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Can't bring myself to play republic side *SPOILERS*


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I've played IA, SW and SI story fully and halfish of BH and SW again. I've tried to play each republic class before but have never got past fleet or Coruscant at the most. There's just something about the stories and side quests of republic side that doesn't draw me in.


I like the fact that on Imp side you're going through a story which develops your character and helps their faction but at the same time you can work towards your own gain. E.g. SI: from slave to dark council member, building up your power base and ultimately working to be as powerful as possible. Or IA defending the empire but ultimately you can serve your own self interest by keeping the Codex.


On rep side however the force users, i assume, are selfless and only work to protect others and the republic. Can the force users be played so that they seek personal gain and end as a galactic power?

I know the smuggler can definitely do this but my concern is that because they're not a force user they fit in less story wise for future expansions, i.e KotFE.


Thoughts? Basically how would you sell me to play through the rep stories. I don't mind spoilers, gives me something to look forward to.

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There are more than enough dark side options for both Consular and Jedi Knight stories, so of course you don't have to be a goody two shoes if you don't want to!


My Consular is grey sided so makes a lot of DS choices herself (especially when it comes to being more selfish or acting rashly and starting fights where she should take the peaceful option as a "Good Jedi" XD) rather than always making LS choices, while my Knight is almost exclusively Light side (apart from romancing a certain redhead of course!) So It's all down to how you want to play it really :D


I will say the Consular story is quite slow to build up in Chapter 1, but it gets REALLY good near the end so stick with it because you're missing out by not sticking through it o.O

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I'm assuming that no matter how you play the consular/knight they dont acquire resources/a powerbase for themself due to the nature of jedis? I think i just have to accept that each class is different and appreciate each unique story for what they are?
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I'm assuming that no matter how you play the consular/knight they dont acquire resources/a powerbase for themself due to the nature of jedis? I think i just have to accept that each class is different and appreciate each unique story for what they are?


Well without having played through all 3 chapters of each yet myself I couldn't confirm it for you either lol the point is that they don't have to be "good people" Just because they're Jedi. There's a light side and dark side storyline for each class, and while the basic events are the same parts of it will change depending on your dialogue choices regarding alignment. So yes, if you consistently pick dark side options and just generally be a douche to everybody you meet you probably will end up in a similar scenario to what you're suggesting


Just like you can change the Imperial class storyline endings by choosing more light sided options instead ;)

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Is it true that if you play your jedi as anything other than a selfless boyscout everyone, including your companions, dislikes and/or reprimands you?


Whereas as an imp you can go lightside and people will just be surprised/confused by your actions but won't necessarily chastise you. There's even a mini storyline for lightside SW, tattooine + jaessa.


I think what im trying to say is that imp has more freedom, ironic as it has the more rigid and unforgiving government.

Edited by GericoV
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Is it true that if you play your jedi as anything other than a selfless boyscout everyone, including your companions, dislikes and/or reprimands you?


Whereas as an imp you can go lightside and people will just be surprised/confused by your actions but won't necessarily chastise you. There's even a mini storyline for lightside SW, tattooine + jaessa.


I think what im trying to say is that imp has more freedom, ironic as it has the more rigid and unforgiving government.


Well yes as by default most of the companions for Republic side are other Jedi or soldiers who value noble actions whereas the Imperial side has companions like Vette who are slaves and thus not actually cruel or much like the Sith at all. Though it depends on the companion, the first JC companion, Qyzen actually values dialogue choices where you throw your weight around and kill powerful enemies, while Kira the second JK companion likes it when you pick all the sassy/snarky options and mock your enemies, and hates it if you help them TOO much instead of holding them responsible for their actions :)


But there's a reason companion gifts exist and that is it XD you either play the game the way you want to and put up with people not agreeing with you until you pick up a companion that does agree with you (I know for a fact there's one for JK not sure about JC) , or you pick options you know your comps will like to please them. There's no middle ground as far as companions go unfortunately:(

