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how will bioware support KOTET for even 1 year?


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So basically, BWA has to decide what they focus on, because they don't have the budget to focus on too many things, PvP, PvE, Operations, Story, GSF etc.

So for the last two years, they picked story and left everything else in the dust.

I think we're both on the same page...but I attribute the past 2 years to Bioware's ineptitude, not EA's budgeting. It's clear that Ben is as disconnected from reality as anyone could be after his stream where he pretended the loot boxes were exciting. They are 100% the opposite of exciting. They're killing peoples will to even play this freaking game.

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You don't even understand what people want, so why do you call the others?


I have paid for 3 months, I WANT content worth covering 3 months. A 6 hours storyline and 2 days worth of uprisings is not worth 3 months.


Otherwise it's a plain robbery. I don't hate the game, I feel cheated. It's different than hating.


You paid 3 months and if you choose to only play the new story content then I am sure you will feel cheated all the time. You pay 15 a month because you enjoy the content that already exists and if that is not true then I would hit the cancel button. You need to look at the content dropped in 5.0 was a bonus to your existing game play. It didnt cost you anymore money then your current sub. If you dont enjoy pvp, gsf, running fp/uprisings, heroics, operations or just running around with your guild then I would of quit already.

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Out of 1000s of customers there are 10-20 players who fill the forums with the same complaints, over and over and over.


I am 100% sure they want those players leave :D


There aren't many people even posting on these forums these days and the few that do have very little to say in favor of BW, EA and SWTOR.

I believe that there are far more that 10 or 12 people who are upset about what has happened to this game, lest we not forget that all servers currently sit at "Light" population. Whereas they used to ping out at heavy during the prime time hours. That needle hasn't pointed past light in a VERY long time. The majority of the angry have walked already and given that the population continues to dwindle it won't be long before you and those like you get your wish.

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I think we're both on the same page...but I attribute the past 2 years to Bioware's ineptitude, not EA's budgeting. It's clear that Ben is as disconnected from reality as anyone could be after his stream where he pretended the loot boxes were exciting. They are 100% the opposite of exciting. They're killing peoples will to even play this freaking game.

Well, probably, what we don't know is what the budget allocated for KotFE+KotET+GC would have been enough for in terms of REAL group content. 1 operation? 2 operations? 2 flashpoints? 4 flashpoints? But then no story?

I think someone decided that the budget was not enough to go toe-to-toe with Wow (which they have been doing unsuccessfully, it seems 2011-2014), so they are trying to evade Wow and go for story, they are just very bad at figuring out how to make it persistent to justify a sub.

Probably KotFE+KotET looked like a success when KotFE launched and they got the budget for KotET that way, but then it all derailed with the unpopularity of the KotFE monthly system, so probably by now the chapter system is also down the drain and the only thing they could come up was the miserable GC system.

I don't think Ben is genuine believing that RNG is fun, he is just selling his product, as every salesman would, it doesn't mean that he is consuming what he is selling. But again, I am going into assumptions, probably for a lot of people in Las Vegas RNG is fun, so who am I to tell what's fun for Ben? True or not, does that make him removed from most of the hard core crowd. Absolutely.

I think what they are doing in many levels is failing:

Hardcore players: care about gear: they get 300 levels of RNG and not assured they get gear: fail.

Casuals: don't care about gear: get 300 levels of RNG: don't care about GC: fail


I think they are trying to grab the mythical casuals, who play the game, but don't want to go into endgame, so, I guess there are a lot of casuals, but I don't think they are willing to pay a monthly fee for their casual game, because they can get their casual game fix on mobiles, tablets, consoles for much less commitment.

The hardcore players, who on the other hand, would be willing to invest a monthly fee, are given the shaft.

So they are not casual enough for casuals and not hardcore enough for hardcores.

Edited by Galahard
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I am not sure what server you are online with but Jedi convenant has doubled the amount of people just on the fleet. I would say I think there has been a lot more folks around since 5.0 by far. Now will that stay after this month I am not sure. I think some will depend on the information coming out in jan 24 and I also think it depends on the way the tweak the current command system.


