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Full Auto Carnage!


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Ever got a proc off a grav round for 25% more damage on full auto and then have it tripple crit? I just did on this elite at lvl 37 it crit for 1200 3 times and I almost crapped myself ( not litterally ). Just saying. Now Im looking forward to Demo Round.


Demo Round is beastly.

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Ever got a proc off a grav round for 25% more damage on full auto and then have it tripple crit? I just did on this elite at lvl 37 it crit for 1200 3 times and I almost crapped myself ( not litterally ). Just saying. Now Im looking forward to Demo Round.


If you get the fully buffed DR (5 vortexes) to crit after 1-3 crits on FA you will be pulling aggro in no time. I do it all of the time to the tank I duo with. I think he finally gave up and doesn't waste time on using taunts.


The deadly trinity of DR, HIB, and FA will bring a big smile to your face.

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I've been getting some really nice hits as Gunnery, including 2k+ Full auto ticks - hell, I had just finished a Voidstar where my damage was just shy of 400k.

I had tried out Assault for a few days and while it had its quirks, going back to Gunnery has just been too much fun, the burst can get ridiculous.

Edited by Celther
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