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I dare you...I double dare you


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To all the people that love swtor and want it to live on...

I have helped two of my guildies become subs. Why you ask?

I like the guys and I want them to enjoy the game I love. Second - I want the game to keep on going and it'd my way of giving back something.

I dare you guys to choose a guildie too, if you can ofc...

Help someone you know and the game!

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I'd recommend to a fan of Star Wars to play this game for the 1-50 class stories and nothing more as the subsequent expansions are just kinda too bonkers to make sense a la SoR


The pvp balance is kinda a joke and it BS limit on quing for WZ and FPs (becuase you know, that's what helps to have good que times and active communities, limit and restrict the number of people that can participate), make it feel like it's not worth to bother with them this gear grind just makes it not worth it and it's not like you can be really viable in pvp with only 2 quick bars anyway so all in all; really, why bother?


The original class is the only real highlight of this game, everything else is just a shoddy mess

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I'm getting some game time for a guildie on Friday because she's sweet and she deserves it.

It's really no one's place to tell us whether we should enjoy the game or not. I have my gripes with it but I am still enjoying it enough to sub. If someone else enjoys it enough to want to sub I see no problem with letting them. In this guildie's case she cannot sub on her own so I am getting her a 60 day time card as a birthday gift.


Everyone is allowed to form their own opinions about the game. Coming into positive threads like this and using them as yet another excuse to bash the game and be hateful is just plain rude.

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To all the people that love swtor and want it to live on...

I have helped two of my guildies become subs. Why you ask?

I like the guys and I want them to enjoy the game I love. Second - I want the game to keep on going and it'd my way of giving back something.

I dare you guys to choose a guildie too, if you can ofc...

Help someone you know and the game!


Very nice gesture, OP. May take you up on the dare!


HNY all!



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To all the people that love swtor and want it to live on...

I have helped two of my guildies become subs. Why you ask?

I like the guys and I want them to enjoy the game I love. Second - I want the game to keep on going and it'd my way of giving back something.

I dare you guys to choose a guildie too, if you can ofc...

Help someone you know and the game!


Nice try Bioware/EA staff, won't be paying the people who ruins the game.

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I want to thank EVERYONE that responded to the post, for helping it stay on the first page 😌

I am someone that is in a very good place now, rl and game wise.

I'm really glad some people think the same as me and do what they can to help others.

And oh yeah, to the people that commented on the post's title...search on youtube😜

Edited by OnoRonin
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To all the people that love swtor and want it to live on...

I have helped two of my guildies become subs. Why you ask?

I like the guys and I want them to enjoy the game I love.

well that was pretty mean and deceptive. did you at least tell them bioware stopped caring?
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I don't love it and don't want it to live on. It's long past time for a new Star Wars RPG, one that isn't an MMO.


So long as it isn't anything, in any way shape or form, like SWG. That crappy unbalanced to high hell crapstorm can stay dead and burried forever. The only good to come out of it was the space section. Ground combat was HORRIBLE.

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To all the people that love swtor and want it to live on...

I have helped two of my guildies become subs. Why you ask?

I like the guys and I want them to enjoy the game I love. Second - I want the game to keep on going and it'd my way of giving back something.

I dare you guys to choose a guildie too, if you can ofc...

Help someone you know and the game!


As a guild of one, that ain't gonna happen. But... I would encourage folks to try it for a bit and enjoy what is here. No promises for the future, though.

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