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Next Expansion


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I understand they are limiting ops. They should not cut back on the story for progression. This is the main thing I play for the PVP and the story.


They can't do both story and group focused content. That's become obviously clear. They simply don't have the resources. Either they focus on story or they focus on group content.


If they limit upcoming story, some people may become disinterested.


The last two expansions have been story focused. Many guilds, raiders, etc, have become disinterested in the game as a result of the last two expansions. 6.0 is where they finally focus their attention on creating content for those players.

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I think 6.0 will be group focused content with little story. There's been lots of hints/suggestions/statements that now that they've done 2 story focused expansions that they've started to focus on group content.


It'd be the last nail on the coffin. They kicked out most of the group mindset players and next expansion are they going to alienate solo "story driven" players?


This makes little sense to me and... anyway I won't play a group content expansion. I'd love to, but right now real life forces me to play too little to serve to any group purpose. Like me, many others.


As you say, MMO times is over. Making group content is so 2007, it's not going to do any good to the revenue.

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It'd be the last nail on the coffin. They kicked out most of the group mindset players and next expansion are they going to alienate solo "story driven" players?


This makes little sense to me and... anyway I won't play a group content expansion. I'd love to, but right now real life forces me to play too little to serve to any group purpose. Like me, many others.


As you say, MMO times is over. Making group content is so 2007, it's not going to do any good to the revenue.


You/we won't have to wait long to know their future plans as they will apparently be revealing them on a livestream on the 24th.

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It'd be the last nail on the coffin. They kicked out most of the group mindset players and next expansion are they going to alienate solo "story driven" players?


This makes little sense to me and... anyway I won't play a group content expansion. I'd love to, but right now real life forces me to play too little to serve to any group purpose. Like me, many others.


As you say, MMO times is over. Making group content is so 2007, it's not going to do any good to the revenue.


I agree...

Story content is the only way to go now...

They can revert to Vannilla Gameplay and and some 2 or 4 heroic missions (if they could be done solo with AI npcs), and some flashpoints.


But there is no way in hell, OP´s or PVP, will save their "multiplayer part"...


Like me many are casuals, that logon to go imerse on the SW verse and do some story, without the pressure of having to keep playing if they can´t...


I for one, pass days without going to game, and even then when i play its just one to two hours at most...

Work, familly, kids... its impossible to play...


Best Regards,



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I started to think they are going for a maintenance mode now tbh. Well, if 'pay 15$ per month for a year (180$ in total) or just once after it is completed instead of buying another game with 100 hours of story' had worked, they wouldn't have ended the procedure. And now, they don't know what to do since they also kicked the MMOers out. There is not even a subscription rewards system going, and direct sales of items have taken over the store. I am not sure whether even the CM team is around now. No new packs for a month is too good a situation to be a good sign imo.
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Next Expansion want list


* Open world planets that I can explore, find lore and new datacrons

* Daily Quests for reputation goods

* 8 unique stories for each class

* Finally make space Open world

* Introduce Social event: Player Marriage

* Introduce Social event Guild vs Guild pvp to contest Conquest zones

* Introduce 2 more classes Beast Tamer & Droid Engineer

- Beast Tamer - Would be able to make BOE Companions from Strong or Champion mobs

- Droid Engineer - Would craft Droid companions using schematics learnt from Random Drop off Strong ot Champion droids with 100% drop rate from Droid Operations boss

- These two would be the only class to have a companion out during a 4-8-16 man run.

- Beast Tamer would have an ability to redirect aggro onto 1 player with a 3min cool down

- Tamed beasts used by Beast Tamer would not have the ability to heal , the Tamer would have the heal Companion skill

- Droids summoned by Droid Engineer would not have th ability to heal, the Engineer would have to heal companion

- Both Droid and Beast used by the new classes would not use influence, they would level up with an experience bar.

- A Droid or Beast used by a different class would work in the same way as a standard companion

* Introduce Legacy Cash storage to share credits acros the account.

* Introduce 2 New 8-Man and 16-Man Operations themed with the new Expac

* Introduce 2-3 FPs that are themed to the new Expac


Alot but if they took their time they could quite easily achieve

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Next Expansion want list


* Open world planets that I can explore, find lore and new datacrons

* Daily Quests for reputation goods

* 8 unique stories for each class

* Finally make space Open world

* Introduce Social event: Player Marriage

* Introduce Social event Guild vs Guild pvp to contest Conquest zones

* Introduce 2 more classes Beast Tamer & Droid Engineer

- Beast Tamer - Would be able to make BOE Companions from Strong or Champion mobs

- Droid Engineer - Would craft Droid companions using schematics learnt from Random Drop off Strong ot Champion droids with 100% drop rate from Droid Operations boss

- These two would be the only class to have a companion out during a 4-8-16 man run.

