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Companion opinions?


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Just wondering what people thought of the classes' companions. Which do you think has the best crew? And who are your favourites/least favourites (apart from Skadge... we all hate Skadge).


Finally, are there any companions you feel are just wastes of potential? Ashara is an example for me, her responses to convo choices often suggest recklessness, even aggression, but all her conversations are a bit goody-goody. It makes it hard to get her to hate you (my sorc is a raving-mad, blood-drinking Pureblood... yet she doesn't seem to have spotted that because he's funny and likes a fight), but you can't influence seem to her at all. Imagine if you could corrupt her completely like Jaesa? I think there are probably a few like that, but I'd be interested to hear what others think.

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Just wondering what people thought of the classes' companions. Which do you think has the best crew? And who are your favourites/least favourites (apart from Skadge... we all hate Skadge).


Finally, are there any companions you feel are just wastes of potential? Ashara is an example for me, her responses to convo choices often suggest recklessness, even aggression, but all her conversations are a bit goody-goody. It makes it hard to get her to hate you (my sorc is a raving-mad, blood-drinking Pureblood... yet she doesn't seem to have spotted that because he's funny and likes a fight), but you can't influence seem to her at all. Imagine if you could corrupt her completely like Jaesa? I think there are probably a few like that, but I'd be interested to hear what others think.


My favorite is the agent's crew. Dr. Lokin, Raina Temple, Kaliyo, Scorpio and Vector. Interesting and somewhat diverse group. I just wish a second one had joined earlier than after Alderaan.


Second would be either the Bounty Hunter's crew (I don't mind Skadge) or the Smuggler's crew.


Waste's of potential? Nadia Grell, Scorpio and Xalek. Not that I don't like their stories, but they come way late so you rush through their talks all together at the end.


Likes otherwise: Blizz, Gault, M1-4X, Guss, Risha, Doc, Vette for the comic relief or sarcasm type comments.


Dislikes otherwise: Bowdaar, Broonmark, Torian, Sgt. Rusk as it feels like I get the same conversation in every talk.

Edited by Dawgtide
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I definately agree on Ashara. There's potential for a very interesting story there, and exactly none of it is utilized. Makes me want to tear my hair out.


My favorite crews, like the poster above, is Agent and Bounty Hunter. Even Skadge fits, although I'd say his introduction was a bit off. He strongarms his way onto your ship, with your character having little to say. Seemed weird, but is symptomatic for the hasty writing we see in a lot of companions.

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There are two definitions of "bad companion", leaving aside the no-longer-relevant questions of combat role and crew skill bonuses.


1. The one you hate. Example, for most people, Skadge.


2. The one you look at and say, "Meh."


The first are indicative of better writing than the second. The moment I set eyes on Skadge for the first time (more specifically, when I heard what he had to say), I wanted to feed him what comes out of the hot end of my blasters. The writer succeeded in raising an emotive response. Some of the others are less ... inspiring. More insipid than inspiring.

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It is difficult to pick because each squad has it's share of interesting characters, as well as at least one that's a bit of a dud. That said I might go with the Jedi Knight as having my favorite set from the Republic side overall, and the Bounty Hunter as my favorite from the Imperial side.


I'm one of the few that didn't hate Skadge. He might be a brutish thug but he was well-written. My only complaint would be that he strong-arms his way onto the ship with the Bounty Hunter not getting much of a say in the matter, but I found his banter with the BH throughout the story hilarious.


I liked the Consular's companions as well, which probably isn't a popular opinion.

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I would've definitely liked to see more of Xelak and wish we saw more of his talents as a Sith before recruiting him. That way, when he takes out the competition, we would want him because we know he has potential. Unfortunately, it's written that you recruit him because either you enjoy his aggressiveness, or because you don't have the time to wait for a new set of apprentices. And because he is a late arrival, and not a big talker, he doesn't share much opinions when you make choices in the game. I'd like some compare/contrast between the Inquisitor's two apprentices, including thoughts on one another.
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I agree with some that Imperial Agent has the best set of companions. To me they are the most interesting and diverse set of companions for the following reasons put in spoilers as to not ruin anything for those who have not played through the IA story yet.



Kaliyo: She is a freelance mercenary wildcard who finds an odd role within the strict Imperial Intelligence faction.


Vector Hyllus: a Diplomat of the Sith Empire who has been assimilated into the Killiks Hive of Alderaan. His unique perspective on reality leads for interesting conversations.


Dr. Eckard Lokin: an ex Imperial Spy who has experimented with the Rakghoul plague to gain strength and can morph between rakghoul and human at will.


Ensign Raina Temple: A liaison to the Chiss Ascendancy, she is secretly a force user and has kept her abilities to herself because she knew her abilities were not strong enough to help her survive the trials on Korriban. She is the only force sensitive companion in the game who is not open about her abilities other than to the IA.


Scorpio: an ancient, sentient droid who is constantly bettering herself whose intellect is vastly superior to most organics. As we later learn in the KOTET story line, she was created on Iokath, a planet only recently discovered by Alliance Forces.


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Theron is my favorite, I suppose. He's the only likable gay romance out of the only two we have. Out of the available companions we have as specific class, I like Xalek, he's dark and misterious, Kaliyo, she's so fun and unpredictable. My least favorite is Andronikos, as long as it's a woman, he doesn't care if that person is good or evil, pretty annoying.
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Hunter has the best crew.


Skadge is bad, because of how he gets onto your ship. However, I'm playing the Hunter for a 2nd time, I plan to see him more as the **** of the group. Yeah, he's a **** but he's our ****, type of role. Maybe he'll come off better that way.


Gault, wanted to kill him too (he was the target and I didn't want to lie), but at least he made up with it with his personality.