Edited by SnakeSinger
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I always found that there was a companion you could run with for my imp that fit to whatever personality I choose. SW example again: you can choose DS jaessa if you want a fully darkside sith, vette for a LS sith or Quinn for a sith that just wants the best for the empire. Similarly with the other imp classes
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I always found that there was a companion you could run with for my imp that fit to whatever personality I choose. SW example again: you can choose DS jaessa if you want a fully darkside sith, vette for a LS sith or Quinn for a sith that just wants the best for the empire. Similarly with the other imp classes


Yeah sadly Bio Ware didn't have the foresight to do that for every class, in fact SW is actually an anomaly for having Jaessa as being able to be DS or LS so if you're going to compare every class to the SW companion options then you are going to be nothing but disappointed, sorry XD


like I already said you either gotta suck it up and just play the game like you want without being fussed about max influence from convos (bc you can top it up with gifts if it bothers you that much ;)) or you've got to bend to what they want to please them and go against what your character would have wanted to do themselves :) XD

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I'm assuming that no matter how you play the consular/knight they dont acquire resources/a powerbase for themself due to the nature of jedis? I think i just have to accept that each class is different and appreciate each unique story for what they are?


Well, spoilers abound, but you did say that you didn't mind them.


The JK gets given a battalion to command by the time you get to Corellia, but that's probably not the same thing.


The Consular very definitely builds a powerbase for themselves throughout the course of the story. My feeling is that because the Consular story is much more political, about making alliances and building an alliance of the unaffiliated worlds (convincing them to sign on with the Republic, basically) against the Empire, you could, if you wanted, play a DS consular as very Palapatine-ish, amassing personal power and a powerbase for his or her own ends.

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Is it true that if you play your jedi as anything other than a selfless boyscout everyone, including your companions, dislikes and/or reprimands you?


Whereas as an imp you can go lightside and people will just be surprised/confused by your actions but won't necessarily chastise you. There's even a mini storyline for lightside SW, tattooine + jaessa.


I think what im trying to say is that imp has more freedom, ironic as it has the more rigid and unforgiving government.


Knight gets reemed for being Dark by Satele at the end. In fact, Knight moans about Satele talking about how they're dark side, so they don't get to be a Master :p Can't recall on Consular.


Consular does nothing but build a power base for two chapters. :p


Smuggler can be about building a power base if you want to.


Jedi has plenty of companions who dont like you acting like a Jedi and do like you acting like a Jedi. Sometimes it's both. :p

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Knight gets reemed for being Dark by Satele at the end. In fact, Knight moans about Satele talking about how they're dark side, so they don't get to be a Master :p Can't recall on Consular.


Consular does nothing but build a power base for two chapters. :p


Smuggler can be about building a power base if you want to.


Jedi has plenty of companions who dont like you acting like a Jedi and do like you acting like a Jedi. Sometimes it's both. :p


I thought the DS ending with Satele's verbal face-slapping was fantastic. I wish they'd kept the old titles in, because that would have been perfect. Too many DS knights whining about not being able to call themselves Master. I don't know what happens at the end of the DS consular story either yet, but I have one that I'm working up slowly, so I guess we'll see when we get there, haha

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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It takes a while, but the Consular can build up a bit of their own power base. I vaguely remember reading that if you make certain choices in chapters 2 and 3, the Rift Alliance people end up being more loyal to you personally rather than the intended result of getting them back to supporting the Republic normally.

Been a while since I completed the Consular story so not 100% certain.


Also, if you take a certain choice on Alderaan, you get made a Lord (from what I've read).



For the Jedi Knight, leaning more towards the Dark Side can potentially mean that the Republic military like you for your ruthlessness towards the enemy while the Jedi Council are upset that you're not sticking to the straight and narrow.

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Ah ok thanks for the replies everyone. However the empire is calling me once again, I'm gonna finish off my BH then off to thr republic. For what I'm planning, the toons will likely end up fairly neutral :)


Most of my characters usually only came out LS 1 or 2, while Consular came out 3 (maybe 4). Consular tends to feel off if you choose DS in a lot of things in the Prologue/Chapter 1. After that, the slide into dark side can make a little more sense.

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Thoughts? Basically how would you sell me to play through the rep stories. I don't mind spoilers, gives me something to look forward to.


