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how is oper heal doing?


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Hey guys,


I played concealment most of the time, never healed.

Now that we have a "great system" of gearing in play and Im gonna start doing story on my oper and then earning CX, I was thinking of gearing it for healing, has anyone played medicine as 5.0, is it worth it, or it still sucks a lot comparing to Sorcs?

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Hey guys,


I played concealment most of the time, never healed.

Now that we have a "great system" of gearing in play and Im gonna start doing story on my oper and then earning CX, I was thinking of gearing it for healing, has anyone played medicine as 5.0, is it worth it, or it still sucks a lot comparing to Sorcs?


Ops are missing the immune to interrupt abilities and insta cast burst heals to compete with the other healing specs in the ranked scene. If you're getting tank solo pops or doing group ranked, you can make it work if you have solid dps with good dcds and a tank that is on point. It's still just missing what the other classes have in terms of defensives and burst healing. There's good teams that have made it work in the past, but sorcs are just much easier and usually the go to.

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Hey guys,


I played concealment most of the time, never healed.

Now that we have a "great system" of gearing in play and Im gonna start doing story on my oper and then earning CX, I was thinking of gearing it for healing, has anyone played medicine as 5.0, is it worth it, or it still sucks a lot comparing to Sorcs?


I think the ops healer has a very high ceiling but most people lack the ability to take it there. Sorcs have a high ceiling too, they just are much easier to play making it easier to reach that ceiling.


If you are average or below skillwise and want to make a bigger footprint in the wz, go sorc. If you are a highly skilled pvper and always can get the most out of a class you might excel on the ops healer.

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Could anyone who actually main an op healer in ranked chime in?


In team ranked it's good if your team knows how to play around it.


I am personally avoiding Operative healing in solo ranked this season do to Merc DCD imbalances and rampant hackers on Harbinger.


From what I heard it's decent if the Sorc healers you are facing are meh and their are tanks in queue.

Edited by kissingaiur
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They are perfectly fine have clear cut weakness in how they heal/perform which is how it should be. They lack consistent methods to uninterruptible big/burst heals they also have no "DR while stunned" utility. On the other side they excel in sustained healing and have great mobility, stealth, and an aoe mez.


All this shows though is sorcs/sages heals are simply tunned better for pvp even after the so called hps nerfs bioware gave them.

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They are perfectly fine have clear cut weakness in how they heal/perform which is how it should be. They lack consistent methods to uninterruptible big/burst heals they also have no "DR while stunned" utility. On the other side they excel in sustained healing and have great mobility, stealth, and an aoe mez.


All this shows though is sorcs/sages heals are simply tunned better for pvp even after the so called hps nerfs bioware gave them.


Sorc heals is very easy to manage and play compared to ops heals, plain and simple. To use all the tools and abilities the ops healer has, the player has to really be on top of their game.


With a sorc you can work around a weaker team, with an ops healer your weaknesses can get exploited easily and if you don't have dps/tank that can actually peel and help you out you are going to get globaled fast.


I honestly hated playing my ops healer in solo ranked because 90% of the time my teams did not support me and without support I died fast.


I think most players think because they usually have sorc healers that all healers can magically stay alive forever, but this is not the case with the ops healer when facing a decent team.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Sorc heals is very easy to manage and play compared to ops heals, plain and simple. To use all the tools and abilities the ops healer has, the player has to really be on top of their game.


With a sorc you can work around a weaker team, with an ops healer your weaknesses can get exploited easily and if you don't have dps/tank that can actually peel and help you out you are going to get globaled fast.



So.....when you have a dps/tank team both teams close to if not equal in skill sorcs still take the cake by a lot. They aren't just easier to play they actually out perform the other 2 in crucial points of healing compared to operatives and mercs.


Something very important to note for healers in general at higher/highest tiers of playing healers weakness become pretty distinct. In a group ranked setting Operative heals with a tank/peels mainly tend to lose out to a sorc almost strictly because being intteruptible and ramp up to burst healing big reason why heavy cc comps work so well against them. For merc heals they don't mechanically work well, they have low hps because their resource regen is bad and actually relies on them being soft cc'ed or even hard cc'ed to get back heat/ammo. While sorcs have neither of these issues with or without a tank on top of this they simply outright out healing operatives and mercs outside of extremely niche scenarios. This was all before 5.0 and still continues today which is just sad.