Torian feels a bit under used, but not much you could do with that one, but I wish he felt a bit more used since he's the romance :)


Blizz is used just enough to make him awesome :)


Mako is Mako and she's great.


Consular also has a great crew imo, the reason I put it just under Hunter, is because Qyzen should totally be your friend! I'm just not sure if his personality is the type that should be on the crew all the time and Zenith really doesn't feel like he should be on the crew either. :p

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IMO Inquisitor has the best Crew,I love Khem Val and his bickering about Tulak Hord and how you're never going to surpass him...then he gets soft and starts respecting you and being a comrade in battle.


The ones I feel are missed opportunities are Ashara and Xalek,Ashara could've been such a well-written character,her letter in the beginning of KOTFE gives me hope that this time they will make her more of a grey force user than a Jedi with tempter tantrums.


Xalek is also nice due to him being a kaleesh captured by the empire,however he comes so late you don't get that much of convos with him,and in KOTFE he only gets one mission then nothing:(I really felt he could be the Darth Maul of SWTOR.Silent and deadly,extremely loyal to his master and the Sith ideal.

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I really haven't found a whole crew that I like. My main is my Knight. I love Kira and T7; they're both awesome characters to have around. I haaaaaated the fact that Doc was really my only romance option as a female Knight for the longest time. Seriously, my Light V knight wished she could stab him every time he said something inappropriate. The guy was a damned sleeze. Scourge was okay but not great. I also really hated Rusk.


I really didn't like any of my companions on the Inquisitor side at all. On my Sage, I liked Qyzen okay but the rest were also myeh. I hated Zenith with a passion which was odd because I am so used hearing Theron's voice. I'm playing through the Chapter 1 of the Agent storyline right now and oh my god, do I hate Kaliyo. I first met her in KOTFE and learned to despise her there first.

Edited by Temprienne
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I agree with a lot of what's been said, e.g. I love the balance of the agent's crew. I don't actually like them that much individually, but no matter how you play your IA, the selection just works. Each of them has their own skills and you just know that any highly-trained, efficient ImpInt operative will know just how to use them. I also liked the BH's crew, and I get the point about Skadge being well written - I just hate the stupid brute! Not my type of companion, and frankly I just wanted to blast him rather than recruit him.


Controversial (?) opinion: smuggler crew isn't getting enough love, I quite like them as a unit. Again, none of them would make my top 5 companions or anything, but I liked most of them well enough. That said, I thought Risha was well written - she actually has a bit of character development, which is more than a lot of comps do.

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I don't like that many . Most of them I wanna kill lol or throw trough an airlock ! :D


for Sorc : I like Khem Val . And even poor Khem..get ditched for Zash! lol I also like Drellik . But I wanna murder the rest .

for Warrior: I like Vette . LS jaessa isnt so bad..but she is boring for my taste . I wanna kill Quinn though . And pierce is your military dude..and I find that utterly boring . Broomstick....I kill him , cose he look like a giant fly *shudder*.

for BH: Mako..sweet smart funny mako :o I don't get Skadge Hate . I barely remember him on my ship... .Gault is fun in his own way although his voice get on my nerve fast . Wanna kill Torian Bieber .

For Agent: like Kaliyo..watcher 2 and bug dude ? what was his name again ? One thing agent has , is that the companion interact between them . Thats rare in others stories .


for JC: Nadia . everyone else..dimissed .

Trooper: Dorne . And the droid .

JK: Kira . everyone take a hike!

Smuggler: Akaavi , risha , Guss . Wanna kill Corso cose he is just plain awful .

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Sometimes I hate Broonmark and all I can think about is what a psycho he is and how much he must shed all over my ship. And other times I love Broonmark because d'aww, he just wants to kill people and make me happy <3 Like a big ole evil dog. Edited by grania
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Like others have said, none of them are perfect and have at least one dud. Usually its the final companion with Hoth syndrome that just lifts right out of the story.


JK, IA, BH (yes even with that homicidal cyst walking around), and Smuggler* are all pretty solid.


Trooper and SW are both pretty average to me.


SI has issues (Xalek shows up way too late, misses the mark on being an apprentice, Ashara is an annoying

monument to delusions, and Andronikos just feels...there) but Khem and Talos redeem it.


Consular's crew is what makes JC's story feel dull for me. The only character I found remotely interesting was Zenith and only marginally at that. I also made a mistake doing the Nadia romance, which somehow felt creepier than corrupting and romancing DS Jaesa.


* Corso can still burn for searing "Now you're dumb, ugly, and dead!" into my brain from that companion bug at launch.

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Hunter's crew is definitely my favourite. Mako is great, Gault grew on me and you just can't not love Blizz. Torian was boring at first but i kinda appreciated him more during KOTET. And I don't really mind Skadge, unlike most people. My second favourite bunch is the Sith Warrior's crew, even though my most hated companion(Quinn) is in there too.


Ashara and Nadia are wasted potentials but i still like them.

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There are two definitions of "bad companion", leaving aside the no-longer-relevant questions of combat role and crew skill bonuses.


1. The one you hate. Example, for most people, Skadge.


2. The one you look at and say, "Meh."


The first are indicative of better writing than the second. The moment I set eyes on Skadge for the first time (more specifically, when I heard what he had to say), I wanted to feed him what comes out of the hot end of my blasters. The writer succeeded in raising an emotive response. Some of the others are less ... inspiring. More insipid than inspiring.


Agreed. There are a lot of Case No 2 for me with the companions, but then I'm also someone who dislikes the composition of just about every crew. Or said another way, I would have liked to be able to offload certain members of my crews at various points in the story.


Not Quinn, before anyone assumes. I like him. Kaliyo though for instance, I'd like to have killed on Hutta. Otherwise I suppose I like the IA's crew as a whole the best.

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