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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 30's Already???


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I really hope Bioware resets all the exploiters and removes xp from PVP as well as all rewards.



You're something else. Screaming about elitism and then saying that PVP should offer no rewards. Do you really not see the irony of that? Or are you too blinded by your bias?


No one likes cheaters or exploiters - but do you really think these exploiters will get away with this garbage for long? It's going to be VERY obvious in the game logs who did what.


Using that as an excuse to punish PVP as a whole is completely asinine.

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They can go back and do storyline quests later dirrrr


I can't imagine people wanting to go back to do the story when it'll be so simple. Half the fun is the challenge of completing your part of the story. It's no fun when you can just go through pwning everything and not getting a real good reference as to what your part is.

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I'll probably be one of the speedy levelers, complete with space bar spamming, but only until I hit level 25, because that's when I stopped playing my BH in the beta.


Yes I played my main class in beta...I half-regret/half-don't. I still got 7 more classes for fresh experiences on, after all. XD

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You're something else. Screaming about elitism and then saying that PVP should offer no rewards. Do you really not see the irony of that? Or are you too blinded by your bias?


No one likes cheaters or exploiters - but do you really think these exploiters will get away with this garbage for long? It's going to be VERY obvious in the game logs who did what.


Using that as an excuse to punish PVP as a whole is completely asinine.


I think theyl get away with it free and clear, ill bet on it.

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You're something else. Screaming about elitism and then saying that PVP should offer no rewards. Do you really not see the irony of that? Or are you too blinded by your bias?


No one likes cheaters or exploiters - but do you really think these exploiters will get away with this garbage for long? It's going to be VERY obvious in the game logs who did what.


Using that as an excuse to punish PVP as a whole is completely asinine.


lol Tru dat. IMO I think the exploiters should suffer a week ban from launch date. They have to sit and watch as everybody levels around them. THEN they can join us. I think that would be fair.

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There's no way they aren't cheating. Are the GM's looking into this? It's probably because of that exploit with PvP I read about on the dev tracker.


How is this cheating? How do you separate people who want to play WZs from the ones that are queuing to try and get easy exp? Some exploits are easy to recognize, and thus easy for the game designers to take punitive action (i.e. WOW Paly bubble then turn over an AB flag.) I was constantly queued for WZs during the beta weekends. I did it because I am playing this game for PVP, not to gain from what might be bad BioWare programming.

Edited by KvotheBloodless
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I'll probably be one of the speedy levelers, complete with space bar spamming, but only until I hit level 25, because that's when I stopped playing my BH in the beta.


Yes I played my main class in beta...I half-regret/half-don't. I still got 7 more classes for fresh experiences on, after all. XD


Ha! Same with me. I played my Sith Warrior Juggernaut. I even got his facial details down to what I wanted my main to be like. Same results as well. Half regretted it, but at the same time, I'll be glad to know what to do when I level my real toon.

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You're something else. Screaming about elitism and then saying that PVP should offer no rewards. Do you really not see the irony of that? Or are you too blinded by your bias?


No one likes cheaters or exploiters - but do you really think these exploiters will get away with this garbage for long? It's going to be VERY obvious in the game logs who did what.


Using that as an excuse to punish PVP as a whole is completely asinine.


Exactly. I can't understand why people think everyone has to play one way. If there is an exploit in PvE raids that make a boss really easy to beat should we remove all rewards from raids? It makes no sense to punish the people playing fair for the people cheating when I'm sure it will be easy to isolate and punish the cheaters.


I personally don't plan on leveling through PvP (in fact I wish I could turn the XP off for myself), but I think people should be allowed to.

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Exactly. I can't understand why people think everyone has to play one way. If there is an exploit in PvE raids that make a boss really easy to beat should we remove all rewards from raids? It makes no sense to punish the people playing fair for the people cheating when I'm sure it will be easy to isolate and punish the cheaters.


I personally don't plan on leveling through PvP (in fact I wish I could turn the XP off for myself), but I think people should be allowed to.


I think the only real reason XP is there in the first place is to stop twinks from being made. As much as I hate to be THAT guy... In WoW, twinks made pvp very unfun until you got to cap level. Blizz added xp and forced the twinks to level up or not PvP at all, thus putting everybody on fair ground again. Since then, it's become standard on MMO's that PvP grants PvE rewards as well. (I don't think Blizz invented the idea, but I could be wrong. I do know that without the xp system in place, I'd never want to PvP)

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People who have maxed using the pvp exploit will not quit but be camping twinks in the upcoming waves who will not be ablet ouse the exploit themselves since by then it wll be fixed. The exploiters in the meantime are going to be raking in ill gotten battlebags and have such an unfair advantage over twinks, all on DAY ONE! Talk about botch pvp.


