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Latest- Builds- Per ship


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I have looked through the forums and I am unable to find the latest most powerful or best builds per type of ship. Or which ship post updates and patches are working in each ship type. I played for a couple years and have some maxed out bad ***** ships but they seem to be lacking now. Can anyone direct me to a link to a current status? Thank you!
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Stasie's guide is quite good. There could be a few additions to the gunships and flashfire/sting.


For gunships, it has been proven that directional shields and feedback shields both have advantages that make them viable choices. Distortion field is never a bad choice though. Also, power dive is really good on the T3 gunship.


For the Sting/Flashfire, there are several combinations that are strong. IMO you should always have BLC as quads have too many weaknesses in domination mode. But you can choose between cluster missiles or rocket pods. You can choose between retro, barrel roll, or power dive. You can choose between range capacitors or frequency capacitors. Target telemetry is a bit better than blaster overcharge due in large part to the short cooldown time on telemetry. Booster recharge can be very strong if you want to build your scout for pure gunship harassment and hyperspace beacon hunting. You can choose between regen thruster or turning thrusters. The latter is best paired with booster recharge or power dive to make up for the mobility loss. You can also choose between copilot wingman or running interference. One top scout pilot swears by hydrospanner. Some even use concentrated fire. Some scout pilots use turbo shield for better sustained dogfighting (use F2 to regen shields after 3 seconds). Large reactors are typically better overall due to increased protection against gunships.


It's hard to recommend one build for the Flashfire/sting because it really comes down to flying style. It seems like all the best scout pilots use slightly different builds. I think the most versatile build is BLC/pod/telemetry/powerdive/distortion field/range capacitor/regen thrusters/wingman.



Finally, it's kind of irrelevant because this ship isn't strong enough to use in a serious match, but I feel like it should be mentioned. The Clarion/imperium is quite good with combat command/running interference/lightweight armor/frequency capacitors nstead of repair probes/reinforced armor/wingman/damage capacitors. If you can get a purple engine orb in tdm, it can actually be a pretty scary ship. Significantly better DPS and enough evasion to survive long enough to use that DPS. The repair probes build is good as a distraction but you'll rarely be able to kill good pilots.

Edited by RickDagles
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It's probably easy to pick out the few poor choices in the above links than to list all the great ones TBH.


If you have a playstyle in mind and build your ship around that you cant go far wrong - the numerous guides will point out the handful of build options that aren't the best.


But if you have one type of ship you favour ( gunship, scout, strike, bomber) and one style ( speed, evasion, hard-hitting / burst / long-lock-on-&-big-damage / quick fire / support / gunship hunter / sat defender / quick-capper / power-up collector / beacon dropper / minelayer etc. Then you can have several types of ship on your bar for any eventuality.


For instance, I'm rubbish in a GS, and mostly fly scouts, so I have all 3 scout types on my bar, a Quick-capper battlescout, a support (T3) and an all-rounder ( hit and fade) , then I have a support strike with repairs for wide satellite defence, and a bomber for sat holding, or if our team desperately needs a close-sat defender or GS support.


When I see what the opposition is fielding I can adjust accordingly. If we get dom with enemy bombers my choices are different to a TDM with lots of enemy GS for instance.


There's a lot of info in the tooltips in the build trees, for the most part, select one that suits the way you play and nothing is set in stone, you can always swap out stuff with a few games worth of requisition.



Edited by Storm-Cutter
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