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<Not Another Meme> Recruitment - HM/NiM Group


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We are looking for one Tank and one rDPS to fill our HM/NiM group. Preferably, an Assassin Tank and a Mercenary DPS that is proficient in both IO and Arsenal specs. Jugg Tanks and Snipers will be considered as well. Snipers being considered must know how to perform under all specs. All DPS interested must know all their class specs rotation and must be parsing at min 9.4K. If I can do 8.7K on a Sorc (Lightning Spec) in mediocre gear, I expect Snipers and Mercs looking to raid to do 9.4K+ easily. If interested, PM me. Thanks.
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I'd be interested in joining up, just started playing the game, I'm a multi game raider (Lotro, rift, ESO, WoW) with several server firsts in Lotro. I have a sniper that I'm currently gearing, and I'd be willing to level and gear a Sin tank as well.


I'm reliable and follow directions well and don't get frustrated easily.


Mierian is my sniper's name.

Edited by Silense
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