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Life after KotET


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I feel a bit confused what I should do next. I finished the KotET storyline almost in one sitting (helluva ride) and am not sure whether to just grind Galactic Command system next or what I should do until next expansion comes out. I really enjoy the stories in SWTOR and because Sith Inquisitor is the only "origin story" that I've played through, I'm considering finishing up another storyline that I haven't seen yet.


So my question is whether it would be more beneficial in the long run to concentrate on grinding and developing skills and whatever and doing more of the group content or should I just try to finish more stories for Legacy Unlocks?

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Play another class story or play another game. You've only played the inquisitor? At least play the Agent.


No one should ever grind.


Yea, I guess another class story it is then. I've been told Agent is good like you said. Or maybe one of the Republic stories because then I could get a reason to play the expansions as well by making Republic-style choices.


The reason why I thought about "grinding" is that sometimes crew skill development feels very slow and in order to be able to craft anything worth of money takes a lot of time. But maybe I'll just try to do that in between all the other stuff. It's just so easy to be sucked into the story so I kinda forget about crew skills and all that until I'm reminded by an environmental objective how far behind I am in skill progress.

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What you should do depends very much on what you like doing and what you think you'll want to do in the future. If you're interested in the harder difficulty mode group content then you're already behind the 8-ball and need to get grinding, stat. Or wait for somebody sane to take the helm in Austin.


On the other hand if the stories interest you more and/or you treat this game like a single-player game, then yes, you should explore the other class stories. The 1-50 stories are all kinda interrelated to some extent or another. Often the companions from one class will know companions of another (even cross faction).


Agent is an excellent story. But like the Consular story it's not everybody's cup of tea.

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One thing to keep in mind, is that this is a game, and it should be fun, but what is fun for one person, is not necessarily fun for another. Do something that you enjoy. If you want to start getting into Operations and other end game content I would suggest finding a guild that has like minded players, but don't join a Role Playing or a heavy PvP guild hoping to get help with Ops.


Also, you won't need to worry much about your gear while in Story or Solo play, The Bolster and Level Sync should take care of it as long as your stats are correct, but you'll need 230 to attempt what used to be referred to as Hard Mode. It's more important to learn your class rotation, and how to play in a group.

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sometimes crew skill development feels very slow

Never. It never feels slow. I'd like it sometimes to be faster, but it's pretty fast. If you put your mind to it, you can develop three crafting skills from level 1 to level 550 (pre-5.0 limit), along with their corresponding gathering and mission skills, before you finish the Corellia part of the class story on ONE character. To get to 600 will take not much longer.


That is, you crank Armstech, say, with Scavenging and Investigation, to max, then drop Armstech and Investigation and pick up Armormech and Underworld Trading, and crank Armor/UT to max, then drop Armormech and replace it with Cybertech. There's a similar but slightly less effective trio of the other crafting skills. Slicing must be levelled separately. You must issue commands to your companions continuously as you travel around the planets. Never let them be idle for longer than the boss fight or cut-scene you were in when they finished what they were doing.


The point is not that you *should* do this (you have to forget all progress on the dropped skills), but that you *can*, and that developing them is, therefore, not slow at all.

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Thank you for the crew tips, I guess It's really just a question of putting my mind to it and remembering to keep the companions busy.


I guess what I'll do is to try to level up some more characters then. :) That would give me a bigger variety of ways to participate to the end game content as well. Thank you a lot for help.

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Run laps around the fleet until the next expansion comes out. :D


Could be worth of consideration if they added a physique skill that you could level up by running around. ^^ Until then, I guess I am leaning most towards unfinished story bits. Or making a RP-character.

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Yea, I guess another class story it is then. I've been told Agent is good like you said. Or maybe one of the Republic stories because then I could get a reason to play the expansions as well by making Republic-style choices.


The reason why I thought about "grinding" is that sometimes crew skill development feels very slow and in order to be able to craft anything worth of money takes a lot of time. But maybe I'll just try to do that in between all the other stuff. It's just so easy to be sucked into the story so I kinda forget about crew skills and all that until I'm reminded by an environmental objective how far behind I am in skill progress.


