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I just love being focused by mercs in this meta <3


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Impressive damage on my part no ;). Well, when you spend all your time running (or crawling) your dps kinda takes a hit. And yes, it would have been better to just remain in the fight and then die on my feet and at least do some damage, but when your target runs away and mercs are chasing you... well...


Electro Net was never this game breaking previous, because mercs were focused first and there was seldom more than 1. As such you would rarely suffer more than 1 Electro Net, and while annyoing, it was not necessarily a death sentence. With mercs now being ignored / stunned until the end, they are free to cast / stun / shot to an insane degree. Their crazy new defenses are indirectly making their offensive arsenal even more potent, and when grouped in 2 then thing becomes very silly.

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You deserve a L2P medal.


Your post disgusts me, you hate on Mercs because you can't focus them down first anymore. The fact that there use to be no mercs and everyone just focused them down first is why they got buffed in the first place. Your constant complaining on these forums is a severe L2P disorder. You stated exactly why they needed to be buffed and essentially confessed your bad because you cant easy win anymore.


do shut up.


You also basically said they don't get focused first anymore. So that seems to be a problem with the player base rather than the class. Go back to focusing them first. Dont hit the orange bubble and use stuns. Simple.

Edited by Iron-Wu
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You deserve a L2P medal.


Your post disgusts me, you hate on Mercs because you can't focus them down first anymore. The fact that there use to be no mercs and everyone just focused them down first is why they got buffed in the first place. Your constant complaining on these forums is a severe L2P disorder. You stated exactly why they needed to be buffed and essentially confessed your bad because you cant easy win anymore.


do shut up.


You also basically said they don't get focused first anymore. So that seems to be a problem with the player base rather than the class. Go back to focusing them first. Dont hit the orange bubble and use stuns. Simple.


Take a deep breath my friend.


I am clearly putting myself out there, by showing my impressive lack of damage. Do you by any chance main an operative in solo ranked? I would welcome any video that demonstrates how to deal with being electro net'd and focused in this meta :)


And just to be clear, if you look back through my post history, I was actually an advocat for buffing mercs prior to 5.0, but clearly things got out for hand. I am not asking for an easy win - again, look back and see that I prefer a balanced match always - but mercs definitely needs to be toned down, but not nerfed to the ground.


And just for good measure, I can occasionally solo a merc, so while I am not good I am neither completely terrible. But I can not deal with 2-3 that focus with electro net / stuns. I don't think anyone realistically can, and this is a problem for the game in general.

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The guy is right, it's impossible to deal with 3 mercs at once now that they are buffed as hell. You can come up with whatever strategy you want but the fact that they are overpowered is there so stop trying to defend an OP class.

IMO they SHOULD be nerfed to the ground so that every reroll can cry then :rolleyes:

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The guy is right, it's impossible to deal with 3 mercs at once now that they are buffed as hell. You can come up with whatever strategy you want but the fact that they are overpowered is there so stop trying to defend an OP class.

IMO they SHOULD be nerfed to the ground so that every reroll can cry then :rolleyes:


you do realize it's the new cooldowns that people are saying make them OP, not the damage, right?

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The guy is right, it's impossible to deal with 3 mercs at once now that they are buffed as hell. You can come up with whatever strategy you want but the fact that they are overpowered is there so stop trying to defend an OP class.

IMO they SHOULD be nerfed to the ground so that every reroll can cry then :rolleyes:


They were nerfed into the ground in 1.2 and just now received buffs to put them on the same playing field as the other classes that have been considering them easy kills for the last 4+ years.


Just because you can't seem to handle them doesn't mean they need to be nerfed again.

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The guy is right, it's impossible to deal with 3 mercs at once now that they are buffed as hell. You can come up with whatever strategy you want but the fact that they are overpowered is there so stop trying to defend an OP class.

IMO they SHOULD be nerfed to the ground so that every reroll can cry then :rolleyes:

It's impossible to deal with 3 of any class. Judging a class in an 8v8 situation is bad for business. Some classes will naturally perform better in objective gameplay while some will perform better in 1v1 and arena.


If you want to nerf damage than take a look at Snipers and Gunslingers.

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It's impossible to deal with 3 of any class. Judging a class in an 8v8 situation is bad for business. Some classes will naturally perform better in objective gameplay while some will perform better in 1v1 and arena.


If you want to nerf damage than take a look at Snipers and Gunslingers.


Their defensive require them to move around, and even a good sniper/slinger will feel it hard on their damage if kept under pressure. Not saying its not good in pvp, it is. but its not OP just in a pretty good place.


