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Sub companions with CC?


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Do you think they will add the sub by date companions for CC eventually? Feels pretty crappy missing out on baller companions because I wasn't subbed at the time due to real life. Ultimately the rewards are to get subs which are money but if you put them for CC equivalent to a month's sub...you still make money. I was here for Nico but I missed HK-55 and Shae due to my job.
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I hope they do, exclusive content in any game usually doesn't lead to a good new player experience. I imagine that seeing all these companions and other unobtainable rewards can make a new player feel a bit disheartened. If they do put this stuff on the cartel market, I don't think it would invalidate the benefit of being a subscriber when it was available. Being a subscriber during the right time just means that you'd have early access to these companions and whatever else and you'd get it for free compared to everyone else having to buy theirs.
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Do you think they will add the sub by date companions for CC eventually? Feels pretty crappy missing out on baller companions because I wasn't subbed at the time due to real life. Ultimately the rewards are to get subs which are money but if you put them for CC equivalent to a month's sub...you still make money. I was here for Nico but I missed HK-55 and Shae due to my job.


I certainly hope not.


Making any subscriber rewards available "after the fact" would only undermine the effectiveness of any future subscriber reward promotions.


If you did not meet the criteria to receive a given subscriber reward, then you are NOT entitled to have that reward and will have to learn to do without that reward. It really is that simple.


To date, BW has never made any past subscriber rewards available again, by any means, no matter how loud the crying for BW to make them available again. I hope they continue to follow that policy.


IF BW does decide to cater to the "I missed this reward and I play the game so you OWE me BW and have to let me have it." crowd and make any subscriber rewards available again, they should not do so for CC's There are way too many FREE CC's floating around out there. Some are getting thousands of FREE CC's per month from referrals alone.


IF BW were to make any subscriber rewards available again, they should charge real money and the price should be high. $35-$50 for a companion, and $250 for the bonus chapter. There should be some penalty for getting a "second chance".

Edited by Ratajack
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They won't.

Never in the history of the game have they made a sub reward available by any other means.

They won't start now.

I'll bet money on it.


On the other hand, I wouldn't be completely opposed to them selling them under the following conditions:

- It costs the same to purchase as an equivalent subscription period required.

- It must be purchased with cash and not free cartel coins.

- No complimentary game time is included with the purchase.

Edited by Rankyn
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I will never understand why people get so worked up about "exclusive" content being made available later. You got the item for no additional price when you subbed. Other players having to pay an additional, likely way overpriced fee for it shouldn't bother you. It's beyond ridiculous that you would care. You're not suddenly being made to pay for said item. Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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I'd be happy for them to do so as long as it wasn't like a month later. Even then I wouldn't care too much since I've never subbed for a reward, just considered them a nice bonus.


For example I HATE knowing there is one of the best gameplay experiences in the game that is the HK bonus chapter and many people will never get to experience it - that just sucks imo. I personally got it so not a "wah wah poor me" speech either.


It won't happen though because they always marketed the rewards as exclusive, if they were lacking that word it would be a different story. E.g. "Sub for 3 motnhs get a free Nico Companion" would mean the benefit we get is getting it for free as opposed to exclusive.


Funny thing is I doubt changing the wording would have much if any effect on subscriber levels. I assume people subbing due to a reward subbed because they wanted the reward not because they would get it and others would not.

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I will never understand why people get so worked up about "exclusive" content being made available later. You got the item for no additional prove when you subbed. Other players having to pay an additional, likely way overpriced fee for it shouldn't bother you. It's beyond ridiculous that you would care. You're not suddenly being made to pay for said item.


I completely agree. Special Snowflake Syndrome at its finest. And its not like this type of content is difficult to get, you pay a subscription for a month or two at the right time and its given to you. People who got this stuff didn't "achieve" anything, you're not showing off an in-game accomplishment with a fancy title, you were just there at the right time. Allowing this stuff to be acquirable again, for a price, doesn't hurt anyone.


And I think this whole issue of subscriber rewards could be easily solved for everyone if they just adopted a new subscriber rewards program that rewards everyone on an individual basis (like some other games). So instead of granting rewards to people subscribed by a certain date, it would grant rewards individually based on how many months you are subscribed in total (not consecutively). "Subscribe for X months and unlock companion Y!" The rewards would work very similarly to those of the current referral program.