Play Jedi Knight first (then feel free to roll others). It's the "introduction" class - storyline speaking - and it's also quite awesome for those inclined to be the "warrior-hero". You get really everything out of that story, every accomplishment. Inquisitor story pales in comparison. Once you played Jedi Knight you can play other stories and see those stories "snapping in" with the mainline told by Jedi Knight's.

Edited by Vaerah
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Across all class stories, the Bounty Hunter story finishes first chronologically and you can see the impact in other class stories. So, I'd recommend that class first followed by these others. I'd also recommend completing all class stories, picking two favorite classes (say one on each side, with at least force user between the two) and playing these two classes beyond the class stories (Ilum, Makeb, SoR, Ziost, KotFE, KotET.)


Bounty Hunter

Jedi Consular



Imperial Agent

Jedi Knight

Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor

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Across all class stories, the Bounty Hunter story finishes first chronologically and you can see the impact in other class stories. So, I'd recommend that class first followed by these others. I'd also recommend completing all class stories, picking two favorite classes (say one on each side, with at least force user between the two) and playing these two classes beyond the class stories (Ilum, Makeb, SoR, Ziost, KotFE, KotET.)


Bounty Hunter

Jedi Consular



Imperial Agent

Jedi Knight

Sith Warrior

Sith Inquisitor


Oh nice. I didn't realize there was certain chronology in the stories. I feel a bit silly now having started from the end and I just started to go through the Jedi Knight story (continuing my character I had made earlier) but maybe after I finish the class story on this one I'll create a new Bounty Hunter in order to do the remaining ones in chronological order.

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I.. really wouldn't listen to anyone's opinion on what class story is the best, one man's trash etc.. Just play the one you have your eye on. That's what I would do, if I didn't already do them all /sad trombone Edited by grania
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Play Jedi Knight first (then feel free to roll others). It's the "introduction" class - storyline speaking - and it's also quite awesome for those inclined to be the "warrior-hero". You get really everything out of that story, every accomplishment. Inquisitor story pales in comparison. Once you played Jedi Knight you can play other stories and see those stories "snapping in" with the mainline told by Jedi Knight's.


I don't know about that. The knight story is important, but so important that he exists outside the other events going on. Not until Corellia does his arrival ripple into other class stories (agent) and directly affect the world arcs. The agents story is like the glue to everything and many class stories ripple into that class story, especially on Corellia. So I'm not going to say the agent on some of these even though he would be good for many.


It depends on the planet and chronology of events. In Chapter 1 the stories feel more self contained to me and no class story directly crosses with the world arcs or planetary events accept the consular on Alderaan. The world arc is a good cover for the Warrior on Balmorra too. As far as Chapter 2 Balmorra definitively belongs to the Consular on the Republic side and Taris to the Warrior. Quesh is just the world arc primarily which could go to any pub class, but I think the BH was made for the imp side version. Hoth favors the Smuggler and Agent (might be biased b/c my agent is chiss :) ). I'd say Belsavis goes to the Consular given the reasons for being there directly play into the world events. For the imp side there is a part in the BH class story that touches on it as your mark is trying to stop the imperials from completing their world arc objective. I think Voss also fits the consular the most as the republic sort of "wins" the planet thru the consular. I'd say the agent for imps, but the agent is kind of the glue for everything. You won't understand why the Voss are so "stupid" until you play the agent story and you won't understand why the empire didn't just bomb them from orbit and conquer them without the warrior story. For chapter 3 in particular I'm glad I played all the classes chronologically and sorta all at the same time. It was nice having everything unfold fluidly in order. If I had completed just the trooper story without the agent story shortly after I'd still be scratching my head like *** is wrong with these Voss.


When I first played through the classed I'd play 2 at a time through chapter one and two. But for three I asked questioned and figured out the general chronological order and played all the classes kind of at once per planet. Because there was so many thread at the time about what order things happen and I wanted to see the full story play out. So like Quesh world arc, Belsavis and Corellia have on factions stories going before the others and characters/events in one side carry over into the other factions arc. The only misstep I made was that the agents needs to be at the end with the republic classes on Corellia (empire parts come first). Or more specifically, his story on Corellia needs to coincide with the knights story on Corellia and his final part should come after the knight is done on Corellia , but before the final part of the knight story. Also, the agent's Corellia story clearly starts after or at the tail end of the inquisitor and warrior stories.