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So.....when you have a dps/tank team both teams close to if not equal in skill sorcs still take the cake by a lot. They aren't just easier to play they actually out perform the other 2 in crucial points of healing compared to operatives and mercs.


Something very important to note for healers in general at higher/highest tiers of playing healers weakness become pretty distinct. In a group ranked setting Operative heals with a tank/peels mainly tend to lose out to a sorc almost strictly because being intteruptible and ramp up to burst healing big reason why heavy cc comps work so well against them. For merc heals they don't mechanically work well, they have low hps because their resource regen is bad and actually relies on them being soft cc'ed or even hard cc'ed to get back heat/ammo. While sorcs have neither of these issues with or without a tank on top of this they simply outright out healing operatives and mercs outside of extremely niche scenarios. This was all before 5.0 and still continues today which is just sad.


Yeah I couldn't break it down like that but I understand that's how it plays in the game.


I like healers better than anything in mmos, so I always stay in practice on the 3 different ones here. It's unfortunate but sorcs are the easiest to play as well as being the most effective all-around healer of the three imo.


I enjoy the merc best though, it's more challenging than the sorc and I like the synergy it has even though all the stand and cast heals can be a burden.


Ops heals I find tedious and more of a nuisance trying to keep all the HoTs running on all the different targets.


No idea how some players find it fun. *looks at Hottie*

Edited by Lhancelot
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My opinion as a fellow Concealment Op player:


Don't know about ranked, but in regs (especially arenas) you WILL be focused and tunneled, and unlike sorc, you cannot just barrier/bubble/phasewalk it off. As a concealment op, you're probably already good at escaping. Become better.




Ops heals I find tedious and more of a nuisance trying to keep all the HoTs running on all the different targets.

No idea how some players find it fun. *looks at Hottie*


Agree 110%. It's high-touch.


I learned the basics from Hottie's guide on Dulfy.

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No idea how some players find it fun. *looks at Hottie*


I started Operative healing slightly before 3.0 where it was less of a pain. 3.0-5.0 I find it as one of the most challenging healing classes with the highest skill cap in the game because of how it works mechanically. There is just so much management and multitasking, you always have to be on point to min/max your healing.I love it and continue to love it because it's always challenging. I always feel like I have something new to learn and always in a constant stat of improving. I don't get that feeling when I play Sorc or Merc healer.


Basically I play Operative cuz you over time learn to enjoy the suffering. Haha :)

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Operative heal is amazing fun. Also in regs you don't even have to care much, it's more than good there; I feel like it is superior to sorcs, simply because in regs you can shine with your better sustained healing. Also, most of the time you won't die unless you decide you are fine with dying. :D Ultimately, I feel like the best combination would be to have one of each (oper and sorc), of course, one to handle burst and "preventive" healing, the other one to just keep everyone at decent high hp. Kind of like in the old days.


In arenas it is alright but it does definitely feel at a disadvantage compared to sorcs. Burst healing is next to impossible if you have some annoying person on top of yourself spamming interrupts. Even the bug doesn't help much, since you will more often than not keep HoTs up on everyone anyway. It takes a lot of effort to match the burst healing that sorcs can do, trying to keep a tunneled sin without guard alive yesterday probably shortened my estimated lifespan by a few years :D It is definitely quite a bit better than it was the last couple of seasons though, so it is something.

Edited by DarrelK
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Operative heal is amazing fun. Also in regs you don't even have to care much, it's more than good there; I feel like it is superior to sorcs, simply because in regs you can shine with your better sustained healing. Also, most of the time you won't die unless you decide you are fine with dying. :D Ultimately, I feel like the best combination would be to have one of each (oper and sorc), of course, one to handle burst and "preventive" healing, the other one to just keep everyone at decent high hp. Kind of like in the old days.


In arenas it is alright but it does definitely feel at a disadvantage compared to sorcs. Burst healing is next to impossible if you have some annoying person on top of yourself spamming interrupts. Even the bug doesn't help much, since you will more often than not keep HoTs up on everyone anyway. It takes a lot of effort to match the burst healing that sorcs can do, trying to keep a tunneled sin without guard alive yesterday probably shortened my estimated lifespan by a few years :D It is definitely quite a bit better than it was the last couple of seasons though, so it is something.




Speaking of which, I think sins are the "new mercs" in arenas!

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