Edited by Anduhar
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I completely agree. Special Snowflake Syndrome at its finest. And its not like this type of content is difficult to get, you pay a subscription for a month or two at the right time and its given to you. People who got this stuff didn't "achieve" anything, you're not showing off an in-game accomplishment with a fancy title, you were just there at the right time. Allowing this stuff to be acquirable again, for a price, doesn't hurt anyone.


And I think this whole issue of subscriber rewards could be easily solved for everyone if they just adopted a new subscriber rewards program that rewards everyone on an individual basis (like some other games). So instead of granting rewards to people subscribed by a certain date, it would grant rewards individually based on how many months you are subscribed in total (not consecutively). "Subscribe for X months and unlock companion Y!" The rewards would work very similarly to those of the current referral program.


And I think that people getting worked up over what boils down to another bland companion "skin" is stupid. Those rewards were earned. I can't get certain things that I missed, but you never see me complaining about it. You want an HK unit? Go get HK-51. You want Nico or Shae? Then you should have been here.

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I do not think they should, nor will they ever do that.


They had clear terms and conditions set for obtaining that companion.


You weren't there? TOO BAD. GET OVER IT. ALL COMPANIONS ARE THE SAME. Why do you even care about an exclusive skin? It's just a skin. But it's MY skin. I earned it because I was there at the time. Were you? No. Sorry.

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I completely agree. Special Snowflake Syndrome at its finest. And its not like this type of content is difficult to get, you pay a subscription for a month or two at the right time and its given to you. People who got this stuff didn't "achieve" anything, you're not showing off an in-game accomplishment with a fancy title, you were just there at the right time. Allowing this stuff to be acquirable again, for a price, doesn't hurt anyone.


And I think this whole issue of subscriber rewards could be easily solved for everyone if they just adopted a new subscriber rewards program that rewards everyone on an individual basis (like some other games). So instead of granting rewards to people subscribed by a certain date, it would grant rewards individually based on how many months you are subscribed in total (not consecutively). "Subscribe for X months and unlock companion Y!" The rewards would work very similarly to those of the current referral program.


You are correct. It is entitlement at its finest.


Johnny expects to be given special treatment from BW in the form of BW changing the rules for him so he can have that companion he KNOWS he did NOT meet the criteria to receive and therefore is NOT entitled to have. '


You already know why Billy IS entitled to that companion and Johnny is NOT. Billy WAS subscribed at "the right time" and Johnny was NOT and KNOWS he was not.


Should they make the "founder" title available again? After all, by your logic, those with that title didn't "achieve" anything, it's not showing off an in-game accomplishment. They were just here and subscribed "at the right time".

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And I think that people getting worked up over what boils down to another bland companion "skin" is stupid. Those rewards were earned. I can't get certain things that I missed, but you never see me complaining about it. You want an HK unit? Go get HK-51. You want Nico or Shae? Then you should have been here.


What harm does it do you personally if others get it though? Any at all?


No one cares that you don't complain about not getting other things that you missed.


People are stating it would be nice if they pay to get the things they missed out on, if you don't want things you missed out on that's besides the point - don't get them.

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I do not think they should, nor will they ever do that.


They had clear terms and conditions set for obtaining that companion.


You weren't there? TOO BAD. GET OVER IT. ALL COMPANIONS ARE THE SAME. Why do you even care about an exclusive skin? It's just a skin. But it's MY skin. I earned it because I was there at the time. Were you? No. Sorry.


Why do you care about the skin? it's just a skin. They want to pay extra for it, you didn't have to.


It would actually be good for the game if they did sell them especially the bonus chapter. This game could use any revenue it could get at this stage.

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Do you think they will add the sub by date companions for CC eventually? Feels pretty crappy missing out on baller companions because I wasn't subbed at the time due to real life. Ultimately the rewards are to get subs which are money but if you put them for CC equivalent to a month's sub...you still make money. I was here for Nico but I missed HK-55 and Shae due to my job.


Could you not have a recurring sub even if you were not playing. There have been times that I didn't play for a few months but I still had a sub.

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I do not think they should, nor will they ever do that.


They had clear terms and conditions set for obtaining that companion.


You weren't there? TOO BAD. GET OVER IT. ALL COMPANIONS ARE THE SAME. Why do you even care about an exclusive skin? It's just a skin. But it's MY skin. I earned it because I was there at the time. Were you? No. Sorry.


