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Long Time Player's Many Ideas for Revolutionizing the Game


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Where to start-... Small or large, minor upsets in the path to enjoyment or massive game-changing improvements-...


First, because an MMO is about community, I want to address a feature that is sorely missing.


The Guild Finder


On The Ebon Hawk there are countless Imperial and Sith roleplay guilds. Sure most of them bring something different, but the truth is that a lot of them were formed in ignorance of each other. More and more are made each day, and more and more die each day. This is not a fun aspect of gaming, to join a guild and have it fall out from under your feet. The Guild Finder would list active guilds, providing information like number of members, current online members, focuses like (Casual or Heavy) RP, PVP and PVE, age restrictions, etc. and have a place where guild leaders could tell people more about the guild.


--A guild prestige system where all members have a "prestige value" based on contribution within guilds that is carried over from one guild to another, to bolster overall guild prestige, would make the dissolution of a guild less upsetting, and new guilds would be easier to build up. Imagine this with a re-interpretation of the Legacy unlocks system, applied to and earned by guilds.


Imperial and Republic Fleet Stations


They are poorly organized in my opinion. I don't understand the reasoning for two Light and Dark Side enclaves. (The original ones where you can buy Stronghold Titles, and the new ones that came with KOTET's Dark vs. Light feature.) I would like to see the Fleets rearranged from a lore perspective.

--Imperial Military assets, for example, being grouped together with the Agent trainer nearby, and Sith assets with the Warrior and Inquisitor trainers nearby.

--The Guild Registrar and banks should be moved over to the Strongholds and Crew Skills section, where the Guild Flagship Commissioner is.


Accessibility and Desirability of Content


If I had my way, there would be only one Weekly mission that mattered. It would look something like this, and it would encourage a variety of activities throughout the week rather than some dedication to one, or obscene amounts of dedication to all of them.


(Reward Tier 1) Complete 5 Warzones and/or Uprisings

(Reward Tier 2) Complete 5 Flashpoints and/or Sets of Daily Missions

(Reward Tier 3) Complete 1 Store Mode Operation or 10 Heroic Weekly Missions


Rated Warzones and Veteran Uprisings Count x2

Veteran and Master Flashpoints Count x2


--Dailies. Daily Missions should be available through Galactic Command, with Reputation Grinds in general being a bit more accessible.

--Star Fortresses could be added to the Group Finder or Galactic Command, in my opinion. The key to keeping us satisfied with content is keeping all of it well within our reach.


Action Combat / Camera


Uprisings got you on the right track here, but the gameplay itself needs the option of evolving. Look to games like The Elder Scrolls: Online and Guild Wars 2. GW2 added an Action Camera mode (rather easily) where the game is played more like an FPS or over the shoulder, a targetting reticle in the middle of the screen and the camera being tied with your turning of your character. This would be a huge improvement to tab or click-targetting for some, but should be optional.


Naturally a change like this would require some fine-tuning of combat in general. I would call for ability culling and merging. For example, cooldowns merged into one burst CD ability and some abilities becoming other abilities while on cooldown. Simplify the class mechanics, reduce clutter, and make hopping into a new playstyle more approachable.


--Cast on Key-Release for AoE abilities would improve combat somewhat. Hit keybind to select the skill, move mouse to location, release key and it triggers.



Character and Companion Customization

--In KOTFE we began to receive companions from the other faction's class stories. Sith can now work alongside Gus Tuno, for example, BUT-... We do not have access to all of his Companion Customizations, like the blue. This is a simple fix, make all Companion Customizations Bound on Legacy so we can trade them to our alts. I was a big fan of Admiral Raddus in Rogue One and personally want a blue Mon Calamari.

--On the note of Companion Customizations, 60 and 65 Token characters have a number of Customizations earned early on in the Class Stories unavailable to them. For example I can't get the Green Khem'val customization on my current main, a 60 Token Assassin.

--Companion names changed to primarily reflect their species. Blizz = Jawa. Vette = Twi'lek with option to toggle display of original name. ex: Trandoshan Male ("Qyzen Fess")

--Most companions able to wield any weapon and make use of any companion skill-set. You want a force wielding jawa? Well-... maybe...? But definitely a force wielding chagrian (Rusk) or a rifle wielding Chiss (Ranos).

--White and Brown Twi'lek Skin. More lekku patterns/colors. Male cone-ears. Male and female headgear.

--Zabrak facial hair / horns.

--Rattataki hairstyles. (Synthetic?)

--Togruta montral/lekku options. Including more rounded montrals for females and long lekku for males.

--More playable species. Nikto or Devaronians would be a great addition. Skin color options for humans to become different species, like red for zeltrons.

--Non-customization or limited customization species. Selkath for example, giving us two or three colors and a voice-changer that turns the character's dialog into alien language. We wouldn't need different faces, styles, etc. for these races.

--Play your character as ANY class after 70. The story is generally the same after KOTFE. Make distinction between Story Archtype and Classes. (Story Archtype affects voice/dialog/story, Inquisitor, Consular, etc. Class is the previous "Advanced Classes", and can be changed after earning or buying the unlock for said Advanced Class. If I want to play my Mercenary as a Commando, why not let me just gain the Commando skills and ability to use their blaster canons?)