- Beast Tamer would have an ability to redirect aggro onto 1 player with a 3min cool down

- Tamed beasts used by Beast Tamer would not have the ability to heal , the Tamer would have the heal Companion skill

- Droids summoned by Droid Engineer would not have th ability to heal, the Engineer would have to heal companion

- Both Droid and Beast used by the new classes would not use influence, they would level up with an experience bar.

- A Droid or Beast used by a different class would work in the same way as a standard companion

* Introduce Legacy Cash storage to share credits acros the account.

* Introduce 2 New 8-Man and 16-Man Operations themed with the new Expac

* Introduce 2-3 FPs that are themed to the new Expac


Alot but if they took their time they could quite easily achieve



You also forgot...


Side-Storys for Companions

Return of Vanilla Companions and the memorable ones of the 2 latest expansions.

Day and Night Cicles on Vanilla Planets

Explore new parts of know planets, and if possible some new planets to explore.

Reworked Economy and get GTN back on track

Allow outfits store for clothing and visual stuff for us and for our companions

Bugs Corrected, the game needs some complete overhall of bugs

Upgrade the engine for a 64bits and at least DX11 capable.


Best Regards,



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You also forgot...


Side-Storys for Companions

Return of Vanilla Companions and the memorable ones of the 2 latest expansions.

Day and Night Cicles on Vanilla Planets

Explore new parts of know planets, and if possible some new planets to explore.

Reworked Economy and get GTN back on track

Allow outfits store for clothing and visual stuff for us and for our companions

Bugs Corrected, the game needs some complete overhall of bugs

Upgrade the engine for a 64bits and at least DX11 capable.


Best Regards,




Lets not scare them too quickly we just gave them a lot of work to do ;)

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  • 2 months later...
Personally, I would like a return to the original class story lines as well. More Republic vs. Empire. KotFE was cool, but overall I enjoyed the original story lines much better. I have been a sub since this game was released and I have all of the expansions.
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  • 3 months later...
what I want to see happen is the throne destroyed and the alliance find a way to get the empire and republic to back down. meanwhile another faction secretly uses the weakened state of the 3 big groups (reps, emps and alliance) from the war for the throne to push there forces out of the shadow and pose a very powerful threat and ACTUALLY ALLOW you to command forces like send teams off on special missions with success rate system. this would be amazing but not have it be a micro managing type deal and have the story much more open ended. (god damnit I wish you were allowed to destroy the eternal throne not take it)
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Personally, I would like a return to the original class story lines as well. More Republic vs. Empire. KotFE was cool, but overall I enjoyed the original story lines much better. I have been a sub since this game was released and I have all of the expansions.

I loved the mechanics in KOTFE but disagreed with the ending quite a bit. would love to see the republic and the empire go at it again but have the alliance try to find a way to end it or have need a new character to see through the perspective of one of three sides in the war. if they were to go that route of re-sparking the war between the two groups..... also new classes would be AMAZING seriously would love to play a emp trooper or some new classes from the alliance OH and some new races to would be cool

Edited by xenocydeO
just updating the idea
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Why can't the expansions be like a continuity of the existing class storylines? The class storylines are a really cool design choice and are actually varied. Since RotH all the expansions are pretty much the same for all characters so you do it once maybe twice and then just burn out.


That is all I wanted, that is all I desired. A continuation of the class stories there was so much more story potential there, so much more tales to tell. It truly was what I wanted so badly for Bioware to do as a continuation of the storyline...

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I don't know Star Wars lore that well but I'd like a Body Snatchers type storyline. Like that one on Star Trek Deep Space Nine (I'm sure you all have seen it). Shapeshifters infiltrate all facets of both factions, all levels and we have to find and stop them. Whether its the Republic/Empire rooting them out from within or fighting against a group in the other faction from doing something nasty (or have they been replaced... maybe not). Lots of mistrust starts but it would be cool if they resembled one existing player race so that one race (and player) would get more hate or distrust than normal just for fun. Or so maybe they recognize races. Either works.


Oh, and allow faction swaps if they don't keep the Alliance. Best time and method to do so.

Edited by Thruine
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  • 6 months later...
next expansion:because of Theron's actions, the alliance has fallen. your char has eather joined the empire of the republic again but the empire falls apart (because of internal strife between sith), and many fellow sith who survived this crumbling either flee of are pulled to the light side of the force and become jedi. but a secret order tries to use the new situation to hollow out the republic and reform it into an empire and it is up to your char to stop this complot. (i think this would be a very plausible way to wrap up the storyline for the entirety of the game. BW or EA know this game is on its end, the servermerge last november is clear sign of that. so it would only be logical if they wrap up the storyline.)
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