Well the easy thing to do would just be create a report of, and investigate the logs of anyone over a certain level within a certain amount of time played.


So finding out the why and how is pretty easy.


The problem is will BioWare really do anything about it ... besides just saying they will in the forums.


Wouldn't it be great if such massive bugs were found in Beta testing?

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It's shame for the powerlevelers really, skipping all the content Bioware's put so much work into. They're missing out on one of the fundamental aspects of gameplay that Bioware's known for: the story.


Not just the most fundamental, but the most FUN as well. I mean... jeeze... wasting 60 bucks so you can skip to the end. What's the use? You're suppose to get in and enjoy your time. Savor it, like an expensive lobster. Every bite should melt in your mouth and be worth every penny.

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"It is not a players fault if they are continuously put in a WZ that ends due to lack of players."


THIS. Attempting to play a game the way it is intended is not exploiting. That's like saying OH Your team passes the huttball well and caps it quickly, winning the game. You're exploiting.

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Even skipping all the cinematic questing, there is no way they should be in the high 20's and even the 30's after 11 hours of the servers being up...


I smell cheating/exploiting...


yeah, I been playing since around 8, roughly 11 hours. had 1 hour break and im only 16. Had a partner for most of it, if you can get a full group together and power through the missions each of you have, you give bonues to everyone in the party for completing them. With four people I can see it like getting credit twice for each quest.

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Well the easy thing to do would just be create a report of, and investigate the logs of anyone over a certain level within a certain amount of time played.


So finding out the why and how is pretty easy.


The problem is will BioWare really do anything about it ... besides just saying they will in the forums.


Wouldn't it be great if such massive bugs were found in Beta testing?


Thing is, this is one of the more popular complaints from Beta. I think BW is doing it on purpose. As a sort of netting to filter out the undesirables. If they leave in a well known exploit and catch people using it, the chances that these same people will use another exploit in the future is pretty high, so stopping them now and showing them it won't be tolerated may be a good thing to do. That's probably not what they're doing, but it's what I like to think they're doing. lol

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then bioware did not make enough end game content to keep players playing, levels 1-49 are meaningless only 50 counts



WRONG! Thanks for playing. You've earned a miniature home version of our game as a thanks. Here's what you should of said:


Levels 1-49 are half the game! This isn't your typical MMO where it's "Rush to the end and start fighting big bosses" In this game, there's a story to be had and you actually have a voice in this story to help tell it. The immersion is what makes the game what it is. You feel like you ARE your toon, much better then previous MMO's have done. 1-49 are most definitely not meaningless. They're just the beginning steps into an epic journey that will hopefully last us the next 3-5 years.

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If people want to be dumb and rush through all the quests missing out on the story let them, there missing out on the best part of bioware games. have fun getting 50 with nothing to do lol


Yeah! It BW's fault that you think that they should have a ton of raids to do on launch day, becuase of impaitent people like you who think that getting to 50 is the game.


This is a STORY driven game. It's the journey TO 50 that is supposed to be fun. I don't have a lot of time to play, but I want to make it meaningful. This will give me a hour or 2 of fun and a nice interactive movie quality that i won't find anywhere else (besides another BW game).


So please feel free to rush to 50 by the time the 20th comes around. Get bored, but don't you dare complain anywhere about it, its your fault. Either uninstall the game, or take some ADD medince you obviously need.

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Yeah! It BW's fault that you think that they should have a ton of raids to do on launch day, becuase of impaitent people like you who think that getting to 50 is the game.


This is a STORY driven game. It's the journey TO 50 that is supposed to be fun. I don't have a lot of time to play, but I want to make it meaningful. This will give me a hour or 2 of fun and a nice interactive movie quality that i won't find anywhere else (besides another BW game).


So please feel free to rush to 50 by the time the 20th comes around. Get bored, but don't you dare complain anywhere about it, its your fault. Either uninstall the game, or take some ADD medince you obviously need.


Somebody needs to take their own medicine it seems. There's no wrong way to play a game, that is unless you're cheating, of course. I'm with you on the leveling part, though. I plan on going through nice and easy to absorb as much of the story as I can. I love the immersion that they've very carefully added in.

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