He's pretty haughty toward her.

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I never assumed he worked for Baras from the beginning. If you don't kill Rathari and make him your minion to witness when you take Baras down, Quinn approves. He wouldn't, if he was working for Baras already. I always thought he joined you in good faith, and later Baras forced him to betray you after Draagh failed (again!) to kill you. Baras ran out of options, so decided to pull the last debt he had in his sleeve. Whatever "Baras forced my hand" means, it had to be big.


This is how I felt too. I do believe Quinn joined SW cause he thought he could make more of a difference for the Empire at SW's side. It's like you say, Baras called in that last desperate marker to get to SW--the emphasis on 'forced my hand' really communicates that Baras left him with no alternatives whatsoever.


I also thought it was interesting and should've maybe been a clue that Baras wasn't all that strong with the Force, when he couldn't remote force choke Malavai after he learned that SW still lived after that whole mess before Corellia.

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Maybe when he complains about Vette? He's pretty haughty toward her.


I don't really blame him for that, it sounded like Vette was acting like a twirp and getting on his last nerve, and we know she was the sort to do that to people she didn't like.


Jailer Nash anyone? Chirp...chirp, I can do dire cat too...


I like Vette, but I also get that she can be an annoying little worm too at times. :p

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