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SW Rebels canonized the Vizsla name?


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"First Ever Mandalorian Jedi REVEALED! TAR VIZSLA! Epic Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Teaser!"




Apart from the whole Darksaber and a "mandalorian becoming Jedi" matter (which I have to say, I find questionable), does this mean that Shae Vizsla has now become a canon figure seeing she'll obviously have to be the ancestor of this Tar Vizsla?





EDIT: In the eventuality of mistakes, please note I do not watch the SW Rebels series.. merely created this thread to get some perspective on the matter.

Edited by Svancara
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"First Ever Mandalorian Jedi REVEALED! TAR VIZSLA! Epic Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Teaser!"




Apart from the whole Darksaber and a "mandalorian becoming Jedi" matter (which I have to say, I find questionable), does this mean that Shae Vizsla has now become a canon figure seeing she'll obviously have to be the ancestor of this Tar Vizsla?





EDIT: In the eventuality of mistakes, please note I do not watch the SW Rebels series.. merely created this thread to get some perspective on the matter.


Shae will only become canon if she is mentioned in anything that is produced going forward. That could be in Rebels or another tv show, in a comic or novel. The family lineage could easily be changed with no mention of her at all, leaving her LEGENDS . Hopefully they do mention her and make her part of the canon universe, time will tell.

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Shae Vizsla has now become a canon figure seeing she'll obviously have to be the ancestor of this Tar Vizsla?



My thought is that the fact that a historical figure and a modern-day figure have the same family name DOES NOT mean that they are related in any way. So perhaps it was Shae's brother who is the ancestor of Tar. Or perhaps it's a different Vizsla family. (You know, like that not every person called Smith today has Adam Smith as an ancestor, not least because he never had any children.)

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My thought is that the fact that a historical figure and a modern-day figure have the same family name DOES NOT mean that they are related in any way. So perhaps it was Shae's brother who is the ancestor of Tar. Or perhaps it's a different Vizsla family. (You know, like that not every person called Smith today has Adam Smith as an ancestor, not least because he never had any children.)


Naturally, that makes sense.

But in Star Wars lore, whenever we meet a character sharing a certain family name... the odds are pretty good we're talking about a direct descendant, judging from the past movie/game sources.


Seeing there is a House Vizsla now however, your reasonings is logical.

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My thoughts on this, is they should have said more than 1000 years :p


Seriously, as a RPer, it's not like people aren't already saying they have a Mandalorian turned Jedi or even just a Mandalorian with force abilities. :p


Now they give a firm date as to it being 1000 years before Rebels, which means it's like 2000 years after TOR :p

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I think Clone Wars already covered this ground when the Darksaber was first introduced - Pre Vizsla specifically says that his (unnamed) ancestor stole it from the Jedi Temple. That it was also built by an earlier Vizsla is new, but the idea that Shae stole it during the Sacking of Coruscant has been around for a few years. If nothing else, it continues to be a nice nod and wink to Shae and SWTOR.


(That being said, I'm looking forward to some Sabine-focused episodes, especially if they dig into her past and affiliation with Clan Vizsla - I'm hoping for confirmation that she's Bo-Katan's daughter, since I doubt they'll go full soap opera and have her be Satine's secret child. Though if she were that'd certainly add an interesting new element to the showdown being teased for the end of the season.)

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Naturally, that makes sense.

But in Star Wars lore, whenever we meet a character sharing a certain family name... the odds are pretty good we're talking about a direct descendant, judging from the past movie/game sources.

Antilleses tend to disagree, I would say.

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