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I would very heavily suggest rolling a Sith Warrior (BONUS for LS!) all the way through from Korriban to KotET (you can skip RotHC). I don't know why they decided to do it this way, but the last few expansions feel a lot more unique and special to the Sith Warrior. One of their romanceable companions comes back(unlike the Inquisitor), their special quest in SoR actually foreshadows possible future events, and they have the greatest dynamic relationship with Valkorian. And Light Side is just icing on the cake, going against everyone's expectations of you in every way, yet somehow still getting the job done, and a few past choices can actually show up again, assuming you made the appropriate choice.


And this opinion comes from after playing all eight class stories, I still roll through Warriors over and over again. I can't get enough.

Edited by Soltriss
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Oh nice. I didn't realize there was certain chronology in the stories. I feel a bit silly now having started from the end and I just started to go through the Jedi Knight story (continuing my character I had made earlier) but maybe after I finish the class story on this one I'll create a new Bounty Hunter in order to do the remaining ones in chronological order.


Off the top of my head.


Chapter 1

Smuggler start right after the trooper gets off the walker at the very start as you can actually see his ship flying across the screen heading for the landing pad as you finish up the conversation with Gearbox. So they are pretty much happening simultaneously. And that's how I played them.


The Knight arrives a little before the consular as the flesh raider attacks start after the knight arrives, but are already underway when the consular arrives. But they still are very close like the smuggler/trooper.


The agent has to be last to finish up on Dromund Kaas because I think everyone would have heard about the events that happen at the end and it would make getting ship clearance off the planet difficult.


On Balmorra the empire is not aware of the republic backing the rebels when the agent arrives so his story there starts before the world arc and other class stories.


On Nar Shadaa the knight story probably comes after the trooper due to important SIS related events in the Knight story not being mentioned in the trooper story.


The BH is behind the smuggler on Alderaan because the BH has an option to do something in a place that has to have happened after the smuggler was done there. Also, the ending events of the consular story are mentioned in ending dialog in the inquisitor story. So the consular finishes a little bit ahead of inquisitor, but they are pretty much taking place at roughly the same time. The Knight story must occur in its entirety prior to the consular because there is no summit actually taking place when the Knight is done.


Chapter 2

The consular story IS the definitive Balmorra story. It should be last as you win the planet and marks the ending of the conflict.


Quesh world arc is imperial first. The world arc and characters cross over into the Republic world arc.


For Belsavis the Republic stories come first. The world arc, characters and some quests for the Republic side carry over into the Imperial side.


For Voss it's on a class by class basis. Knight is after Warrior and the World arcs. Agent should end after the trooper ends and before the consular ends for best experience imo. Just more of a story flow preference. I think the "you gotta be kidding me" moment at the end of the trooper story wouldn't have any impact if you already did the agent story and understood the Voss more. And to consular sort of "wins" Voss which is why I put it afterwards and it possibly being the result of a change in Voss mentally following the agent story. But if you're not playing all the classes together I guess it doesn't matter.


Corellia is a quagmire in terms of chronology. I had to make a chart for it detailing who does what and when because the stories really start crossing. Detailing it would be longer than everything I've already typed.


I played chapters 1 and 2 , two character at a time switching back and forth between scenes. For Chapter 3 I played all the storylines together in chronological order because there were a lot of threads about it at the time and I didn't want to experience it disjointed. I got pretty lucky with my guesses as the only time I felt I got to a part out of order was starting the final dungeon for the Agent and there being a part that clearly places it after the Knight finishes up his Corellia story. It actually felt like a spoiler because it states something happens definitively in the knight story, but you actually have a choice in the knight story so not so much a spoiler afterall. I don't think I would have enjoyed the story as much playing each class from start to finish individually. Especially Corellia.


Although this may not be the play style for you.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Agent is an excellent story. But like the Consular story it's not everybody's cup of tea.


I really enjoyed seeing how each class story relates to the larger picture at hand, but regarding consular that story was in my opinion the weakest of the 8 and seemed horrible rushed. In chapter 1 it was interesting like the Sorcerer story but then deteriorated into mediocrity. The best two in my opinion was Sorcerer and Agent since the intrigue level was high, but Jedi Warrior was a lot of fun as well.

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