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Can we reclaim our 'dead' companions that are that way by choice?


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To start, this is not about reclaiming the pair you have to chose from in Chapter 14 of KOTET - although I think you should have the option to reclaim them as well. Rather, I am talking about the inability to 'reclaim' the optional companions that are lost off of conversation decisions and the outcomes that follow.


Case Exhibit #1 - Broonmark


Here I am playing the mission to get Broonmark when I am faced with the decision - do I side with Broonmark or tell him he is being a bad Talz and needs to calm down.




- If I go evil, I get Broonmark with a dark side hit.

- If I don't understand that the Wookie will not join you or give you anything like a unique vendor or something, I have a dead Talz at my feet.

- If I play my character based on their realistic alignment (light side), Broonmark is a pile of dead flesh at my feet again.


What is worse with the changes in DvL, the hit was far more impactful pre-KOTET than post KOTET in which I could send out 6 companions and get light points back greater than the hit of turning the Wookie into a shag rug for my bedroom on Odessen by siding with sociopathic Talz.




Case Exhibit #2 - Ak'ghal Usar


The ability to retrieve this yahoo is even greater than Case Exhibit #1.




When you do the mission it comes down to whether or not you release him from his prison to serve you.


- If you accept him, take a DS hit and you get a new companion.

- If you don't he stays in his status chamber.


Question here is you say no and its done even though in reality you could go back and go "hey buddy just screwing with you!" or have a change of heart. Unfortunately, when you go back it lets you do everything BUT release him. Seems odd since he is still alive and in status and seems like powering the machine down and you get your Khem Val clone would be pretty straight forward to do.




Case Exhibit #3 - Kaliyo / Jorgan after action 'actions'


Here is a reverse cause that makes 0 sense since you can pull back SCORPIO and Senya at the end of Chapter 16 of KOTFE.




If we are explaining this logically, SCORPIO is either dead or within a machine at the center of a glowing radioactive Dyson sphere. The fact she can follow along with AFTER you do this in itself makes zero sense since you have no backup files or a chassis to rebuild her back on. It isn't Like I could memory wipe 2V-R8 and toss SCORPIO's programming into his body or mem wipe one of the random astromech droids around the base and give her a second life - its SCORPIO in her one body you get back.


So using this logic, even if you kill off Kaliyo or Arcann for their 'failure', you should be able to bring their happy rears just like SCORPIO and this should apply to any companion you slaughter regardless. Story wise they are gone and can't be used for any successive chapters, but the option to use them outside of the story should remain if we want to be consistent in our decision making and consequences.




How to make this work:


Answer is simple - since we are allowed to 'replay' chapters, why not 'replay' the missions used to acquire the respective companion and make a different choice. Like the replay in the chapters, your decision you initially make is the 'canon' choice for your character and cannot be adjusted to change the story you are in. This would easily allow you to recover your 'lost' companion and not affect the story.



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I agree. This happened with me when it came to Broonmark. The galaxy kiosk can already bring back class-specific companions and that ruins the “story” so after doing the missions for the optional companions, we should have them in there too.
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I heard there's a companion terminal somewhere, where you can reclaim lost companions to use outside of story missions. Maybe that would work.


I've never seen it. Where is it?


Maybe they ought to make it more obvious and put blinking lights on it, for unobservant people like myself.

Or just make a bunch of them, including one at Fleet.

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I heard there's a companion terminal somewhere, where you can reclaim lost companions to use outside of story missions. Maybe that would work.


I've never seen it. Where is it?


Maybe they ought to make it more obvious and put blinking lights on it, for unobservant people like myself.

Or just make a bunch of them, including one at Fleet.


it's in your bedroom on odessan.

And I think i used it to bring back vette, and not 100% sure, but it wasn't on my warrior (possibly BH, as I wanted to save my original companion) unless it has changed since I first did it.

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The Companion Kiosk/Terminal on Odessen has two categories, don't recall what they're called, but it boils down the your original class companions and the story companions gained throughout KOTFE.


Class Companions are pretty self explanatory.


The KOTFE Companions for the terminal include (Aric, Kaliyo, Senya, Koth, Vette, Torian, and SCORPIO). If I let anyone off, let me know.


It doesn't work for the Alliance Alert companion returns.


Brief side note for the KOTFE, I haven't tried it on newer characters, but for the few "original" characters I have left--meaning the few characters from when the game launched, SCORPIO was only granted to Agent's. Not sure if it's a bug or working as intended for that one.


I'm with everyone on Broonmark decision.

Either accept him, or kill him, which really isn't something my LS characters (except my Warriors to recruit him) would do.


I don't kill or banish anyone, well, except for Vette in KOTET because we had to pick a character and my Hunter's married to Torian, no one is married to Vette, and I like to play my characters as all being in the same universe regardless of the current faction story, so I play it as everyone helped my Hunter rescue her husband for that choice. And because of that, Vette is the only character I reclaim on my newer characters that made those choices. I recognize she's dead. She's dead to my characters,. I don't use her for anything, I just reclaim her because to me it was a choice that shouldn't have been made. Should've been Gault or T7, two non-romance companions left in the companion story list.



Looking back, I wish all alerts had a "LS-Welcome to the Alliance.", "Neutral-Banished or Exiled or you're on your own, we can't have you in the Alliance." or "DS-You're Dead."

Edited by absolutetristan
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