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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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USing the response "Pvp for pvp sake" is not an answer, its an assumption that the general community in the day and age is of the quality we could expect in old mmos. Comparing this game to anything prewow is like saying facebook used to be used to keep in touch with old friends. The mmo scene has become a festing pile of people with no concept of comunity and a instant gratification attitude. So saying that people should just fix it themselves is a hopefull but in all reality a flawed view. Bioware needs to implement some incentive to get the masses to murder one another. I for one like allot of the suggestions that have come up here.


Heres hoping the thread stays long and gets attention

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It is becoming more and more obvious no one form Mythic was given a significant amount of imput on this MMO's PvP... they were all probably handed a broom and told to sweep the floor while Bioware MMO-PvP rookies did the "heavy lifting".


Actually, mythic took a perfectly good pvp game (DAOC) and turned it into a steaming pile of dog crap that has been justly consigned to the dust bin of MMO history.

Edited by vermura
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I don't think you can say "It's not Biowars fault, it is the players that don't pvp that is to blame". One issue is that Bioware has said that Ilum is a planet made especially for open world pvp. And if you design a planet especially for open pvp then you should of course have functionality and objectives that encourages pvp, not discourage pvp.


Otherwise why call Ilum a pvp planet in the first place? If there is no special pvp objectives then Bioware might as well just say: "This month Belsavis is the pvp planet of the month. Everybody go there to pvp."

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Keep the same dailies.


Add a new one. Get "x" number of Kill-streak, Heal "x" without dying, Deal "x" damage without dying. If you die the quota resets and you can't turn in the daily. You have to not only GET to that marker but turn it in without dying.


This would cause "camping" or "griefing" but that's part of PvP.


Give the new Daily a much better reward and nerf the other dailies reward. This will make players want to work together more to just steamroll their opponents to not only get "fat lootz" but also for the enjoyment of killing them.


Note: I haven't slept so if this idea is bad I blame it on my extreme lack of sleep <_< Either way enjoy or hate and continue with this thread because it is much needed. PvP shouldn't be about Object Swapping for loot.

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