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Darth Marr


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I don't know if I'd necessarily consider the Terminus a lesser ship--it's just a different sort of ship, it's purpose no less important actually. It is possible to refit the Terminus class to have superweapons, as seen in the case of the Ascendant Spear in Annihilation. Also the Terminus is versatile and more maneuverable than the Harrower-class. It's also faster, so it's suitable for a wide variety of missions. I imagine that being Marr's ship, it's armed to the teeth. There are also a lot more of them, so they tend to be used more than Harrowers, which makes sense, it would be overkill to risk a much more expensive vessel with a far greater complement of crew aboard. Harrowers take a lot of energy and materials to produce and support. You don't tend to bring a Harrower out, unless it's an all out battle.


Also...if an officer is going to serve aboard a Harrower, they have to be the best of the best...and that means having to start somewhere, and to be the best, you have to be trained by the best, so I see Marr as taking the brightest aboard his vessel and after a tour with him, they'd be most likely selected for duty aboard a Harrower in time.


Seeing as Marr believes it's his place to be on the battlefield, I think the versatility of the Terminus suits who he is. He can participate in a wide variety of missions so that would be why I think he chooses one as his flagship. Also, people just might underestimate it...and that, could be a fatal mistake, the Terminus is more powerful than people give it credit for.

Edited by Lunafox
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And yes, there is always a possibility that Marr's flagship is quite a modified one, akin to Vader's starfighter. Remember, that ship was able to ram through several capital ships and stay intact enough to preserve lives within itself.

Perhaps it was modified directly for Marr, so it may be inferior, but quite better under the command of that very Dark Lord.

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