On the logging screen you have the option to chose servers. Create a character on all of them,see for yourself. Almost all of these were functioning servers a year ago.

And i am on TRE,which has good population, it certainly did not double though. While most other EU servers died.

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On the logging screen you have the option to chose servers. Create a character on all of them,see for yourself. Almost all of these were functioning servers a year ago.

And i am on TRE,which has good population, it certainly did not double though. While most other EU servers died.


On Jedi Convenant we use to only have one fleet instance and around 80-90 during prime time and now we have two instance and the busiest is always around 140.

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You guys should try to start getting into some of the gameplay you may have not played much over the years.


PVE, PVP, GSF, GSH, Space Combat


When I open the GC I queue for everything and play what ever pops. I feel like a bunch of players are sick of playing the same content, but they only consume 1 type of content in a game which has so many.

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Preorder the game when it came out been a sub since with a few months here an there non active. Probably spent more money than most casuals have. Really sad to see where the game has gone. If id put that much money into another mmo pretty sure it would of been well worth it. Atm eaware don't give two cents of there vets and long time subs, Just misuse us as they see fit. No real endgame content for a mmo everyone wanted kotor 3 well you got it lol. Never been into the story always loved pvp never will be a legendary player i cant finish the mando story still on hoth after all this years.
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Preorder the game when it came out been a sub since with a few months here an there non active. Probably spent more money than most casuals have. Really sad to see where the game has gone. If id put that much money into another mmo pretty sure it would of been well worth it. Atm eaware don't give two cents of there vets and long time subs, Just misuse us as they see fit. No real endgame content for a mmo everyone wanted kotor 3 well you got it lol. Never been into the story always loved pvp never will be a legendary player i cant finish the mando story still on hoth after all this years.



I dont understand when people say no endgame content. Endgame content is more than just operations. This is where people struggle to see. If you only enjoy operations then yes mostly you will be bored in almost any game. Even if they dropped 2 operations a year you would be bored with them within the first 6 months. End game content is any content that can be enjoy after your maxed level. And this is why the new command system is great because now it rewards the all players to acquire end game rewards doing content they enjoy.

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Yea all too true, they are shamelessly recycling old instances into the uprisings, everyone that plays SWTOR and have done all the content immediately recognized the uprisings instances and the old "mechanics" (not really) of the bosses.


And now the next recycled uprising is the explosive conflict for dummies vol. 2


First time in all my years playing that i see a mmorpg being destroyed by it's own dev's despite the community clearly warning. You don't need to be a genius to see what needs to be done. After i finished the KOTET expansion my hype went down the drain when i saw the same old content nothing new and now with a mindless grind attached to it.

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On Jedi Convenant we use to only have one fleet instance and around 80-90 during prime time and now we have two instance and the busiest is always around 140.

It's very weird. I too see some population improvement yet folks keep complaining they can't get pops for their preferred content. I very rarely see any LFM's for Ops other than Bestia farming. That competes with Fractured farming and, of course, the increasingly obnoxious gold seller spam because Austin can't be bothered to deal with it.


If server population is up while queue population is down don't expect the server pop to remain all rosy.

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I dont understand when people say no endgame content. Endgame content is more than just operations. This is where people struggle to see. If you only enjoy operations then yes mostly you will be bored in almost any game. Even if they dropped 2 operations a year you would be bored with them within the first 6 months. End game content is any content that can be enjoy after your maxed level. And this is why the new command system is great because now it rewards the all players to acquire end game rewards doing content they enjoy.


You play and mmo and dont raid? Very confused on the concept. Pretty sure most mmos update every 6 months with some type of multiplayer content. Either it be a raid,dungeon or a new map to explore.

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It's very weird. I too see some population improvement yet folks keep complaining they can't get pops for their preferred content. I very rarely see any LFM's for Ops other than Bestia farming. That competes with Fractured farming and, of course, the increasingly obnoxious gold seller spam because Austin can't be bothered to deal with it.