Much like you, the Imperial stories just clicked with me stronger and when it came to the Republic stories, only the Smuggler had appeal since I'd always go the crimeboss option. What got me into playing the rest of the Republic-side of things was the Star Cabal part of the Agent story and it all beginning to click for me about how each of the class stories regardless of faction connect for the bigger picture.


As much as it can be an utter slog going through some of the story arcs, I've found it's been worth it when I start seeing the little tidbits here and there that appear to lead up to the later story content.

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Much like you, the Imperial stories just clicked with me stronger and when it came to the Republic stories, only the Smuggler had appeal since I'd always go the crimeboss option. What got me into playing the rest of the Republic-side of things was the Star Cabal part of the Agent story and it all beginning to click for me about how each of the class stories regardless of faction connect for the bigger picture.


As much as it can be an utter slog going through some of the story arcs, I've found it's been worth it when I start seeing the little tidbits here and there that appear to lead up to the later story content.


Here's your main mistake, OP. Play them instead of assuming things about them.


I'll take both of your advice. If nothing else I'll play the rep side so I get the full galactic story and hopefully on the way I'll see that they are also great stories.

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I thought the DS ending with Satele's verbal face-slapping was fantastic. I wish they'd kept the old titles in, because that would have been perfect. Too many DS knights whining about not being able to call themselves Master. I don't know what happens at the end of the DS consular story either yet, but I have one that I'm working up slowly, so I guess we'll see when we get there, haha


I agree.


Bioware had it right from the start, and the complainers in Beta had it wrong.

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I've played IA, SW and SI story fully and halfish of BH and SW again. I've tried to play each republic class before but have never got past fleet or Coruscant at the most. There's just something about the stories and side quests of republic side that doesn't draw me in.


My main character is SI. I also played SW and quite enjoyed it. But JC was a pain....

Recently I managed to level JK, but the fun was after I went past 50 lvl. Well, third chapter was nice too.

But back to the issue. I've played Imp side first and the troops I met were always showing intitiative. They wanted my help, but they already had plan, they were skilled, they were not begging to rescue them but to give them some extra firepower. All Imps were working hard, trying their best, they were motivated etc. They were inteligent and they got the job done.

I honeslty don't see how this bunch of losers a.k.a. Republic could resist Empire for so long. If not for the Jedi PC those guys would trip over their own two feet.

There is a very different feeling playing the Republic than playing the Empire.

Empire FTW!

And its funny how next chapters after 3rd make You hate Republic even more. Ironic, because this is that GOOD system, LIGHT side... They are just corrupted morons :p And even in KOTET its the Sith Empire that would rather help You, but the Republic.. see for yourself...

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Only force users I completed have been Consular and Warrior, and I don't see much of a political power difference between them. While the Warrior has backing of Emperor, Consular has backing of the entire Jedi Order since he has the title of Warden of the Order - one of only 3 men to receive it in history. He also has backing of several other entities, and could in theory draw on even more resources than Warrior. I would imagine Satele would be on his side if need be, but who would help the Warrior? No one.


The story line is a bit more boring and predictable for Consular, but not bad. Story-wise, he does far more for the Republic then Warrior does for the Empire.

Edited by Masazuka
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The story line is a bit more boring and predictable for Consular, but not bad. Story-wise, he does far more for the Republic then Warrior does for the Empire.

I hated Consular story.

I've played Sith Inqusitor first and probably I couldn't choose better, the story was great. People say Imperial Agent (haven't played) is interesting but I like Force users.

As to the SW, play next chapters (SoR), especially Ziost story and evertything your SW based his life on will crumble. This is very interesting moment for SW.

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I hated Consular story.

I've played Sith Inqusitor first and probably I couldn't choose better, the story was great. People say Imperial Agent (haven't played) is interesting but I like Force users.

As to the SW, play next chapters (SoR), especially Ziost story and evertything your SW based his life on will crumble. This is very interesting moment for SW.


I haven't played past the original story, can you play one from each side when you go into expansions, or do you just have to pick one character? I was thinking of going with Bounty Hunter instead of Warrior when I go into expansions.

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