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Thank you Bioware, your game is awesome.


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I am having a blast and really looking forward to the stream tomorrow. You guys are clearly working to make your fans happy and keep this game going. For those that do not see that, remember not everything happens over night.


5.1 was an awesome response that became a very cool improvement on an already interesting system. One that allows people to play how they want.


Some of you that are upset right now, I get it and you guys are ultra passionate fans of this game that want it to be the best it can be. Other's that use people adjustment to massive change as a podium to complain about the f2p model or the game being to hard: This is an MMORPG not COD or some mobile rpg. But we are all entitled to our opinions. Just try to remember that these guys are working on making a game as cool as they can. They are putting their creativity and ideas out in the open. Critical feedback may be necessary, but outright bashing has to be crazy hurtful. A developer is not EA or all of Bioware, but a person like any of us working on a game that most of us really love.


Thank you guys, I am really enjoying it.

Edited by IstariZen
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And so the astroturfing continues. This seriously reads like a commissioned PR piece.


Its not, you guys are just so excessive with the hatred towards this game. Despite people thinking there is not a vocal minority, there is. People that enjoy the game, do not tend to go to the forums to applaud the developers. So I am. Let the CMs read something semi nice for once. You guys are so bad though, that I can't write a good review without mentioning you. Most of the complaints lately are so asinine, Im having trouble following all of it.


Whatever though, enjoy your tinfoil. Ill hold of from posting again. God forbid someone disagrees with you all, then they have to deal with the whole bandwagon of mindless drones.

Edited by IstariZen
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Its not, you guys are just so excessive with the hatred towards this game. Despite people thinking there is not a vocal minority, there is. People that enjoy the game, do not tend to go to the forums to applaud the developers. So I am. Let the CMs read something semi nice for once. You guys are so bad though, that I can't write a good review without mentioning you. Most of the complaints lately are so asinine, Im having trouble following all of it.


Whatever though, enjoy your tinfoil.


If you really were just here to tell the devs they're doing a good job, you wouldn't need to spend a whole paragraph taking potshots at people who disagree with you. That was over half the text in your post right there! Your true intentions are showing! :D

Edited by AscendingSky
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Its not, you guys are just so excessive with the hatred towards this game. Despite people thinking there is not a vocal minority, there is. People that enjoy the game, do not tend to go to the forums to applaud the developers. So I am. Let the CMs read something semi nice for once. You guys are so bad though, that I can't write a good review without mentioning you. Most of the complaints lately are so asinine, Im having trouble following all of it.


Whatever though, enjoy your tinfoil. God forbid someone disagrees with you all.

ok thanks

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If you really were just here to tell the devs they're doing a good job, you wouldn't need to spend a whole paragraph taking potshots at people who disagree with you. That was over half the text in your post right there! Your true intentions are showing! :D


Are you sure? I didn't do any potshots, but maybe you didn't read it. Well, unless you are one of those people that think an MMO shouldn't be an MMO or that a game should be free, but that is only because thats nonsense. Enjoy the damage you keep on supporting.

Edited by IstariZen
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Are you sure? I didn't do any potshots, but maybe you didn't read it.


And I quote:


Other's that use people adjustment to massive change as a podium to complain about the f2p model or the game being to hard: This is an MMORPG not COD or some mobile rpg.


You were saying? :D

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You were so quick to respond to my post, that you missed my edit 10 seconds after posting. Im glad you emphasized that part though.


You said you didn't take potshots, I pointed out you taking a potshot. If the shoe fits, wear it.


Also... I'm supporting damage now, by sharing my opinion as a paying customer? That's about the most ridiculous thing I have heard today. I'm not calling for people to personally attack the devs. I'm not saying they should be burnt at the stake or their houses should be egged or anything ridiculous, crazy, or violent like that. I'm saying I think the product they are putting out--that I have been paying for for five straight years now--has become terrible and is getting rapidly worse. That's not 'supporting damage'; that's my right as a consumer.


You want people to not share their opinions if it doesn't fit with your "EAWare can do no wrong" philosophy. That is very anti-consumer, and it is shameful of you to try to astroturf that on EAWare's behalf on the forum.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I am having a blast and really looking forward to the stream tomorrow. You guys are clearly working to make your fans happy and keep this game going. For those that do not see that, remember not everything happens over night.


5.1 was an awesome response that became a very cool improvement on an already interesting system. One that allows people to play how they want.


Some of you that are upset right now, I get it and you guys are ultra passionate fans of this game that want it to be the best it can be. Other's that use people adjustment to massive change as a podium to complain about the f2p model or the game being to hard: This is an MMORPG not COD or some mobile rpg. But we are all entitled to our opinions. Just try to remember that these guys are working on making a game as cool as they can. They are putting their creativity and ideas out in the open. Critical feedback may be necessary, but outright bashing has to be crazy hurtful. A developer is not EA or all of Bioware, but a person like any of us working on a game that most of us really love.


Thank you guys, I am really enjoying it.


How long have you been playing? I feel like you are very confused on what's actually happening with this game or don't have a toon over level 50.

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I'm not calling for people to personally attack the devs. I'm not saying they should be burnt at the stake or their houses should be egged or anything ridiculous, crazy, or violent like that.


Naa, you just want to get people fired to ruin their lifes. That's definitely better.... NOT!

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Listen here Mr. "Im a BW developer or related or befriended etc" this game has serious issues and is dying. The devs are making it worse with every time they touch the game!


The only positive things i found in the 5.0 patch notes were that they fixed the broken achievements which should not have been broken in the first place. They make grammar mistakes in patch notes, don't mention changes in patch notes, Eric doesn't know who the last boss in KP is, its just incredible laziness of them not to take the time to actually look into what they are talking about. They broke a different achievement in 5.1 how is that?


Everytime they touch something they brake something else. No one tests the stuff (shadow tank reflect) its simply crazy!!!


So thank you for the troll.

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