If its just a skin, then why do you care? Its something you got for free through no real "effort". There are plenty of people who couldn't get it because they weren't aware of the reward or they didn't even start playing until later on. Lots of people are willing to pay real money for such rewards and them doing so does not affect you in any way.


Should they make the "founder" title available again? After all, by your logic, those with that title didn't "achieve" anything, it's not showing off an in-game accomplishment. They were just here and subscribed "at the right time".


As someone who has the Founder title, I couldn't care less. I put no real effort into getting it and I think its unfortunate that it has been unavailable for so long. I never use it anyway since there are so many titles in the game which I think are a lot cooler than "<Name>, Founder ". As a side note, I would very much prefer the Founder title to be "Founder <Name>", it just looks better to me, maybe then I'd actually use it.


Actually earning a title, decoration, or even a companion through a hard achievement in-game or something similar is much more noteworthy than something that was given away for free for paying a subscription at a certain time.


If they bring back this stuff it shouldn't be free, there should be a price of some sort or it should be gotten through an achievement in-game. The benefits for getting the exclusive content when it was available should be the fact that you got it early and that it was free for you. But I think anything with a time constraint like this should still be acquirable by other people, maybe not immediately but later on down the road.


People choosing to pay money or work hard in-game for something that was previously given away for free does not affect those who got it for free. The only real reason why people want these rewards to stay exclusive is because they want to feel special due to the fact that they were lucky enough to have known about the promotion when it was happening or because they happened to have started playing the game before the promotion rather than after.

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This game became a communist game anyhow, everything that was rare and invaluable are now just trash items except for the pvp rarity items from past seasons but wouldn't surprise me if they put them on vendors later on for pve.
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Why do you care about the skin? it's just a skin. They want to pay extra for it, you didn't have to.


It would actually be good for the game if they did sell them especially the bonus chapter. This game could use any revenue it could get at this stage.


No, it would not be good for the game.


That would only undermine the effectiveness of any future subscription reward promotions.


What would be good for the game would be for those that missed out on any of the past subscriber rewards to subscribe going forward so as not to miss out on any future subscriber rewards if they wish to receive them.


The game wins with the subscriber revenue and the player wins by not missing out on any future subscriber rewards.

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If its just a skin, then why do you care? Its something you got for free through no real "effort". There are plenty of people who couldn't get it because they weren't aware of the reward or they didn't even start playing until later on. Lots of people are willing to pay real money for such rewards and them doing so does not affect you in any way.


The point is that some people actually EARNED that skin by meeting the criteria set forth by BW to receive it.



Definition of earn


transitive verb



a : to receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered

b : to bring in by way of return <bonds earning 10 percent interest>



a : to come to be duly worthy of or entitled or suited to

b : to make worthy of or obtain for


Earning does not necessarily require great physical effort. All it requires is that you meet whatever criteria are set forth.


Those that did NOT meet the criteria are NOT entitled to have it, no matter how much they think they are, or how long or loudly they cry "UNFAIR!!!! I'm being PUNISHED just because I was not subscribed at the right time!!!!!!!!!!! BW you OWE me!!!! "




As someone who has the Founder title, I couldn't care less. I put no real effort into getting it and I think its unfortunate that it has been unavailable for so long. I never use it anyway since there are so many titles in the game which I think are a lot cooler than "<Name>, Founder ". As a side note, I would very much prefer the Founder title to be "Founder <Name>", it just looks better to me, maybe then I'd actually use it.


Actually earning a title, decoration, or even a companion through a hard achievement in-game or something similar is much more noteworthy than something that was given away for free for paying a subscription at a certain time.


If they bring back this stuff it shouldn't be free, there should be a price of some sort or it should be gotten through an achievement in-game. The benefits for getting the exclusive content when it was available should be the fact that you got it early and that it was free for you. But I think anything with a time constraint like this should still be acquirable by other people, maybe not immediately but later on down the road.


People choosing to pay money or work hard in-game for something that was previously given away for free does not affect those who got it for free. The only real reason why people want these rewards to stay exclusive is because they want to feel special due to the fact that they were lucky enough to have known about the promotion when it was happening or because they happened to have started playing the game before the promotion rather than after.


