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Is the game officially on maintenance mode?


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Yes, and it has been since it launched.

...you know, because people were saying it's dying since day one, more or less... :rolleyes:


In all seriousness, though, no. It's not on maintenance mode.

As for "false" promises, we don't know yet. So far, yeah, BioWare has failed to deliver operations, warzones (save for the Odessan one), and flashpoints. That may change; that may not change. We'll have to wait and see. There's a livestream coming up on the 26th that is probably going to talk about group content. Hopefully that includes operations/warzones/what-have-you. (Even I'm getting hopeful about it, and I don't even play operations or warzones or anything outside of the story and the occasional flashpoint.)

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It actually depends on how you define maintenance mode.


If you define it as are the devs working on and delivering (albeit slowly) new content? Then NO it is not on maintenance mode. It may be on life support given the paucity of new content and slowness of devs to do anything.


If you define maintenance mode as Official Dev announcement of maintenance mode - Then NO.


If you define it as minimal content release with mostly just repackaged old content delivered as new - then it is arguably on maintenance mode.

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So is the game on maintenance mode or can we expect [false] promisses of epic story telling and epic ops?


Have you seen an "official" announcement from the studio that it is?


Yeah.. didn't think so. :rolleyes:


If you are dissatisfied or upset about something and want to discuss it... I suggest don't use sideways pejoratives that you know are not true... if you want to be taken seriously.

Edited by Andryah
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It actually depends on how you define maintenance mode.


If you define it as are the devs working on and delivering (albeit slowly) new content? Then NO it is not on maintenance mode. It may be on life support given the paucity of new content and slowness of devs to do anything.


If you define maintenance mode as Official Dev announcement of maintenance mode - Then NO.


If you define it as minimal content release with mostly just repackaged old content delivered as new - then it is arguably on maintenance mode.


I looked it up and there's one definition. Technically the game is not in maintenance mode. People who are upset will make up their own definition because they need to say the game is dying. I saw the doom and gloom posts when the game went F2p. I see doom and gloom posts because F2p do not get sub level play. The force us strong with doom and gloom. Always has been. Means very little. I'm not saying rng is good ok. But the game has NEW content even if you don't like the content. This makes it not maintenance mode.

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I wonder how many expansions, new planets, PvP maps, stories, etc. have to be published for it not to be in maintenance mode? Wasn't the last expansion like 2 months ago? Do you assume it's maintenance mode because they wont communicate with every crazy thread created?
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I wonder how many expansions, new planets, PvP maps, stories, etc. have to be published for it not to be in maintenance mode? Wasn't the last expansion like 2 months ago? Do you assume it's maintenance mode because they wont communicate with every crazy thread created?


Some on here not saying any specific just the general attitude are like....no new ops = nothing new = maintenance mode.

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I looked it up and there's one definition. Technically the game is not in maintenance mode. People who are upset will make up their own definition because they need to say the game is dying. I saw the doom and gloom posts when the game went F2p. I see doom and gloom posts because F2p do not get sub level play. The force us strong with doom and gloom. Always has been. Means very little. I'm not saying rng is good ok. But the game has NEW content even if you don't like the content. This makes it not maintenance mode.


I'd love to see the citation for your "definition", LOL,

What is the magic ONE definition and where did it come from? Your head, are you making things up now?

Edited by Ryenke
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I don't think the game is in maintenance mode, they're still coming up with new things to do, it just seems that a lot of people don't care for the new activities that much, I know I don't love it.


I didn't love GSF...so I didn't do it. I tried the battle arena and it was ok, but I didn't love it either, so I stopped. I'm not happy about the grind that comes with GC, so I've stopped doing that for now, which makes me sad, because typically I don't mind grinding, but this just seems so...daunting and the rewards don't exactly entice me.


Now if the carrot was good enough...like reach lvl 300 and you get a stronghold on Odessen or something, I wouldn't be here ;D I'd be decorating by now.


The incentives have to be worth the effort. Right now, they're not.


I think they need to re-examine the direction they're going--and some quality of life improvements like more customization options for character creation, more species/races to play and a few new strongholds to decorate would be nice. And some Ops and pvp for people who like that. :)

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Last expansion xD? man i define that as a short dlc with zero replayabilty!


i haven't seen a fp since 3.0, last ops was when Ziost was released. And there has been no new planets, an instance area is not a planet. Tython is a planet, Zakuul, Iokath, nathema, and Odessen are little areas where you don t do nothing! ah and Scum and villany desert world

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Given that we often see


Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars™: The Old Republic™!


it might be an inside joke that they consider themselves more or less in maintenance mode, when this becomes public knowledge they can claim they have been telling the players for a long time they were and never hid it from the players.


I suspect the game is where star trek online was a few years back, where they admitted any additional content was to keep the lights on with the limited resources they had. So any future updates will be primarily cartel market items and small content updates that the limited team put out to try and keep people subscribing and buy new items.

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Depends on what you are looking for. If you define a game with only what you like and it is not there, then maybe it is time to find something you are actually looking for or take a break.


I was not very happy with the direction they were heading last summer so I took a break and thought about things and also went to play a game I used to play and figured out no game is perfect but you have to look at things differently. No game is going to cater to one specific type of group as that will not help them.


Sure I may not like the RNG grind but I am dealing with. I go and do things I enjoy. My boyfriend and I did some uprising and we enjoyed them. As long as I can do things with him and my friends I am happy and when I get aggravated I go back to SWG and play there.

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Some on here not saying any specific just the general attitude are like....no new ops = nothing new = maintenance mode.


Yeah. IF all you want to do in game is raid in the OPs format... then yes... it's pretty clear that OPs are in maintenance mode... as all they do now is rescale them for each change in level cap. But that does not mean they are no longer relevant, only that progression raiders need/want more.. and really they should be off seeking it in other MMOs at this point in time.


However, to declare that OPs are the only measure for applying the term "maintenance mode" is inaccurate and hyperbolic in the context of MMOs. Some MMOs do more and some do less in this segment of content. Some stop doing anything for years, and then come back and begin again (LoTRO being one example).

Edited by Andryah
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