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Huttball is impossible with all these spells


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Guys seriously , u put poison lakes , fire traps etc in a Bg , cool looks nice , BUT WHY DO U ADD PUSH AWAY spells , it sucks , they had tons of consulars we could do a **** , rly ..



Take the push away spells off , or etc , but thats complete BS ...



Find a option to keep that spell but that it aint that drastic in that BG , it simply sucks u do all ur way up there good healing etc , but then an idiot of consular/sorcerror/ or etc , pushs u the way down , u ve to do it all again .



....Find a solution plz

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But I enjoy grapple hook stun combo to someone right before the fire goes off, or into a lake of acid, it's payback for all the times all the other classes knock me off the rafters, knock me into fire, stun me in the fire...this list is growing, I'm going to have to find more ways to kill em lol
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it's called using the terrain to your advantage. would you be complaining if the situation was reversed? nothing feels as good as a hard fought and well strategized huttball score when you get a timely cc on the consular/trooper who was going to grapple/knock you off.


besides, everyone knows the whole purpose of huttball is to try and time someone's free action cd so you can stun them in the flames and giggle. doesn't even matter if it's the ball handler.


huttball is almost as good for giggles and fun as this game: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_Jockey

Edited by Ashorian
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I dunno , but i think its frustrating for everyone when u do an amazing job to go further But then someone "who uses the terran" Lick my *** idiot , who pushes u off, that sucks ... and it needs a solution , or ohh gonna put u in the poison and get a free kill haha :D , **** it
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so you are saying they can push you into the fire acid, off of a walkway, away from the goal line, and push you away from the ball carrier so they can win and you don't like it?


I am a BH and I knock people into fire and acid so I should have my AOE def and missles removed to make you happy?


It is part of the game. ALL CLASSES HAVE A PUSH. why not use yours to push people into the pit as well.

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They are called Knockbacks. You need to learn to position yourself better on platforms to avoid being knocked into these traps. That's why they exist, to separate those that are not spatial aware from those that are. There is a bit of skill and understanding to the warzone that you clearly do not have.


Also, it's to prevent carriers of the ball from easy paths to the goal.

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I rather like Hutta ball its easy to score if you have 1 buddy+ i normly run hutta ball with 3 other friends we have strats to get the ball to the goal fast and effective.


just toss the ball around don't stand close to your friends have a good healer like Zombeezy.

and a good tank like Vexx.


knock backs and stun "can stop people" but most the time no they cant if they do your in a Pug.. as i know most of you are =(

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are there abilitys that make you immune to push/pull/stuck types spells?


Every class in the game has a break free ability, and a resolve bar that usually makes you immune after 2-3 CCs depending on severity/duration. Once full the resolve bar depletes slowly. Untill it is empty you are immune to punt/pull/stun/mez. Snare is always available, this includes 100% snares aka root.

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I don't give a crap about CC. All I wasnt is some people who understand that Huttball is about the BALL!!!!! Its not deathmatch, so getting kills means nothing if you aren't getting the ball or guarding those who do. Get the damn ball and here is an idea when you know you are going to die.....THROW THE DAMN BALL!!!!
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huttball was designed with all these skills in mind. if you get knocked off the walkways, you should be passing to a teammate who is still up there(there should be at least one or two people with you when you're running the ball over the walkways). use tactics.

Definitely this. I see people all the time complaining about being knocked back off platforms or into fire or whatever when they could have easily just passed the ball. I don't know what it is with everyone's fascination with wanting to carry the ball end-to-end alone. Just pass the damn ball. And if you don't have the ball, stop hugging the ball carrier and run ahead of him to get into pass position.


One thing I would like to see done is make it so sprint and charge make you drop the ball like stealth does. They give such a ridiculous advantage and discourage passing and teamplay.

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so you are saying they can push you into the fire acid, off of a walkway, away from the goal line, and push you away from the ball carrier so they can win and you don't like it?


I am a BH and I knock people into fire and acid so I should have my AOE def and missles removed to make you happy?


It is part of the game. ALL CLASSES HAVE A PUSH. why not use yours to push people into the pit as well.


All classes don't have a pushback. Like marauders or jedi knights.

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It is part of the game. ALL CLASSES HAVE A PUSH. why not use yours to push people into the pit as well.

This, good sir, is wrong.


All class has stun, how hard is it to time the stun when ball carrier walks over firewall?


On the forum people whine there are just way to many cc and how Resolve is a crap system compare to DR, then they can't even time their cc right to kill/stop a ball carrier, after what they whine Force Speed/Force Charge/pull/push OP remove this remove that, while pass ball ability is given to them right in the ability menu.


L2P people.

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Ok Maybe the game got created around these spells and traps , but well U work as a fully team etc , u do ur job right , but no there are tons of guys who gonna Knock u back ,


Im certain its even possible to knock u back at ur own starter point lol But thats ******** srsly open ur eyes ... Im healer i dont get often the ball and when i pass it , but one time i got it , i got knocked back , second knock back etc , 20 meters knocked back srsly -_- maybe a distance fix or something but thats hilarous ...


I allways loved knock back spells , but in that bg its simply garbage a kill should come with skill , a win should come with teamplay , a def should be a kill cause of the teamplay , not only ohh hmm im gonna knock him back , Haha .


And then someone with sprint takes the ball on his own and gets the score , WOW so much skill ey .. Nahh seriously

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