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The progression of end-game gear, please read


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Hi guys, I hit 50 myself just a couple of days ago and would like to raise an issue, hear peoples opinions on the subject and whether you're experiencing the same things as I and many people that I know are.


The issue I find is that upon hitting 50 I was happy to see that gearing up for PvP would require somewhere between 14-76 Centurion Commedations per piece, of which you receive 3 of said Commedations for 200x Warzone Commedations & 200x Mercenary Commedations, this would mean that it would be "worth" PvP'ing for gear for a very long time to come.


Upon completion of my daily & weekly quests however, I received three Champion's pieces and this trend continues, I have now been 50 for only three days and I'm wearing almost a full Champion's PvP set including mainhand, offhand, relics and jewerly.


What's the issue with this? It removes incentive to PvP when there is no kind of "end game" system in place such as Arena or 50's only Warzones for example. It removes that "epic feeling" of actually receiving an epic item. It makes all the potentially very fun and challenging "Hard Flashpoint" mode extremely trivial, I am now able to provide enough DPS to 3 man these Hard Modes with a Tank and Healer, and the gear rewards are already below what I own after just a few days in PvP.


It would seem this trend continues beyond valor rank 60, the Battlemaster Bags also have a chance to contain an epic Battlemaster piece, the tier above the Champion set. Now, weekly bags seem to contain an epic each time. Two top tier epics per week with very little effort, with 14 slots and a tiny bit of luck to not receive dupes people will be fully geared in just 7 weeks of very casual PvP.


Please don't take this as a rant, I have very much enjoyed this game so far however after this has happened I have lost pretty much all drive for obtaining gear and do not feel there is any point to running the flashpoints anymore.



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Go to the local market and buy another carrot?


Assuming you and I both do things for the simple joy of doing them, where are we going to find the dozens of others we will need to continue to have people to kill?


Carrots promote participation in those who would otherwise not participate, granting those who would anyway a "target-rich environment".

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OP you were lucky. There are many folks that have not had the RNG loot lottery swing their way. I personally PvP because it is fun. I want to improve my gear just so I can compete at a higher level. Once I am fully decked out, I will continue to PvP.
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Slowly but surely people are finally starting to see the many fundamental 'gameplay' flaws in this game. There are so many things that keep getting mentioned by the playerbase that keep pointing to poor design and lack of thought.


BioWare have got tot be sweating a little. They saw Blizzard's game and they saw dollar signs, I think they are starting to find out that its a little more difficult than they first thought. The community these days can be brutal if they are served up an average poorly implemented game. And to be honest, thats fair enough. If you want to charge for the box sales of a game then slug people with a $15 fee per month, the playerbase have every right to voice their concerns.


There will be die hard fans of course that have their BioWare Star Wars goggles firmly in place and will defend the game religiously. Good luck to them.

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Two top tier epics per week with very little effort, with 14 slots and a tiny bit of luck to not receive dupes people will be fully geared in just 7 weeks of very casual PvP.


Is 7 weeks of mindless grind is not enough for you? PvP must be fun, not yet another gear grind fest.

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It is too bad that the gear was a major step up. I was sort of hoping this game would provide mostly modable gear for end-game rewards with the mods themselves totaling to only a slight upgrade over other gear. That way the content would be tuned for difficulty based on mechanics instead of output.
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