Mercs currently are too sturdy with their current h2f utilities. their damage isnt the issue, its the fact they can sit there and pump it out while facetanking a focus, and totally negate the focus escape of 3 ACs (sorc bubble and phase walk, sin and operative stealth) with electronet. 9 second is a long time to deal with without your best defense, and electronet work even if your resolve bar as been filled. So right now you have to hold on the cc break even after being stunlocked because you need it to break the net, or you die. So yes they are an issue right now, they are overperforming with too many tools in their box.


Doesnt mean nerf them to the ground, but they need slight adjustment to be less survivable for sure, or similarly to assassin, have their H2F changed for extra sturdiness. (Ex Trauma regulators, rather than Heal a massive ammount on shield collapse, gives a stacking 2% buff to DR when active, and when shield collapse, linger for 6 seconds. That way, if they want to use those to try and heal with their own offheal, which people apparently forget to use on their merc now, they still can, but they are not pumping damage while they are, and they have to vent the heat before they do it again.


The reflect is fine as it is tough.

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Mercs currently are too sturdy with their current h2f utilities. their damage isnt the issue, its the fact they can sit there and pump it out while facetanking a focus, and totally negate the focus escape of 3 ACs (sorc bubble and phase walk, sin and operative stealth) with electronet. 9 second is a long time to deal with without your best defense, and electronet work even if your resolve bar as been filled. So right now you have to hold on the cc break even after being stunlocked because you need it to break the net, or you die. So yes they are an issue right now, they are overperforming with too many tools in their box.


When you break the electronet you get RE-electronetted by the 2nd or 3rd Merc. . . GG SWTOR 5.0


And yes there are that many Merc's in ranked.

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Mercs currently are too sturdy with their current h2f utilities. their damage isnt the issue, its the fact they can sit there and pump it out while facetanking a focus, and totally negate the focus escape of 3 ACs (sorc bubble and phase walk, sin and operative stealth) with electronet. 9 second is a long time to deal with without your best defense, and electronet work even if your resolve bar as been filled. So right now you have to hold on the cc break even after being stunlocked because you need it to break the net, or you die. So yes they are an issue right now, they are overperforming with too many tools in their box.


If a merc/mando is sitting there facetanking and not trying to kite then they are a bad merc/mando that is only relying on the new defenses because they have no idea about how to play the class. I would be far more concerned about the 1 merc/mando that kites, uses los, and knows when to pull back from a fight than the three that are running in and popping the dcds right off the bat.


Conversely, if players are not able to handle bad mercs/mandos facetanking then those individuals might not be quite as skilled as they thought they were.


Easiest way to shut down a merc/mando rotation is to still use interrupts but I can count on one hand the number of times that people have actually tried to interrupt a HSM or Blazing Bolts cast since 5.0 hit. They usually just stand there and let me shoot them in the face.

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you do realize it's the new cooldowns that people are saying make them OP, not the damage, right?


You do realize that it's the fact that an arsenal merc who's left to free cast can do massive single target damage, right? And it's the new cooldowns that force people to target them last.


Some people have trouble putting two and two together. Their defensive buffs have also affected how they perform offensively.

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I agree with the OP, mercs are too tanky, and I am somewhat disappointed that people are not willing to admit that BW went a little overboard with the survive-ability of mercs.


First point Interrupt - ermm, you have one interrupt, the rest won't work with resolve or Hydraulics override. And they can instant cast heat seeker missile.


Focus them - wow, i thought you focus the easiest target to kill, and taunt the big hitters. Why would you focus a merc over a mara, Sorc, Sin, jug? Right now you are kinda better off focusing a tank, especially a Jug, than a merc, cause most tanks are running DPS gear and have less survive-ability than mercs.


mercs definitely needed a boost in durability but BW kinda went overboard with it. If you 1v1 a merc, he's probably a bad. They have good defense, offense and off heal abilities. I tried 1v1 with one on my Sin tank and we pretty much wasted the entire huttball match trying to kill each other; needless to say neither of us died.


Focusing them just leaves their team to freecast and kill you and focusing their team just leave them to freecast and kill you because their offensive output is very strong. soeither way, its a win-win for the merc.

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Oh got to love how those main a merc squeel and try to defend it...


Sorry but Merc is in god mode now, we don't object to the buff so much, as to the amount of them even in Regs now, when 6 are shooting at you and netting you, as a melee you are helpless. Its like the guys who cried that Sorc heal was ok! :D

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you do realize it's the new cooldowns that people are saying make them OP, not the damage, right?


No mate, it is the damage AND the defensive cooldowns (together) that make them OP - you can't have instant 30k cirts followed by another instant on 30 m range, e-net (you can't escape) and 3 h2f's - and more.


Don't let me wrong - we managed to win solo ranked games against 3 mercs (with no mercs or only one merc in our team), damn we even won against 4 mercs few times. However, that only happens when mercs aren't great and don't off heal or use their instant cc's and when our team rotate stuns and target well.


