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5.0 is slowly killing my motivation


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I have been extremely active since launch. I'm mainly a pvper and unfortunately since 5.0 and subsequent patches it's really sapped my motivation for playing. I have lots of alts and now if I play them it hinders me in gearing a different character, where before it was much more fluid with the way wz comms worked. This actually feels closer to 1.x and battlemaster boxes. I used to play everyday and now I go days without playing. Not that any of this matters in the grand scheme but in my case the 5.0 changes had a negative effect. Sadly the only reason I'm still around is I haven't found another sci fi mmo to play.


I like the story fine but the other changes just sapped my motivation. My command rank is only in the 40s because I keep playing other toons. Why penalize me for playing a different character? I'm still spending time in your game. The only thing I could come up with is mmos often promote alt making but rpgs not so much. It's as if they were trying to force the whole rpg theme down our throats. If that the case I'll just see you in mass effect...

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I have been extremely active since launch. I'm mainly a pvper and unfortunately since 5.0 and subsequent patches it's really sapped my motivation for playing. I have lots of alts and now if I play them it hinders me in gearing a different character, where before it was much more fluid with the way wz comms worked. This actually feels closer to 1.x and battlemaster boxes. I used to play everyday and now I go days without playing. Not that any of this matters in the grand scheme but in my case the 5.0 changes had a negative effect. Sadly the only reason I'm still around is I haven't found another sci fi mmo to play.


I like the story fine but the other changes just sapped my motivation. My command rank is only in the 40s because I keep playing other toons. Why penalize me for playing a different character? I'm still spending time in your game. The only thing I could come up with is mmos often promote alt making but rpgs not so much. It's as if they were trying to force the whole rpg theme down our throats. If that the case I'll just see you in mass effect...

command tokens and unassembled components are both legacy...

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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Been here since the start, quit around time when f2p came out, came back when I heard about kotfe as a 2 months sub, then another break and came back for this new story as a 2 months sub again. This gearing system is one of the worst ideas they came out with.


I pvp 90% of the time other activity is to support my pvp, got 8 alts that were all geared. Now I went 70 only with main via new story and do not pvp with it much - correction, I do not even play my main, am at around level 19 of that new rank system, do not care about it - korean grinding games are so early 2000s, been there done that....


There was no need for this 'RNG' thing at all - after this sub expires I am not sure there will be any reasons for me to come back, and from what I saw I am not the only one .


Will mess around with my snipes a bit to hit 70, leave all other alts as they are, and that will be the end of my swtor.


Was a good game, started well....

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I'm seriously confused as to what this fixed or how this is better. I was active in the game and now I'm not. This isn't even really a qq I'm just expressing the fact that 5.0 games changes effectively pushed me out of the game and I'm not sure who benefits. Edited by Chimerako
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