If server population is up while queue population is down don't expect the server pop to remain all rosy.

Because players are playing solo content, planets are full, nodes are contested and there are more instances than usually lately.

You don't need pops and wait for other players, easy as that.

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It's probably been said before, but I truly believe, they think that the long grind to max level gear will keep people playing. Any time anyone finds a fast way to level the command system they nerf it. Its like they think if it takes people months to hit the gear they want, it will keep them here longer. The sad truth is that will only work on a couple of people, many will leave.

I think they think RNG gearing will create the illusion of content.

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It's very weird. I too see some population improvement yet folks keep complaining they can't get pops for their preferred content. I very rarely see any LFM's for Ops other than Bestia farming. That competes with Fractured farming and, of course, the increasingly obnoxious gold seller spam because Austin can't be bothered to deal with it.


If server population is up while queue population is down don't expect the server pop to remain all rosy.


What pops do you not get? The only pop I dont get is the one I never try and that is operations pop. I play a tank and dps. Actually I can expect it to keep staying up and the reason is because you don't need to run ops to get end game gear. Running operations over and over to get set bonus is a lot more boring and tedious then one day playing gsf, next day doing heroics, next day doing pvp, next day doing flashpoints etc. This is also the reason I see less LFM for operations. People farmed operations mostly because they had too, not because they enjoyed doing the same operations over and over.

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I dont understand when people say no endgame content. Endgame content is more than just operations. This is where people struggle to see. If you only enjoy operations then yes mostly you will be bored in almost any game. Even if they dropped 2 operations a year you would be bored with them within the first 6 months. End game content is any content that can be enjoy after your maxed level. And this is why the new command system is great because now it rewards the all players to acquire end game rewards doing content they enjoy.


I have been doing all of that same content for 5 years, the GC system just gave us a pretty little interface to access all the stuff that has been here all along. It isn't like they added anything new.


PvE Space missions = 5 year old content that I mastered on 4 characters back when it gave massive amounts of credits and XP

Flash Points = They haven't added any new ones in 3 years

Operations = The newest ones launched in 2014

Star Fortresses = Over a year old

PvP = No new maps in about a year

GSF = No updates or improvements in 2 years

Planetary Missions = No new ones in the past 2 years


Uprisings are the first new group content we have gotten in the past 25 months this content is so short and there were so few released that it wasn't enough to keep players interested. Repeatable story content will never "do the trick" who really wants to run chapter 2 a couple times a day for the next 6 months? The only "content" they have steadily updated on a regular basis is the Cartel Market...

It's about perspective, for those of us who have played a few hours a day, every day for the last 5 years the content has been stretched as much as it can be. To quote Bilbo Baggins, "like not enough butter scraped across too much bread."

Honestly I'm only still subscribed because I'm hoping that there is good news in the next live stream and because I really enjoy gaming with the folks I currently game with. I play ESO and log in to SWTOR to run group content with my friends and guildmates. If the next live stream isn't an announcement of a BRAND NEW Operation coming in February or March then I'm out when my sub lapses. (No you can't have my stuff, I'll be giving it away to guild mates and keeping a large chunk incase I ever decide to resub again.)

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You play and mmo and dont raid? Very confused on the concept. Pretty sure most mmos update every 6 months with some type of multiplayer content. Either it be a raid,dungeon or a new map to explore.


Been playing MMO'S for 15 years. I just don't consider my end game content being only operations. I do raid but if all I did was raid I think I would be switching between mmo's constantly because farming 1-2 operations/1-2 flashpoints a year would be very boring. I don't know of any mmo that would bring out 2 operations every 6 months and that would be the amount of time I think most people get bored with them.

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Because leaving is not a solution. I am a STAR WARS FAN!!! I have been a STAR WARS FAN since 1977. I am not interested in going back to WoW, or starting at FF, or Wildstar, or ESO, or LotR, or <insert MMO here>...I WANT TO PLAY A STAR WARS MMORPG, but if the content I want is not available, then I am going to request changes.