Above info doesn't prove anything. OP is right, when you have 3 nets flying around, high 30m burst and insane DCD - and when mercs have half a brain then, if you are targeted, all you can do is kite and hope that your team mates will burn mercs down.

Edited by Coldsunrise
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I love how people are getting cranky with this merc debate. The main argument I am seeing is people not approving of 3 mercs in one warzone all electro netting. Is this not the same as 3 juggs/guardians with there op self heals. 3 deception sins and your dead in seconds if focused. 3 snipers focusing you. To me mercs are not op, there tough but not op. This was the same issue with balance/madness spec. It wasn't op! It was just everyone's favourite at the time so heaps of people rolled that class. Remember getting rooted, dotted and force lightning down. One maybe two you could deal with 3+ and them focussing doesn't help.... this is a phase and it will pass people will get sick mercs, and there will be another class everyone will face roll with. (My guess it will be snipers).
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Mercs got electro net when sages got bubble, ops got evade, and sins got phase walk. It was a way to make these skills have a counter attack. Mercs were the answer to the very powerful high level skill of these classes. I do not think the problem is that mercs are OP at the moment. The problem most people have is ops don't roll out of the big damage shots anymore, sins have lost phase walk and sorcs have 2 defenses that are countered by mercs.


Maybe just maybe most of the whines are from people playing the 2 over performing classes of ops and sorcs because they are used to being in God mode. When I play a merc maras cause the most problems and 2 PT's can still melt you before trauma regulators gain enough stacks.


So to all those that rolled an operative and a sorc in 3.0 and 4.0 welcome to pvp the land of competition.

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But I can not deal with 2-3 that focus with electro net / stuns. I don't think anyone realistically can, and this is a problem for the game in general.


It's a problem in the game if a player on a specific class cannot deal with the focus of 2-3 competent dps? Come on. :p


That being said, I have actually seen stealths hold nodes in warzones solo indefinitely with 3-5 people chasing them around unable to kill them.


This makes it debateable if stealths might not have TOO many tools to stay alive tbh.

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I love how people are getting cranky with this merc debate. The main argument I am seeing is people not approving of 3 mercs in one warzone all electro netting. Is this not the same as 3 juggs/guardians with there op self heals. 3 deception sins and your dead in seconds if focused. 3 snipers focusing you. To me mercs are not op, there tough but not op. This was the same issue with balance/madness spec. It wasn't op! It was just everyone's favourite at the time so heaps of people rolled that class. Remember getting rooted, dotted and force lightning down. One maybe two you could deal with 3+ and them focussing doesn't help.... this is a phase and it will pass people will get sick mercs, and there will be another class everyone will face roll with. (My guess it will be snipers).


Get those eyes checked. The main argument is their DCDs turning them from glass cannons to tank cannons. That is the problem. Also if there wasn't anything wrong with the class you wouldn't see them like vultures on a corpse in warzones now.

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The class was swamped at the end of 4.0 *before* they got any changes. Whether or not there is any problem with the class, the perception that it would be strong was there. Combine that with the obvious strength of stacking any class, and the fact that Galactic Command discourages any rerolling/alts, and you have a reason for people to stay.


I notice that Mercs/Mandos have now dropped to 15th in the yolo rankings, with Sorcs, Sins, Snipers, Guardian, PT and Mara all placing higher. Heh. Maybe they're hacking. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jherad
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The class was swamped at the end of 4.0 *before* they got any changes. Whether or not there is any problem with the class, the perception that it would be strong was there. Combine that with the obvious strength of stacking any class, and the fact that Galactic Command discourages any rerolling/alts, and you have a reason for people to stay.


I notice that Mercs/Mandos have now dropped to 15th in the yolo rankings, with Sorcs, Sins, Snipers, Guardian, PT and Mara all placing higher. Heh. Maybe they're hacking. :rolleyes:


I can't speak on the behalf of ranked, but I can speak from a regs perspective.


I have not seen "mercs like vultures" in regs. I also am not seeing mercs dominate matches due to class stacking although it's been proven that with any class stacking imbalance can occur in a wz.


In the past, w e have seen a joke thread with a video created where 4 pals decided to roll all snipers, and how easily they obliterated the other team with focus fire.


Class stacking isn't some new phenomenon that now has become a problem since the 5.0 merc was born.


This is a moot point though, because where are these vast numbers of mercs? They aint in regs I can tell you that.


I see just as many wzs that have 5-8 juggs/marauders, I have seen just as many with 4-6 operatives, the chance of a heavy merc match is about as likely as any other popular class that I can tell.


I do not see mercs putting up top damage numbers constantly. I see marauders and juggs put up higher numbers far more consistently than any other classes in regs.


Just as with any class, great players can make the arsenal merc extremely hard to kill and do tons of damage.


That being said, I see far more average or downright BAD merc/commandos and they are insignificant in the matches regardless of their DCDs.

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