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The next antagonist in SWTOR - Lord Zash


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Starting in February 2017, new chapters will be introduced. Three will drop every month all the way up to November 2017. The new story arch will focus on the disappearance of Lana Beniko and the reunion of Khem Val. The former "outlander", now the current leader of the Alliance and Zakuul Empire, merges with Empress Acina's Sith Empire to become the ultimate power in the galaxy. After the two powers merge, Empress Acina reestablishes the full force of the Dark Council. The Alliance leader becomes the right-hand of Empress Acina and Lana Beniko was offered the high seat of the Dark council, which she accepted. As for Theron Shan, he left the side of the former Commander and did not want to partake in any actions of the new Sith Empire. He left and his whereabouts are unknown.


Lana, Acina, and the former Alliance Commander made it a priority for the Sith Empire to dismantle the Eternal Fleet and the power of the Eternal Throne so no such person or AI can never use that power against the Sith Empire. As Empress Acina prepares a war with the Republic, the former Zakuulian and Alliance leader was informed by the Dark Council of a "rift" in the Force. Lana Beniko takes a team to investigate this strange disturbance emitting from the Raioballo sector of space.


During the period of the Dark Council's investigation, Empress Acina was given Intel of a heavily weaponize Republic convoy that harbors a fallen Jedi once affiliated with Darth Baras's apprentice. The Intel was given to the former Alliance Commander so that the Sith Empire can intercept the convoy. The former Alliance Commander sought the Dark Council for more information on the fallen Jedi. They informed the former Alliance Commander that the fallen Jedi had special powers that if used by the Republic, could be catastrophic for the Sith Empire. The Dark Council directs the former Alliance Commander to search for a former Republic strategist and fallen Jedi padawan who has found refuge on the planet Voss.


On Voss, the former Alliance commander finds a young Togruta named, Ashara Zavros. Ashara explains that after the Eternal Empire attacked the Republic and Sith Empire, she left to seek refuge and healing on the planet Voss. She felt shattered and her will of the Force was broke. After the short reunion with Ashara, she agrees to help board the heavily armed convoy starship holding the Republic's secret weapon. Now with Ashara's Republic insight and knowledge of Republic starship layouts, the former Alliance Commander takes off to assemble a strike team of soldiers and ships to intercept the convoy.


In the Raioballo sector, Lana Beniko and her team land on the planet of Dantooine. Upon landing on the planet, all signals were cut off to the Sith Empire. The Dark Council was informed that Lana Beniko's communication was cut off and possibly the faith of the investigation team and Lana Beniko was at risk. During these events, Empress Acina gives you two story driven options that will dramatically change the story line. You are either given the option to execute the interception plan to board and reclaim the fallen Jedi or change the plan to quickly destroy the convoy, including the ship holding the fallen Jedi, so that you can swiftly head to Dantooine to save Lana Beniko.


Now, where does Khem Val come in? Khem Val meets up with your character on the planet of Dantooine. He has become very weak and his memory was completely wiped out. You will notice that Lord Zash is no longer in Khem Val. This will be the end of the story chapters in 2017. Lana is still missing, Lord Zash is free and Khem Val is back. Your choices during these story chapters will either give you Jaesa Willsaam and/or only Ashara Zavros. I am just kidding, none of this will ever happen.

Edited by Renata_Roselli
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People don't realize that the Theron and Lana show is intentional because there are way too many companions to take account for. The same reason why Liara has such a big role in ME3 because she couldn't die. Having Theron and Lana fulfilled the companion/LI roles, they could focus their time on bringing back old companions as well as storytelling instead of wasting time accounting for previous companions.
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I hope I can kill Theron and Lana.


I am tired of the story that is now the Theron and Lana show.


When I imagine the best scenario for Bioware's next step, I imagine a story that doesn't really have a main antagonist. The story surrounds your character and how the Empire and Republic react to your new position as a galactic power, you'd travel around old worlds trying to gather support or take out the competition (Help out Alderaan, or prepare it for it's Death Star service centuries later). You'd have various small groups that seek you out (The Emperors Hand, Zakkulian loyalists that don't want no Outlander on their throne, Bounty Hunters, Assassins) and specifically old companions. Maybe Lord Scourge hunts you down with loyal Sith of his own, drowning in his own paranoia about the Emperor and to far deep in his obsession (Similar to Revan's) to care whether you think Vitiate is dead or not.


And allow many cameos from other class stories, like have an attack where your character is saved by either a random mook or *Insert Cameo Here* for a small nod (Give me a Jadus cameo, or even a visit from exiled/imprisoned/ghost Baras). The main conflict would be in how the alliance view your actions, no matter what happens some people in your faction try to overthrow you, your decisions deciding if any companions are among their numbers. It would all communicate in one of two big endings with small deviations here and there, in one your busting down the doors of Acina's throne room with Lana either by your side or Acina's, or blowing up Courasant's jedi temple yet again with Theron either with or against you.


Then it'd end on a bitter sweet note, with you sitting on your throne, looking back on all the people you've lost to claim this accursed throne. Dark side or light side, sith or jedi, you have to ponder if it was worth it.


You know, if Bioware take more than a year to make the story content....

Edited by Codedrago
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People don't realize that the Theron and Lana show is intentional because there are way too many companions to take account for. The same reason why Liara has such a big role in ME3 because she couldn't die. Having Theron and Lana fulfilled the companion/LI roles, they could focus their time on bringing back old companions as well as storytelling instead of wasting time accounting for previous companions.


The point of Theron and Lana was to have a permanent representative of both factions.

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