People with similar feelings as this poster are the reason why EA isn't obligated to put out more content. They might want more content, but they will pay for any content as long as it is themed around Star Wars. If this game were anything other than Star Wars, it would have a lot more content. But the fans are so obsessive about the movies, they can do just about anything they want and charge a monthly subscription.


Now, most servers are empty as a result of this attitude, but there are enough hard core Star Wars fans that they rely upon to fill a few servers and pay $15 a month regardless of what is put in front of them.

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Ignorance is bliss. They think people find this new system "exciting", despite being told the exact opposite. They pretend they hear us and then they do exactly the opposite of what we've asked.


Until there's a major change in leadership in Austin, this game will continue to needlessly bleed subs.


Yep. Exactly.

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You guys hate it soo much, but you won't friggin leave.


It is like a house guest that does nothing but whine and cry, but will not leave.


Please, if you hate it, LEAVE.


Oh, we are. My sub is up next month. But until then I'm going to continue to tell BW what I think of what they've done to the game and why I no longer enjoy it.

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You guys should try to start getting into some of the gameplay you may have not played much over the years.


PVE, PVP, GSF, GSH, Space Combat


When I open the GC I queue for everything and play what ever pops. I feel like a bunch of players are sick of playing the same content, but they only consume 1 type of content in a game which has so many.

What's wrong with playing one thing you enjoy? Isn't that the purpose of playing video games? To relax and do things you enjoy? I wish every player PvP'd...but they don't, and nothing Bioware does will get some of them to ever PvP. I wish everyone was queuing for Ops...but they aren't, and nothing Bioware does will make some players do Ops.


Even those of us who do more than one 'thing' are finding it hard to entertain ourselves...PvP can suck some days. GSF can suck most days. PuG Ops may never pop. Even Legacy Uprisings can be completed solo...and with this CXP/GC fiasco, there's no possible way I can play more than one toon, which means once I blow my lockout for the week on something, it's done for me. Prior to 5.0 I could still PuG Ops with an alt hoping to get that thing I needed...but now, only the single toon I'm on will benefit.


My point is...don't blame us for being 'bored'...Bioware screwed many of us over with 5.0. What used to be fun (alts) is now impossible for me to even attempt to grind.

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I have been doing all of that same content for 5 years, the GC system just gave us a pretty little interface to access all the stuff that has been here all along. It isn't like they added anything new.


PvE Space missions = 5 year old content that I mastered on 4 characters back when it gave massive amounts of credits and XP

Flash Points = They haven't added any new ones in 3 years

Operations = The newest ones launched in 2014

Star Fortresses = Over a year old

PvP = No new maps in about a year

GSF = No updates or improvements in 2 years

Planetary Missions = No new ones in the past 2 years


Uprisings are the first new group content we have gotten in the past 25 months this content is so short and there were so few released that it wasn't enough to keep players interested. Repeatable story content will never "do the trick" who really wants to run chapter 2 a couple times a day for the next 6 months? The only "content" they have steadily updated on a regular basis is the Cartel Market...

It's about perspective, for those of us who have played a few hours a day, every day for the last 5 years the content has been stretched as much as it can be. To quote Bilbo Baggins, "like not enough butter scraped across too much bread."

Honestly I'm only still subscribed because I'm hoping that there is good news in the next live stream and because I really enjoy gaming with the folks I currently game with. I play ESO and log in to SWTOR to run group content with my friends and guildmates. If the next live stream isn't an announcement of a BRAND NEW Operation coming in February or March then I'm out when my sub lapses. (No you can't have my stuff, I'll be giving it away to guild mates and keeping a large chunk incase I ever decide to resub again.)


I do agree with all you said except I dont consider GC as new content we got. This expansion I consider the stories/uprisings the new content. The GC system I consider just a different system in getting gear. If they made this expansion with all the stuff except GC and put the tokens in like they had them I wouldnt consider the new tier gear content. Thats why I dont look at this expansion and consider GC part of its content.

Edited by Resputin
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