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Level 50+ and only two companions?


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I recently came back to SWTOR and leveled a Jedi Knight. I have played through the story line up to level 50 and I only have 2 companions. Kira and T7-01 (plus that ship droid). Shouldn't I have more by this level?


Sorry if this is a newb question, but I was unable to find anything searching the forums...


Not sure what to do.



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Not necessarily. What part of the storyline are you on? Knights don't get their third companion until they go through Balmorra, the first planet you visit after finishing Act I. How high you are in levels has no impact on the actual story.


Doing all the side-quests, flashpoints, PvP, or just exploring will easily get you A LOT of experience points, and you'll level up fairly quickly... meaning you could, potentially, be level 70 and have just left your faction's capital planet (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) in terms of storyline.


(Also, welcome back!! :D)

Edited by Jagaimee
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I recently came back to SWTOR and leveled a Jedi Knight. I have played through the story line up to level 50 and I only have 2 companions. Kira and T7-01 (plus that ship droid). Shouldn't I have more by this level?


Sorry if this is a newb question, but I was unable to find anything searching the forums...


Not sure what to do.



Companions join you based on your progress through the class story, not your level.


What to do? Keep doing your class story. You'll get them all eventually.

Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Thanks for the replies all. So I stuck with the class story all they way to when I defeated Darth Angral. Then I started the Hutt mission...


I still have a class mission taking me back to Tatooine...


Guess I had not gone as far as I thought...


Leveling definitely seemed much quicker this go around

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Thanks for the replies all. So I stuck with the class story all they way to when I defeated Darth Angral. Then I started the Hutt mission...


I still have a class mission taking me back to Tatooine...


Guess I had not gone as far as I thought...


Leveling definitely seemed much quicker this go around


Darth Angral is the end of Chapter One.

You still have Chapter 2 and 3 along with all the class missions between the planets.

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Yeah, keep doing the story. However, you'll eventually lose them all anyway.


All of your companions that you gained in the class story will leave you if and when you decide to start Fallen Empire, but don't freak out.



A.) You will gain new companions along the way in each chapter

B.) You'll be able to access your old companions after you complete chapter 9 and use the terminal in Odessen


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