So, you think that Johnny, who started playing last week, should be able to obtain the founder title, more than 5 years after the game was released? I have a different opinion.


Fortunately, BW has never made any subscriber reward available again, by any means.


If you have all of the past subscriber rewards, then good for you. If you missed any, then that is too bad.

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No, it would not be good for the game.


That would only undermine the effectiveness of any future subscription reward promotions.


What would be good for the game would be for those that missed out on any of the past subscriber rewards to subscribe going forward so as not to miss out on any future subscriber rewards if they wish to receive them.


The game wins with the subscriber revenue and the player wins by not missing out on any future subscriber rewards.


So you think there is actually greater profit to be made in people purely staying subscribed for subscriber reward vs them offering to sell them for a monetary amount down the track? I personally doubt very many stayed subscribed just for the sake of subscriber rewards ( hence them not doing anything since 4.0 dropped ) but I guess neither of us can prove that one way or the other.


Either way, as I said, I don't think they will ever renege on the "exclusive" rewards because they used the wording "exclusive" but going forward I think it would be a good idea to imply exclusive and just allow people to get something a "free bonus subscriber reward" that then frees them up to monetise it in the future.

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So you think there is actually greater profit to be made in people purely staying subscribed for subscriber reward vs them offering to sell them for a monetary amount down the track? I personally doubt very many stayed subscribed just for the sake of subscriber rewards ( hence them not doing anything since 4.0 dropped ) but I guess neither of us can prove that one way or the other.


Unless you count all the subscriber rewards for the months that chapters 10-16 were released, including the BONUS chapter, and Shae Vizla and the walker mount in the months leading up to 5.0.


That sounds to me like subscriber rewards were utilized well after 4.0 dropped.


Either way, as I said, I don't think they will ever renege on the "exclusive" rewards because they used the wording "exclusive" but going forward I think it would be a good idea to imply exclusive and just allow people to get something a "free bonus subscriber reward" that then frees them up to monetise it in the future.


Going forward, I think a better solution would be to keep SOME rewards as time specific, but also add a veteran reward system with similar, but different rewards.


BW could use time specific rewards if they felt the need to bolster subscriptions at certain times, but could also reward those who reached certain milestones of total time subscribed that everyone would eventually be able to reach.

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No, it would not be good for the game.


That would only undermine the effectiveness of any future subscription reward promotions.


No it wouldn't. This is pure nonsense. Why would anyone in their right mind want to pay an extra $15-$25 bucks for a companion or jetpack when they can get it for free after subscribing? You have the same incentive to sub as if it's not made available later, and that's that you don't have to pay for it. You're getting it for FREE. F.R.E.E. What is so hard to understand about that?

Edited by ArkhaanPremiare
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I am not really attached to Rico or Shae because of anthropomorphic companions "stance" which consists of staring at you non stop and bent over oddly if elevated above you.


However I do feel that companions that are purchased with cc or via subscriber gift should come pre-loaded with a substantial (if not maxed out) amount of influence.

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No it wouldn't. This is pure nonsense. Why would anyone in their right mind want to pay an extra $15-$25 bucks for a companion or jetpack when they can get it for free after subscribing? You have the same incentive to sub as if it's not made available later, and that's that you don't have to pay for it. You're getting for FREE. F.R.E.E. What is so hard to understand about that?


Let's look at the BONUS chapter.


The forums were FULL of people openly bragging that they were unsubscribing after chapter 9 and would subscribe again for ONE MONTH after chapter 16 was released. They openly admitted they know they weren't going to get the BONUS chapter, but they felt it would be garbage and weren't concerned about not getting it.


Then the BONUS chapter is released, and it was MUCH better then anyone ever expected it to be.


Now you have those same people who were openly bragging about unsubscribing crying "FOUL!!!" and demanding that BW let them "buy" the BONUS chapter for a PITTANCE.


If BW allowed them to do that, then going forward, there would be no "subscribe at this time to get this reward" incentive. The message that BW would be sending by making ANY subscriber reward available again would be "Don't worry about subscribing now, even though the terms and conditions say you have to be subscribed on X date. Let the reward be released, see if you like it, then if you do, cry "foul" on the forums until we let you buy it for a pittance."


As previously stated, making any past subscriber rewards available again would only undermine any future subscriber rewards.


You can try to deny this fact all you want, but the truth remains.

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