Revisiting of the Legacy System


The Legacy system is dated and poorly thought out.

----The Family Tree function is completely unnecessary from my perspective, simply another, of many, distractions.

---- I would like to see Character Perks and Other Unlocks shrunk down significantly, as they're obnoxious credit sinks, even for subscribers, when we have so many other things we want to spend credits on. (Immensely expensive outfits, decorations, strongholds, etc.)

----The Global Class Unlocks sections in Legacy are also redundant and needless distractions. Add the bonuses listed there into completion of Legendary Status.

----The ship unlocks, for example, serve very little purpose when we have no real need to be on our ships anymore. (Though the ability to buy new ships and decorate them like Strongholds might make this worthwhile.)


Misc. Observations / Requests

--Dark vs. Light Bosses don't give credit if you die and run back / don't make it in time. I healed through one of these events but missed out on the reward, killing my desire to try join in on any future boss runs.

--Snowballs for Life Day are unbelievably obnoxious. There should be some way in the future to toggle off your ability to be targeted by them.

--The emotes interface could use some cleaning up.

--Emotes, Pets and Mounts should be Account wide without paying for unlocks as long as you're a Subscriber.

--Nameplates alternative for NPCs. NPC Indicators. Colored dots or symbols, (red for Aggressive Enemy, etc.) that appear just over their head, instead of their full names (which would still be shown if targeted, or at least in the information box. This would reduce screen clutter, especially in situations with lots of NPCs or enemies.

-Decor: Arrangement Spa. This decor is really great, a lot of people love it, but I think there should be a smaller version for Large Hooks, that is only the pool in the middle. There aren't enough Centerpiece Hooks in most strongholds, and everyone having a pool in the same place is awkward. In general Centerpiece hooks should be more rare, and Large hooks should be payed more attention to.

--A Manaan Stronghold would be incredible.

--A Hutt Space / Nar Shaddaa themed Flagship would be great for guilds that aren't affiliated In Character with the Republic or Empire. For example I was in a guild of space pirates once and the Imperial Flagship did not do our concept much justice.


Thank you if you read my thoughts on what would make SW:TOR's future a great one. I and many people love this game and only want to see it succeed, staying relevant as more and newer MMORPGs are released.

Edited by theunknownentity
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--Dailies. Daily Missions should be available through Galactic Command, with Reputation Grinds in general being a bit more accessible.


The planetary option in Galactic Command covers both heroics and dailies. It would be nice, however, to have an interface there to just select what you want instead of getting one randomly chosen for you (and then rejecting / canceling it and asking for a new random selection if you want to try to get something else).


And from what I've seen when clicking on it, it does seem like it might be missing a few of the options that it could be covering. I mean, it covers all planetary heroics from Coruscant / Dromund Kaas to Corellia (and I acknowledge that the lack of starter planet heroics in that is because those are just too quick and easy), and it covers the standard dailies areas like Section X, CZ-198, Oricon, and Yavin. Probably Black Hole too but I don't know that I've seen it come up. But I know that I have not seen Rishi dailies come up (although those would need a mission box added for a one-stop pickup, which I would propose should be located downstairs in the cantina (don't include the daily that starts and ends down there on the terminal, we'll just talk to the guy), haven't been there in 5.0 but I'm pretty sure those dailies are still just scattered about with no option to pick them all up in one place). And they could also consider adding back in the removed Ilum and Belsavis dailies that were lost in 4.0 and feature those as well. And on top of that they could also have a GSI dailies option for each of the planets that include them (and maybe add GSI to a few more planets as well).

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Really nothing I can disagree with. I would like to see the Family Tree function maybe turned into something where you could set other players as allies/adversaries; Wildstar does something similar to this, but SWTOR could flesh it out much better.


Definitely would like to see some more customization options for non-humans, like for my beloved zabraks that always seem left out of the cool new hairstyles and eye colors and such.


Abilities, particularly for some classes (cough marauder), can definitely stand to be pruned.


Personal ship customization (and different ships to choose from!) would be neat.


Maybe there's more that could be done with GSF? It seems to have been largely forgotten.

Edited by Wheeltax
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No need after 5.0.

Learn to use key bindings.


I don't play Marauder and I've always used keybindings, but I think all classes could do with some ability culling and merging.


Some of my ideas here were, for example, merging an Assasin's Thrash with Maul AND Saber Strike.


So how that would work-... The ability becomes Maul when you're behind your target, becoming that back-stabbing high damage move, or at any other time it's Thrash, a generally decent damage ability, but takes some Force to use. And if you're below maybe 20% Force it becomes Saber Strike, dealing less damage but with no force cost. All of those abilities in one keybind.


Another example would be a Sorcerer's Crushing Darkness and Affliction. If you're standing still and Crushing Darkness' cooldown isn't active, it would cast that, but if you're running, it will default to Affliction, and if Crushing Darkness is on Cooldown it will default to Affliction. There are a lot of ways this can be applied, I think, and it would make combat a lot more fun IMO.


