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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions Falling Behind When Running


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At first, I thought this was just the game updating from 5.0 and it would sort itself out but that's not the case. My companions are constantly falling behind when I'm running along and I either have to stop and wait for them to catch up, or keep running and they respawn where I'm at, only to fall behind again. This happens with every character I play as, every time I play, be it day or night. This really becomes a problem when I'm in combat sine I have to wait for the companion to get to the character.
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Me and my guild mates have all been having this problem. It's not even when you're just running around either. I've had my companions out healing me during combat and they end up not following me to stay in range and just stand there admiring the ceiling or something instead. I have to put them on passive temporarily to get them to actually move towards me and get back into range.
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I have had the same issue and mine also went off in a different direction and started attacking another group and all of a sudden I have 4 more now a total of 8 and get killed. Wrote a bug report and as always no reply from the but reports. This is a great game and could be so much added to make it even greater but now I get a feeling they just don't care. Sad very sad, I am just thankful when I contact customer service they have been very helpful and kind. Bug people you could learn from them!!!
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I didn't notice my companions causing any problems or lagging behind until the 5.0 patch.

Now they lag so far behind, they despawn/respawn to catch up regularly.

It doesn't matter which faction, companion, or companion mode (DPS/tank/heal).

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Same issue here. Very annoying, especially as one of my mains is Sorc and I like to bubble my companion on the run, but now I often get the vexing "target not in range" message and have to stop and wait for them to catch up. :mad:


I've also "lost" my companion a couple times. Like, they should be there behind me, and their nameplate is still showing them summoned, but even after I've stopped for a bit they just . . . don't show up.


On another possibly related note, I have also noticed my companions attacking other mobs that are out of aggro range lately. The other day I was doing the Czerka dailies, and while I was on one of the ramps fighting the mobs at the bottom of it, Andronikos grappled over the nearby champion droid. :eek: It had definitely been out of range for me, and was even engaged by another player already!

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