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Better Training for GSF


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I left a suggestion over in the suggestion box for a sandbox instance for GSF. The idea was to make a training classroom where players could train their friends or other interested players. The thread would probably be better if those of you who are already veterans of GSF contributed what you need to be able to better train new pilots. It would also help if you added what you think would have helped to overcome "just starting out" hurdles.


If you would be interested in such a training instance or even in simply getting more players try GSF, could you leave your suggestions in the thread? Thank you. :)

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This has been asked for before multiple times. We do have a response on record from the developers which I don't remember the precise wording of, but paraphrases as:


We(the developers) don't believe that having a well functioning training environment for PvP elements in games significantly increases recruitment or retention of players. This is based on stuff we've seen.

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This has been asked for before multiple times. We do have a response on record from the developers which I don't remember the precise wording of, but paraphrases as:


We(the developers) don't believe that having a well functioning training environment for PvP elements in games significantly increases recruitment or retention of players. This is based on stuff we've seen.

I foolishly hope that's a misinterpretation because that completely flies in the face of many things I've seen and done in other situations.


The hope is foolish because that exactly a failing Bioware (not the current zombie husk owned by EA) has had over the years. Introduce something only to have players complain about it. The studio then assumes they hate the idea when in fact it's their implementation that is crap.


Heck they don't even have to hurt their fragile imaginations. Just set up a mode where two ops groups can queue together that awards no requisitions, credits, xp or cxp. The two raid leads choose the map and mode via a conversation dialog wheel.


As a bonus it can be used for other things like a ladder competition.

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I was think of it at least being a place where one ops group can go in while the leader instructs everyone on what things are and tells people what they need to know to get through a match. However, the actual suggestion thread could use some more support. If the Devs figure enough people don't care, it may slip under the priority list. :(


I'm not big on PvP, but I did really want to see my fellow player's classroom plans pan out.

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It's a sound idea, but I'm afraid to say that even the most stellar suggestion isn't going to be read here on the forum by anyone at BW, let alone acted upon.


IIRC the last dev post here was 06.01.2015 , 04:12 PM - ( 1st June 15) some 19 months ago. - When they where "looking at options." for Strike fighters.

There's more chance of our old cat coming back from the dead than to get any dev time for GSF.

In the words of the song: "Let it go...."

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Well this is probably GSF's last chance. GC leveling has created a wave of new players. The question is whether or not it was enough people for Bioware to notice and do some bug fixes and balancing. They haven't tipped their hand yet.


Of course, better run companies take more pride in their brand and support the stuff they make, regardless of metrics. Metrics are not a substitute for leadership and Bioware is pretty far gone if that is what is happening there. This game is trapped in a metric driven catch-22 where bugs and lack of balancing drive new players away, so there's never enough players to justify fixing bugs and balancing according to metrics.


A counter example is Square Enix. The FFXIV PVP community is tiny, but they are steadily working on their PVP anyway. They take pride in their quality of work and protect their brand value. The result is that they are slowly but surely growing their PVP community, even though not many people seem to want PVP from the FF brand.


Whereas it is laughable how Bioware can't sell or run a Star Wars space combat game, i.e. the best IP in a red hot genre. If they want metrics, they should look at how huge and valuable this market currently is.

Edited by lobstah_rofls
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