I'm a big fan of games like Paladins and Overwatch so anything that drives MMOs a little close to those games where instant, clear and clutter-free fun and action is the goal, I think, is a great thing.

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The ship unlocks, for example, serve very little purpose when we have no real need to be on our ships anymore. (Though the ability to buy new ships and decorate them like Strongholds might make this worthwhile.)


I still use my abandoned and eerily silent ship as a jump point if I need piece and quiet form the various stronghold planets.



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Some really excellent ideas! A Guild Finder as described would be welcome tool to have and I really liked the idea of developing some kind of prestige system that could help give players a better idea about a guild's overall membership composition.


I concur with some of your suggestions regarding companions and companion customization. I've filed a few tickets addressing the inconsistencies with customization that came with KotFE. Your suggestion for making companion customizations bind on Legacy would be an easy and much needed fix. I have also wanted the option of allowing most companions to wield any weapon. I think it would be a satisfying QoL improvement to remove the weapon restrictions for companions. Part of the fun in this game is design and customization so players should be given as much versatility as possible, especially since gearing companions is no longer an issue and all this is purely for aesthetic enjoyment. Personally, I was disappointed when I discovered I couldn't equip Master Ranos with a pair of vibro-blades because she lacked the requisite skill.


I smirked a bit when you mentioned giving male Twi'leks conical ears like their female counterparts. Believe it or not, male Twi'leks are indeed supposed to have ears and not ear cones. I think I just learned this a week or two ago while randomly reading the Wiki on that species.


Giving humans a few more exotic skin colors to achieve the near-human look would be great. In general I think it's overdue for some new cosmetic options for all playable races. I also would like to see more playable species added. I personally would love the option of playing a Duros.


The Legacy System can definitely benefit from some streamling, though I still get plenty of use with my ship unlocks. I hang out there sometimes and use the practice dummies while waiting in between queues, crafting, shopping the GTN, etc. It would be nice to have some additional options and variety for starships. Once again, customization is key.



--Decor: Arrangement Spa. This decor is really great, a lot of people love it, but I think there should be a smaller version for Large Hooks, that is only the pool in the middle. There aren't enough Centerpiece Hooks in most strongholds, and everyone having a pool in the same place is awkward. In general Centerpiece hooks should be more rare, and Large hooks should be payed more attention to.

--A Manaan Stronghold would be incredible.

--A Hutt Space / Nar Shaddaa themed Flagship would be great for guilds that aren't affiliated In Character with the Republic or Empire. For example I was in a guild of space pirates once and the Imperial Flagship did not do our concept much justice.


These are all opinions shared by many of us. Without getting into detail here, I personally feel that the Strongholds hook system and decoration management is in desperate need of an overhaul. There seems to be way too much short-sidedness from the Devs on this front. I get the strong impression that the people who churn out these decos and who assign what hook types are appropriate for each decoration have never actually decorated a stronghold. The inconsistencies drive me nuts. The spa decoration would have been nice if it was indeed downsized to a large, or if the Devs were considerate enough to give us more hook layout options in our current strongholds. When I have more time I'm going to post more about this in the Suggestions thread.


And, yes, a Manaan stronghold has been one of the most popular requests and we can only hope these guys are listening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Revisiting a section for more suggestions.


Imperial and Republic Fleet Stations


They are poorly organized in my opinion. I don't understand the reasoning for two Light and Dark Side enclaves. (The original ones where you can buy Stronghold Titles, and the new ones that came with KOTET's Dark vs. Light feature.) I would like to see the Fleets rearranged from a lore perspective.


Galactic Trade Market

1 (Inner) GTN Access

2 (Inner) GTN Access

3 Vehicles

4 Unsure

5 Crew Skills Trainers / Vendor / Jawa Scrap Peddlers

6 Unsure

7 Companion Gifts / Social Items


Guilds & Strongholds

8 (Inner) Stronghold Directories

9 (Inner) Flagship Directory

10 Decoration Merchants

11 Fabricator Droids

12 Unsure

13 Guild Registrar & Lounge

14 Guild Banks, Flagship Commissioner and Planetary Conquest Equipment



15 (Inner) Modification Vendors 10-34 & Adaptive Gear

16 (Inner) Modification Vendors 38-65

17 Light Side Enclave / Vendors (Vanilla and KOTET Combined)

18 Unsure

19 Unsure

20 Unsure

21 Dark Side Enclave / Vendors (Vanilla and KOTET Combined)


The War Wing (Previously Combat Training)

22 (Inner) PvE Hub (ALL Uprisings in one Terminal. Heroic Mission Terminal. Operations Terminal moved in from Supplies.)

--Skill Mentor between.--

23 (Inner) PvP Hub (Redesigned to be more Imperial than Huttese.)

24 Sith Enclave (Inquisitor and Warrior Trainers)

25 Extended Sith Area

26 Mercenary Enclave (Bounty Hunter Trainer + Varied Non-Mandalorian Mercenary NPCs)

27 Extended Imperial Military Area

28 Imperial Military Enclave (Imperial Agent Trainer)



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